Hellllllllllllllllllo everyone……….a very very happy & prosperous new year to all of u…..may this 2017 b d best yr of ur life till now……guyz thanks a million tons for ur love & support for me in 2016…..for every single writer out there in manmarziyaan tu page……thank u……if not for u guyz there wouldn’t b this page….this amazing inspiring stories…..& most imp of all I wouldn’t Hv found such amazing frnds out here…. Love u guyz…..& a biggg sorry for replying & commenting late……..Myra,gauri,Jess,sathya,jnana,brin,Astha,Anna, farjana, sulbi,neetz,ritu,jewel,sv,rossy,shoryu,arti,sarayu,shree,Roma….& every single writer & reader on manmarziyaan page this update is for u all…….coming to d update…..this story is a past story……I.e 5 yrs back…..& I’m giving u a slight glimpse of present……I know u all Hv a lot of questions….. But upcoming episodes will answer thm all….& yes Sam is there in this story….that too as one of d main lead………I wrote a long one for u all as a new yr present…..let me know hw it was…….lastly kindly ignore my typos & grammatical errors…….
Njoy d ride guyz……..
I felt dizzy……like something heavy is drumming inside my head…..as if I would fall down if I took another step……but I couldn’t dare to tell him….or even utter a single word……since we left d cottage he didn’t said a word….he just ignored me….as if I didn’t exist…..as if I wasn’t there walking right behind him…..he didn’t bother to turn around once & check if I was still there or not…..as if he didn’t care & for all i knew bttr that he didnt & he wouldnt…….we just walked in silence…. For mins….for hours…..there were trees & trees everywhere around….I don’t know where we were ….what this place was….but it looked like a jungle……at d moment my mind was filled with so many things….things abt which I wanted to know……what happened back at d cottage was something I couldn’t take my mind off…….who he really was???…..what did my father do to him???….why does he hate him so much?…& above all…who was uncle-aunty to Arjun???….were they his parents???…. But then why did uncle pointed d gun at him??…& moreover why would Arjun do d same with aunty???….& why did aunty asked if he was his Arjun….as if she didn’t recognized him……d pain I saw in there eyes told me one thing for sure…..that they loved him……urrrgh…..this all…..this is too much for me….& my condition right now wasn’t helping much…….there he was walking ahead as a furious devil….one look at his face was enough to warn anyone to not to cross his way…..to stay away as far as possible…….gathering every bit of my courage. I muttered… “Arjun”…d words escaped my mouth in d form of low whisper….as low that no one else could hear it. ………now I walked a little faster with my tired legs…& said a little louder…” ARJUN…”….but again their wasn’t any response except twitching of his back muscles……neither did he stopped nor did he turned around……what d hell is his problem….urrrgh….. Even I don’t want to talk to him…or even see his face….with that I closed my mouth shut…& started taking slow & short steps…..slowly sun was setting down…..i was tired…..my whole body was aching… .moreover this dizzy feeling……it felt like I’ll faint any moment…..I needed water….desperately…… I Hv been walking for hours like this in this chilly cold weather ….that too wearing this light saree….my whole body was trembling a little with burning fever… my lips quivered…..my nose was freezing cold……& for all I know it would Hv been turned red by now……….thts when a chilly gust of wind hit me causing a gasp to escape my lips….I covered my upper body with my hands & started rubbing my arms….with that I took steps ….slow & small……. .I wanted to stop…..I needed to….but there was no point in telling him all this…..coz in d first place he won’t listen….& if he did he wouldn’t care…..so d only thing I could do was walk & only walk….until he stops or I faint…..& I did d same thing……..after walking for another half an hour my muscles were sore & my head felt heavy…..what should I do???….should I stop him???….no….no….I won’t…if he doesn’t want to talk to me…hell he doesn’t even want to look at me ….thn why should I ….no …but….it’s too cold….& I’m already burning with high fever…..with this headache & this dizzy feeling…I won’t make far…..I Hv to tell him….but….urrrrrgh…. Hell with him…..”ARJUN “.I yelled on d top of my voice with every single ounce of energy left in me…..he suddenly stopped in his track….but didn’t turn around….he stood there for a second..facing his back to me….but thn again started walking….as if he didn’t hear anything….. Urrrrrgh…..
Stupid….idiot….devil…monster…..what does he think of himself…I will kill him………..control….control radhika….u r definitely not in a condition to argue with him…….groaning internally ….I walked close to him…& said…” Arjun…”….no response…urrrrrgh…..is he deaf???…..aaah this man!!!!…now I stopped an inch away from his back & said….”I.. ..”….before I could continue… He turned around with a jerk…& moved towards me like a mad lion….his eyes were black….dark blackkkkk…..as if he was possessed…..seeing him this furious….I gulped & my legs started moving back of their own….with every passing second….something spinned in my head….causing it difficult to focus on him….when suddenly he pushed me back with a force….a loud gasp escaped my lips when something cold…& hard touched my back…..within a second he caged me with his hand on my either side resting on d tree behind me…..my heart started drumming…… My breath hitched…. My mind yelled to run….run….& run….but before I could do anything he yelled….”shut up……….shut d hell up”…I flinched at his disgusted tone & clutched my saree tightly…….I moved in to tree as much as possible….. Feeling his glaze over me ……I looked up at him…..his face didn’t hold any expression….but there was something about him or in him which I could feel…..slowly my eyes found his….& I felt sudden pain deep inside me…..all his words….his hatred….came back to me in a flash…..hot tears rolled down cheeks…..his eyes slowly followed my rolling tears…..thn again they were back on mine…his face moved an inch closer …..but his eyes didn’t moved an inch from mine…..as if he could see through my soul….my hold tighten on my saree……unable to take any longer I turned my face away….thts when I heard him in a firm demanding tone….”look….at…me…”…no…I won’t….this time I won’t …bcoz I know u would make me cry…..again…. …..& I didn’t….thts when he groaned & punched d tree just an inch away from my face . tears rolled down my eyes…..I felt my head spinning….my eyelids felt heavy…….suddenly he turned around & warned in a dangerous tone.” U bttr Keep ur mouth shut…”…my eyelids were dropping slowly….everything around felt spinning….my eyes glistened…& his name slipped my lips..”Arjun”…he groaned…& yelled…”what did…” That’s when my eyes closed shut & my body fell on his back….he stood still for a sec….& thn his hand held me firmly by my waist…. As soon as his hands touched my waist….he gritted his teeth & said “f**k…”….i felt him turning around….. with that everything blacked out…..
It felt all dark & cold….as if my inner self is looking for something…. Someone…..there wasnt any warmth….any dream….my heart was anxious for something….. when suddenly I felt something wet on my forehead…..I sighed internally feeling a bit relaxed…..but thn reality dawned upon me……& I quickly opened my eyes…..as soon as I did they grew wider looking at d person sitting right in front of me holding a wet cloth on my head…neil…without thinking for a sec I hugged him tightly…. & cried my heart out…..I don’t know why but I felt good ….I missed him so much…..thts when he hugged me back tightly & rubbed his palm on my back gently soothing my nerves…..d moment he did that….my cries increased…..I remembered each & every single word spoken by Arjun….his hatred filled eyes…. His loathing filled words….his promise…..everything….. I cried……thts when he broke d hug…& said holding my face in his palms….” Shhh…don’t….don’t cry….shh….” With that he wiped my tears & placed a gentle kiss on my forehead….unable to hold any longer I said in between my sobs….” I…I saw h…hatred in his e…eyes…..his words…….h..he p..promised me….he would de…stroy me….h…” I stopped for a sec & looked strt in Neil’s eyes & said…” H…he would kill me….” That’s when Neil stiffened & his hold tightened on me….something known but dark flashed in his eyes….& without saying anything he pulled me to himself in tight yet gentle hug…..I cried in his arms…& asked him…” Why is he doing t…this….what Hv dad done to him?….w…what Hv I done to him…?…” He didn’t said a single word but I can feel his muscles tensed….we Sat there like that for secs….when he pulled back & said gently caressing my cheeks with d back of his hands.. ” time will tell u everything….. But when d time comes….just trust ur heart & go with it…..hmmm????” ….I don’t know what his words meant but I nodded with a weak smile….thts when he let out a tired sigh continued… ” radhika…..close ur eyes….” I looked at him confused but he said placing his hand on d top of mine reassuring me..”do it…” I let out a sigh & closed my eyes….thts when he moved away a little & said…..”make a wish…”… A wish???….but why….I let out a breath & complied…..I slowly kept my fingers on my heart…& my heart as if yelled something…. A wish…..a name…..Arjun……I opened my eyes instantly in shock….why would I wish for him…..no…..this is all happening because he is all over in my mind…yes thts d reason…. Otherwise why would I make him as my wish…..yes that surely is d reason…..thts when I looked at Neil…..his eyes looked at me with care…..with softness…..with unkown promise…..& something else which I couldn’t decipher….. I smiled at him….but thn my eyes averted to his crossed fingers….my brows drawn in confusion….& I asked him….” Why Hv u crossed ur fingers??”….he smiled but that didn’t reached his eyes & said looking strt in my eyes…” To make urs come true”….I Sat there frozen… My eyes didn’t blink….& very slowly a hot tear trailed down my cheek…I tried to stop it….& looking down i muttered …” Nobody has ever done that for me….” Hearing this he gently pulled my chin up…….. looking strt in my eyes he held my hand & said….” Thn I promise u….every single time u would close ur eyes to make a wish…..I would cross my fingers to make it come true…..”…hearing this something churned inside me….& again tears rolled down my eyes….but this time I didn’t tried to stop thm….I let thm fall…..d words he said settled deep inside my heart….I would Hv said something… Anything….But I didn’t….may b I didn’t know what to say…..we Sat there for mins…when suddenly my eyes went towards couch……there was someone sleeping… Neil followed my gaze….& said…”f**k….”….I raised an eyebrow at him…thts when he started rambling….”shit radhika …..he will kill me with his rantings…..God…..he told me to wake him up as soon as u open ur eyes….he didn’t leave this room…& slept here all night….I told him to go to his room….but he didn’t listen…..urrrrrgh…..im gone….now u r gonna handle him…..”…I chuckled & walked to d couch……I knealed down & said …”kabir…” .he didn’t wake up….thn I shook him …he waked up with a jerk & said…..”princess..God…u woke up? Howz ur fever? Why r u kneeling down? R u hurt somewhere else?”…he started questioning without taking a breath…”kabir…..kabir….relax….I’m all right….& it was just a little fever….now I’m fine….OK???…relax” he let out a sigh ….thn he got up & kneeled down with me…..holding my face in his hand he said….” U r a fool princess….a big fool…..u were roaming around in this chilly cold weather…. When u had high fever…that too in that crap of saree….do u Hv any idea hw bad ur condition was…..ur fever wasn’t getting down….u were unconscious for more thn 12 hrs…I…I was” …he stopped for sec …thts when I hugged him all crying & said….”I’m sorry…..”…he rubbed my arms ……pulled away ……& said…” U should b”…saying this he pulled me up with him…..& thn he made me sit on d couch……wiping away my tears he started taking off my heels slowly……I looked at him confused……Neil too came towards us…..thts when kabir said….”though u looked damn hot in that s*xy saree…..u know I was clean bowled…..”….my eyes grew wider…… & I started running after him…..he ran around d bed….& thn we circled around Neil….”kabir….u idiot….wait…I’ll show u”….I looked down to take my heels off…. when I heard them laughing….
I looked up confused thts when kabir said hanging my heels up….”looking for something princess?….huh??” Saying this he wiggled his brows….I groaned at him & started chasing him…..after few mins we both got tired & Sat beside each other. …both of us breathing heavily….. Thts when I heard him…..”I missed u princess……” Saying this he leaned his head on my shoulder & closed his eyes…..I smiled hearing this & said ruffling his hairs…” I missed u too kabir….I missed u too…” We sat there for few mins…..right now I wanted to cry….for them……for myself….how I become this lucky to get frnds like them…..they loved me ……d real me…..without any relation….without any need….without any condition…..they didnt hate me like everyone else….like arj…..a drop of tear rolled down my cheek thinking abt him….i quickly wiped it off….thts when Neil came up & hit kabir on his head saying….” Get up u idiot…. She isn’t well….she needs rest….” Kabir rubbed his head making a puppy face & got up…thn he grinned & gave his hand to pull me up….I was abt to take his hand …when he suddenly pulled his hand away causing me to fall down hurting my bum….”ouch….” I cried….he turned around smirking & said….” Oops….I just remembered I Hv to wash my hand….” Saying this he shrugged……& started running…. ” kabirrrrrr!!!!!!!….” I shouted & again ran aftr him…..when suddenly Neil stopped me by holding my elbow & said….” Enough of this Tom & Jerry show…..now u need to rest…” Saying this he pulled me to d bed & made me lay down…. I pouted at him …I was abt to say something… When he said…”no…” …I again tried but he said stubbornly… ” I said …no” ….I looked at kabir….who was laughing at me….I gave him a look & he stopped instantly…. Thn I turned to Neil & said…” I’m hungry….” Saying this I made a puppy face…plz …it should work….it should work… Thts when Neil sighed & said…” OK …I’ll order something… “…..”what???….no…I want to Hv home cooked food….plzzzz….”… Now Neil & kabir stood in front of me & looked at me….after few mins he said ..” OK….what do u want???…”…I looked at thm excited…. & said…” But who will cook at this time of night….?” Now kabir muttered ” of course…….we will do….who else….u know when I make something… Ppl couldn’t help but lick d food off their finger…. …& Neil ….u don’t know abt him….he is a chef….I mean bttr thn master chef…”…I raised my eyebrow at him….& asked…” Really….I actually didn’t know….u both can cook tht good….hmmm…OK….so I would like to Hv malai kofta,butter paneer,mixed veg,biryani,Gobi paratha… Ummm…& achar…” …there eyes grew wider…..their mouth hung open….. & they both were looking at me as of I was an alien….thts when kabir came out of shock & said sarcastically….” That’s it??….anything else??”….I thought for a sec & said….” I think gazar ka halwa after main course would go fine. .”…they both bowed down playfully & said in unison…” Yes mam”…
“Idiots…” I huffed….its been 3 hrs what d hell r they doing in kitchen…..from last three hours I Hv been hearing weird sounds from d kitchen……last time when I checked an hour back whole kitchen was a mess…..there was flour spattered all over….both their faces were covered with flour,sauces & God knows what….& there was this strong burning smell as if they burned everything down…but before i could say anything they pushed me out…..urrrrrgh.. & i yelled from d dinning table” u know guyz…I want to eat today only…not aftr few yrs…”…thn kbir replied…” Just 5 min princess…”….I stood up in frustration & walked near kitchen saying… ” that’s what u guyz Hv been saying since last 2 hours….& what d hell r u both doing by locking urself inside…”…there were some weird noise coming from inside….thts when I heard Neil’s muffled reply….” Make tht 10 radhika…” Rolling my eyes I walked back & Sat down looking at d clock….aftr half an hour…..door opened…& they came out…..with dishes in their hands…. After looking at them for 5 mins…..I cleared my throat & said….”why don’t u guyz open d lid…” They looked at each other….thn kabir lifted off all d lids causing my eyes to grow wider…..& words escaped my mouth…” Wow….” Aroma was so good…& they actually did a good work on presentation…. There was each & every dish I asked for…..unable to control myself….I attacked on d food….& with every bite I took I let out a moan….this food was simply wow…..when I looked up at them….they both were smirking. ..I gulped my food down & said….” Seriously guyz ….this…..this is amazing… I loved it…..honestly.. .when u guyz told me abt ur talent I thought u were bluffing….
It’s really good…” Saying this I again started enjoying d food when kabir said….” Of course it has to b amazing….after all who was d chef….u know ….that malai kofta,mixed veg & Gobi paratha are my specialities…….u know what radhika….anyone can cook….but it requires that magic & talent to make such awesome food….”….saying this he patted himself….& Neil said…” Yeah……actually I don’t like to u know praise myself…. Thts why I didn’t told u abt my talent….but now tht u know let me tell u….that gazar ka halwa,biryani & paneer….were not my specialities….. Actually I’m specialized in Thai,Mexican & Italian cuisine….. .but u c …I can make anything….that too with such an amazing taste…….u know ppl die to taste my food….i guess u r a lucky girl…….” Saying this he started eating…..I looked at both of thm….well it’s actually hard to believe that they r this talented but they really did amazing job……suddenly door burst open & a man entered saying ” I’m sorry sir….I forgot d bill….”…..bill???…..I looked at them….they looked shocked….shocked???….& I asked him..” Bill?…of what???…” That man was abt to rply when kabir said…” Uh….ohk….no…no…no need….u can leave……now…” Saying this he started pushing d man…..aftr few sec that man stopped & again walked to us….Neil groaned & asked….”what now???…” He looked scared of him but somehow asked….” Sir that burnt…food from d kitchen that u gave me from d window & asked me to throw out at dogs…..w…well actually they r not eating anything from that….so wht should I do with d food….?” My mouth hung open….my eyes grew wide….thts when Neil cursed & kabir kicked d man out…..my eyes fell on that bill…..d moment I picked it up….I was shocked……or may b I wasn’t…..it was from a 5* hotel….I looked at d two idiots…. They both were looking here & there……kabir was whistling whereas Neil was scratching his neck….taking d bill in my hand I started moving towards thm saying….” Huh….so where were we…..right…..magic…talent…specialty….Thai,Mexican & Italian cuisine……ppl die for ur food….lick their fingers off….lucky girl…..& what was that…. yeah….chef….no…no.. no master chef….” ….
they both were taking slow back steps when suddenly kabir shouted….”Neil runnnnnnn!!!!!!….” I quickly took my weapon out….yes my heels & threw at both of thm….thn I started chasing thm….after messing everything in d dinning Hall….all 3 of us Sat down huffing all tired…..suddenly kabir said breathing heavily… ” …..u know it’s easy to chop heads than chopping veggies…I don’t know how people cook food…….all my life I hadn’t even boiled water for myself…..& here I was trying to cook biryani….I am never in my life going to try this stunt again…..”….Neil nodded his head & said….” Yup….no more cooking…it sucks…” Hearing thm I started chuckling & they both have me dont-u-dare look…..suddenly a question popped in my head….”then who prepares that delicious pancakes everyday?….I mean I hvnt seen any helper around……I thought it were u guyz….” Kabir looked at me all stunned by my question… Whereas Neil was smirking…. That’s when Neil got up & said…”that’s for us to know & u to find out…” Saying this he shrugged & walked away….I looked at kabir….he quickly changed d topic & said…”ummm….princess… All ur dresses &…ummm things r in ur closet…..” I looked at him confused…. All my things were in tht car….which we left somewhere….thn how come…thts when kbir said…”princess….don’t overthink…..we got ur things back….now go & change….if u don’t want to catch fever ….again…” …saying this he went away…..aftr a sec or two …I heard his distant voice….”gn princess…”…I smiled….& mumbled a gn in low voice…..
I was sitting near d window closing my eyes……feeling d wind….peace…& calmness…..suddenly an image of Arjun holding me against him in cottage flashed in front of my eyes……slowly everything came back of that night…..how he held me firmly on his lap…his hands on my waist…..his eyes…..d way he caressed my hairs…..d way he kissed my tears away….d way we he made me lay on top of him…..suddenly image of him moving away rolled in my mind…..how he moved away….his words….his hatred…. His eyes…..everything came back…..causing a lone drop of tear to fall on my hand….I opened my eyes & looked out at d shining sky full of stars….my tears rolled down of there own….same thought came to my mind….” Why so much hatred….?…” His words kept repeating…..’Because u r mine dammit…..only mine…..there would b only my name over ur pain….over ur every single tear ….U r mine to break…… U r mine to destroy…… U r mine to kill….only mine…..’…..mine…only mine…..a strong but weird feeling engulfed my heart remincing his words….they kept repeating on my mind….d way he said those words still made my heart to skip a beat…..urrrrrgh…. What d hell…..get urself together radhika….he is just playing with ur mind….don’t let him….he want to destroy ur dad….no….I won’t let him…..but where is he…..its been lot of days since I was brought here…..when would he come…..a sudden thought struck my mind…..even aftr all this….I cared for him….I missed him….I missed everyone….everything…. My room,dad,saral….Sam….another tear rolled down my eyes…..Sam…I missed her…so much…..what she must b doing right now???….I just wish I would c her soon…..thinking abt all this….I went to bed & turned d light off…….closing my eyes I waited in anticipation for sleep to engulf me….somewhere deep inside….I waited for tht dream….that warmth….all these days….it was what made me sleep soundly…..making me forget all my pain,tears…..& made me feel calm….peaceful… Safe….& something deep…very deep…..slowly sleep engulfed me……
Around 2 or 3 at night I woke up with a jerk…..tears started rolling down…I was sweating profusely….. My body was shaking…..this is after a long time i m getting this nightmare…. Jai…he was there….hitting me…forcing me….his laughs….smirks…words & his touch…..were killing me every single sec…I rolled my body in a ball & cried…..I needed something…. That warmth…that dream…..that could soothe me out…. But there wasn’t any….there only this nightmare….. Scaring nightmare……it was just a dream….just a dream & nothing else…..I kept on repeating this rocking my self back & forth…but nothing calmed me down….I got up & went to window…..
I Sat there holding my knees close to my chest …..when I found something… Or rather someone….though It looked like a dark shadow due to d darkness…… Whoever he was. ..he was sitting in d garden that Neil showed me…..something shiny sparled….looking closely I found….tht man was holding something shiny in his hands…..he played with d thing….from this much distance I wasn’t sure what it was…..suddenly I felt like he turned around & was looking at me….my heartbeats paced up…..I wanted to close d window….but I didn’t…. …neither did he moved nor did i……I don’t know why….I felt calm looking at him playing with tht thing….slowly sleep engulfed me & I slept there only…….next morning…. I heard loud voices……opening my eyes I looked around….thn it hit me I slept near d window only….in an instant I looked out in d garden ….but there wasn’t anyone……again I heard loud voice as if someone was shouting……I walked down d stairs to find a women….she was yelling…..her features were sharp…..she looked glamourous…. But there was this cold look in her eyes……I moment I stepped down….she looked at me with disgusted face…..her aura was intimidating…. Her eyes spilled fire….she yelled again….when kabir came……she was shocked to look at her & said…..”nandu….?” His tone was diff…as if he couldn’t believe what he saw…..soon Neil came…..he stopped for a sec but thn casually leaned at d door as if he doesn’t care abt d person…..seeing thm nandu gave me a disgusted look & asked…in a sharp tone…” What d hell is this b*t*h doing here…?..” I flinched at her tone….she looked at me as if she would kill me there itself….before I could say or do anything….. Neil said in a slight doubtful but sharp tone….” Why r u here….?”….nandu raised an eyebrow at him & thn asked….”where is Arjun??..” There wasn’t any expression on Neil’s face though kabir looked confused & said…” He must b somewhere around….but…u…here???….what is d matter…” Nandu sighed & said…” Raghu is dead……& no one knows who did it…..neither teja did this….not did rathore…..”…hearing this a gasp escaped kabir’s mouth …though Neil didn’t reacted but his eyes looked confused…thts when I heard kabir…” Who would dare to do that….after all raghu was one of d MAFIA head…..
No one would dare to kill him….not even other MAFIA heads cause they know abt d treaty & d consequences…..not even MAFIA KING himself would kill any of MAFIA heads…coz that would cause an imbalance…. There could b a war for his territory….. & Arjun would NVR do that…..Thn who this could b??….” As soon as d words left his mouth nandu looked at me with an accusing glare..& asked thm..”where is Arjun?..”… thn she looked at Neil….suddenly Neil’s eyes grew wider as if they were talking with eyes….his body straightened & in few strides he stood in front of me…..his eyes spitting fire & he asked me in a dangerous tone…..” What did he do to u????” ….I blinked at him….I was confused….& little terrified with all this…I said…stammering “w…who???” Thn neil held my shoulders firmly & asked….”after u left mall that night…..what happened exactly???….. “….I gulped looking at his furious form & said in low voice…” S..some ppl in black suits shot at d car….thn Arjun got down ….aftr few mins when I didn’t hear any noise even I got down….b…but there were d…dead bodies everywhere….when suddenly….” I stopped to look at him soon kabir too came by my side & nandu to looking at me curiously…. Neil nodded his head to continue…. ” suddenly a man came & placed d gun on my head……h…he was talking t…things abt m..me…..& t…thn h..he was touching me inappropriately…. ” hearing this Neil’s hold tightened & kabir looked at me all furious….” T…thn h..he was t..talking with ARJUN….thts when Arjun distracted him &… S…shot him…” Now kabir let out a curse & Neil was running his hand in his hairs….when suddenly nandu said….” It’s all bcoz of this b*t*h…..I don’t understand why he didn’t killed her yet….” ….d look on her face was intimidating…..I squirmed under her gaze…when suddenly kabir came to me & held my elbow…..with tht he took me to my room…….
At night Radhika was sitting in d garden…..her eyes filled with tears….she Sat there for hours feeling d wind ………looking at d moon she closed her glassy eyes & made a wish…..d moment her eyes closed…..neil who was looking at her through d glass from his room….crossed his finger…..he thn kept looking at her ….for mins….for hours…when suddenly he heard someone in a firm yet possessive tone….” Stop looking at her….”…with that ….that man came & stood beside him looking out shoving his hands in his pockets….. Neil doesn’t Hv to look around to know who it was…..he knew it very well….Neil too shoved his hands in his pockets looking out side & said in d same tone…..” Still jealous much….huh?….” ….at this that man groaned & said…..” Who would know it bttr thn u….”…Neil didn’t replied & kept looking at her ….when he asked in a painful voice….” Why didn’t u go to her???….” Instead of answering his question that man said…..” Why didn’t u tell her???…” Thn there was this silence for mins…..when Neil said in a painful tone…..” She miss u so much Arjun…..every sec…every min….every hour…..every day…..every night…..she miss u…..”……now Arjun remained silent & thn said in a painful tone….” So do u……& so do i…” With that there was silence….deep & painful silence
Wowww!!! Wowww!!! Meen…so excited to see this update….you gave a shock cum surprise… coming after reading…????????
Meen…superb..loved reading..the more am reading the more am getting into it…

Radz closes her eyes and Neil crosses his fingers..now too .!!!…thats very true n soothing…
I always admire Radz Neil Kabir….their bonding…so precious n something to cherish…!!!
Radz order..all my fav…master chef..licking fingers.. Thai..continental speciality…chopping heads easy…lol
OMG !!! Arjun makes pancakes..??
Arjun with Neil ?? Then why he not with her ..??…he misses her ..oh !! First time he confessed truly,…
Meen…its going interesting..you brought everything so perfectly…eagerly waiting…post soon…
love you..and have a happy..successful..lovely year….muaaahh….
Hey aastha thanks a lot for ur words…Hv a grt new yr ahead…will update soon
Happy new yeae to u too Darling..what an update.
..Arjun is alive..yepiiiiii..thank God..I loved the way Neil & kabir care for radhika..there scenes were damn good..their bond is so pure..totally loved the secene when radhika closed her eyes & Neil crossed his fingers…amazing..u know I was laughing madly reading that cooking scene..hilarious it was..here comes nandu..lets c what she does..for me d show stealer scene was the one when Arjun turn around & radhika falls on his back..the moment he touches her waist..he senses her temp & turns around cursing..I loved it so much..
Meen I’m ur big fan..u know that..right?..plz post soon
Hi meen,i read your ff in one go..all these episodes omg each episode is better than previous..your each episode is so much interesting dear.. really now I can’t wait for next episode ..I don’t know when you post..bt I will regularly check for your post.. update ASAP..pls dear
Hii sneha…thnx a lot for ur words…I’m glad u loved d story ..will update soon
Hey dear thnx alot for supporting u know tht means a lot….& kindly change ur login name….though I wished u in person but still Hv a grt new yr ahead…muuha
Nice episode meen di.eagerly waiting for next
Thnx chashni…will update soon
Omg… Is Neil in love with Radhikaa?? Then sammy??? wat does it mean “so do u nd so do i”… Meen Ur words are addicitve… Seriously this much twist?? Amazing meen… Waiting for the next update
Hey shankri….thnx for ur amazing words girl…will update soon to clear ur doubts
Teseoro Mio….dil khush kar diya…….Mafioso Re…back..!!!! Wow…!! Just .loved it….Neil and kabir…I just enjoyed it…Bill..hahaha..pan cakes..!! Does my Mafioso re cooks well *dreamy eyes*
Kabir calls her se*y..lol…too naughty…nandu…comeon…..just curse Radz…Arjun will shoot her….! Her chap over.you turned me crazy girl….first part…. Arjun’s walking love..gosh…so realistic…he had been affected with happening..and she…poor her…Neil and finger cross..super…he still does that….so lovely…
Arjun…At last…I read it twice…to confirm myself..lol…awesome ya…she looks through window and he plays with knife…am so lost…! Why with knife…!! Jess already flat with one knife play…excellent scene framing!!! Ardhika best…..both the window ones my fav…and so lovely too…as usual your writeup …ah..heart aches baby..
Mafioso Re here…kidnap plan on..!! ???love u tons Meen…you gave a wonderful chap as new year gift…TC..sono attesa…!!
WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Stay happy my dear friend…!!
Hiiiiiiiii Jess… Loved ur comment.. Every single word…u always make me feel good…I’m soory I didn’t comment on ur ff’s…but I promise I would do it soon…ur ff’s r addicting…actually ur words r & d way u express thm is something im trying to learn from u….Hv a grt year ahead sis…love u…will b back soon
Outstanding episode, is Neil in love with Radhika, why is Arjun hiding from Radhika? Eagerly waiting to fine out the truth, Meen you nail it, well done.
Hey brin…thnx a lot dear…happy new yr…love u
amazing epi meen dr quite excited 2 read next one plz update asap
Thnx Parul…Hv a grt yr ahead
what an update madam ji its so so awesome buddy but yyy arjun hate her and yyy radhika hate neil and suspence is making me go mad and i love it yar pls pls update soon yar
Hey heena..happy new yr….thnx alot for ur words.. Will b back soon
Meen…. wow man… day by day episode was getting intrsting… no words to express… fantabulous… u r such a brilliant writer girl… u have magic in ur hands through which u can play the emotions of us… mindblowing dear… mystery… wanna know soon… thank god Arjun is thr… but why he is avoiding her… huh… so curious dear… love you darling…. muuuuuaaaaahhh… teddy hugs and tc dear… Happy New Year dear…
Hey sulbi…a very happy new yr dear…& thnx alot for this lovely comment… Love you… Will b back soon
Superb update…eagerly waiting fr next one..
Thnx devi
Thnx a tonn aayushi..stay blessed
Loved it
Hii kavina…thnx a lot…stay blessed
What is that arjjn upto ?? He loves her mad but he is giving her pain… kabir awww my fav is here and arjun was the shadow right ?? Arjun is hiding but why ?? Meen who is nandu to them and why is she all rhe time calling radhika with those bad words… argh stupid woman….
Same as radhika I too have many questions… update soon and I loved it sooo much update em all in watty as well I wanna treasure them… ok have a happy week… love u
Hey sv..a very happy new yr dear…I hope d upcoming episode would clear most of ur doubt…love u
Amazing .. beautiful … plz update soon
Thnx a tonn twinzfan…will update soon
Loved it!!! You are amazing and your imagination awesome. Thanks a ton for this superb update
Thnk u simple…will try to update soon
arjun alive!!!oooo so happy dear.
Thnx Maddy…love ya
awesome. lengthy one.:)
Thnx Moni..stay blessed dear
U r always fantastic…awesome girl….sorry for short comment….m running out of time
Hey rossy happy new yr…thnx a tonn…love ya
Fantastic meen. …magical. …this is one of my favorite stories. …loved it to the core. …neil kabir n rads bond awesome. …emotional. ….sorry couldn’t comment on ur previous updates. ….n a happy new year to you too. …d best gift for this year
Hey likii thank u sooooooooooooo much for ur amazing words.. Will definitely try to post soon…Hv a grt year ahead…love u
Amazing…. Meen superb… Wait for next..
Update next soon… Take care….
Hey Saran thnx dear
It was a amazing one again….it’s going to be very interesting…waiting on you next already…????
Hey Krishna…thnk u so much…will update soon?
Loved it .
Thnx sarayu…stay blessed
Happy new year to u meen as well.. And about episode superb, Outstanding,excellent episode… I loved it…. And what happened to arjun why he is not meeting radhika…. What happened to them…..tc loads of love and teddy hug to u from me….
Hey arti….thnx a tonn dear…& a very happy new yr….will try to update soon to clear all ur doubts
Thnx jabbo
wow! meen super update ya ..……….why ur late …and the glad is arjun is alive , I am so happy and confused also what made arjun leave radhika…..but, i hope its having some strong reason and come to update.……arjun cooks pancake…yummy…..radhika,Neil&kabir bond ..……radhika is lucky to have this kind of friendship.…..I am jealous..….
I hope Neil already knows arjun loves radhika it’t to….k plz update soon …I am waiting for u,….and happy new year too u……
Hii sne…thnx for ur amazing comment girl…will try to update soon…loads of love
superb loved it
Thnx meenakshi…. U know we share same name
it was really awesome yaar..at the end you give a super suprise…….arjun…alive but why he is hiding..when he loves radhika and whether it’s a triangle love tory…any way it’s o nice..soon update next update..
Hey sundari….thank u for ur precious comment..will try to update soon to clear ur doubts
It’s really superb meen.eagerly waiting for next one. Plss update fast dear.santosham niranja putuvatsara aashamsakal.
Thnx rasha…will update soon…btw I didn’t understand d last line…wht does it mean?
Hi meen… excellent episode with trio… all cheers to the trio tt they made the difficult situations light n hurray Arjun is alive… there’s still the mystery abt Arjun’s behaviour.. i can’t wait for Arjun’s pov… thank u for this long update.. waiting for next
Hey farjana…a very happy new yr dear….. God bless u…will update soon
Awesome dear. Love u. U r really amazing yaar.
Thnx devika..means alot