Fan Fiction

Has she made for me?Teaser swasan os

Has She Made For me?


Scene-1 :-

A room is showing where a girl has stood in front of a window where one hand she has held a photo and her eyes are showing her pain from where tears are flowing continuously .

Girl: I hate you Sanskar. I am right everymen are same. you are also same like other men. You never ever love me. You just want my body when you got it . You want throw me like a tissue paper. But I am not a tissue paper you listen mr Maheswari I am not a tissue paper. I won’t allow you to play with me ,my emotions and my baby. I will never ever allow your shadow on my baby ( when touching her womb on her another hand) . He is only my child.

(When she was talking with Sanskar’s photo then a man has kept his hand on
her shoulder.)

Man: don’t worry Swara ( yes the girl is Swara) tomorrow everything will be fine. From tomorrow you are free from that man who has ditched you . You know tomorrow is the last hearing.

Swara:( wiped her tears) ya and I want this only. I want free from him for always.

Scene 2:-
Another house
Where a man has sitted on his bed in a dark room when a lady came and sat beside him.

Lady: what is this beta? She is your life. You love her beta. You can’t stay without her for a second. Why don’t you try to clear the misunderstanding between both of your’s. I cannot see my son like this who has forgot to live . Go beta once try then all things will be perfect like before.

Man: no mom this time I won’t do anything. She has leaved me without any reason . So this is her choice maa, she wants it only . SoI never force her .

Lady: Sanskar!( Yes the man is Sanskar) why don’t you understand? Before one week everything was perfect. But that night had changed everything. I am sure something has happened that night. That night you also didn’t come to home.

Sanskar: so what mom? Ya I didn’t come that night because I was sleeping in my office . And I don’t feel this is a big issue which i have done. If she was feeling anything about it then she would talk with me na mom. But she leaves me and after next two days she had sent divorce papers. So tomorrow everything is finished mom everything and crying whole heartedly in his mom’s embrace where he was feeling relax why not after all she is his mom and every moms are having that power which lessen her children’s pain.

So now the question is what has happened between our swasan? Why Swara has leaved to Sanskar and why she has filed divorce case against Sanskar?Why Swara is thinking sanskar never ever loves her but he was just only wanting her body? A.P and Sanskar were talking about which night? What had happened on that night? Who is the man talking with Swara? He will create misunderstanding between our swasan or he will play a role of matchmaker between them? Sanskar can know about Swara’s pregnancy . If he will know about it then also he can stop Swara from her decision or they will come away from each other for life long . “Have they really made for each other or this is a merely attraction”. If you want all answers then wait for me.

Thanks all of you to giving me this much love on this OS. Sorry on last part I couldn’t comment all of you because I was out of my town. But I have read all your comments and everyone has demanded for an epilogue like swasan ‘s marriage , honeymoon and swara ‘s pregnancy. I will be fulfilled your demands but in my style means full of twists ,dramas , emotions and suspense with your demands .So I am thinking to give you a sequel of this story rather an epilogue. If you are interested then tell me through your comments and I have eagerly waited for it. If this time I won’t get 25 coments till tomorrow evening then I won’t give it. I am serious this time. After got 25 comments I will start the parts. And yes if here anyone are interested in writing of any romantic scenes then I am inviting them. Because I am very bad in romance. So Please contact with me in my tu a/ c or u can comment here I will contact with you on your tu a/c.


I am a fun loving girl and love kids very much. For me they are the pure soul and trustworthy

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