Fan Fiction

Love ya Fate….aur life of marriage??? (Epi-48)

yes friends today 29 th is my bday thnks fr every1 for ur lovely comments n wishes…. sry i culdnt post yesterday s i was busy as u knw d reason…

thnks all ….i am blessed to hv u all..will be waiting join me on facebook… more bakbak…

bt one thing in dis epi all ur confusions are cleared sry fr suspensze these days….go on……..

epi 48 starts………………

twinkle reaches her home it was too late.she parked her car n rushed inside the house she looked sad her eyes were deep red she was struggling herself to controll he tears….as she entered she saw maid..
M:twinkle…wr were u?
T:vo..sry i am late…did suraj came?
M:s..he came very early…n i swaiting fr u..
T:k i will meet him…wrs he?
M:upstairs..third room……
M:twinkle…wnt u hv dinner..? i am nt hungry…

twinkle first goes to her romm…she wash her face to cover her red tired eyes,she stood near her mirror…
T:(HERSELF)at any cost i hv to tell everything to him..all abt kunj n my love n my secret marriage..everything…oh,babaji…plz give me courage i shuld end this today at any cost i hv to move on with suraj…

she goes towards suraj s room….she hesitates to go inside fr a while thn she took a deep breathe n opened d door… was all dark……she slowly enters d room she saw suraj sitting near balcony on a chair..she slowly went n stood behind him little away frm him…
twinkle was full in tears…she controlled n started speaking…
T:ji…actually i went out to meet a frnd…sry i am late…i need to talk to u smething very important…
suraj nods his head in agreemement as he was ready to hear her…..
twinkle turns in opposite side n closes her eyes tight…n speaks in one breathe….
T:actually i love smeone..i went to meet him nly..he loved me very much…more thn anything in dis world..he was with me always everywr…he is relative,we were engaged…bt even we married secretly without my elders as i wished it..coz i too loved him a never crossed limits…due to sme misunderstanding,actually due to my foolishness i broke up with him..n in anger i agreed to marry u..u knw wt happnd till nw..he loved me like a mad even i did it tooooo bt fate had its own play with my life..n love…i left him fate took me away frm him nw i am married i cant break i knw its plz forgive me…i am ready to start new life with u……plz forgive me i dnt want to start our relationship with fake promises n false statements so i told u everythng wt ever happnd till nw…will u accept me…..???

twinkle took a deep sigh aftr completing her words fr once nw she was waiting fr his reaction…it was all silent fr few minutes…twinkle was sweating like hell..she was breathing heavily…
T:ji…tell something na…will u forgive me?

suraj stood up frm his chair..he turned it was all dark he saw twinkle facing her back towards him….he fumes in anger n bursts out fr once
S:wt d hell is this…..twinkle…
twinkle was shocked at his rreaction though she expected never thought of his anger…he tries to move out n comes near the door..b4 twinkle would speak to stop him he on the switches…twinkle was shocked t see he room….
s the room was very nice with black n white screens over…a luxurious cot…n the more shocking n beautiful thing is..the room is filled with twinj photos everywr..with love symbols…n all thr pics which thy took at different places…twinkle was shocked to see them….she went thru alll the pics over thr…….number of thoughts running thru her mind she stood as it is fr several minutes……she came out as she felt a hand on her shoulders…..she turned t see….yes it was her of life..her evrything…her life kunj sarna…..

TWINKLE S POV:oh…babaji…ye sab sach hai kya…i cant believe this… i dreaming..wt happnd…am i still dreaming…aur ye photos..y are they here..kunj is infront oh me…why is he here..oh…soo many questions bt noo answers…it is like a dream for me…

like this many questions around her mind…running like a cars on the busy traffic road..she was puzzled,happy,little sad,confused all emotions appearing on her sobbed little cute face….as she was thinking all these she felt a warmth of embrace around her body…as kunj hugged her tightly…full of love…no bounds for feel..full passionatly….for few minutes…..
thn questions start hitting our vusy twinkles brain…she breaks d hug..

T:kunj..wts all this..i am nt getting anyth…
as she was abt to speak kunj answerd her with a soft kiss on her lips..twinkle felt it…it was just a peck bt long enough…
T:kunj..wts all this..
she got very gud answers as our romantic hero kunj answerd her all questions with kiss again n again…twinkle who was dying fr it…gave in…she kissed him too..they kissd each othr fr a longtime…enough for thm till they need a break fr breathe….twinkle got her answer dat she is married to kunj only..she was on cloud nine…actually on cloud infinity…she expressed it in her kiss as she kissed him again aftr a short breathe……

PRECAP:kunj explains wt all happnd..hw he married her..twinkle was shocked at his intelligence..they spend sme gud time….

hi frnds…i knw its boring as my mood is nt soo gud today though i didnt postd yesterday i dnt want to give gap nw as its cming to end..n nly 2 more to go bt….last epi will be more spcl..soo i request all of u to comment atleast on my last epi plzz let me knw hw many ppl i entertained……plzzz do comment



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