Hello everyone.. it’s me haritha with a new os..
Iam abhishek prem mehra… not a rockstar.. an ordinary person.. I don’t knew who she is..? I don’t knew how she is.. is it beautiful or not.. what is her status.. what about her family… totally I don’t knew anything about around her.. but I knew her.. her mind.. her thoughts her feeling.. her heart everything.. and one thing more.. I love her… and this is the day I am waiting for.. we are going to meet for the first time. You knew how we fall for each other.. sorry we don’t express each other. But I knew it as her heart tell it to me.. through phone.. phone.. how. Don’t think that our phone got exchanged or like that.. I will tell you.. one day when I am trying to get sleep my phone rangs.. fb shows.
Abhi takes the phone..
Girl on opposite side.. you don’t talk to me you. Have no right for that do you knew how much times I called on your number.. you even don’t inform me that it’s changed. I have worked a lot to get it… do you knew I am calling you to tell that I am so happy today my happiness I can’t express in words.. hello are you there bulbul?
Ab: thank god chipkali you stop your talk..
Girl : hey Mr. Who are you.. you call me chipkali haa..
Ab: haa.. those who talk non-stop and doesn’t have space to talk to opposite person is chipkali.. are you mad?
Girl: who are you to call me mad.. how do you get my bulbuls phone..
Ab: haa pakka… who told you that this is your so called bulbul ka number hain..
Girl: so if this is wrong number why don’t you tell it before. Ohoo.. by hearing a ladies voice you thought..
Ab: hey chipkali.. stop talking like that.. mujhe koii shock nahihe ki iss tarah pagal ladki ki saath.
Girl: mee pagal… pagal tum ho. Tu hei kadoos.. suddenly someone catch her phone and call ends..
Ab: tu pagal nahi.. pagal ki pagal hei.. hllo chipkali.. ohoo you ended the call right.. oh god because of her my head is aching more..
Sarla; pragya… tum phir se..
Pr: maa.. it’s not me it’s that kadoos if it is a wrong number he must tell it na..
Sar; for that you must give him a gap right.. it’s all your mistake.. when you started to talk you talk as non-stop..
Pragya smiles.. like you maa and hugs..
Sar: call into that number and says sorry..
Pr: maa..
Sar: do what I say..
Abhi again started to sleep and his phone rings.. he in great anger
Ab: hllo… who are you… why are you calling and disturbing me.. do you have any manners..
Pr: it was the question which I must ask you kadoos… is this the way to talk in phone..
Ab: ohoo tum chipkali..
Pr: ohoo without knowing it’s me calling you shower up this much anger then what will be in real..
Ab: what do you need now..
Pr: sorry..
Ab: what?
Pr: sorry for disturbing you.. sorry for not giving chance speak up..
Ab: for this you call me back.. Ohio achaa chipkali.. you knew that too..
Pr: I really don’t wish to do like that.. but as my maa told to tell you sorry that’s why..
Ab: so it’s a forced sorry right.. k I accepted this sorry and I wish to tell you one thing… don’t do anything for others.. do it if you like that.. don’t change yourself for other.. k chipkali and cuts the call..
Pragya who recalls his saying.. ya what he tells is right.. I too wishes the same.. as everyone around me advice me to change this chipkali character.. but I love this.. and I shout at him because he calls me chipkali.. as it’s what everyone call me..
Fb ends..
This is how our relation start from a phone… ya this phone itself played role in our life again.. as I have sister who always check my phone.. and sees a contact name as chipkali… actually I saved that number just for fun.. (?) she who doubt on it. Because when she compelled me to get marry soon i tell her that I have a girl and we are going for a date.. to make her believe I go for date to( alone) and send a message..
Ali: hllo chipkali
Pr: hllo kadoos
Ali: how are you?
Pr: I am fine..
Ali: how was that day?
Pr: day..
Ali: haa.. we go out… na..
Pragya who feels doubt couldn’t reply…
At night pragya who thinks about this message incident send messages to abhi
Pr: what day are you telling?
Abhi who sees this at that time came to knew about what aliya did
Ab: sorry chipkali… actually it’s my sister.. try to spy to find my lover..
Pr: it’s k kadoos.. you can tell to her directly na..
Ab; what?
Pr: about lover..
Ab: I have no one like that.. then how..
Pr: then why are you acting..
Ab: she compelling me to marry.. I don’t wish because I want to live as a free bird..
Ab: why only symbol..
Pr; because I too not interested in that topic..
Ab: why? So are not married..
Pr; no…
Ab: so family is trying to do it fast..
Pr: haa.. but I don’t like it.. because how can I marry a person whom I don’t knew anything..
Ab: what do you mean..
Pr; I want to marry a person whom I love..
Ab: so you are in love..
Pr: no.. I want to find someone and knew about him.. fall in love and with my families blessing get married with him..
Ab: it’s really complicated.. you mean by knowing the financial background.. job..
Pr; not like that.. his behavior… feelings.. likes and dislikes..
Pr: why you use symbol now..
Ab: because I have no idea about it..
Pr: k bye.. goodnight..
Ab: wait a minute.. we both talked each other.. but couldn’t tell your name..
Pr: only name. Not any other things about me.. my name is chipkali..
Ab:?…I don’t need any other details.. ya chipkali suits you more.. can we have friends?
Pr: haa..
Ab: don’t think any other..
Pr: ohoo.. ?.. Goodnight abhi
Ab: good night pragya…
Slowly they started to talk each other.. share everything.. they both like each other company.. and they both fall for each other. And today decided to meet each other in park.
Abhi reached at park with full of excitement and sits on bench..
Pr; where are you.. I am here..
Ab: came to bench number 8.. pragya sees him sitting on bench couldn’t see his face.. tried to see.. suddenly he turns.. she get shocked..
Pr: tum..
Ab: chipkali pragya..
Pr: kadoos abhi..
So now you are thinking that why they get shocked because they both knew each other.. how right..? They are working in same office and that too are real enemies.. because he don’t like her talk..
Pr: so Mr. Abhi.. you don’t like my talk.. but love my messages..
Ab: miss. Pragya.. you don’t like my attitude.. but loves me..
Pr: who told that I loves you..
Ab: your heart.. pragya and abhi have eyelocks.. they both hug each other..
Ab; I love you chipkali..
Pr; I love you kadoos…
The end..
If you likes this.. drop your comments..
Nyc yaar… N very different?
Wow…….So cuteeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
wow super n lovely dear ……………
how is u exam???????????
Superbbbb ! ???
Superrrrrr…….. And what about ur studies……
Very nice
Ha ha ha ha ha awesome yaar!!! Enjoyed it..
superb…really cute…nice os…
Nice one yaar…
Awesome darlu????
Nice yaar
Superb di