Fan Fiction

The mad girl who made me crazy….Episode 9…Sangini..Swaragini

Hello chunks..
Its Abhi …
Sorry for being late..
iam so happy guys..I got second prize in champion os writing competition.Thanks for supporting me guys.This ff is gonna end within next two or three episodes After that i will start my new ff “mated to alpha king” and handle it along with the ff “The antagonist”.
Enough of wasting time .

Episode 9.
At hospital.
Sanskar is standing restless outside ICU.
Doctor comes out.
Doctor:Is she suffering from a disorder.
Sanskar:Yes doctor.what happened..she is alright na.Doctor please say something.
Doctor:She is unconcious.And i think there is a chance for her to become normal.
Sanskar, it true .But how is that possible.
Doctor:Her head hit on the and that particular memory portion got affected.That hit created a shock inside her and maybe she can be normal again.

Sanskar:Thankyou so much doctor.I dont know how to thank you.But..she will be alright na?
Doctor:Yes,thats sure.Just wait for one hour,s he will get concious within that time.Also,she will get her memory back.
Sanskar:Thankyiu so much doctor.(he wipes his tears).
Sanskar:Whether i can see her.
Doctor:Yes can go and meet her.
Sanskar enters ICU.
Doctor:Poor will i say him that all her current memory will go along with her disorder.

Inside ICU.
Tears falls from sanskar’s eyes seeing his love in this condition but he is happy too as she is getting back her memory.
He sits beside her and holds her hand.I was waiting for this day sweety.Now you are gonna get your memory back.You will be normal.He caresses her hair,i love you sweety.I love you more than anything.I dont know when did this happen.your innocence striked my heart and now its beatng only for you.I wish you could hear it right now.Your each childish acts made me to fall for you more and more.
After sometime.
Doctor comes there.

Doctor:Its tike for her to become concious.
Sanskar gets happy.
Ragini slowly opens her eyes holding her forehead.
Sanskar smiles.
She looks confused.
Sanskar: how are you now,sweety?
Doctor feels bad for sanskar as he can expect what’s gonna happen now.
Laksh and swra comes there in between.
Ragini:Iam fine……..but…….who…
Sanskar:Sweety…dont play yaar..
Ragini:What are you saying…who is this Sweety.

Laksh:Whats happening here bhai.
Sanskar:I …dont…know.
Sanskar stood there teary eyed.
Doctor:You both please come with.
Sanskar:What happened to her doctor.

Laksh:why she is not identifying bhai.
Doctor:Woh actually…she lost all the memories whichshe had during her disorder.and she will never get it again.
laksh: What the hell are you saying doctor.
Sanskar :Lucky no…
His eyes gets teary .

@ Ragini’s hospital room.
Ragini:Can you give your phone.
Swara:Yeah okay.
Ragini calls someone.
Ragini:Hellooo.its me Ragini.Iam here in little flower hospital……..All those things i will say later….now please come…okay.
Sanlak comes there.
Ragini:who are you!?

Doctor:You had mental disorder and they were the ones who treated you.
Ragini:Mental disorder…what…really..i dont remember anything.Thankyou so much doctors.
whom do you have as relative.
Ragini:I have my fiance.I called him n he will come soon.
All gets shocked hearing it.

Episode ends.

Precap:Ranshir’s entry..

Tomoro i will post the last episode u guys alot.


You are my strength..And that is the reason why you are my weakness...

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