Fan Fiction

Love ya Fate….aur life of marriage??? (Epi-7)

Hi frndss sry fr being late i am fed up wit te exam nw which gonna held soon k lets lve it..thnks fr ur huge response n love…..keep commenting….

About tei….
Frndss i think rajjo is pregnant na may be its of yuvraj nly as she mentioned his name to be raaja…na i think so its purely a guess frndss i am telling as i felt soo as uv is going to meet smeon At resort na…
Recap:twinj at taj mahal…they leave to home twinkle is thinking abt kunj..
Epi starts…..
Twinj are in car…twinkle is thinking abt hw her dreams happnd truely..she eyes him lovingly….they reach d hotel. Ttwinkle thnks him n goes in…kunj see her going n smiles to himself…
All left back to home….
At college….
Twinkle told everything to chinki…
C:ru telling any story…
T:come on ya hw can i joke in dis matr…
C:ya bt its hard to believe…
T:yeah.. wt abt Romeo??u cane to kne who is it
C:no nt yet..y u need dat romeo if u hv kunj…here…(she giggles)
They both laugh…uv comes thr…
U:wt girls soo happy today!!
T:nting much…
Twinkle gets a call n she leaves..
U:tell ya chinki wt happnd…
Chinki narrates him everything…wt happnd bw twinj…uv was shocked…to here abt her family relationships…n thinks…
U:(himself)ineed to do smething…its too late orslse i am gonna lose her….
Chinki snaps him
C:can i ask u smething…
U:ya tell..
C:wt were u doing near rose garden on rose day..
U:i was just…purchaseing..some
C:roses right…i kne it was u
U:no chinki i was..
C:ya u r dat romeo…who twinki loves…
C:ya u r d one who sent roses 2 twinki..n proposed hr near taj..n all
Uvi thinks og smething n smiles…
U:ya bt hw u came to kne..
C:i saw u near rose garden dat day..
U:oh u r too intelligent chinki u bcMe too smart these days…
C:ya…she loves u…sure wait twinki is coming be quite…
Twinkle comes back…
T:ya lets go…
Chinkle leaves…uv see thm going n plans..something…

Few days passed uv wit his activities impressed her lot…n twinkle started loving him ….bt didnt expressed it..due to her family prblmss.normally…..

One nice day…
Twinkle got a msg frm unknown number
Msg:if u want to knw abt ur romeo come to heaven cafe at 6pm
Twinkle was shocked n calls back to dat number bt was no response…

She calls chinki n chinki tells her to go n meet him….

Precap:twinkle to knw abbt her romeo…
Hope u like it another will be posted todau itself…fr sure if u love it plz comment…thnkq


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