Fan Fiction


Hiii everyone…!! How are you all??!! Did anyone missed me???!! I’s wrong question…!! Do anyone remember me??!! Well…!! But I am missing everyone…soo badly…!! Loads and loads of apologies to everyone…!!! I can’t help out..!! My situation is soo bad here…!! I am not getting time to read other’s ff’s too…!! 🙁

Please…please….forgive this bichari…for not turning up till now…and also coming up with teaser only…!! Let’s go into teaser first…!! I will exploit bomb at the end…!!!


Link to prev episode: Here

Link to all episodes: Here



“Sanku baby…!!!My Cutie….!!! Awww…You are really soo cute…!!” she started pulling my cheeks strongly…!!

“Ahhh..!!” I shouted as my cheeks pained while I have been carrying her in my arms…!!

“Oooh…Is it paining??!! I am choo cholly…!!” she said innocently…!! My frown and pain both vanished seeing her sweet apology.

But she again started irritating me… playing with my face, shirt buttons, tickling me…!! If she continues this further…I am damn sure I won’t be able to control myself…and do something to her…!!

“If you don’t stop playing with me, I will put you down and you will walk up to your room…!!” I told her in a strict tone…!!

“No..No..No please…!!” She said…!!

“Ok…!! Then don’t move and be a good girl” I ordered her… and she kept a finger on her mouth like a kid..!!

With finger still on her mouth…she started speaking… “You know what sanskar…there are 3 things which I restricted myself not doing…but still wished to do them at least once…!!”

“What are they??!!” I asked curiously…finding this topic quite interesting…!!

Swara: “Wait …wait…!! I will tell…!! First one is drinking alcohol…!!! Second one is….Second one is…”

Me(interrupting): “Second one is…”

Swara: “Ummm…Second one is…I won’t say…Bhuhahaaaa…!! Third one also I won’t say…!!”

She started laughing…!!

Me(frowned): “Then why to tell me about those 3 things??!!”

Swara(happily): “Simply…!! You know…because of you…my first wish of drinking alcohol is over…now!! And because of my engineering friends…my second wish was even completed in my college days…!! Thank you soo sooo sooo much sanskar…!!”

By the time…I reached room and placed her on bed…!!

“Thank god…!! You thought of drinking once only…!! If you would do multiple times…I will become mental patient unable to handle you…!!” I spoke sarcastically…and tucked her on bed…removing her heels…!!

“Now sleep..!!Good night…!!” I wished her..and was about to go…but she held my hand…!!


‘Idiot…!!What are you trying to do??!! She was not in senses…!! How come you lost your senses even??!!’ I scolded myself…settling on bed after having a cold shower to control my stupid weird feelings!!

Just then my phone rang…showing the caller name ‘RAGINI.’…!!

“Hello Ragini…!! What happened??!! Is everything alright??!!” I asked little worried…as she called me at this mid-night…!!

“No..No..nothing jiju…!! Everything is fine…!! I called you to speak about something…!! Is swara didi awake??!!” she asked…!!

“No..!! She slept..!! What’s the matter??!!” I asked…!!

Ragini: “Actually I want your help…!! Promise me you will support me and convince didi regarding this matter…!!”

Me: “First tell me the matter…!! Everything is ok right??!!”

Ragini: “Yeah..Yeah..jiju..!!Everything is alright..!! Let me speak…!!”

Me: “Ok..!!”

Ragini(letting a deep sigh): “I AM IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE…!!”

Me: “Oohh…(suddenly realizing) WHAT??!!!”


“Swara…!!Don’t be angry…!! Don’t judge her love with your opinions and thoughts…!! I can feel her seriousness in this matter…!! It’s her life…!! Someday or the other she needs to
get married…!! Just think it as a marriage proposal and meet the guy…!! She is soo confident that you will even like him” I tried to convince her…but she didn’t reply…!!

“Swara…!! We reached the restaurant…!! Just meet the guy…!!” I said again…!!

“You know what sanskar… I am neither angry on Ragini nor on you…!!” she spoke out finally…!!

Swara(continuing further): “But I am jealous of you…!! Jealous of your and ragini’s closeness..!! Being her own sister…she couldn’t tell this matter to me…and told you first…!!”

Me: “It’s not like that swara…!! May be she couldn’t share this first to you…but she loves you more than me…!!”

“Whatever…I am jealous of your both bonding..!!” She said…and got down from car…!!

Swara: “You just go…!! I have some work at nearby post office…!! I will catch you people in 10 minutes…!!”

Me: “Ok…Come fast…!!

I went inside and found ragini and that guy already waiting for us…!!

“Hi…!! I am Laksh Kapoor…!!” he said forwarding his hand…!!

“Sanskar Maheswari…!!” I said shaking his hand…!!

I have been talking with both of them…waiting for her arrival…!! 10 minutes passed…20… 2 hrs…!! But she didn’t turn up…!!

“The number you are trying is currently switched off” is the response of her phone…!!


“Excuse me…!!” Suddenly Laksh came there…!! Seeing him…I shocked thinking what might happen now…!! But she didn’t turn to see him…!!

“Hi… I am Laksh…!! I am the one with whom your sister is in love…!!” He spoke out… still facing her back…!!

“Ragini…I mean your sister… told me about you…!! We both knew that you are not ready to accept our love…and angry on us…!!”

“Nothing like that…!! I am not angry on anyone…!!” she told without turning…!!

“Well…!! I really don’t know what to say and how to convince you…!!! I am really weak in expressing out myself. But this can’t change the fact that I truly love her with all my heart.

I can’t promise you that I will always keep her happy but I promise you that I will never become reason for her sadness…!! I promise you that I will be always with her and make her come out of her sorrows…as long as I live…!!

I can’t promise you that I will look after her like a queen…but I promise you she will be always the only queen of my heart….!! I promise you that I will try to give all the comforts and make her content.

Please understand our love and accept us…!! I am determined to face anything to reach to an end where we both will be together as one…!!” Laksh spoke out…!!

His sincerity…his seriousness…his promises about Ragini…made me feel confident…that he is the one made for Ragini…!! But…what about her??!!! Will she accept them both??!! Silence prevailed around us for few minutes…!!

“Hello Laksh…!! How are you??!!” She turned back finally poke…!!

“You….??!!!” He spoke out confused…trying to recognize her…!!

“I am Swara…!! Do you remember me??!!” she asked with an expressionless face…!!

He froze for a moment as soon as her recognized her…!!

“SWARAA…YOU!!!” he exclaimed in his shock state…!!



Well Guys…!! That’s it in teaser…regarding upcoming track of my ff..!! But there are many more twists coming up after it…!!

Keep on guessing…

1) What might be the 3 things swara wished to do in her life atleast once??!!

2)How do swara and laksh know each other??!! (I think many can guess it…!! 😉 )

3)Will swara accept him as Ragini’s partner??!!

4)What will be ragini’s reaction when she comes to know about swalak’s past??!!

Wait until mid of December…!! 🙁 🙁 I am sorry for this inconvenience once again…!!

Raglak and Swalak fans gear up for upcoming episodes..!! I can’t give more scenes on them…but I will try…!! Don’t forget me…!! Bye everyone…!! Take care…!!Love you all…!! 😀

One more thing…I am well prepared to face your tomatoes, eggs, chappals etc.. everything…!!

(Chanu…A special sorry for you too…!! Holding my ears…!! )

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