Fan Fiction

Lucky (Om and Ishu) Prologue

Hello everyone 🙂 It’s Samm, back with the promised sequel to Precious! I didn’t know how else to name this ff, but I hope this one gets as much, or more love from my previous ff! I have mixed feelings about this ff, and I’m still not sure about how to go ahead with it. To be honest, I started writing much ahead of time. I didn’t really like staying away from you guys for long, so I returned faster than I had planned! But I don’t know how regularly I will be able to post it! Anyways, here I am! So, as usual, my only request is to share your thoughts as comments or even private messages! I totally love it that you guys texted me about Precious and some of you even sent the links to your OS and ffs. I truly appreciate that.
Speaking of loving and appreciating, today’s episode reminded me why I loved Shivaay in the first place! Nakuul Mehta and Surbhi Chandna nailed it. This was one of the much awaited moments of care between those two idiots! 😀
Anyways, let’s start with the prologue. This is written with Om’s point of view. Fair warning to all readers: This prologue does not have any huge revelations or hints about the coming up storyline. It’s just for catching up to speed and a way of recap by Om. All criticisms, suggestions and appreciation heartily welcomed and appreciated 🙂



Luck was literally at the acme of definition of subjectivity. Some believed it to be fate that we couldn’t change, no matter what. Others believed that we make our own luck, and we reap the fruits of our own deeds. Past experiences, conditions in which we are born, our current circumstances, our interactions with everyone we meet, etc. have a reason. Was it something we did in this life? Or our past lives, maybe? Who knows? These questions weren’t being pondered on for the first time. Philosophers have spent many an hour over this one word. Luck, fortune, chance, gamble, lottery; these words were like brothers in the uncertain and mysterious world of thinking!
Veiled was his face, but was he even real?
Vagueness at its zenith,
How will you strike a deal?
Different names for the shape shifter!
Another mirage, which decides your meal!
I sat there for who knows how long, toying with an idea for my new sculptor. It was Shivaay who came to call me down for dinner. “Hey, anything wrong?” I asked, looking at his weary face. He looked up at me, as if he was waking up from a trance. “What? No, I was just thinking about Sahil. He has his surgery coming up in a few days. I already arranged for everything, but I’m still worried”, he said with a sigh.
This was different! Shivaay always needed a lot of persuasion to have him share his thoughts. He must be really worried about the little boy. All of us had come to love Sahil as part of our family now. Even Mr. Oberoi had learnt to be human around him. He had started from a tiny smile, when Sahil first came to our house, and now he talked to the kid about his homework! It somehow made me sad about my own childhood, but I gradually grew out of it.
After knowing about their confession to each other, we had asked Anika and Shivaay to tell us all about it in detail. Well, Rudra was the one to ask. I was a little reluctant about it as I thought that they might not like us prying into their personal details. But it was Anika and Shivaay! Or, Shivika, as we like to call them. They bickered about each little thing, from the speed of the car to the taste of the cake, down to Shivaay’s cufflink that had irritated her, or so she said. Rudy tried shifting the conversation from the actual proposal to how they had finally realized their feelings. That resulted in so many revelations! For example, we finally came to know that Swetlana had been inside the Oberoi Mansion for weeks now. And so was the ACP who was trying to trouble us. Shivaay was worried about my reaction on knowing about Swetlana, but I decided to do the grown up thing by not thinking much of it.
Ever since then, I had been strict with Shivaay about hiding stuff from us. He had kept his end of the promise today. I was worried about Sahil too, mostly because they lived at their old house all by themselves. The security guys were there, but it was different from family. But Anika had been firm about living at her own place until the wedding, and both Shivaay and Sahil had been firm about the wedding happening after his surgery. Now that he was worried, I started worrying too much as well. I had a kind of stupid glitch in my head. If the Great Wall of Shivaay Singh Oberoi is worried, then we need to worry too! But this was just Shivaay, not SSO! I calmed myself and patting his back, I said, “It’ll be okay. I know you must have arranged for the best doctors for him, so trust them to do their work well. Okay?”
He simply nodded at that and we sat down to eat at the dining table almost overflowing with delicious food. As soon as I took the first bite, I was surprised at the taste. Shivaay had cooked all of this without us? Since when was he in the kitchen? I gave him a questioning look and he returned a self-conscious look. “I didn’t know what else to do”, he explained and I nodded an encouragement, admiring his skills again. Rudy came then and plopped down next to me, theatrically exhausted. We teased him for some time and then Shivaay told him, “You might feel better knowing that Ishu will be coming down tomorrow!” Rudy jumped at that and a smile formed on my face. Not that I wasn’t smiling before, but it was a different kind of happy smile. I looked forward to meeting her again and some of the moments from the last time we met started playing in my head. Shivaay noticed that and cleared his throat to claim my attention. I raised a questioning brow and he narrowed his eyes at me. Rudy looked at both us, not even aware of what was happening!
“What? Is there something on my face?” I asked, unsure of how to respond to the question I knew was coming. “What are you being so happy about?” he asked furtively.
“Happy? Yeah, she’s a nice girl. It’ll be good to see her again”, I replied evasively. “Sure it will be”, Shivaay affirmed. Rudra kept up his antics and excitement to meet her tomorrow and his assertion that she’ll bring good luck for both, Sahil and him; Sahil, for his surgery, and him for his assignments! I shook my head at both Shivaay and Rudra, silently stating them juvenile for thinking so much for something so small! I had no idea how wrong I was!

SNEAK PEEK: Ishu hurts Om’s hand!

Question by author: Would you like to see some angst and twists in Shivika’s marriage? Of course we can’t let that happen so easily, right? 😉 And do share any thoughts you may have with anything regarding the ff.
And of course, waiting for your ‘Precious’ comments! 😉


main thodi si moody hu, tu thodi si tedhi h, kya khoob ye jodi h... teri meri! love you zindagi! ?

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