Loving again part 56 (twinj ff)


The beautiful white building with a slight greyish tinge to its borders was shining in a halo of yellow under the sun touching the horizon.

She thought she won’t get a sleep in the excitement to see the new house but after she touched the bed sans the heavy brunch all her muscles cried in relief touching the soft mattress of the hotel room.

It was only when Kavya nudged her sleepily that her deep sleep was broken, she didn’t want to move but the mother had to wake up and see her baby.

And now when she came out of the cab she gawked in disbelief, it might not be the richest posh area, it might not be the best but it was so different, the serenity of this place caught her breath.

“This is beautiful,” she exclaimed as she closed the buttons of her long overcoat and grabbed her phone to memorize this moment forever.

“Twinkle, the driver is waiting…” Kunj told her as he picked one of their bags from the cab.

“you are going to get so many moments to capture.” he completed as she turned and saw him grabbing another bag from the cab.

“firsts are always special… and yes the man is waiting.” she smiled at the handsome Irish man who had complimented her some three or four times in the past hour.

She was about to pick Kavya in her hands when she opposed it and nearly jumped down the seat.

“she is turning naughtier nowadays,” Twinkle told herself and make her stand on the side of the road. The little girl looked at the alien surroundings for a while and suddenly walked towards the small pathway leading to the house.

“look at our baby, I think she is the most excited, just kept quiet till reaching here,” Kunj commented and together they walked to the house.

“hey Mannn!” an excited voice in a deep accent came from one of the apartments leaving Kavya scared and stopping her movements.

“he is Noah, my neighbor,” Kunj told her as the man smiling heartily walked towards them with a heavily pregnant woman trailing behind him slowly.

She remembered the man from one of his memories of a late-night phone call…

“it took you so long, Man,” he whispered to him as they involved in a brotherly hug.

“barely a few months…” he told him, it was strange how this man named Noah, became closest to him in the last few years. He still would not call him a close friend but he was that one person whom he could count on.

“and that might be your baby girl…oh God, look at how she is staring us?” Noah told his better half who joined them after a while.

“hahaha, when she meets new people she is like that… don’t worry in a few days she would grow on you,” Kunj told him as he walked to get his baby who ran to him once he approached her.

After the casual introduction, the neighbors left them to themselves and he turned the key and opened the house.


It smelled so nice and the brightly lit duplex house looked so warm and cozy… if she found the roads, the roadside scenery, the outside of their house beautiful it was such a breathtaking site inside the house.

The house had minimal furniture but she liked it, she helped him with the bags, and then she nearly swirled in the beautiful house.

She forgot a lot of things at that moment, she wanted to grasp that moment… she had been on a few trips with Yuvraaj but at this moment she wanted to live it wholly.

“come, let’s see the house.” his voice nuzzled her nape suddenly, she didn’t hear when did he walk behind her. As she turned she found him standing so close she could smell his cologne.

“welcome, home Twinkle,” he whispered and her heartbeat rose.

She fidgeted her palms inside her coat pocket, she wanted to rub them urgently but in this close proximity, she could not do anything.

A partial paralysis was on its way…

Her eyes ignored her pleas to act normal, to meet his brown ones waiting for her… he has been considerate about her hesitations and her reservations in all these months seeing the complexity around them, how long she was going to make him wait.

With the thought came some strength and she looked up…

“I love this place…” she could not think of anything else at this moment.

For a moment he kept looking at her face as if silently conveying something to her she was about to say something when he said.

“Come, let’s see other rooms.” he kept a hand around her waist and together they strolled through the narrow corridor with a huge window in the middle.


He was right she loved it here, after he showed her the whole house she unpacked their luggage.

For a while their baby kept herself busy tapping the wooden floor and hearing the sounds then she turned to Kunj, sat comfortably on his lap, and made voices when her grandma appeared on the screen.

The anticipation about a cold city was all gone once the heaters turned up it was nothing like a polar city, she felt comfortable in her thin sweater and thermal pants… she knew the weather outside was down to some minus degrees but her house was warm and comfortable.

“you said Noah has a girlfriend, it seems she is now his wife,” she asked him when they sat on the settee in the hall.

“They used to live together when I was here but I don’t know… they might have planned something,” he said taking small sips of the tea.

“ok,” she replied making her face as soon as she sipped the tea.

“what happened ..” he asked her.

“This is some strange flavor…” she said keeping away the cup.

“Oh.” he laughed recalling something.

“what… you might be having it for years but this is so strange Kunj, God! how could you live on that.” she was trying to forget the taste.

“When I first had this, I felt the same…” he smiled and kept sipping. “tomorrow we’ll try to look for something of our taste, I kind of forgot how this flavor can scare some people.” he laughed again.

“so you think, I am strange, wait we’ll take it home and let Bebe taste it and then ask her how much she likes it,” she said grumpily.

“ok sit here, I’ll come in a moment,” he told her and walked to the kitchen.

Since they had nothing to do and she had already slept a lot she thought to look around and then turned to the room he had termed a spare room.

She turned the knob and pushed it… the house was cleaned thoroughly so she was not worried about anything and unlike lizards and cockroaches in her house back then she was confident the cold city was not going to trouble her.

She switched on the lights and walked to the medium-sized room, it had no furniture just a few boxes so she walked to the window and she found darkness behind the glass.

She had observed forests while they drove here but she didn’t think the backyards of their house were near forests.

She thought to ask Kunj about it when noticed it, a strange-looking bug made its way to her side and she tried to scare it by thumping her foot on the floor but it didn’t stop.

And then she noticed a few of them on the window seal and a cry left her mouth… she ran to the door when Kunj came to her rescue.

“Twinkle, what happened?” he asked seeing her terrified face.

“There are some bugs, I am afraid there would be many of them.” she clung to him.

“where…let me see,” he said and handed her the mug he brought with him.

He walked to the window and she peeped from behind his shoulders.

“oh, these… these are common here, don’t worry I’ll throw them. You have your coffee in the hall,” he assured her.

“Are you sure there are not others in the hall or kitchen and oh my god in the bedroom…” before she could complete it she ran to the upper floor?

“Twinkle, wait…” he thought to go behind her and tell her not to worry but it was more important to throw those bugs cause they could bite, not a dangerous bite but inflammations could occur.


Hey everyone, the next chapter is here. hope you enjoyed it.

Take care of yourself and please stay safe.

Love you all.





"There is so much to imagine with so many minds around you..it is not possible to know every mind but we can surely tell others what is going inside our mind."

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