Hello ev1.. here m with a tiny OS…it’s my 1st attempt to write an OS…
Hope u all like it….sorry for grammatical mistakes n spelling errors… so without wasting time let’s start d story..
“Shona where r u baccha!! Come here,, ur mumma is waiting for u” says a 28-30 years lady..
” Mamma today i don’t want to go school,,, tomorrow is my birthday na,, so i’ll enjoy with u n papa..plzzz” says a 8 years old girl with innocent pleading eyes…
“No bacchaa,, tomorrow ur birthday na,, so why to miss today,, u r good girl na .. come u r getting late..” says d lady trying to understand her doll…
“No no nooo mumma,,, today i won’t go,, i want my mumma papa,,i’ll spend my whole day with u both…” says d girl keeping a cutee pout..
“Who is trying to force my princess when she has no mood to go school,,” says a man about 33-35 coming out from bathroom..
“Papa,, see na mumma is not letting me to spend time with u ..i dun wanna go school today” she jumps in her Papa’s lap..
“Haa!! My doll,, today no school.. u, me n ur mumma will enjoy,, what’s say Swara?” Says d man to lady who is glaring both father-daughter ..
“Sanskar!! Tum bhi na,, u have made ur doll soo stubborn,,” says Swara coming towards them..
(****Yeah guyzz both r our heavenly n EPIC couple SWASAN,, n d little girl is their life,, their symbol of love,, their PRINCESS, their Doll Rabia,,
both did arrange marriage n with time they fell in love with each other,,, after one year Rabia come to their life as a blessing of God,, who completed SWASAN,, who completed a family,,making them proud****)
“Yeeeiii!! Papa u r soo good” saying this she kisses her Papa’s cheek…
“N ur mumma is not good,,” Says Swara with a fake angry pout..
“Aww!! Mumma,, dont be angry u know na u r d besttt mumma in d whole universe
,,,” saying this she kisses Swara also..
“Awwww !!! n u r my bestttt DOLL”…she also kisses her cheek…
“Then what about me” says Sanskar to Swara pointing his cheeks…
“Hawww!! Papa have some same,, m still here.. n u r trying to romance with mumma,, soo bad” saying this she chuckles…
Swara playfully beats him “Shameless,,”..
“So tohh mai huuu,,(that’s i m) but only for u…” kisses her cheeks…
Swara turns into strawberry red…
Rabia hides her eyes with hands..
“Papa mumma,, u both carry on i m going to play”she runs to her room…
Swara glares her handsome husband angrily when Sanskar is starting her lovingly…
In no time he pulls her to him holding her delicate waist n she crushes on his hard tone chest “Soo can i?” gazing her luscious lips…
“Shameless fellow,,, don’t u know what to say in front of ur daughter,, what might be she thinking” turns her face ..
“Ohhhooo!!! So my senior princess is angry with me,,, but not for much time &&&& starts to tickle her…
Meantime Junior Princess also comes ” Papa what r doing? Waaa!!! Tickling Tickling game,, i will also play” she too joins her papa to tickle her mumma…
“Hahahah!!! Hahahaha!!! Hahahaha !!! Sanskar !!! Hahaha!!! Doll hahaha!!! God!! I can’t handle anymore..hahah!! Plzz stop hahaha!!
Sanskar n Doll(Rabia) is laughing like anything watching his/her life n mumma acting like maniac..bcz they stopped their tickling a decades agoo..though Swara is laughing..hahaha
“Mummma we r done,,,”(giggling)
Swara stops her laugh n this time trio brust out into laughter…
Swara adoring her family with teary eyes ” M blessed to get u Sanskar n Doll… u both r my life,,,”
Sanskar peaks her forehead” n u both r my jaan”…
“N u mumma n Papa both r my Oggy n Olly…” says Rabia …
Sanskar-Waise Doll anything special for today?
(*Now i’ll address Doll in her real name Rabia.)
Rabia-yooo!! Papa!! I have lot’s of things to do…
Swara-jaise ki ¿¿¿
Rabia(trapping her finger at nose)- woohoo we will go to ice cream parlour,,then park,, then a tom n jerry movie,, then dinner at my fav Dhaba,, n at night in i’ll sleep in ur embrace… she peaks boths cheeks…
Sanskar-Soo we should get ready for ur plan? What’s say my doll?
Shona-Haa mumma papa chalooo,,, she drages them to car…
At ice cream parlour::
Trio is enjoying ice-cream..
Rabia-Papa i want 2 more…
Before Sanskar could answer Swara interrupts “Baas,, aur nehi milega,, u have already finished ur 3rd ice-cream…”
Rabia-Mumma plzz last one,, plzzz,,
(To Sanskar)- Papa bolo na,, mummy ko i just need one more pallezzz !!!(with puppy eyed)
Sanskar to Swara- Swara plzz na just one,, actually i also want that chocolate flavor wala..
Rabia-(clapping)- haaa!!! Me2 me2 want that chocolate flavor wala…
Swara-both father-daughter is same…smiles n nodes yes..
Rabia-yeeiii!! Mumma u r d best…(kiss her cheeks)
Swara notices Sanskar who is starting her with a naughty smile..
Meanwhile ice cream comes..
Waiter-here is ur order sir..
Rabia-Thnk u uncle..
Waiter-u r welcome beta..
Rabia is enjoying d ice cream forgoting about d surrounding..
Sanskar-Swara there is something in corner of ur lips…
Swara-(touching n checking her lips)- where??
But she didn’t take time to understand her Hubby’s intention n in no time Sanskar peaks her lips without anyone notice…
Swara widens her eyes,, covering her lips with palm n looks around whether someone saw them or not.. but phewww nothing happened like that…
Here Sanskar winks at her n gives a bright smile ….
Swara murmurs “Shameless”…n had a cute eyelock… ;P
Rabia- Mumma Papa m done now.. shall we go to park now?
SWASAN comes to sence – haa haa!! Chaloo..
After coming from park at home:::
“Doll we will watch Doraemon,, okk”
“Noo Papa Tom n jerry,,”
“Arrey doll it’s a new episode of Doraemon,,m sure u’ll love it”
“I want only Tom n Jerry movie,, i will watch that only”..
Both r fighting like kids..I know Rabia is a kid but this time Sanskar also becomes kid with her Dall..
Rabia-okk okkk!!! No arguments anymore we will watch both.. but 1st Tom n Jerry then Doraemon…is it okkk¿¿¿
Sanskar makes faces n nods her head…
“Yoo yoooo go Pikachuuu!! U can do it,, use thunder ball,,yeei yeei,,, now use electric Shock… yooohooooo !!! I told u u can do that… (jumps in happiness n as a result all d popcorns fell down on floor)
Here Sanskar n Rabia is watching her without blinking n playing with d eye balls bcz they poped out from sockets…
Sanskar to Rania- Doll see ur mumma,, we were arguing about our fav ones… n She is enjoying alone Pokemon that too with popcorn….haww!!
Rabia-(shooking her head) Haa papa,, mumma is a big kiddo then u n meeeee also…
Sanskar-Yeahh,, doll… but i love this kiddo…
Rabia-Me toooo… Kiddo mumma…saying this both laughs…
At night 11:55…
Rabia(excitement has no boundary)-Toh Mumma Papa ready with my gifts…
SWASAN-not now,, u will get ur at evening…in d party..okkk
Rabia thinks something n nods okk !!!
Swara- Doll it’s 11;59… &&&& 12:00
“Happy birthday to u,, happy birthday to u,, happy birthday my dear Doll happy birthday to u…. ”
Rabia cuts cake n feed both of them n they also feed her…
After sometime:::
Rabia is sleeping peacefully at Sanskar’s embrace with a brightest smile ever…
Swara-Sanskar it’s heaven….m sooo happy today,, i don’t want anything from life.. me u n Doll…that’s enough for me….
I just thank God ji for blessing me with u n Doll…says with teary eyed n a bright smile…
Sanskar-u know what Swara we r getting old but Doll is teaching us to live life again…we r again enjoying our life(kiss Rabia’s forhead) ….& i would love to live everyday like today, a holiday, being thankful n spending time with u n Doll n looking hopefully to our future…
I also don’t want anything… Thnk u Swara for coming to my life n making it a heaven…(kisses Swara’s forhead)
Both slept in each other embrace ,, in between Rabia… all three had a big smile on face…
Next morning:::::
“Maa!! We will be coming back by 11:30… we have lot’s of shopping….,,,(to Rabia) n Doll Daddi ko pareshan mat karna okkk!!! “Says Swara to AP who had come for her granddaughter’s b.day….
SWASAN is going for some shopping for evening party…
Sanskar-Doll,, take care of yourself okkk,,, n yeah take ur Lunch at time…don’t irritate Dadi ….
Rabia-Bye Mumma papa,, come fast,,,,i’ll be waiting for u…both kisse Doll’s cheeks…
After 3 hour:::
“Triing triiingggg!!! ” beeps d telephone…
“Yes,,Maheswawi residents,,,yes,, they r my son n dil” says AP picking up d call…
Other side- Hello,, i m talking from APZ police station…sorry to say but they have met with n accident n d car fell from d clif..it has blasted at d spot… we r trying our best to find their bodies… Please come to APZ road as soon as possible…
“Whatt?? This can’t happen? Nooooo !!! ” the phone falls from her hand n she sits with a thud…
Hearing d scream Rabia rushes to her ” Daddi maa what happen? Why r u crying?
N where is Mumma Papa? It’s already 1:00 pm… why r they soo late.¿ plzz call them na? M missing them!!! Plzzz Daddi,, i want to talk to Mumma..”says Rabia ina pleading manner…
AP doesn’t know what to say,, how to answer that her parents r no more,, they will never talk to her… she can never meet them…..
“Beta,, Mumma Papa will come soon,, (trying as much as she can hide her tears but as a failure she couldn’t do it)
Rabia- Dadii,, why r u crying? See na i have taken my lunch…plzz don’t cry… warna Mumma will scold me…
AP can’t take this anymore n brust out crying ” No beta,, they will never comee,, Swara will never scold u,, they have gone…she left u beta ,, Swara n Sanskar is no more”…
Rabia(pale face)- Dadi i know Mumma Papa planed a big surprise for me.. they promised me that they will come soon…we will celebrate my b’day together…
AP cries loudly n hugs her ” No beta they r now will never come”….
Rabia-i know u r joking… but i dun like this kind of jokes… i need my Papa Mumma…call them…(starts to cry)
AP has no words to pacify a 8 years kid that her parents r no more… though she tried a lot but nothing happened….
After 4 days::::
Rabia is sitting at Veranda eagerly waiting for her Parents with a hope that they will come to her,, ” Mumma Papa where r u? Coma fast na,, ur Doll is waiting for u… M STILL WAITING FOR U BOTH,,, u were not even present at my b’day also.. i know u both r playing with me … but at least come now,, it’s been 4 days i have seen u both… Plzzz Mumma Papa ur Doll needs u…
AP tries to understands her but Rabia always says” Mumma Papa will come,, n M STILL WAITING FOR THEM”..
8 years leap :::::
Rabia- Mumma how it will look on me,, this colour is nice naa!!!
Swara- My Doll is d most beautiful girl in d world n everything suits on her…She is made for all d colours….
Sanskar-Yes,, My Doll u look pretty in every dress like ur mother…
Rabia-Have some Shame Papa,, now m a big girl,, don’t start ur romance session here….(giggles)
Swara-U father daughter again started…
Rabia-Okk okkk give me a kiss… SWASAN kiss her cheeks…
Now i want yr blessing… today m gonna start a new life,, my college life… n i want u both at my side like always.. u both will be with me na??
SWASAN- we r always with u Doll… whenever u need us just close ur eyes n we will be in front of ur..
“Rabia beta r u ready,,, u r getting late,, come fast have ur breakfast” says a old lady…
“Haa Daadi maa coming!!!”
Again turns around ” Haaa toh Mumma Papa i’ll meet u later,,,” but they r not there,, just 2 big phots with garland n they r of SWASAN….who died 8 years ago in dat horrible accident…
Rabia’s eyes r filled with tear… but weeps it n says thnk u tooo them…
Rabia’s POV:::
Now it’s been 8 years Mumma Papa left me,, people says they no more,, will never come to me… but i knew they will come
N i was being proved rit…
they always come to meet me… at my Dream at my room… they r always with me… may b not physically but i can feel their presence around me… they r with me at every step,, at every second….
Mumma Papa is in my heart n will always leave in my heart.. i still miss them… Noo nooo nooooo I don’t miss them coz they r with me naaa… !!!!
POV ends…………
She smiles brightly n takes a step towards a new life with blessing of her parents… who is watching her from sky with a proud smile…
SWASAN together- She is our brave Doll RABIA…
It’s a small Farwell n welcome back gift from me…. as i m with u in ur farewell but i don’t know na if i’ll be there to welcome u or not… sooo it’s a advance welcome gift…
I’ll miss u…. plz go slowly n come fast…
We all r badly gonna miss u…m crying like anything writing this…but what to do can’t stop my tears…huhuhuhu!!!!
Waaa !! Okk okkk no more senty talks…. i just pray to God u achieve everything for what u r going … God bless u… i can’t write anymore……sorry
Thnk u so much for reading…
Love u all <3 <3…
awesome.. loved it.. really heart touching it.. no words
Thnk u sooo much Anu… m glad u loved it… ;-*
Nice kakali di..I read all ur stories di really you write very nice di and your comments I jst can’t describe them.the way you comment really makes me mad and I became fan of ur comments di even I can’t miss reading them di…This os is really mindblowing di
And Rabia di I am gonna miss u a lot di…come back soon di
I will alsoo miss u all and now i will show u my face to u all after winning the battle ?
That’s better Diiii… *be ready with TOUP(weapon)…Akkramannnn….!!!!
All the best rabia di for winning it battle
Awwwwww !!! Manasa thnk u soooo much dear… u have no idea how happy i m seeing ur comment… ur words mean a lot to me…huhuhuuu !!! u r sooo cute my Sis…*pinch ur nose…
yoo i’ll also miss Diii..;-*
Wonderful dear..Heart melting story…
Awww !!! Thnk u soooo much Dharshini… :-*
Aww kaku so emotional……love u sweety….don’t be so emotional……even we will miss rabia a lot….after all she was the one to whom I talked about u????…..
.hahhahaha??just kidding……
N what do u mean by I am with u in ur farewell and don’t know whether u will be there to welcome her back or not ??????
Hemanshii u know whatt the way u all r saying that u all will miss mee even my family didnt missed me this much when i was gone for a colligiate competition for 1 week andd noww this kakali will surely goneee shee wasted my water due to crying iff i suffered with dehydration thn what?? ???????????
Hahhahaha yarr but what to do……we became so good frnds that can’t live without joking and talking about khabri lal….hAhahah…….??
and where is now this khabri?? i think she is gone to collect news from around the world
hehehehe and we will always be gud frnds 
Haww, Sach mein kya???. But I have a solution..Glucose kau, shakti barau..Aur complan yah horlicks bhi ka sakte ho
Awwww !!! Mu Ummmmaa !!! Thnk u soooo much dear… ;-*
Thnk u soooo much Diiiii… Sorry to make u emotional…huhuhuhuhu!!! love u tooooo…
it means i’ll not be here when Dii will come sooo…;0..
Rabia Diii that was one week n this is 4 months… huhhhh!!! ginti ko kya biryani ke sath kha gaye…
hmmm Dehydration !!! glucose khawo immunity badhaw… ;*..
u both r killing me with new names… Goshhhhh!!!! Khabri Lal… huhuahh haaa haaaa!!!
Why won’t u be there to welcome her??
Kaku where r u going now????
Trisha i’ll be leaving this Site in a few days dear.. soooo,,,
Yooo Hemanshi Diii i’ll be not here for 5 months…or soooo… ;-*
Nooo u too……nhi kakuuu
U are also going????
And that too 5 months……….nhiiiiiiiiiiii
It wz osm kakali……too emotinal.vn swasan vr goin i knew it dat dey r gonna die….feeling bad fo doz kids who loe der parents at such a tender age…..
Awwwww!!! Thnk u soooo much Xavia…
yes dear Destiny plays with those little ones…n they have to bear a lot… ;*
superb…!!loved it…!! But I am sad because they died…!!
Thnk u sooooo much Chanduuu!!! Waaaaa sorry to make u sad dear…;(
Awesome but very sad ?
Thnk u sooooo much STG… ;-* … awww sorry to make u sad dear… :*
So emotional and heart touching dear….you have an awesome writing skill dear…I really like it….so sweet….
Awwww !!! Thnk u soooo much Tharu…:D…. so sweet of u dear… ur encouraging words mean a lot to me… ;-*
Thnk u sooo much Mou.. ;-*
what is this di u were thretening me for killing swara in my ff and here u yourseilf killed her this is not fare di
Ohhhh Haaa Mariya how can i forgot about u… huhuhu !!!! m still saying d same okkk… mark my words… hehehehe….
Thnk u sooo much dear.. :-*
Yeh kya hai yarr…hum sab ko bohot rula rahi ho aaj kal….next time plz inform at the ep starting, i ll be ready with tissues.
In the beginning of the OS, i was like…haww, Rabia got to eat 4 ice-creams….so happy they were….but how sad they died. See…my tears r not stopping even now
vyshuuu dont be jealous with my ice creams
im not going to give u even one spoon
Haaaa Vyshuuuu !!! don’t be jealous of Diii,,, she ate 4 ice creams naaa…
i’ll give 16.. dun worry..
m d owner of a ice cream parlour..*dreaming…
See Rabi….kakali is giving me 16 icecreams??? Kaku and I will share….if u want we ll give u….may be one ??
Hahahahaha huhhhh stamping foot ???? i will snatch it from u vyshuu ???
try try…all the best
Awwww !!! my Vyshuuu cried… so chory dear…
yoo yooo from next time i’ll definitely inform u … hihihihi!!!
Thnk u sooooo much dear…
16 ?????? yayyyy!
It was really heart touching dii..
You made me cry dii…
Thnk u sooooo much Manasvi…
awwww chory to make u cry my dear Sis.. ;-*
I hate you di!!!this is the very first time I cried after reading a story….you broke my record…it is damn emotional…..but still loved it…..and where is Rabia do going to go???
SRSL when these ppl leave tbhi tou i will go naaa… all are making me emotional pheewwwww
im going for 4 months on a break from TU thats why they are giving me sweetness and if i will back without fulfilling the challenge then they will give me bitter gourd woh bhi raw 
Ohh!!!nobody informed me….how sad???…anyways di comeback soon…
hehehehe i will dear
Awwww SRSL dear really sorry to make u cry…haaa !!! i broke a record yeeppiie !!! m sooo happy…
Thnk u soooo much dear.. ;-*
Stunned really sizzling hot romantic and dreadful os
Thnk u sooooo much Janviii ,,,m really amazed to see ur comment… ;-*
Kakali have you not slept at night ?????????
Why Janviii !!! i slept at night 1:00 n wake up at 3:45 may b…
today i slept much….
huhuhuhuhu !!!!! but why?
Awesome os di their fun and trip loved the fun they do……….. The icecream vala scene and the cartoon scene must say u r a big vala cartoon fan that’s why ff os also with cartoon ………………. And swasan death is a bit shocking but when u say they r back i was very happy but than again the thought that they r in her thoughts their doll thoughts……………. The pain of a 8 year girl and she not accepting her parents death the part is amazing many things are there to know from these just loved the os …….. But a bit sad ending but why to judge on ending the whole os is just fab ………………. And the way u portray the family relations is amazing…….. Loved it. Love u di????
Awwwww Awwww !!! My Radhika thnk u soooo very much dear…
yeahhh m big fan of cartoon.. specially pokemon n doraemon..huhuhu…
u know Radhika u r small but can understand everything… u r mature dear… a bright future waiting for u dear… N it was a real story.. but it was not accident,, it was bomb blast…that day was her b’day…but her parents didn’t come…
once Again thnk u soo much dear… love u toooooo.. ;-*
Ur welcome di……………. Hmmmm that’s confirm from ur love toward them………
Really di …….. May be u r right may be not that god ji only knows ………
Its real story ……. ……….. Its really very painful how can this world be so cruel?? God never want us to be so cruel but the people they are just here to show curelity… The love which god want us to share among each other is no more………… What is need of this much development and this much facilities when there is no love between us………………. That time was good when people don’t have anything adhimanvaadhimanva time ………. Us samay logo me pas pehnene ko kapde nahi vote the , khane ko khana nahi hota that but humanity ki ek feeling hoti this air vo ek emotion in sabhi thingsthings ki kamibpuri kar deta that par an itna San hokar bhi logo main humanity nahi hai air itni chize sath Millar bhi humanity ki kami puri nahi kar sakte. Now a days humanity is shown in 8-10 persons outout of 100 may be less than these also people ththinknabout themselves not of others people are selfish now a days selfless persons are like very few………. may this cruelness end up soon .
Aww meri jaan its sooo emotional
Rabia di will be very happy
yaaaaa siminnnn im very happyy that she made me eat 4 ice cream
thank God she didnt make me his siter daughter phr bhi chalta hay
Diiii infect i had a story to make u his sister… but m sure after reading that TU people would have kick me for sure.. haahaha…
kakalii i will make u their mother or mother in laww
Diiiii,,, what u said u’ll make me their mother or MiL rit??
THeir mother n Mil. goshhhhh !!! u know d meaning of it…
arrre meri phuska philjadhiii it means they r brother sister.. ommmggg !!!!
*bang my head in drum seat.
subh subhhhh !!!
*bathing with Ganga jal…
Awwwww meri Simmmu !!! Thnk u soooo much dear… ;-*
Amzing…loved it
Thnk u sooooo much Aliaaa… m glad that u love it.. ;-*
Wohooooo my fabulous writer !!!! Frst tym i read ny swasan os n dats jst bcoz of u….n wt to say!!!!u litterelyyy made me cryyy…oh god!!i felt soo much of pain for doll…bt as u said shez brave, she faced dt situation bravely!!!!! n i loved d scene where sanky kissed swara..aww!!! Its so sweet…dey r reallly cutest couple!!!Kakali its one of d most emotional n awesomest os i hve ever read!!!! Keeep rockng n stay blessed sweety???
N where rabia dear is going???? Sry bt i dnt hve ny idea about it!!!still i wish her a gr8 n lovely lyf ahead ???always keeep smilingsmiling n god bless u rabia dear????
N i totally agree wid nagamanasa!!!!reallly dear evn m also a gr8 fan of ur comments n dialouges..(.especially dat patar patar vala
, u know na) hehehhe??? love u sweety!!!
fairy im going till feb thats why all are becoming emotional and making me emotional huhh… u known my money got finished due to buying tissues
Awww!!!!bt dear where r u going????? Everyone loves u a lottt dear?? i dnt know much about u,bt seeing dese much love for u reallly made me love u!!!u r reallly a sweeet person dear…Allah bless u? heehehe dnt wry kakali wl gve u tissue paper as farewell gft?????
heheheh fairy just going to achive some goals and thn will be back in feb… and kakaliii is my sweet heart but at a same timee is a coma queen
and luv u too dear… i also didnt knew that all loves me this much 
Rabiaaaa Diiiii ,,, sabko hanky dete dete,,, mera pura desh kangal ho gaya… aur apko ab bhi apne paiso ki pari hai… haaaaah!!!
Fairy i love to do patar patar.. haaa !!! specially with u all…n now i don’t have tissue more… *pleading to God for money..
Rabia dear?alll d very bst to u…!!!n for sure u”ll achieve all ur goalss????
Hehhehe kakali n v luv ur patar patar????
Ohhh haaaaaa !!! Diiiii ,,,, i have crossed 100 ,.. yeeeiiiiii !!!! Chakka lagaa,,, laggga laaaga ,, balla ghumaa hhumma ghumma…
n all thanks to my Fainting queen,,,
Dii tomorrow u’ll be online na?
Waaaa My sweetoo Fairyyy thnk u sooooo much for ur cute cute comment…
u cried¿¿ *hugging u…
don’t cry dear..m giving u my fav hanky looo take it…*kangal sabko hanky dete dete..
Fairy u have no idea how ur words effected me… feeling like going to mars… waahhaha…
love u dear….u2 stay blessed… ;-*
kaks how many u fav hanky u r having?? OOO god u stole my hankyy thats why i didn’t find it any where
hehehehee and look i make u famous
tooo many commenttt yupppiiiiii 
and fairiy thankuu sooo much dear
Yess dear i will be online tomorrow ??
kakallliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ki bachiiiiii u just wait there where aver u r i will surelyy kill u… huhhhhh…… thank Godddddd im not reading this infront of my mom warna she will think that im crying on some bfs case… OOHHHH GODDD……
huhh u spoiled my bdayy i hate uu :'( (pouts)
mairay keeemti aansu beh gayeee hayeeeeee mummmyyyyy plz this coma queen with brooom stick
hehehehehehehehe awesome OS januu luv u itnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sara 

enddddddd chun chun kr badlay liye hain u nay mairi emotional lectures k OMG…. i will not leave u for sureee…. and dont worry i will welcome me by myself and welcome uu with special treatment u just wait and watch…..
and noww the time for about this OS…. wahhh behn say bach rahe thii beti he bana dala oooppsss….
okayy fineeee but i love my this parentsss… and luv thiss OS… and u….. i dont like u
phewwwww im having your soul thats why wrote such a big comment
doo tell me before going i will snd a bigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg msg for u
tell means on your updates soo that i will be able to know
kakali u know what?? u r very much badmashh and naughtyy due to uu i have to come to my room for laughing… when u start commenting i never thought u will be this much patakhaaa
butt i love this atom bomb :*
Same pinch Diiii,,, i also didn’t know that we will come sooo close to each other… u know heart connection…..
i never thought when i comment on ur SS,,, i still remember “I LOVE U AS AFAT BOY LOVE CAKES”,,,”FORGOT ABOUT D BUTTERFLIES I FEEL D WHOLE ZOO WHEN I M WITH U”,,, these two jokes killed me… even today i can’t stop my laugh thinking about that…hahaha !!! *will miss u…:)
Finally m giving u reply.huahh haaa haaa !!*late latif me…
u’ll kill me.. huuah noo nooo waise bhi m gonna die in some days.. soo let me live peacefully…*Exams…
BF’S case… have some shame diii,,, m still a kid..*blush…
haa haa isiko kehte hai jaise ko taisa…
U love it na.. that’s enough for me…Thnk u soooo very much..love u toooooooooo…;-*
Kakaliii dont u dareee to think that i didnt liked your os i was just pulling your leg because always u jump evrywherw for pulling legs soo now its myy turn naaaa ???? i loved the storyyyy very muchhhh ????
What a innovative DISCOVERY Rabia Diii… !!! *lying on operation theater…
God !!! i jump every where to pull legs…
now seee *jump from d bed…
Thnk u sooooo much Janaatul.. ;-*
Wen i saw d heading i thought it will b emotional so shall i read it or not…
Dan i thought its kakali z os she will not write so tragic n senti os dere will b something else… i was so njyng it reading den again thought something bad is going to happen coz of d title… n u did it u killed dem.. ???u made me cry ?? ??
It was so emotional yet beautiful… loved it ?
Arshaaaaaa !!!! i have no words to reply u… haaaa !!! u had faith on me n i broke that…*sobbing…
waaaa sorry to made u cry dear….*take my fav hanky…
Thnk u soooo much dear,, feeling happy after reading ur last 2 lines.. ;-*
Dear… I just loved it….!!!!!! Don’t know how many tissue boxes I have wasted….!!!!!
Thnk u soooo much Deekshuuuuu !!! m glad u loved it… thnk God u didn’t ask me for hankies…u r sooo good..;-*
Awesome dr….. Loved it…. Ya me too will miss Rabia….. She will come back soon….. Otherwise we wont leave her….. ?Its very emotional….
shan uu tooo OOO GOd (saying by posing)
Waaaa!!!Thnk u sooo much Diiii…
yooo she has to come back… otherwise i really won’t mind dragging her holding her one leg… huhuhuhu!!!:-*
Oh my God kaku Di … U just nailed it… I literally don’t have words to express my sentiments…. Rabia Di will miss u a lot …. Seriously from few days m not able to read ur ff’s but whatever I read or shud I say whatever u wrote was incredibly good … So forgive me for this ….
And coming to u kaku Di … Aapko kya boloon as I already said it was beyond gud … But tell me one thing that what do u mean by this
‘as i m with u in ur farewell but i don’t know na if i’ll be there to welcome u or not… sooo it’s a advance welcome gift’
Even I want to know the meaning of the last line??
becauseeeee kaks is going to be free in april thats why she is saying because i will be back in feb
Oye maine aapko bhi kuch likha rha …. U didn’t c that ?
ooopss sorry dearr i will alsoo miss u alll
Thnk u sooooo much my cutieeeee !!!!ur comment means a lot to me…
waaaa it means i will not be here to welcome Dii,, i’ll come back in March or April.. soooo…
Hemanshi dii thus is d reason i said like that..
Its really heart touching
Thank u sooooo much Ashia !!! ;-*
Nice but emotional…?
Thnk u soooo much Soujanya… ;-*
My God…My cute Murderer…became so big…wow that that was Marvellous…I didn’t know that you have such a Mature thinking dear….I love you…You are the Best dear…N come up with new ones…in a hurry Gotta go…
Waaa!!! Thnk u soooo much My Laddy Gabbar… huhuhuuu !!! m mature u know… i can jump from flyover …
Hmmm !!! me2 in hurry dear…
tests r starting from 12 November…haaa !!! Love u Maryam..
once again thnk u..;-*
Due to rabi im getting many os…
then comin to OS – it was fabulous.. wahh loved sanskar and his cute romance with swara. Really shameless and rabi is so clever she understands thm.. hahehe.. lovely os kakali… bt y ru alwayg giving pathetic ending… i hate dat thing frm u… im warning u next ttm come with happy wala bubbly ending, if u fail dhn ur dead in my hands.. today im leaving u with bites…. bite on ur both shoulders… see my teeth patterns wil b on ur skin.. huuuhhhh….
lovely treat icecream, park lovely…
all d bst for ur examz too… tc
navii she killed my parentssss (aaaannnnnnnn) i will surely take revenge from kaks after coming u all just wait and watch i will make her serial killer
huhh my all tissue finished now im im using my dupatta oooo God 
Sorry for that diii,, hope u don’t mind…
take my hanky* giving u my fav one…
kakali now im finee and im doing very much imp work

Haan rabi hw dare she kill ur parents. . No worries we wil take revenge… i will give ideas and yup do mske hr serial killer in forth coming stories.. kakali ur dead….
Hahaha tc rabi….
u r righttt navii i will surelyy doo this to her
Naviiii !!!! u team up with Diiiii ,,, hawwwww !!!!i didn’t expect this from u… *breakdown with a thud.. ;(;*;( ;0;D
Ooo mairi cutie drama queen it will works for u tomorrow and later u will get to know tomorrow ????
Rabiaaaaa Diiiiii !!! Don’t tell me u r planing something… God…. why m feeling some weird vibes from ur words… m sure u r ready with weapons.. haaaaa !!!! huhhh *hiding behind u… ;P
Ouuuchhh Naviiii !!! u illegal bitter… *beat u with pimpom ball..
Yooo my Rabia di is sooo cleaver u know..
waaa dear it is a true story which i have witnessed by my own.. but it was not accident,, actually it was d bomb blast… haaaa !!! in that horrible day She really lost her parents….n that was her b’day….
Sorry for making u sad dear… but from next time it won’t happen for sure…promise…
Once again thnk u soooo much for ur good wishes Navi… ;-*
What its true story ah!!!!!! Im crying now…
And dont be sorry kakali..
I hv rights bcz ur my friend.. hw is it???
Huhhh !!! after buting,, beating ,,, yaha tak ki bomb ke sath udane ke bad bhi u r asking me m ur frnd or not… waaaaa my Pagal Navi…
obviously u have rights… *hug…love u… ;-*
Thnk u soooo much Ashnoor… ;-*
Thnk u soooo much Kummu… ;-*