Fan Fiction

I Love The Way U Lie…(Episode 5)


All sat on the floor in a circle…
Twinkle having no place to sit…sat next to Ankur as it was the only place left
Kunj fumes but then ignores the thought….twinkle n kunj were facing each other as they were opposite to each other
Bottle Spins…..
N ….n….n….it lands towards kunj
“ Wow yaar…pehla bakra mil gaya” says Aayan excitedly
“ So truth or dare” asks twinkle smiling
“ Umm…I think I will go for Truth” says kunj seeing towards twinkle
“ Now u r gone” says diya
“ So I will ask him…umm..see u have to decide…I will give u three names n u have to decide that whether u will keep them in ur heart, hand or dustbin….the one whom u place in ur heart is the special one….in hand in just for timepass….n in bin is the one which u don’t even bother of….n yes mind u they all r girls…so be careful n honest too” Arnav says explaining the point
“ So ready” asked Ankur
“ Yeah” says kunj rubbing his hands
“ So…so…so I will give u Kyle , Megha n…n…n Twinkle” says Arnav
Twinkle was shocked but then didn’t react to it
“ I will put Megha in bin” says Kunj thinking
“ Hey bro…really ??? I thought u were serious with her” asked a surprised Aayan
“ That b*t*h ditched me for some rich guy…so nevermind” says kunj rolling his eyes
“ N Kyle…” he says
Twinkle was hoping that she should not be the one placed in his hand….kunj’s eyes meet with twinkle n he just gave a small grin
“ N kyle…I will place her on my hand” says kunj smiling at twinkle
“ This time I really didn’t thought this answer becoz as far as I know she was the only girl u were in relationship for 17 days…as most of ur breakups happen within 5-7 days” says Diya
“ So now twinkle is only left…so she will go in his heart” says Emma
“ Hey she is not a left over…I placed Kyle their so that I can place twinkle in my hear….becoz she is the only special girl in my life….my bestest friend…..N she is very special for me…n have an important place in my life….n please don’t compare her with those girls…becoz she is different” kunj says immediately
Twinkle on listening this had tears in her eyes (Sajna ve plays in the background)
Kunj saw twinkle…n they both shared an eyelock
But was interrupted by Khushi
Bottle Spins Again
N now it lands on Ankur
Kunj gave an uninterested look
“ So bro…what will u choose truth or da..” says Arnav
Ankur says interrupting Arnav “ DARE”
“ Wow u really have guts…I thought u r a…” Says Kunj but is interrupted by twinkle
Twinkle was trying her best to ignore Kunj’s n Ankur’s faceoff
“ So who will give him dare??” Twinkle says faking a smile to which kunj frown
“ Umm..I think I know what to give him” says Aayan smiling as if something is cooking up in his mind
“ So go on” says diya
“ As we all know that Ankur was Twinkle’s first crush…so why not Ankur propose Twinkle n this is the dare” Aayan continued
Twinkle was like What the Hell was that..she didn’t knew how to react….several emotions surrounded her…embarrassment….guilt(to like him)….sad(as her feelings were played off)
She was on the verge of crying but controlled it as she didn’t wanted to spoil the night..
She was about to say something but suddenly
“ WHAT THE F*CK r u saying….have u lost ur mind….n my twinkle wont do such creepy things n that too with this a*shole” kunj says or can say that he yelled having anger on its peak
“ Kunj there was noting to over react…its just a game” says khushi to control the situation
“ Ya dude just chill….u r over reacting so please calm down” says Ankur….trying his best to control his anger
“ Ohh hello I don’t need ur suggestion…so better shut ur filthy mouth” says kunj carrying the same anger
“U..” says Ankur but is interrupted by twinkle
“ STOP IT…just stop it…u all r no one to make fun of my personal matters
We all r here to have fun…so better do that n yes I wont participate in such games” twinkle says angrily
“ Hey Twinki its nothing like that…look we all r sorry but trust us that was not intentional” says a guilty Aayan holding his ears
This brings a smile on her face
“I think this is not going on right…so lets do something else” says Ankur
“ I think the party is going on very dry…so lets add some fun yaar” says Arnav
“ Yup I agree…I think we all should ask some weird things n we anyone of us has done that , they should have a sip of vine…what say??” says
“ Seems interesting” says Khushi excitedly
“ So let me arrange everything” says Kunj standing up
“ But guys I don’t drink” says twinkle making a puppy face
“ Awwww..u look so cute…but baby today u have to do so” says Emma pulling her cheeks
“ So guys here we go” says kunj giving the glasses to everyone
“ I will start..umm…have anyone ever kissed their friends gf/bf “ says Diya eyeing everyone
There was a complete silence in the hall n everyone was looking at each other
Suddenly Aayan drank his vein
“ Really?? “ all of them says together looking at Aayan
Aayan makes a puppy face
“ So may I know who is she” asks kunj naughtily
“ Kyle” says Aayan in a low voice n preventing his eyes to meet Kunj’s
“ So u r that moron for whom she left me” says Kunj instantly
Everyone’s eyes were popped out n suddenly all burst out laughing
“ That was epic…like seriously Aayan???” says Arnav still laughing
“ U r such a badass” says twinkle
“ So now my turn….have u ever had a crush on ur maid or someone like that” says Emma giggling
Immediately kunj , Ankur n Diya drank
“ That was really not expected” says Twinkle shocked
“ Twinkle don’t give such weird expressions….u remember our cook Rani…God she was so cute” says Kunj dramatically
Twinkle moves her head in disagreement but was smiling
“ I had a crush on our gardener’s daughter…I must say she was pretty” says Ankur
“ But I was just 10 yrs old” he added innocently which made everyone laugh
“ But my story is a bit different….I liked that pani puri wala becoz he used to give me 2 extra…so I used to like him” says Emma
“ You all r just impossible” says twinkle rolling her eyes
The game continues for long…n at the end
“ Hey twinkle…u haven’t took a sip” asked Ankur surprised
“ I don’t do such creepy things in public” says twinkle with full attitude which made kunj smile
“ That’s why u r special” says kunj passing a smile towards twinkle (Sajna ve plays in the bg)


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N thanks a lot for ur support
Love u all…


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