Hellllllllo folks……..a biggggggggggggggggggggggg wala & sweeeeet wala thank u ….to all of my readers…….for such an amazing response…………thank u sooooooooooooo much……..well I would like to dedicate this episode to Astha,gauri,jewel,neetz & Roma……thanks a tonn for always supporting me & of course my Jess & Myra…..well how many of u Hv read ‘storm & silence’ by Robert thier…..I am just in love with d book……
& lastly I would like to pray for those who have lost there loved one’s in today’s train accident in uttar Pradesh……
Now here comes d update….well let me tell u before only…..coz this one is not that good…..so let me know ur views….. & plz ignore my typos & grammatical errors…..
Njoy d ride guyzzzzzzzz……
I don’t know till when I kept crying in kabir’s arms….& till when he kept soothing me with his comforting words….He kept wiping my tears every time they fell down my eyes….I don’t know how he kept doing it with this much patience as my tears didn’t stopped for a single moment….I slowly raised my eyes to look at him…..he was trying to comfort me…but he looked tensed……I thought may be it’s all because of today’s events….but he seemed distance….he was there right in front of me but still he was not……I hvnt seen him this much worried before ….he is always calm & cheerful……as soon as he saw me observing him….he shook his head & gave me a comforting smile…..thn he again gave me an reassuring hug…… I thought to ask him….why is he so tensed….but then do I actually want to know…..no!!!!…..atleast not today…..there Hv been a lot for today….I won’t be able to take anymore…….. Dried Blood patches on my body,all d injuries, pain,my tears ,red & puffy eyes were enough proof of that……with each passing minute my sobs started fainting……then after sometime there was only my hiccups…..my body ached like hell …..each bruise reminded me of jai’s torture…….his abuse,his punches,his smirk,his devilish laugh,his disgusting touch…..everything was fresh in my mind…..when I heard kabir…. ” princess….stay here …i ll be back in few minutes with ur breakfast….” As soon as these words left his mouth I quickly tightened my hold over his hand & said all crying….”I..I don’t want to be alone in this room kabir…..I’ll come with u….please”….hearing this his expressions again changed to that of worried…& he said….” But…….fine…..come with me” saying this he patted my head….thn he again wiped my tears & said……” No…..no more crying princes….ur tears r so precious to be wasted on that bastard……don’t…….I promise u he’ll pay for his every single deed….I promise….” I felt his every emotion when he slowly said each & every single word….but when he said d word promise with so much intensity,power & determination….. I was bound to look at him…..his eyes were red with anger & thn I saw a lone tear falling down his eyes….as soon as it came in contact with his cheek ….he quickly wiped it off….& said ” let’s go……”…as soon as I reached near brkfast table….
Neil came from somewhere & gave everyone a Curt nod……after which everyone left from there….thn he looked at kabir & gave him a sharp glare……I didn’t understand what was happening…. When kabir took me to d table…..& said….” I’m sorry…..in all this I totally forgot what u were wearing……I should Hv thought abt this before bringing u here…….I’m such a fool sometimes ” saying this he gave me an apologetic look & went to bring brkfast….& thn it clicked me that Neil send them all away so that they won’t see me in this condition….my gaze averted to Neil..he Sat on d opposite chair…he didn’t looked at me….his eyes were emitting fire…he was playing with a knife….I tried to say something…. But his angry face stopped me……we Sat there in silence for abt 10 mins….but not even once he looked at me…..thn I heard kabir’s footstep….he came with pancakes…..just when I was about to eat d first bite… I noticed blood dripping from Neil’s left arm…..seeing this my eyes widened….I quickly got up from my seat & ran towards him…..I took his hand in mine carefully & said in a panick stricken tone….” Neil….ur arm ….it’s bleeding”….I looked at him….his eyes became a shade darker in anger & he said in a dangerous tone….” Leave…” ..suddenly kabir came by my side & said urgently… ” come on radhika …l..let’s go”…I turned a little to him & said….”kabir…..call doctor….his arm is bleeding…. “….thn I again looked at Neil…..his eyes were cold & distant…..& he said in a warning tone….” Leave…..my…..hand…” He never talked to me like this……seeing him like this tears again made their way out off my eyes…. Again kabir tried to pull me away…..but I didn’t budge….. He wasn’t applying much force on me due to my injuries…..thn he called someone out & said…”call Arjun here as soon as possible “…… I ignored him & again turned to Neil……I quickly held my ears & said all crying….” I…I’m s…..sorry …Neil…..I won’t…do anything like this …again…..please forgive me…..please….” Saying this I held his hand gently….my tears were falling over his hand…..when suddenly his hands curled in to a fist & he took back his hand with a jerk causing me to fall back over d corner of d table…..it’s sharp corner hit my stomach causing a string of pain in all my body…..I loud painful gasp escaped my lips…..causing kabir’s & Neil’s attention to switch on me…when suddenly kabir came in front of me & pushed neil away saying “r u mad….she is already injured….”…seeing me like this writhing in pain Neil started pulling his hairs in anger & frustration….thn he banged his hands with force over d table causing it to break with a thud……unable to take anymore…. I stood up with a lot of pain & ran up to my room…it hurt my stomach so badly that I was unable to walk properly….
After reaching my room I locked d door & cried sitting against it…I don’t know what I was crying for……was it for this unbearable pain….or was it for how accidentally Neil jerked me away…..or was it how jai tortured me…..or was it because I was feeling all alone…..or was it for how I felt broken without that comforting warmth… Which even I don’t know exist in reality or not………or….or….was it for how Arjun behaved with me this morning after whatever he did for me yesterday…. Whom am I kidding ..he did all this for revenging jai…..& how stupidly I thought he did all this for me…..how could I think that he was holding me …comforting me..to soothe me,to take my pain away…..I was a fool to think that he was punishing jai so ruthlessly for me……why would he do that….when he himself hate me to death …..& I being a complete fool held on to him as if my life depends on it…..how could I find peace & comfort in his embrace…..how could I hug him like he is my lifeline….how could I…how could I trust a monster like him…..thinking all this I put down my head on my knees & started rocking back & forth to calm myself down..after few min kabir started knocking saying ” open d door princes….don’t do this..I’m not going anywhere till u open this…open d door….please……..” He knocked it for half an hour & thn I replied in between my sobs…. “I want to be alone for some time……..p…lea….se” after which knocking stopped & he went away….I spend whole day in my room …..all crying….. Every now & thn I hissed in pain caused by my little movements……with all d pain & hurt ….I don’t know when I drifted in to sleep all crying……
Suddenly I felt something wet over my forehead…. After a second or two it started stinging badly….I Sat up with a painful gasp…..that when I noticed Neil sitting beside me over d bed with first aid kit over his lap & a cotton in his hand……without making any eye contact he pushed me down gently on d bed….& said…” It will sting a little…” His voice was so small ..as if it would hurt me if he spoke a little louder….when I properly looked at him….his whole face was covered with bruises….. There were few marks over his hands too…..my eyes widened for a sec….what d hell happened to him……..I was about to say something ……when again he cleaned my wounds….this time it hurt so much that a painful yelp escaped my mouth….. Slowly he started blowing over my forehead.. ..as gently as he could…..I quickly looked at Neil…..his eyes were red….but not from anger……….I kept looking at him….when suddenly he bent down a little & he planted a kiss on d top of my forehead …..his lips stayed there for long….. He showed every emotion by this simple gesture…..his care .. His guilt….everything. . now tears started flowing down my eyes…& thn he looked after all my wounds except d one at my stomach as I hid it properly……& thn asked…..”r u hurt anywhere else..?” I shook my head in negative…..not wanting him to look at my uncovered stomach….. Though he was Neil….whom I trust more thn anything…..but still I couldnt let him see my uncovered stomach…….& thn he said……” I don’t know how people do this….I Hv never done this before…but….I…I’m sorry….I didn’t mean to hurt u…..I won’t…not even in my dreams…..I’m sorry”..but still I didn’t said a word & he continued…. “I know I don’t deserve to be ur friend after what I did today……I….I went mad after seeing ur bruises & all blood…..but when u told me abt what he did…. I lost it all…..I don’t know what came over me…..all I thought at that moment was that if & only if u would Hv told me before what he had done that morning …thn all this wouldn’t Hv happened… ….my rage took over me & I became mad at u…..but I didn’t want to hurt u.. Thts why I left u alone”….. Thn he looked strt in my eyes.. .there were a lot of things in his eyes…..along with hurt ,guilt & pain…….but still I kept quiet… & he said….” I thought if I stayed anywhere around u in this condition ….I would hurt u….thts why I ignored u all day long..& thn i calmed myself a little by making that bastard pay……but thn u came to me at brkfst table…..& started talking… & thn I lost it completely….I know it was wrong ….but u Hv no idea radhika that how I controlled myself….my anger is worst….it controls me in d worst way…..in angry state I become a beast…..I don’t think or I must say I’m not capable to think any thing……that is why kabir was trying to move u away from me…..”
Thn he stopped to take a breath & said “it all started from that night….” Saying this his hold tightened on my hand…& he continued…. ” since thn my anger turned to be others death…..I used to become a complete diff person …& thn I started harming myself….I used to injure my hand with a knife ….so that my pain could overcome my anger….but still nothing & nobody could control me ….except…..except Arjun…..only he could do this….I don’t know how……but he could always calm me down…..but today when I saw ur tearful face. .. My anger started to vanish slowly… I don’t know how…..but ur face…ur tears did it…..& when I saw u hurt…..I…..I…..became numb….I didn’t know what to do….u were in pain because of me”…..saying this he kept his hand at my neck &pulled me towards him such that our foreheads were now resting against each other….my tears were still rolling down my cheeks…..& thn he said with his eyes closed …” If u want….u can beat me….u can slap me….punch me……hell u can kill me…..but please talk to me…..please don’t do this.. Please talk to me….please”….another tear from his eyes fell over my hand…..thn I pushed him away gently & took away first aid kid from him….a flash of hurt passed in his eyes…..thn I gently took his hand & started aiding it…..when I looked at him…..his eyes were filled with amusement….thn he hung down his face & a tear dropped from his eyes over my hand….he suddenly looked shocked as he touched d wetness near his eyes ….as if he had seen his tears after a long time ….I quickly held his face in my hand & wiped that lone tear gently..& asked…”how did u get injured. Did u fight with someone?….. God….who did this?” Saying this I looked after his bruises……..& thn he said. ..” After all d things & pain i hv caused to u… U r caring my wound…after all d pain & hurt u r facing ..instead of complaining u r looking after me…u really r a stupid girl” saying this he started laughing like a maniac…..it is thn kabir also joined us & said ” what did I miss?….gosh u people were enjoying without me…..not fair”……I poked my tongue at him & said…” I’m hungry……go….bring me food….shoooo”….its when both of them gave each other a look & started laughing again like a maniac & Neil said….” OK little miss dinasour…just a sec….” After few mins I kept devouring my pancakes & they both stared at me all shocked & neil said…. “U really r a dinasour….. Gosh…..u even eat like one..eat slowly no one is gonna steal it from u….” Saying this he hit me lightly over my head… & I scowled at him….suddenly my stomach hurt ….slowly d pain was becoming unbearable but I Hv to control my self….otherwise they would know…..suddenly Neil become worried & said. ” radhika….r u OK…..is it paining somewhere? Do u need anything? ” ….I quickly covered my expression & said ” yes…..I want more pancakes….” Now they both gave me a r-u-mad look … They shook there head & gave me few pain killers…..it’s thn d door hung open & Arjun came in……as soon as I looked at his eyes……it took everything in me to look away….I don’t know….what is with him….but as soon as he came inside……a feeling of warmth & comfort accompanied him….. when I looked at him again … I observed tht his face was full of bruises along with his hands…..same as that of Neil…..thn He threw a disgusting look at me ….& walked towards Neil…..who for unknown reason was smirking at him……thn Arjun said ….”I wonder why do u pity unwanted….useless people like this” saying this his eyes pearced mine …..his gaze made me nervous & I started biting my lower lip… & thn he continued…. ” uuuuuurgh…..I can’t stand here for a single min….”
He said it in a low voice as if it was not meant to hear…..thn again he said to Neil…”.we r going out for a meeting after an hour……& yup today I want to be with liala….so give her a call” he said all this looking straight at me…..I don’t know why but hearing all this I felt bad…..something churned inside me…..tears were at d corner of my eyes…..but I won’t cry in front of him…..suddenly Neil Sat beside me with a knowing smile & said holding my hand …..” Cool…..c u in an hour Arjun”….now Arjun curled his fingers in a fist & he walked out with an irritated face… At this moment a single thought filled my mind…..why does he despise me so much……..I heard kabir….”gosh liala…….she is hot man ….” Suddenly my head turned towards him …..& I looked at him with my mouth open……thn Neil gave him a look & said….” What d hell r u saying….”…..I nodded at his response….. Thn he continued…. ” I think ciandra is hotter…” Hearing this my jaw which till now was touching d ground….fell 6 feet under……& I said making a disgusted face….” Shee….shameless people…” They both shrugged & said….” Whatever….” Thn kabir looked at Neil & said ” man….Hv u seen tia’s ass….she is damn s*xy….”…..thn Neil replied… ” true….but Margaret got d s*xiest legs….” …..thn I hit thm both lightly & said…..”stop this nonsense….. “……they both ignored me & Neil said….” But kiya is better in bad”….kabir seconded him & said….”true dude…..she truly is a catch….but I did only twice or thrice with her….”….now I quickly placed my hand over my ears…..not wanting to hear them…..but ignoring me they continued there bickering. …after 5 mins when they didn’t stopped…..I got up from d bed …..without thinking abt my pain….& started pushing thm out of my room saying… “Come-on leave……I don’t want to hear ur s*x life guyz…..leave”…..they keep on convincing me to let thm stay … But I was adamant & with d last push I threw thm out….. Thn I let out a breath & rubbed my hands saying done.. . it was thn I noticed that kabir fell over Neil & he was shooing him away….while kabir kept pouting at Neil.. ..seeing this I burst in to laughter……they both looked at me amused & thn kabir stood up & said kissing my forehead….” Finally…..my princess is laughing again…” Thn I looked at Neil he gave me a bear hug & smiled….at tht moment I thought……how long Hv this guys known me…..hardly 3 days….& here they r trying to make me laugh….. They even cried for me..for my pain….for my bruises. ….something churned inside me ……in this world of ruthless monsters…. How come people like kabir & Neil r thr…..i don’t know if I’m stupid to trust them so easily….even when I know what they do….but I can’t help it….there is this unknown…. Unseen bond with them… All my life I only had one friend Sam….except her nobody cared for me…. Nobody….not even my family….& right here in this dark world I found these two. ……abt whom I don’t know much….not even there last name….but still I trust them blindly……there presence makes me comfortable …. It feels like I Hv known them for years……..thn they both walked away wishing me night….with a bright smile…..
That night I took a warm shower…..as soon as my body came in contact with warm water…..it hurt like anything……but after sometime my body relaxed…..after d shower I again pulled up arjun’s shirt & my torn out ghagra…..which served as a mini skirt…….thn I went to bed & tried to sleep with all my pain…..but d one at my stomach was quite unbearable….I still was afraid to sleep alone……I Hv always slept with Sam or with some maid in d same room at my home..I was always afraid to stay alone in a room & today also…..i cant sleep alone…..so i didnt turned off lights & tried to sleep…..but still fear & pain took over me ….Thn suddenly I don’t know what came over me but I started inhaling scent of arjun’s shirt……it gave me a sense of comfort…..& slowly I drifted to sleep………..
Around midnight I turned around due to d pain in my stomach….. Thn suddenly I felt a light touch stroking my cheeks…..i felt same sense of warmth near me…..it felt like a hand caressing my hair…….it felt so calm & peace full…..thn suddenly I felt as if a thumb moving against my lips….it sent a tingling feeling……I automatically moved towards d source of d warmth….but then I hissed in pain….when suddenly I felt a hand lifting my shirt up….& after a few second….something soft caressed my wound at my stomach……it felt as they were soft & worm lips…..a shiver ran down my spine….it felt as if all my pain flew away….or may b it was there but I can’t feel it anymore… Thn I felt d same warmth caressing my other wounds… & finally again gentelly stroking my cheeks……I drew myself more towards d warmth & it felt like it engulfed me completely …it’s thn I felt d warmth near my ear & heard something like…”È impossibile per me stare lontano da u” with this I felt a lingering lips on my forehead….. With that everything turned black again. …..next morning I woke to c or feel something around ….but there was lack of d warmth……it surely was a dream…..but why do I keep seeing this dream from 2-3 days…. But every time there was this same warmth …..was it really a dream?????…..of course …….no one could come inside … my room is locked from inside….I again looked up to check…& thn I let out d breath….it really was locked….thn these dreams……& last night even I heard something….. As soon as I remembered those words….my eyes grew wider…..Arjun……he…he was d one who used this language….. I quickly held my head…..why d hell I dreamt about him……AR…RJUN….he shouldn’t b coming in my dreams…..damn I shouldn’t b dreaming abt that heartless monster…….suddenly my throat felt dry & I needed water…..but there wasn’t any……so I got up & headed towards kitchen….while walking down d corridor a pungent smell came from a closed door….itincreased as I walked towards it……thn I slowly opened d door….it was all dark without any window…or light……I searched for d switch…..thn I turned on d light…..as soon as I turned around…..earth slipped down my feet….my breath hitched….& my heart stopped beating for a moment…..as soon as I understood what lay on d ground in front of me….a loud terrified shriek escaped my lips…..tears started flowing down my cheeks…. I started moving back & when my back touched d door another loud shriek escaped my lips…….there….right there in front of me lay jai on d floor…..dead….. But it wasn’t what terrified me…..it was his state…..his eyes were taken out…..he fingers were chopped in to small pieces.. …..his tongue was lying on d floor…..a knife was plunged straight in his head……& d worst of all his heart was taken out with another knife…. & it was kept above his chest…..I quickly ran to my room all out of breath & throw out d contents of my stomach……my sobs grew louder……my chest moved up & down…..
I found it hard to breathe…. When suddenly my door hung open & Neil ,kabir & few other men came inside with guns…..neil quickly hugged me tight & asked…” What happened? ” whereas kabir along with other men started searching my room… When they didn’t found anything they all looked at me……I tried to speak….but words didn’t came out….thn after few seconds I said in between my sobs…” J…jai…….I….I…saw his……b…b…body…. ” hearing me they relaxed & thn Neil turned around & gave other men a Curt nod…..because of which they left….. Thn kabir let out a sigh & said.. ” aah….& we thought what happened…. ” I looked at him & said all stammering….” U…u don’t un..understand his bo….dy…….his ey…es were out….his f…ingers were chopped….. & his…. H….h…hea…rt…” Unable to complete d sentence I stopped….thn they both shrugged casually & Neil said…..”so?….what’s d point”….I tried to make them understand when suddenly I remembered their words ….how kabir told me….’I promise u he’ll pay for his every single deed….I promise…’….& how Neil said….’i calmed myself a little by making that bastard pay..’….as d realisation struck me….a loud gasp escaped my lips & I said….unable to believe my own words….” U…u guyz did this?…..u took his eyes o…out” …at this neil Sat on my bed casually & said….” Of course…..& believe me I loved it…..& I’m grateful to Arjun that he kept him alive…..it felt damn good to take his eyes out…. While he cried in pain…” Saying this a smile came on his face….& I stood there shocked to d core… Thn kabir said….” Dude u know it felt good….when I cut his tongue & broke his spine…..gosh he cried like a drenched mouse….” Saying this he chuckled….now I sat down with a thud in shock….& said to myself more thn thm….” U to….ok his…h…heart out” ….when Neil chuckled & said….” Well that was a must watch scene….but unfortunately I didn’t got d chance to do it….arj….” He was about to say something but he stopped in d middle & said….” Never mind…by d way we were planning to Hv some ice cream would u like some?” Hearing this a string of horror & shock wash over my body…..or may be even that will be an understatement……
It’s awesome but no aradhika encounter….plz add more scenes of arjun….n plz translate those phrases too which u add of another language. …BTw from which language it is?….I really like ur ff and u updated after such a long ….plz try to update next one soon
Arjun said”” it’s impossible for me to stay away from you””
Yup….that’s what he said
Hey Alex…..thanks a lot dear….well there will b a special episode where Arjun would tell her meaning of every single Italian phrase he has spoken to her…..till that please wait a little…..muuuha
Thanks emz fasa
What a fantastic chapter.. u nailed it.. was waiting when will u update.. seriously cant get enuf of aradhika in ur story..ur plot is unique.. just so in love with Arjun’s genuine care..pls update soon..
Hii farJana….thanks for commenting dear….don’t worry there will b a lot scenes of aradhika in upcoming episodes….well I’m stuck up with something …..but will try to update soon
truly it’s amazing yaar………good
punishment deserved……..
Thanks sundari……stay blessed
Amazing ….waiting fir d next update
Thanks anushka…..will try to update soon….stay blessed
A big WOW for u Meen… it is a “enorme, eccezionale, stupendo”…u simply nailed it honey…all the scenes are just happening in front of my eyes.
“Sono innamorato di questa storia e in u”..
u can find the meaning of it.
I really meant it honey…u deserve a standing ovation for writing this wonderful story and making us glue to this. I loved the last part more when Neil & Kabir tells her casually that they did take out the eyes, cut the tongue and when neil stop saying abut Arjun…he is the one who took his heart out..lol Awesome girl.
Most loveliest and funniest part is Neil & Kabir tells her their s*x life and criticising the girls features..lol i laughed madly.
last but not the least oiur Mafia king is just doing an overacting infront of her and coming to her room like a cat silently in the night and doing a first aid for her bruises.
“È impossibile per me stare lontano da u”… yes obviously it is impossible for him to stay away from her…oh my god..i am madly in love with you Meen …pls update next sooon….love u
Woa…..woa…..woa…….thanku dear……a big wala thank u …..& a tight wali jhappi…….gosh & im smiling like a fool aftr reading ur comment…….it really means a lot……thanks again……& yup I’ll try to update ASAP…..& plz update next part of modern Krishna soon…..I seriously love that one……muuuuuuuuha Darling sis
Mind blowing and excellently written meen… I loved it dear..
Thanks a lot arti……..it means a lot…..stay blessed dear
Wow meen this is amazing. Each and every scene beautifully written. Neil’s apology to rads that part was really emotional. And kabir raneil bond, I loved that. Kabir and Neil talk abt their s*x life, u made me laugh, when kabir started to say and Neil said what nonsense, I thought he is going to scold kabir, then he said ciandra is hotter, my jaw also dropped. And that punishment part I loved that… Arjun take out his heart, I like that. Bt what is trying to prove. He always behave like a monster in front of her and when sleep he care her a lot. I don’t understand him. When he came to rads room and said about that girl, Neil hold rads hand and make him jealous I liked that part…. Overall this is fantastic chapter meen. And thanku for the dedication…. Post the next soon
Hiiii jewel…..how r u girl?…..& a big thanks for ur heart warming words…..it really means a lot sis…..stay blessed…..muuuuha
Awesome episode, love the punishment for Jai, he deserves it, you nail it Meen, well done.
Thank brin…….where r u these days…..I mean I want to read something from u…..please update ASAP…..love ya
Yaar meen ! I was eagerly waiting for your update…please please ……update the next one ….I am dying out of curiosity!!!????????please update the next episode asp….
Hey kanthi…..thanks dear…..& I don’t think u want to die without seeing aradhika romance….huh?….hehehe…..will b back soon…love ya
Amazing mindblowing
Thanks aayushi…..stay blessed dear
awesome,i don’t hav words to explain bt pls add arjun’s pov or wat exatly happening.dont delay post nxt fast pls…. pls….pls…
Hey appops….thanks dear…..& yup there will b arjun’s POV…..but not now…..his POV would unleash all secrets…..just a little patience…. Love ya
nice update but plz the lines which is used by arjun plz subtitle it and plz upload at alternate days plz
Hii sadia…..thanks dear….well there will b a special episode where Arjun would tell her meaning of every single Italian phrase he has spoken to her…..till that please wait a little…..& I would try my best to update ASAP…..its just that I’m stuck up with few things
meen….I salute you girl, bow down to you!!!!…….tum guru ho aaj se meri yaar…..
man, this mafia king story is so engaging….that I cant pull my eyes off the screen of mobile till I am finished with the update…..god!! how I crave for more…promise me haan….you’ll update soon….in a day or two if there isn’t any convenience,,,,please!!!
yaar, what does this Arjun want? ….I know, life’s grey….but its not even that grey man,….its like you love her or you don’t…confusion kya hai iss mei?
maybe, I have a theory, maybe i’ll share it with you….okay, so here it goes….umm, maybe neil and kabir are aware of Arjun’s undying love for radhika and hence, take such good care of her…..I mean, additional reason, the bond they share is primary off course…..and maybe neil gets close to radhika in front of neil….showing his possessive side to tease Arjun…..maybe….
yaar, I don’t understand this plot of yours….twist pe twist….please give me a spoiler…please….I beg you…..see, if you don’t want everyone to know…please message me and tell…..please!
love you loads….take good care…
MyrA look what am I doing……thump…thump…thump…..jumping over moon……seriously girl….ur words…..I mean it really really really means a lot…..first of all because ur one d best writer…..thn my cute friend…..& my first commentor…..thanks a lot…….well I’m really stuck up with few things….will try to update soon
Now let’s answer ur question…..well primary reason for Neil & kabir befriending radhika was solely radhika…..secondary reason will b twist in upcoming episodes…. & thn it comes abt Arjun…..well Neil does know something which other two doesn’t…. & let’s say kabir is D observing one……well I can only say that Neil is not a side hero in this story…of course Arjun is D lead…..but……just read d first line of d first episode of MMK…..that is what would b it’s ending….
Love u dear….a tight jhappi & muuuuha
love it…. jai bad mouth abt rads do his tongue is out…. he touch her so fingers are chopped … n finally hero in actin by taking his heart out…. loved it. .
n sply whenever arjun come at night…
keep it up…
Thanks jannat….stay blessed dear
like always meen……damn awesome…. amazing….. waiting for next…
Thanks jabbo…..thanks alot….stay blessed dear
It’s amazing meen I totally loved I am really very big fan of your writing Arjun pretending to be rude and his care at night, Neil and kabir’s way to make Radhika laugh was just awesome
Please post next epi soon???
Aaw Sofia thanks….gosh my fan….seriously I’m so happy… Smiling like a fool….actually I’m just a normal girl like u…..& it feels so good after reading these comments ….thanks a tonn
it was wonderfull….i love italian (Mafia) Arjun. when he used such words to express his feelings…i enjoyed it…thank you
Thanks a tonn kk….stay blessed dear….muuuha
Tesoro Mio…!! what’s this…I mean what is this girl…!!!My love for this story is like that of Arjun’s for Radhika…bin laila ke chakkar..I know you may ask it…ok…!! Now a warm teddy hug for this update…You bring it marvellous dear….Kabir and Neil! wow…and The dining table part..was so emotional..I did think like that..why Neil to hurt himself…ArNeil bond..something to admire.. Kabir and Neil comments on girls…gosh…rofl…Poor Rads…And its all becoz of Arjun…he did bring the name Laila..argh! Man…he loves her…still…chalo..we too will see how long and how far this Mafioso re can stay away from his regina…
Rads thinks that to be a dream…Jaago re !! wow..the lover side of Arjun…I second with Myra abt Neil and kabir bond with Radz… But girl…she slept inhaling his scent and he kissing her wounds..you decided to make me swoon for a Mafia boy…!! Rads checks if the door is locked..lol… Now I wanna punch this Mafia king, why the hell he left her alone that day..the jai devil casted his eyes..but wat a punishment…Meen…Eyes out..fingers chopped…heart out…all worked like a master chef with their knives.. Arjun took his heart out..!! He deserves after all…and and…Icecream….At last…Neil….!!!! Neil and kabir casual talk about their project Jai..am blinking…Radz…jump to Mafia king room and slap him hard..he may spill something…but in pasta lang …Google baba ki jai ho…Impossible for him..wow…so what stops you man..!!
And from when he knew her..from that day only,..and what Radz dad doing..Sam…what happened..you cast a spell on us…update fast and lo amavo!! Meen..the place where Rads gets confused of why she cries then..coz of neil or jai or Arjun being with other girl and her trust on him…Superb!!! Fantastic one!!! muahh…Love u loads…TC…
Jessssss…….girlllll…..thank uuuuuuh……& what?…..master chef with their knives…..really?……girl u r amazing…..I’m laughing like a mad girl….& believe me I feel that u know this MAFIA KING a lot…..hmmm……drooling over Arjun….haan?…… Not fair……well let my future jij read this….he will kill Arjun…..& take u away….hehehe…..thanks a tonn Darling sis….muuiiha
Meen yaar u killed it.!!! I recently started reading it u engaged me very well. The most important part which I loved is when arjun comes at night in radhika’s room and when he talks in I guess italian language. Plzzz yarr post next part soon otherwise I will die plzzzzzzzzz
Thanks a tonn arnav…..& come-on u can’t b dying without seeing their romance…..haan?…..hehehe
…..will try to update soon…..stay blessed
Loved it
Thanks kavina…..stay blessed
so cute…! I mean seriously u r an amazing writter mean. And yeah neil and kabir’s talk….!! i m hardly control my laugh. But they try to make radhika to feel better….!! it is really good to read ur updates dear….!! so pls update the next part soon
Thanks a tonn sudha….& omg amazing writer….thank uuuuuuh…..stay blessed dear….will try to update soon
so cute…! I mean seriously u r an amazing writter dear. And yeah neil and kabir’s talk….!! i m hardly control my laugh. But they try to make radhika to feel better….!! it is really good to read ur updates dear….!! so pls update the next part soon
Wow this is superb .. you are a great writer indeed … love it … I felt bad seeing radhika is hurt and neil punishing himself to control his anger … loved raneil’s heart to heart conversation …. I’m feeling that kabir and neil are hiding some thing from radhika … arjun cares for radhika … it’s not her imagination .. arjun comes to see her at night … jai’s punishment was too scary .. pulling out his eyes .. cutting hands … and pulling out his chest was toooooo scary .. if I saw his dead body like that I’m going to die for sure cause of a heart attack .. kabir and neil was say their deeds like heros , tge way they punish jai … neil was going to say that arjun was the one who pulled out the jai’s heart .. I really want to see radhika’s reaction after that confession … plzzzzzzzzz come back soon with a another great episode full with love, friendship, suspense and all … stay blessed and update soon

Nayan…..thanks a tonn girl…..u r simply amazing reader…. I mean ur comment is what I actually want to read……thanks again…..stay blessed…..muuuuha
Meen this was fantastic…you just wrote it so perfectly that I don’t know which part to highlight …..Arjun cannot ignore her ….aww thats sweet….I never wanted this one to end….beautiful amazing rocking loved it
stay blessed…and post soon????????
Hiii gaurii……thanks a tonn Darling sis….for ur amazing words…..u know what it means for me…..stay blessed……love ya….muuuha
& yup plz update mmz eagerly waiting
no words to describe. Was eagerly waiting for update.
Thanks Moni ….will try to update soon…..stay blessed dear
Too gud yaar ???
Plz post d nxt 1 soon …
Haiiiii aradhika fan…..thanks a tonn for commenting dear….will try to update soon…..
Nice shot….
Was waiting for your update…
Try to update regularly….
Love to read you….
Will be waiting for your next shot..
May Almighty bless you….
Hiii haya…..thanks dear….I love to c ur comment….actually I’m stuck up with few things …..will try to update ASAP…..stay blessed dear
no words to express yar what an update u killed it
is neil trying to make arjun jealous wow great and i want to know the translation for previous update i dont understand anything by the way where is sam and what is radz father doing
pls pls update soon yar i want to read the next one so soon
Hiii heena….thank u dear…..well there will b a special episode where Arjun would tell her meaning of every single Italian phrase he has spoken to her…..till that please wait a little….& Sam,saral & radhika’s father will b there soon….stay blessed
wow!! my eyes literally popped out!! hair on my skin in a straight stand.. goosebumps… oh god!!! mafia peeps are arrogant and ruthless.. lol s*x life.. neils anger .. god.. so its arjun.. shes not dreaming… jais torturous death.. uuuff..
i loves it on the whole.. kabir and radhika.. neil too..
update soon.. love you
Thanks a tonn shree……will update soon….stay blessed…..muuuuuuuuha