Fan Fiction



“SWARA…!! Swara…open the door…!!” I heard some voice…!! I have been trying my best to open my eyes… but I can’t see anything except darkness…!! I could still hear the noise…!! With great effort…I got up with my blur vision… and moved towards the noise direction…!!

I don’t know what I did… and what I held…!!That Noise stopped and darkness engulfed me again…!!


Slowly opening my eyes… I found him in front of me…having a broad smile on his face…!! He made me sit on bed…and went out…!! I started remembering our argument… and yesterday’s night…!! I told him sorry… but it’s very small for what I have done…!! I am still feeling guilty…!!

Anyways he should be angry on me right??!!! Why is he smiling??!! My head started paining again thinking about all these stuff…!!

“Then don’t think about anything…!!” I heard his voice…!! He came near me holding a plate containing bread and milk in it…!!

Me(shocked): “What??!!! I mean… how you know??!!”

Sanskar(smiling): “ Stop looking at me with a confused face and have it…!! Doctor said to make you eat something when you gain consciousness…!!”

Me: “Doctor??!!”

Sanskar: “ Yess…!! You have got fever… and doctor checked you…!! Soo madam…please keep your question session aside and have bread first…!!”

Me(slowly): “But I don’t like bread and milk…!!”

Sanskar(seriously): “Then what you want??!! I am not a great cook to make something of what you like…!! More ever doctor told to have light food…!! So you should eat it…!!”

Me(slowly): “But I can’t have it now…!!”

Sanskar(angrily): “Why ??!! Now…Open your mouth…!! I will feed you…!!”

Me: “But..I…!!”

He pushed bread in my mouth…as soon as I opened it… without listening to my complete sentence…!! I didn’t eat it and just kept food in my mouth…!!

Sankar(angrily): “Will you eat it or not??!!Or else I will stuff more into your mouth…!!”

I nodded ‘NO’ being horrified… as I am unable to speak… but still didn’t chew it…!! I am trying to get up to spit it out…!! But he is not listening to me…!!

Sanskar(angrily): “Why the hell are you getting up??!! I am feeding you right??!!”

I just rushed to washroom and closed the door…and I came out after 5 minutes…!! I saw him sitting sadly thinking something…!! As soon as he saw me… he started speaking…!!

Sanskar(sadly): “I am really sorry swara…!! If you don’t like me to feed you… you would have told me…!! But please eat them… don’t show your dislike of me on food…!!”

Saying this… he started moving outside…!! Ooh…God…!! He misunderstood me???!!! I immediately ran and stopped him…!!

Me(worried): “Sorry…sorry…!! I didn’t mean that…!! I didn’t brush my teeth since morning…!! How will I have food without brushing…!! You didn’t listen to me completely and stuffed food into my mouth…!!”

I said it one flow…!! As soon as I said…I felt dizzy…. perhaps because of being sick…!! As I was about to fall down… he held me…!! “Swara…!! Are you ok??!! Please see me…!!”
He said with worry cupping my face… as I am still in his hands…!!

I looked straight into his eyes… and spoke… “I am really sorry…!! Please forgive me if I have hurt you…!! Please forgive me for all the misunderstandings that happened between us till now…!! It’s all my fault only…!!”

My tears… started flowing as I was speaking to him…!!

“I misunderstood you…thinking you would leave me easily after showing my stubbornness…!!!And you too misunderstood me… thinking I would change… whereas I can’t…!! Our whole marriage happened with a big misunderstanding…!! I should have never accepted for marriage…!! Please forgive me…!! ” I said while crying…!!

Without saying anything…he lifted … and placed me on bed…while I have been simply starring into his eyes…all the time…!! He fed me with his hands and made me drink milk…and I ate without arguing…waiting for his reply…!! This is the first time… I have eaten bread completely… without complaining…!!

After eating… he held my hand… and started speaking…!!

Sanskar(slowly): “ Swara…!! Whatever has happened till now is not entirely your fault…!! So… I am sorry too…for marrying you… even though you warned me…!! But what to do??!!

My brain didn’t understand your words properly…!! So… forget about whatever has happened till now…!! Let’s have a fresh start…!!”

Me(confused) : “Fresh start??!! How??!!”

Sanskar: “ See…you want divorce… but after Ragini’s marriage right??!!”

I just simply nodded… where he further continued…!!

Sanskar: “ I will give you but… till that time we should be together…!!So…what about being friends cum roommates… so that we can we can spend our lives happily and peacefuuly till that time…???

Me (thinking): “ Yaah… we should stay together…so that no one comes to know about it…!! But I think we can’t be friends… and we can’t stay together anymore…!!”

Sanskar(shocked): “Why can’t we??!!”

Me(thinking): “It’s because… you told you love me…!! I can’t still play with your feelings…!! I am selfish to achieve my dreams and happiness….!! But I can’t hurt you anymore…!!”

I can see his face turning pale…!! But all of a sudden he started laughing…!!

Me(serious): “Why are you laughing??!! Did I say some joke??!!”

Sanskar(laughing): “Off course…!! I asked you to become my friend… not girl friend…!! And you are talking about my love…??!! Common… do you think…even after knowing truth… I would still keep expectations on you??!! You only told right…that love fades with time…!! So, don’t worry… I will forget about it…!!”

Me(seriously): “Whatever… we are not going to stay together…!! And it is only good for both of us…!!”

Sanskar(smirking): “Both of us??!!! How will it be good for you??!! Don’t say that you fell for me..!!”

His sudden question made me shock…!! Falling for him??!! Nooo…way…!! But the thing is… his presence is sometimes affecting me…!! Off course… it might be some gender attraction…!! But still…!!

Sanskar(amused): “You still didn’t answer me…!! Soo…I am concluding that you fell for me…!!”

Me(angrily): “I can never fall for anyone…!! So…don’t think nonsense…!!”

Sanskar(teasing): “Oooh…!! Then you are scared that you might fall for me in future if we stay together right??!!”

Me(angrily): “In your dreams…!!”

Sanskar(smirking): “Then what’s the problem with you??!!”

Me(with ego): “Ok…!! If you have no problem… then why should I ??!! I am ready…!!”

Sanskar(happily forwarding hand): “Ok…so friends??!!”

Me(happily shaking it): “Yaah… friends cum roommates too…!!”

Sanskar: “Soo… my first rule in friendship…!! No sorry and no thank you… between us…!!”

Me( laughing) : “Oooh…!! Sooo you too watch swaragini serial??!! I know you copied this dialogue from there…!! COPY CAT…!!”

Sanskar(smiling): “Even you watch that serial???!!!”

Me(happily): “Noo… way…!! Mom and Ragini watch it…!!! Sometimes… they cry watching some emotional scenes too…!! Lol…!!!”

Sanskar(remembering something) : “Ragini???!! Ohh…shit…!!”

Me(confused): “What happened??!!”

Sanskar(taking out his phone): “Once talk to her…!! Or else she will kill me…!! She is worried about you…!!”

Saying this he called ragini with loud speaker on…!!

Ragini(worried): “Hello Jiju??!!! Is swara with you now??!!!”

Sanskar(calmly): “Haa..baba…!! Talk to her….!!”

Me(smiling): “Hii…Ragini…!!”

Ragini(relived): “Swara…!! Finally I heard your voice…!!(Suddenly becoming angry) Why didn’t you call me after your party???!! And why is your phone switched off??!!”

Me(consoling): “Areyyy…cool down…my dear girl…!! I think my phone might have got switched off because of less battery…!! Even I don’t know…!! Now Chill baby…!!”

Ragini(angry): “Cool down??!! No way…!! I am soo angry on you…!! Do you remember that yesterday was the first day in my office??!!”

I realised that…as soon as she told me…!! I remembered her telling me about the job she got in placements…!! How did I forget that yesterday was her first day??!!

Ragini(sad): “I know you have forgotten…!! I thought you will call and wish me luck…!!”

Me: “Sorry…!! Ragini..!! Please….!!”

Meanwhile…sanskar started speaking…!!

Sanskar(happily): “Ragini??!! You got a job…!! You didn’t even tell me???!!! Now I am angry on you…!!”

Ragini(surprised): “What jiju???!!! You don’t know??!! I thought didi might have told you….!! Didi…!! Now I am more angry on you…!!”

Me(pleading): “Raagu maa….!! Please…!! Sorry…!! I forgot to tell him even…!!”

Ragini(angrily): “No way…!! Your sorry not accepted…!!”

Sanskar(acting) : “ Yaah…Ragini… don’t forgive her…!! Now at least tell me… how your first day is in office…!!”

Ragini(excited): “Superb….!! You know jiju…My boss is sooo handsome…!! Offcourse not as much as you….!! But still… he is soo hot…!!”

Sanskar(teasing): “Ooh…!! Love at first sight…!!”

Ragin(blushing): “Jiju….!!! Enough…!!Not like that…!! But still…he has body like Salman khan…!!”

Me(interrupting): “Stop it guys…!! What Ragini…??!! You started your nonsense in office too…??!! It’s no more college now…!! Be serious at least…!!”

Sanskar(interrupting): “ No… Ragini…!! Don’t follow your sister’s advice…!! She has become granny at this age only…!! You are still a kid…!! Enjoy the life…!! You know about her naa??!! I will support you…!! You should flirt with boss… if he is dashing…!!”

Me(acting serious): “ Sanskar…!! Am I looking like granny to you??!! And you are supporting her??!! ”

Ragini(teasing): “ Didi…!! He said correct only naa??!! If I follow your advice…I will go to Himalayas for sure…!!”

Me(acting angry): “Sanskar…!! What did you do to my sister???!! She is supporting you…!! This is really cheating…!!”

Sanskar(with style): “She is my Saali too…!! and we both are a team…!!”

Me(sarcastically): “ Great team…!! Salute to you both…!!”

We trio kept on speaking together… for hours… forgetting our past… our mistakes…everything… just like friends…!!

This fresh start is not at all a bad decision…!!! Being friends is giving me more happiness than behaving like strangers…!! And being happy is always what I want…!!


A beautiful bud of friendship…started blossoming between Swasan…!! This fresh start might be an adjustment for one year…according to them…!! One has completely accepted the fact of can’t be together forever and decided to forget about love…while the other was still confident on herself….unaware of future which destiny has planned for them…!!

How these buds of friendship coverts into a beautiful flowers of love in swara’s heart…?!! Will she ever be able to realize and accept it??!! Will these friendship buds helps sanskar in fading his love feelings towards swara??!!! Or will it make him more weak during their departure…unable to forget his love..??!!

Stay tuned for this new journey of swasan….!!!

PRECAP: I don’t know…!!

Bye… everyone…!! see you on Sunday…!! With lots of love…!!

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