Thank u soo much for ur support friends….
sanskar left for office..,ragini went to temple..and saw Yuvraj there..ragini gets angry..but she ignores him
yuvi(blocked her way):ragini plz listen to me once
ragini:dnt create a scene here..go frm here
yuvi:no i will not go..u know na how much i loved u
ragini:stop ur bakwas nd get lost fr here..saying this she left.
sanskar sees this while passing through that way..he cant hear anything jst saw they wr talking…he thought they accidentally met…so he ignored it…
sanskar was full busy with work so Ragini cant able to tell about yuvi…1 week passed…..
sanskar was in office..he thinks “it has been 1week i was busy,i didnt get time to spend with i got free…today i will confess my felling to Ragini”..he remembers all moments with Ragini ..
Ragini was tensed bcoz of Yuvi..sanskar calls her and asks her to come some place at 7 pm..he told adress nd says come fast i will wait for u..before she could speak something he cutted d call….
Ragini got ready..nd about leave Yuvi calls her flashed as private number so she lifted d phone…hearing Yuvi voice she about to cut d call but Yuvi says dnt cut d call..if u cut d call idnt know what I will do…ragini asks what is his problem…yuvi says meet me once now,after that I will not distrrub u..,ragini said no..yuvi says if u will not come thn I will do anything as I want might be to harm sanskar….ragini shouts at him..yuvi asks her to come right now..she agrees..he gave adress to her…
@some isolated place..sanskar was waiting for ragini..he was very happy..then he got a call and shocked hearing that…
@yuvi place
ragini came there..yuvi welcomes her..she gave him angry look..he takes her to one was full of ragini nd yuvi photos(which they took,when they wr in love)….
ragini:what is this all
yuvi :mera pyar
ragini:shut up
yuvi:y dnt u understand my love
ragini was about go yuvi pulls her hugged her jst then sanskar came..
[before ragini could cme,yuvi called sanskar nd says ragini loves me nd said to come,he will prove it)
sanskar sees all d photos nd their hug through d window..yuvi saw sanskar nd smiles evilly…ragini tried to free herself frm yuvi..but sanskar didn’t noticed that..sanskar was totally heart broken..he cant able to see this..he left with teary eyes…
ragini frees herself frm yuvi..and she gave him 2 tight slaps…and says how dare u to touch me..dnt show ur face again otherwise i will kill u..saying this she left..
ragini came to a place which was sanskar was fully decorated with rag fav flowers..seeing this ragini felt happy..but shedidnt find sanskar there..she called him but it was not reachable..
sanskar was sits on middle of d road nd crying very hardly…
epi ends..
dnt scold me friends..i will clear misunderstandings so soon…
sry for grammar,typing mistakes…
lisa-i think u forgot about d yuvi…i told about him in 6th is d link