Fan Fiction

Love ya Fate….aur life of marriage??? (Epi-20)

Hi u all loads n thnks fr support dats wt i can hardly say to u all ..

I am starting epi frm little last epi..

Epi starts…

Kunj was tensed as twinkle was lost in theatre…on car twinkle was happy fr his concern towards her..she bcame emotional n hugs him. N kunj stops d car hugs back..
He notoces her crying….

K:u ok??
K:no twinkle u shuldnt cry…as i am wot u promise ne.??
K:promise me u wnt cry untill i make u cry.(funny manner)
T:(laughs)k kunj i promise i wont cry even i knw u wnt make me cry…i promise u…n i trust u.

They smile n leave..back to taneja mansion.

T:y wnt u come in kunj.. u imagine ur moms reaction…
T:oh..ya i forget..

They come near ladder..
T:so i need to climb back nw..
K:u told u knw to climb up orelse u need any help..frm me!!

He comes close to lift her..twinkle pushes him slowly…
As she was abtt to leave..kunj holds her hand twinkle turns back..
K:dnt u give anything fr ur
K:oh ya to be hubby..
T:i knw wt u want..
K:u r smart!!so guve it na..
Twinkle moves towards he was waiting fr a kiss…Twinkle hugs him.kunj smiles n hugs back…
K:dats it..(whispers slowly in ears)
T:ha. Dats it.
She leaves n climbs back as kunj waited untill she reached d balcony safely…as kunn was abt 2 leave she calls him
Kunj turns…she gives him flying kiss.he acts to catch it..he was taking it near his cheeks bt stops n was moving it towards his lips…twinkle see it..
Sanam re plays in bg..!!
She blushes…kunj stops n take it towards his heart n places on it…n acts to fall on grass..
Twinkle blushes…
Kunj waves bye n she too waves n leaves..

In twinkle s room…
Leela comes to her room wit food n was shockd to see her happy.
L:tmrw we r leaving fr london on business trip fr 4 days…
T:k ma..
L:dbt play ur cheap got it. Be in limits
T:k ma..
L:bt simply aaying k act like a adult…
Twinkle nods….

Leela kept on scolding witout any reason twinkle was simply listening wit sad face as soon as she left she called he itsef called her…
T:kunj i was abt to cal u..
K:i knw..
T:oh he come..
K:as i love u na
Twinkle blushes…
K:dnt blush much i feel like kissing u wn u r red..
K=sry i just got over feelings fr u…
T:its ok..
K:oh..dats ok fr u if i kiss u b4 marriage
T:kunj i didnt mean in dat way..
K:thn in which way…
T:kunj ru flirting?
K:no i am romancing wit my fiancee
T:its like flirting
K:dint i hv rights to flirt wit my fiancee or shall i try wit others..
K:oh..wt??sm1 is possessive
T:stop it kunj…just listen…
K:i kns ur parents r going fr london
K:even my parents too..
K:did u call to say this..
T:s one more thing ny mom scold me again bt i didnt cry…
K:gud dats like my twinkle
T:bt i felt bad!
K:oh twinkle god gave u 2 ears u knw..
T:kunj wt ru telling
K:s hear in 1 ear n leave thru other ear..
T:haha..gud 1
K:soo nw prblm cleared na..
K:I cleared ur prbln na..dnt i get anything
T:ya ofvourse kunj…
K:ha..come on come on(happily,)
K:wt…Twinkle listen list…

Bt she kept d phone…

Twinkle smiles n sleeps happily kunj also..

Precap:twinj on outing..

Hope everything is fine in epi n loved it .plz do comment..ha..


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