Fan Fiction

LOVE(RagSan) Part-23

hii guys..hope you all are finding it we go with the next chap..

sanskar is standing outside the icu waiting for ragini to open her eyes…

dadi nd shekhar come there nd shekhar drags him and slaps sanskar ..everyone are shocked at his act

swalak-baba..why did you slap sanskar? dont know anything abt what he did.. see this papers.. he left ragini to die.. he had choosen the baby… it means he doesnt want ragini anymore..

swalak nd sanskar shock hearing this and sanskar takes papers from swara .sees it and is shocked.then he remembers swara taking his sign on some papers..he looks at swara nd swara looks down with all the guilt in her eyes..

sanskar-papa ji..but i didnt do this.. please trust me.. i always wanted ragini..i love her..nd i cant even think of it in my dreams…

swara-yes baba..sanskar is ryt..there is no fault of him..he.. before she could complete her sentence doctor called then as ragini opened her eyes..

sanskar immediately rushed in nd hugged ragini ..saying ..ragini..thank god..u are fine..for a moment i thought that i would loose you but see my love has brought you never leave me plz..ragini looks confused and breaks the hug pushes him away and says who are you?papa..dadi maa.. who is he nd why are you not saying anything to him?

everyone are shocked at ragini nd sanskar is numb at her reaction

swara-ragini..please dont joke..he is sanskar..your husband.. he had already gone through so plz dont trouble him..

ragini-what..husband?who is sanskar.. nd why are we here..we are at the music competetion ryt..i won the competion nd u got 2nd ..we were coming back to baadi..then what has happened to me..why im unable to recollect..? saying so she faints..

sanskar calls doctor nd he checks her.

after sometime doctor comes nd says them that ragini is having amnesia.. in the sense memory loss..because of the injuries nd the sudden shock of loosing her baby.. we asked her date nd she was saying 2yrs back date…we asked her some general information..nd she was saying 2 yrs back is saying that she was in a music competition just before she had the accident.

shekhar-yes happened two years ago

doctor-it means she forgot what all happened in these two years..she remembers only those people whom she met 2yrs back..

sanskar was unable to take this.. he asked doctor will she regain her memory?

doctor-well mr.sanskar she will ofcourse..but it may take weeks,months or in some cases years also.. but you should not stress her to remember the past things.. that cause pressure on her neurons nd this time if she gets any shock there are chances that she may slip into coma are remain mentally retarded… all you have to do is first let her internal damages recover 1st nd then you can start her telling about her past.. by this she may recover 1st nd gain her memory back..

shekhar-what if we dont tell her about the past?

everyone are shocked at his question

doctor-she will never remember anything..but somehow at anypoint of time like if she crosses with the same situations as in the past she may remember..

shekhar-thank you doctor

doctor-my pleasue ..nd you can take her home today itself..but regular check ups should be made to her once in a week..sorry to say this i should leave now..but nurse will be there..she will tell you the precautions to be taken abt the food nd all.. saying so doctor leaves..

sanskar says how could she forget me…

laksh nd swara console him

shekhar nd dadi-its good that she doesnt remeber you.. now dont try to come in her life again..because of you she is in this state.. from the day u have entered her life she was on the wrong path..she tried to defame her sister swara only beacuse of u.. she started hiding things from us.. she met with an accident bcoz of u..nd after doing this u werent satisfied that u wanted her to die.. now stay away from her..we will never tell her about you

swara-baba..this is not correct.ragini loves him a lot

shekhar-it was her past..but now she dont even know who he is..i dont want my daughter to suffer anymore..

swara-baba.. sanskar doesnt know anything abt those papers..

shekhar-shut up dont take his side.. u may even say that its all you who has done this..i dont want to listen anything now.. if u want to support him nd remember..u shld break all the relations with us..nd if u try to tell ragini anything then i swear that u will see me dead… now the decision is left to you…saying so dadi nd shekhar go inside

sanskar -this cant happen.. they cant separate us..nd whats my fault in this…i cant live without my ragini…cant live…tears roll from his eyes… swara feels guilty as this all happened bcoz of her.. ragini got to know about her complication a month back..she took a promise from swara that they will save the child at anycost..even if it costs her life.. swara was bounded by the promise nd changed the papers whereas sanskar wanted to save ragini ….swara also promised that she wont say anything to all…

swara-sanskar im really sorry but i cant tell you why i did this…please forgive me..

sanskar-its okay swara..fault wasnt yours.. it was mine .. my fate..destiny has done this to me… should fight for your love.. you also knew that ragini also loves you..only thing is she forgot her past..if anyone can get her memory back.its you..only you can do that..dont give up..

sanskar wipes his tears nd says yes laksh.. i will fight for my love.. this time i wont loose ragini… she is my life ..i will do anything but 1st let her recover..saying so they both leave while swara stays back with ragini.

ragini is discharged nd slowly dadi ,shekhar nd sumi tell her about how swaragini had united them.. nd swara is her sister..she is married nd had a baby.. ..ragini gets happy listening to this as she got a mother nd sister… but asks about the guy who she saw in the hospital..nd asks why did they call him as her husband?

shekhar nd dadi tell her a fake story that he is brother of laksh nd came there to take revenge from them.. he forcibly married you.. nd they show sanskar’s confession video to her..ragini believes them while sumi nd swara were bound by the promise that they will not tell anything to ragini.

a week passes nd sanksar has grown his beard thinking about ragini.. he was remembering all their moments..he llos at his cupboard where ragini’s favourite saree was kept..
a flash back is shown..
ragini-wah..sanskar this saree is soo nice.. i loved it..
sanskar-okay then u wear this saree for todays function (it was some random function in the house like some teej)
ragini-hmm okay..
sanskar-wait ragini how will you wear this saree..u have mehendi on your hands ryt…

ragini-yes what we will do..

sanskar-if you want i can help you..saying so he winks..

ragini-hmm okay but you should close our eyes…

sanskar-now whats the use of me helping you if i cant see you..nd you are behaving as if im an ur husband ragini

ragini-ya i close you eyes nd help me..

sanskar closes his eyes nd makes her wear the saree..he then opens nd ragini says thank you..
sanskar makes a pout face nd says just thankyou and sits on the couch..

ragini comes near a kiss on his cheeks and runs out..sanksar smiles at her behaviour nd touches his cheek.
flashback ends here.

sanskar smiles nd then remembers that now his ragini doesnt remember him…

just then swara nd laksh enter and ask him what he is going to do now?

sanskar-1st i will meet her..

swara-but sanskar..baba nd dadi said her only half truth that u came for revenge nd married her forcibly..she too believes them… i dont think so that she will talk to you..

sanskar-let them tell what they want..but her heart knows that she loves me.. she will definitely listen to her heart..she should have to remember me.. she should regain her memery..

laksh-what if she wont?

sanskar-no problem..i will make fresh memories with her… i will make her fall in love with me again… we promised each other that we will be together in all our seven lives.. i wont backoff that easily..

swalak are happy at his determination nd wil..they wished that ragini gains her memory soon nd everything would become normal as earlier…

precap:swalak’s baby naming ceremony… will ragini come to mm??? sanskar to talk with ragini?will ragini listen to him? is the epi..thank you all for your comments nd here is a short promo for it..

destiny has brought them together but fate has separated them..will sanskar be able to make ragini gain her memory back???

be ready for the new phase.. the beginning of the new story ..with old relations nd old memories.. will love blossom again..? will new memories replace the old one… come fall in love once again… because love is the everlasting feeling….. coming..ur love..ur sanskar is coming to make you realise your love…

guys..well this is the promo for the next epi… keep commenting ur views nd suggestions..bye nd love you all…


Im short but cute.. Intelligent but arrogant.. Smiling is my weakness nd making others smile is the best thing i ever do...

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