Fan Fiction

~My lovely twinkle~ twinji eps 26

Precap: while twinkle an Kunj have an unexpected guest in their house. Yuvraj shows Maya a picture of twinkle and tells her she’s the girl he likes. Now let’s continue….

Kunj was on the rooftop, spying. He hate doing this. But this was his only way of getting information on his enemy. He was watching them from below looking for the main boss when suddenly his phone rang. He curse when he saw his mom on the phone. ” hello?”

” Kunj I can’t find the sugar ..yah, your house is so big”

” mam, its on the uper left counter”

” thanks beta”

He sigh and continue, few minutes later twinkle call. ” kunj where did you go, I was looking for you”

” twinkle I don’t have tim-”

” anyway, guess what happen to me today. I left my bus pass, so I ended up taking taxi. Then the driver went the wrong wa-”

” twinkle not right now, I’m bus-”

” and I was charged, can you believe that. I was late while trying to direct hi-”

Kunj roll his eyes ” twinkle this is not a good tim-”

Kunj eyes widen when he saw the men looking up. He cursed when realized they spotted him. ” twinkle I got to go bye” he said quickly before hanging up. Kunj ran inside the building, down the stairs. He stop when he saw them through the entrence, holding a gun. He turn a different corner. When they saw him, he quicken his pace. They raise their gun and start firing.

Kunj hides while calling manu.

” yes boss!!” He says happily

” bring the car, I got what I needed”

It wasn’t long before a car crash inside the building. The men with the serious face opens the door and told Kunj to Co me in quick. Kunj quickly ran inside. Manu turns the car and drove. Sadly the bad guys followed. Kunj took out a long shot gun. He opens the door before telling manu whatever he does to not stop driving. He aims his gun at the cars tier’ before shooting.

The other car decides to slide to another lane, to avoid being hit. A person step out and shoot. Kunj quickly came inside, ” shoot. Tiny, grab a gun” he shouts. When he did, he told him to aim for the men while he try blowing the tier.

And so Kunj tried and tried until finaLly he was hit on the shoulder. He wince in pain, and sat down. ” boss are you OK?”

” yeah a bullet hit me, I need to take it out.”

He told manu to hand him the scissors. When he did, Kunj open his wound and took the bullet out, while wincing. He quickly tear his close before using a disinfect wipe to clean the wound. Once tied, he grab his gun and shoot one last time, this time it hit his target. He watch as the car sway before it was left behind. They sigh with relief. Manu drops on the floor, tierd.

When Kunj reached his house, they sat down on the table. Kunj mom serves them tea an snacks. She question about his wound, Kunj told her he got burnt by an iron. She asks if he was fine, he nods.

Manu compliment her on the snack and asks for more. She nod. Kunj clear his throat. He told them he got some pictures he need tiny to print. He says the enemy having another meeting to ship some of the weapons from the warehouse to over seas. Tiny asks why?

Kunj sigh ” I don’t know either, but I know they won’t do it legally. They have no permission. They will put the weapons in a barrel, we will stop it before it gets in the ship.”

They nod. Not long twinkle came, angry. She was on the phone complaing, ” no you guys need to give my money back. The charge is way to much”

” mam you got their safely didn’t you?”

” I don’t care, it’s not my fault the driver don’t understand direct .”

” OK man, calm down. We will refund you half of your money”

Twinkle frown, she says that’s not good enough. Kunj watch her pace back an forth before hanging up. He watch as she curse the whole time. Manu eyes widen, Kunj sigh. He drags twinkle up stairs to their room. Twinkle asks him what was wrong. Instead of answering, Kunj hugs her. This taken her by surprise ” what’s this for?”

” I missed you”

Twinkle smile ” I missed you too”

She pull away to see Kunj shoulder. Worried she asks what happend. Kunj told her it was just a small injury. ” that doesn’t look small Kunj”

” I’m fine twinkle”

” but-”

Kunj smile, and squeeze her cheeks ” your so cute worried.”

Twinkle smile ” no your cute”

” you are”

” no you are”

Their eyes shine with so much love, neither wanted to part. Both heads moving closer for a kiss, Kunj says hero’s are not cute”

Twinkle smirk, while looking at his lips ” then what are they?”

” handsome like me”

Twinkle says ” OK handsome hero, stop talking and just kiss me already ”

Kunj smile before kissing her


Salaam, my name is Kanie, and I was born in west Africa. So now I live in America. I grew up watching Indian shows and movies in my country, so I'm hooked lol

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