Hellllllllllllllllllo friendssssssssssssss……….hw Hv u all been?……yup I missed u all ……..thank u everyone for ur precious comments…..im really grateful to u all…..& I’m sorry that I didn’t replied early…..as u all knew my Mac wasn’t working properly….. Thank u all for ur prayers….but unluckily it HS gone dead….so I’ll Hv to buy a new one………..so this one I wrote on my phone….. I’m know there would be many mistakes as I’m not used with writing on my phone……still I tried my best…….so here’s d double dhamaka as u asked Myra………..this one I would like to dedicate to all my silent readers & my cute friends on tu…sathya,gauri,Myra,jessssss,sweetie,jewel,Roma,dipika,farjana,kk,nayan,neetz,brin,aastha,kavina,ana,sangee,arti,rasha,Moni,haya…….thank u so much guyz…..& yup as u all asked I Hv provided translation of Italian phrases at d end of d episode……I blabbered a lot didn’t I?????…..hehehe….kindly ignore my typos & grammatical errors……
Njoy d ride
Radhika’s POV
Tears were rolling down my face …..I was sitting against d mirror in d changing room…..why….why does his words hurt this much….he is nothing to me….nothing….. Then why…..why i felt a painful knot in my chest when he called me undesirable & useless…….it’s not that I expect him to say anything better….thn why do I feel so hurt……am I really that bad……that undesirable…. That he couldn’t even stand me in d same space as him……..w…why does he despise me so much?…..what Hv I done to him?…….my thought got broken when I heard a sharp knock….I got up ,wiped my tears & moved out of d changing room….as soon as I got out…..his eyes searched mine for something I don’t know….thn his focus drifted on my cheeks which were covered by stains of dry tear…….for a sec I felt his features soften but thn d next sec they were gone……he thn gave me a disgusted look & said…” I don’t HV all day to waste on someone like u… ” saying this he started moving towards d door…..but I stood there looking down…..trying hard to stop my tears from falling down….when suddenly someone grabbed my hand tightly & started dragging me out…..a gasp escaped my lips when d long fingers curled tightly around my wrist..I tried to wiggle out of d hold…I slapped d hand holding mine tightly…but nothing happened…I looked up to see d same pair of cold eyes…..dark….like a black sky……staring strt in to mine…..I quickly looked down….& let him drag me out without any resistance…. As if I had a choice…. Because even if I had restrained…..there was no way I would Hv won against him….as we walked down….or I would say…..as he dragged me down towards d main exit……I felt abnormal silence around me except d no of foot steps behind us which surely belonged to his men….& few whispering sound across d big Hall……this made me to look up & when I did….I was hell shocked….. Everyone….including d common people & staff….stood there aside…giving us way…..they all looked at him as if he owns them all….as if he was there God…..many of them looked scared….few looked amused…..while others gave him a respectful look…..respect?…huh???……I didn’t knew that people nowadays respects MAFIA men…..& that too someone like him…..a heartless monster……
as soon as we came out of mall…a gust of chilled wind hit my face & body causing a gasp to escape my lips…. It was really cold outside….& I was wearing a light top with jeans which wasn’t helping much…soon another gust of wind hit me causing me to shudder a little…but before I could think or say anything….he pushed me inside his mercedes ruthlessly….well after all dis time I Hv surely learned one thing he doesn’t Hv manners not a bit of them…..urrrrrgh….rude…arrogant…jerk…thinking all this I let out an irritated sigh….soon he came & Sat beside me….after few sec I felt his gaze upon me & I moved a little away from him being scared…..i was feeling strange being with him alone in his car….of course I feared him …….but there was something else ….a different feeling at d pit of my stomach……when suddenly I heard something loud…..but before I could think what it was…..Arjun took his gun out & kept his hand on mine…..his hold was firm but gentle……i dont know what came over me but slowly i intertwined my cold fingers with his warm ones…..i.it felt…s…so right……but thn I heard it again….it was a gun shot causing our car to jerk due to d hit…..I panicked & moved closer to him…..my nails started digging his warm palms unconsciously but he didn’t flinched….not even a little….as if it was nothing….. My heart started beating faster when I heard it again…all this while Arjun looked as calmed as ever….but his cold eyes seemed dangerous……. Suddenly there was a loud thud & our car stopped with d jerk & thn I heard him curse under his breadth….. Slowly he moved a little to go out….but my hold tightened on him….I don’t know why but right now I don’t want to stay alone in this car….I don’t know who they were & what they would do if they found me….I looked at him with tears in my eyes….my eyes as if pleading him….but no words came out of my mouth…..he slowly moved his hands away from mine & said looking strt in my eyes….” Stay inside…..this is bulletproof…. “…saying this he started moving away when he stopped in middle & said….” Whatever happens don’t come out…..do u understand ….dont …..come …….out”….& with that he moved out…….I Sat there holding my knees close to my chest… Every time I heard a gun shot I flinched & held my hands over my ears to shut out my surrounding…..I was trembling in fear…..tears continuously flowing down my cheeks……shot after shot could be heard…..after few minutes there was complete silence…..complete dead silence….w…what happened?….why is there complete silence……?….A…Arjun….?…..a different feeling clutched my heart..a flash of pain washed over my heart……..tears paced up flowing down my eyes…without thinking once I went out & started looking around desperately for….for….something…. I don’t know…..I looked everywhere ….there were no of bodies lying on d ground all drenched in blood…..seeing this I stood all frozen……where is h…he?….I went around ……my heart felt heavy……tears didn’t stopped for a sec… ..suddenly I felt something cold on my head……..I turned a little & my breadth hitched. ……a man stood there pressing a gun against my head.. …before I could shout or do anything else…..he dragged me somewhere…I closed my eyes……feeling scared……my heart kept repeating a single name . ..’Arjun.’……it’s when I heard d man beside me….”don’t u think u r forgetting something…..arjun.. Something imp….?”….hearing his name my eyes shot open……there he was… Right in front of me … With a gun in his hand……there was blood stains over his shirt. …..his hair disheveled….. There were several body around him lying dead …..he stood in between them all as casually as nothing happened…..but as soon as his eyes met mine….there was an indescribable fire in them….seeing him right there in front of me…..I broke down in sobs……I don’t know why but I felt relieved……maybe because atleast I’m not alone in all this…..he is with me……thts when I felt d gun pressed further over my head…. I trembled in fear….when again I looked at him…..his dark eyes held mine captive….. It felt like he was asking me to look at him…..to keep looking at him…..& nothing else ….& I did d same…..at d moment it felt like d only right thing to do….suddenly I felt a hand snaked around my waist tightly…..& thn I felt d man beside me sniffing my hairs…..I shuddered feeling uncomfortable…..tears kept rolling down….. Thn he sighed & said. ..” Ummmm…..I must say u Hv a nice taste man…..now I understand why a man like u & teja r behind her……..” Saying this he moved my top a little down my shoulder ….moving his tongue over there ..& thn he let out a moan……tears rolled down……I felt disgusted ….unable to take anymore…. I moved my elbow back with a force that hit him in d stomach….. But he chuckled & said….” Feisty haan???….I like it”…..I looked at Arjun he didn’t had any expression as if he didn’t care…..he didn’t said a word. ..h…how could he???….d man beside me moved a little….that’s when I felt his features hardening a little & he said…..” Now….now….Arjun if u want to c ur little bird alive….why don’t u drop ur gun….otherwise….” Saying this he started laughing….. Thats when Arjun leaned casually against d wall behind him & shrugged saying….” What?….u’ll kill her…..go on……as if I care?….well ….well…i guess that’s not completely true….I mean I do care… In fact I should b d one thanking u…..u r taking away a headache…. Believe me she doesn’t know a thing except crying like a baby all day…..she is hell irritating….a complete brainless fool….aaaaah…..I would suggest u to do it rather soon….otherwise I’ll do it….” Saying this he started folding his sleeves casually & my jaw dropped….. It was touching d ground….what….d….hell?…..what does he think of himself……if I say I was angry than that would b an understatement….. No I’m not angry…..nope….I’m yelling blood…..without thinking abt d gun & d shocked man holding it over my head….I yelled “really….?…u know what….u r d worst man I Hv ever seen in my life….no..wait….u r not even a human u r a damn bloddy animal….what do u think of urself ….haan?….who d hell r u……?….how dare u call me that?” How dare he…I was planning to continue my yelling when d man pressed d gun forcefully causing my head to move a little….he was fuming in anger when he said…..”stop it…..don’t u dare to play games with me Arjun…or..I’ll shoot her….” Hearing this I gulped in fear…. he would surely kill me…..thts when Arjun said …” U bttr do it this sec….otherwise… ” & in split second Arjun fired a bullet at him…which plunged right inside his head which was a mm away from mine…I stood there frozen like a statue….I didn’t dare to even move my eyes….my lips quivered ….for few secs I was blank….there was complete black in front of my eyes….that’s when I heard him…..”oops…..i think i missed”..saying this he shrugged casually…hearing this I was burning in anger…..all I could see was red…..blo*dy hell…..how dare he….I would Hv died for God sake……h…he was planning to….k…kill me…..unable to think anything…. .I quickly bend down …removed my heels ….walked a little towards him….& threw them one by one on him…..he stood there watching me in amusement….. But I didn’t gave him time & lunged on him hitting him with full force on his chest….after 3-4 punches he held my wrist tightly by his one hand…..but I didn’t gave up….I tried my best to wiggle out of his hold……but then he suddenly yanked me closer by holding my waist…..suddenly all of my moment paused…… His warm body was pressed against my cold one…his breath was fanning my face……my heart started beating faster……I looked up & regretted this d very moment…. His face was just an inch away from mine……I started biting my lips nervously…..that’s when I felt his hand tighten around my waist….I felt a different feeling building in between my br*asts…..his eyes turned a shade darker….he kept looking down at my eyes….my face…. My lips…..lips?????…..huh????…..thts when he leaned down a little & thn I felt his breath caressing my earlobe…shiver ran down my spine….. I felt my knees weakening a little….. & thn I heard him in a deep husky voice…”what did I tell u to not to do?….” I looked up at him….& he was looking at my lips….I again bit my lips nervously….I Hv never been this nervous before…..thts when I heard him curse under his breath….. He closed his eyes…..& moved his head a little backwards…..I stood there all confused…… When he again leaned towards me….his hold deathly tight on my waist… & he said in a deep husky voice….”don’t test my patience …little regina……don’t ” ….I flinched a little & said in a stuttering low voice….” U…t…told…me…t…to…..stay in d c…car..& not to come out……” For a sec I saw a flash of confusion over his eyes….but after a sec it was gone…..as if he realised something …he moved away a little & said clearing his throat… “Y..yes…thats what I told u…..& what u did?”…..” I….I came out…” Saying this I again bit my lower lip…..thts when I heard him groan….as if he is in pain or something….. I looked at him confused…..he clenched his fist & moved away……..thn suddenly it hit me…..he did all this to distract d man….I voiced my thoughts out” u…u did all this intentionally…..didn’t u?…..u…u knew how I would react?..” He didn’t replied….. Now my voice came out small & weak….”w….what I…if it would Hv hit me?….w…what I..if…I would Hv d…died….?”.he stopped in his track & turned around….his eyes grew a shade darker…..his eyes said a million things which I didn’t understand….. But it felt like I could feel it……thn again he masked it & said….”well that would hv been much bttr….i bet….wouldnt it little regina” urrrrghhhhh this man knew how to get on my nerves….I turned my head away….& that’s when I noticed that there wasn’t any of his men…..where r they….they were with us when we left d mall…..but before I could ask anything he started walking away….I ran to him as I was scared to stay alone with all these dead bodies surrounding me… But as soon as he looked at me I composed myself & walked normally…. He raised an eyebrow at me.. & I said..”umm……nothing” saying this I shook my head like a baby…..he turned around & walked towards d car…..he inspected d car….& I stood thr in silence….after few mins he bumped his hands in frustration on d car & said…”this blo*dy thing is not working…. “….without wasting a sec I said…” Thn call someone ” no answer..”why don’t u call Neil or kabir” ….no answer…..”or we can walk back to d mall” no answer “ummm…..may b we could wait here & get a lift” …..no answer….dammit….”or ….” Before I could complete my statement he pushed me against d car & held me caged between himself & car….& said….” Shut up……shut d hell up…..” ….I quickly nodded my head & started biting my lips again…..thts when he came closer…….I started looking sideways…. & he came a little more closer ….now our bodies were touching each other’s….. A shiver ran down my spine….& I started playing with d hem of my top…..thts whn he leaned down & started rubbing his hard cheek against mine…his stubble gave a feathery scratch over my cheek…….I froze at d moment……strong gust of chilled wind was hitting my face every now & thn…..but at this moment I wasn’t feeling cold…..I don’t know what he was doing to me….but I felt warm…..suddenly he started leaning down towards my lips….his gaze was fixed on my quivering lips….my eyes closed shut on there own accord….i could feel his breath against my lips…..my fingers clutched my top in a tight grip….suddenly everything stilled thats when he moved to my ear & said in a husky voice “…Un altro minuto con u premuto contro di me & vorrei perdere la mia sanità mentale…” Hearing his unknown words my cheeks heated up…. My heart started pumping at abnormal pace….I felt something at d pit of my stomach………..urrrrrgh…..why don’t I understand this language….. I don’t even know what he keeps saying to me every now & thn in this language….. May b….he was cursing me…..or may b even worst…..urrrrrgh…..thts when I felt him moving away…..& he started walking…I stood there still baffled……I quickly ran to him & matched his pace……
we walked in silence for what felt like mins…may b hours or may b years…..ummmmm….OK fine……it was only half an hour….but I don’t usually walk this much….that too it’s too cold out here….I’m shivering…. Another an hour & I would die with d cold….& he is walking as if he is a super fast train…..I’m tired…..finally I found my little courage & asked him…”ummmmm….where r we…g…going?” I said rubbing my arms to keep myself warm…..but……no answer…….”don’t u think if we contact to Neil or kabir we wouldn’t have to….u know walk at this time of night….that too in d middle of nowhere…. “….no answer….urrrrrgh….I was abt to speak again when he came to me in a swift….held my hairs tightly…..& twisted my hand behind my back…causing a shriek to escape my lips….” Don’t think I wouldn’t kill u because we r stuck in d middle of nowhere…..here I’m trying ….trying f**king hard to think that u r not here with me….but no u Hv to open that little mouth of yours every now & thn…..& ruin everything…. So listen to me little regina…..& listen very carefully it would b bttr for u if u stay away from me…..atleast as long as u want ur brainless head over ur disgusting body…..” Saying this he left me with a jerk…..I stood there looking down…..tears made their ways down my eyes…..& in sec I started sobbing ….nobody has ever insulted me like he does….it hurts….it hurts so much…..why does he do that every time?…..why is it all happening with me?….why am I stuck in d middle of nowhere with d man who hates me with every single drop of blood in his body…..I don’t want to b with him…not for a single sec….I don’t….he really is heartless….he doesn’t care for anyone’s emotions …he is an emotionless beast….a monster ……a heartless monster…..I don’t want to c his face….
We walked in silence…..dead silence for hours….& I can’t c a single human being around…..where d hell is dis place….it feels like we r far away from d city……I’m tired….my legs r paining like anything…..I don’t know how long I would keep up …… But still I won’t say a word to him…..I would rather die thn talk to him….now I was walking like a snail…..I couldn’t walk any faster….& looking at him I could tell how much angry & irritated he was…..but he didn’t said a word….good ….good for him….because another insulting words from him…& I…I would…..’yes….what would u do radhika? or I must ask what could u?’…yelled a little voice at d back of my head….I..I…would kick him….yes I would kick him where d sun doesn’t shine….yes I would do that…..thinking this I started walking proudly…..when suddenly I bumped in to a wall….I let out a groan & started rubbing my head…..when I looked up I saw a man….more specifically a man cum monster….Arjun….& thn he said “f**k…” …I quickly glanced up at d direction in which his eyes were fixed…..there it was….a beautifully lit cottage in d middle of nowhere…. It felt like a little moon in d dark sky….it was mesmerising….. Any sane man seeing this would Hv said wow…or something like that….& Arjun….he said….ummm…never mind…..he wasn’t a sane man……soon we walked towards it…..when we were at its door…..Arjun moved me behind him….& held my hand tightly…thn he was abt to take his gun out….when suddenly door flung open……
There stood a man in his 60s pointing a gun towards us….urggh little did d poor man know whom he was pointing d gun at…….Arjun was abt to take his gun out …when a women in his late 50s came & stood beside d man…..she quickly lowered down his gun & said in a lovely voice….”honey u r scaring d kids….”….thn she turned towards us & asked sweetly….”yes….what can I do for u kids?…” I felt muscles of arjun’s back twitch a little & thn he replied rudely…”we need a place”…though d women felt a little bad she didn’t expressed it….”oh….come-on in…my dear….”…we were abt to enter when d old man stood in our way & said in a stern voice…”what r u doing neeta……how could we let thm stay here….what do we know abt them….they could b anyone…murderers….thief…..or God knows they could Hv been run away from their home…we shouldn’t be trusting anyone like this…….no….they r not coming inside….” At this point I knew one thing very clearly if I didn’t interfere now this poor man would loose his life….so I moved aside a little & said….”no sir….we r not murderers or thieves… Neither did we ran away from our home…..actually our car got broken ….& there was no one around…..so we couldn’t take a lift….that’s when we found this cottage….”….thts when d women moved d men aside & said…”poor kids….& honey don’t b this harsh…..”…d old man didn’t replied to his wife…he looked down at our interlinked hands & asked us…”what relationship do u guyz share…..& don’t dare to lie abt it?”……before Arjun could say anything…. I quickly replied…. “Ummm….we r married…. Yes….h…he is my h…husband….”… As soon as these words escaped my mouth….his hold tightened on my hand…..I know he would kill me ….but I didn’t Hv a choice I didn’t wanted to spend whole night shivering out in cold….slowly I looked up at him….my fingers crossed…..but as soon as his eyes met mine….i saw a cold spark in them…..it felt like I saw a different shine in thm…..he without breaking his gaze spoke in a dark husky voice…” Yes….she is my wife….” As soon as d words escaped his mouth….I felt something churned inside me…..d word wife from his mouth sent a wave of sparks down my body…..thts when d woman named neeta brushed his husband aside & said….”honey….can’t u c d way they r looking at each other…..this could only happen if they r married or deeply in love with each other….” Hearing this I quickly moved my hand from his grip with a jerk…& looked down….I could feel his gaze on me ….but I didn’t dared to look up…..soon neeta aunty took me inside….whereas uncle still stood there…..it was clear that he didn’t believed us……he keeps on giving looks to Arjun every now & thn….as soon as we got in….I observed that this house was small…I mean too small for two persons to live….there were just a table & four chairs……a TV….there wasn’t any sofa & all….but a cot was there right in front of TV…..when she gave me a tour of d cottage I saw there were just two other rooms….one was their bedroom & other one belonged to their daughter ….which according to thm was living in Delhi……after d tour I came in d living room….where Arjun was sitting uncomfortably & uncle was throwing glares in his direction…..what felt mins of silence ended when aunty spoke…” Oh my god…..ur clothes…..why don’t u guys change…..ummm…whats ur name dear?…” ” oh sorry aunty….I’m radhika & he is A…Arjun” I said with a little smile…..she gave an heartwarming smile & said….”lovely names…..honey why don’t u give Arjun one of ur old shirts…..while I look for some clothes for this lovely lady from our daughters cupboard…. “…..at which Arjun replied dryly….” No I’m fine….”…..thn she replied him with a smile….”no dear….u should change….. Don’t worry till u eat I’ll wash & dry ur shirt….”….he was abt to deny…but thn he nodded his head & gave his shirt to her…..as soon as he did it…..I stood there looking at him like a fool….I know….I know….he is a heartless monster….he is d MAFIA KING…. But he has this body which could give any model a run for his money…..his body was perfectly toned…..his abs seems like natural…his shoulders broad….his chest perfect…. There wasn’t an extra ounce of fat anywhere……my trance was broken when neeta aunty nudged me saying….”what r u looking at my dear……he is ur husband only…..”saying this she giggled while I blushed a darker shade of red……when I looked at him a smirk was plastered on his face…..I quickly turned around & went behind neeta aunty…..urrrrrgh….what d hell was I doing…..why was I looking at him like that…..soon we entered her daughter’s room…..where he gave me a no of sarees & said….”wear whatever u like my dear….” Saying this she placed her hand over my head & started to move out……when quickly said. .”aunty…..I…I…don’t know how to w…wear a s…saree…” She turned around & looked at me for a sec…..thn she gave me a smile & said while walking towards me….”aah….don’t worry dear….I’ll help u….” After 10 mins I was standing there in front of d mirror wearing a light black sar
ee….with a blouse having a deep neck & almost backless….I felt a little uncomfortable….. I Hv never worn a saree before….but now I felt a little exposed as my bare waist & back could clearly b seen….h…how would I go like this in front of him……seeing me she smiled & said …..”don’t fidget dear…..why r u worrying after all he is your husband…” Saying this she brushed my hair & left it open such that they were falling over my shoulder in little curls…..thn she did a light makeup…..I told her that all this is not required…. But she didn’t listen….after she was done….she grinned & said…..”u r so beautiful……Im sure Today ur husband is gonna Hv a hard time…” Saying this she giggled again causing me to blush a deeper shade of red….. Thn I went down d stairs towards d dinning table….as soon as his eyes fell on me….they widened……from d day I met him this was d first time I saw him giving an expression….. Thn his gaze travelled all over my body from head to toe…..& thn he let out a sigh….a disgusted sigh & turned around clutching his fist tightly……it’s when aunty asked him “isn’t she looking beautiful”… After few seconds of silence I heard him in a hoarse voice ” No!…..I mean she looks d same”…..a lone tear rolled down my eyes hearing all this…..am I looking that bad……I know if i stand here for another sec I wouldn’t b able to control my self so I ran to d kitchen……after few min aunty came in I quickly wiped my tears & gave her a little smile…..that’s when she brought my forehead down ….gave a light kiss & hugged me gently….. Unable to hold any longer I started sobbing & asked her….”a…am I looking that bad?….” She patted my back gently & said “shhh….it’s not like that…..u r looking so Beautiful…… Just like a queen…”…. She thn let out a sigh & continued….” Let me tell u a secret my dear…..man himself is a different kind of species….. They can love someone with all their heart…..but when it comes to expressing d same they couldn’t do it…..they actually r afraid to let someone know their feeling……..to let someone in….& that’s where we have to keep patience…….. & as far as ur looks r concerned thn believe me even a blind man can tell how beautiful u r…..” Hearing this a smile made its way on my face…..thn she wiped my tears & said….”let’s go they r waiting for d dinner….”
As soon as d dinner started there was complete pin drop silence…..I sat awkwardly beside Arjun……whereas he kept looking at me…. but as soon as I looked at him …..he averted his gaze…..this kept going for sometime……while uncle was observing d two of us …..& thn after a while he said….”it doesn’t look like u guys r married……look neeta they stay away from each other as if they would catch a disease…..u remember our time…..we never behaved like this…..instead we couldn’t keep our hands away from each other for a single min…..don’t u think they r lying…..” As soon as he said this …..I quickly replied in panick….”no uncle….it’s nothing like that…..w…we truly r married…. ” at this uncle gave me a sharp look & went away……when I looked at ARJUN he didn’t said a word & walked away…..thn I heard aunty…..”don’t mind ur uncle dear ” I gave her a smile & nodded……as we finished our dinner uncle Sat in front of d TV on d cot…..while Arjun Sat on d other end of it….it was a small cot only for a person….but could accommodate three persons in a sitting position at a time….soon we finished our dinner…..aunty was doing d dishes…..I told her to relax & I would do it….but she didn’t budge…. But thn I told her to let me do it as i ll feel better that atleast I did something…..thn she left & I did all d dishes…it was so cold here at night…..& this light saree & backless blouse wasn’t helping much….when I was done with it….I walked back to c three of thm sitting on d cot. ..seeing him I knew that aunty didn’t let him go…….lights were off…& d only light coming was that from d TV ……there wasn’t any place for me……taking it as my chance to escape ….I said….”umm aunty…..I’m going to sleep …..can I use ur daughter’s room…?” ….she quickly said… ” no…..I mean yes u both can use that room dear…..but u r not going to sleep now…..let’s watch a movie…..they r showing Titanic…..come-on tomorrow u guyz r leaving…..atleast watch a movie with us….” No aunty plz don’t do this to me……how would I watch a movie that too Titanic sitting beside Arjun….no…bttr u kill me……I looked up to deny her when I saw uncle looking sharply at me…..urrrrrgh…… Hesitating I was abt to seat at d corner of d cot…..when she said….”ohhh my dear u wouldn’t b able to sit there……ummmm…..why don’t u sit on his lap….I don’t think he would mind….” I panicked…. No….no….nooooooo….I was abt to rply her when uncle said…”why would he mind after all they r married ” he said in a sarcastic tone…..ohhhh God. …where am I trapped…it would Hv been bttr if i stayed out & died due to cold…..atleast I wouldn’t Hv to do this…..urrrrrgh…… He would kill me for suggesting this facade…..he already hates me this much……& now it’s like playing with d fire…….when I looked at him….he didn’t looked at me as if I didn’t exist……trembling in fear I slowly Sat down on his lap…..but as soon as I did….he let out a sigh……I could feel muscles of his body tensed. .. ..thn I shifted a little. . …my heartbeat paced up when I felt his hot breaths on my back….my throat felt dry……though room was freezing cold but suddenly I started sweating…..movie started….everyone was focussing on movie but I couldn’t ….I looked at Arjun….it doesn’t feel like he is bothered even a little…..I wasn’t sitting comfortably so I moved a little to make myself comfortable… . thts when I heard him curse under his breath. ….I ignored him……after few minutes I again jiggled a little trying to make myself comfortable….. That’s when a warm hand snaked around my bare waist & I was yanked back……I stopped breathing for a moment…..his hand around my waist was building a weird but strong feeling at d pit of my stomach……suddenly I felt his hot breath on my bare shoulder…..which thn moved near my ears….my heart started drumming wildly……when he said in a deep husky voice….”stop …….moving…..” I sat frozen for a moment….my mind was totally blank…..what is happening with me…..why is he holding my waist….why…..ohhhh ….he is doing all this to make thm believe that we r married…..yes…..that could b d only reason…..I breaths were heavy &…i didn’t moved even my finger for next few minutes….. I turned a little to look at aunty & saw that they both were looking at each other lovingly……they were in there own happy bubble…..even at this age they truly loved each other so much….seeing them a smile crept over my face…..thn I started watching movie…..after few minutes…..I was again feeling uncomfortable so I jiggled a little……this time he held my waist tightly causing a gasp to escape my lips….thn he slowly brought his face in d crook of my neck & started inhaling my scent…..a chilled shiver ran down my spine when I felt his bare chest against my bare back…..my body started trembling a little when he said in a firm tone….”D.O.N.T…….M.O.V.E”….I gulped down…..& turned around a little on his lap to face him. . ….as soon as I turned around…..my eyes spotted his dark one….. My breath hitched……his eyes ….I hvnt seen this dark eyes in my life…..they were captivating as if they were magical….his face was just a few mm away from mine…. I bit my lower lip nervously & looked down…..thn I said slowly…..”s…sorry I…I wasn’t comfortable ….t…that’s why…I…I moved…” Saying this I started rolling d hem of my saree….
Suddenly he moved his hand further on my waist … Moving my body close to his…..with other hand he shifted my hips on his lap so that I was now in a comfortable position…… Thank God lights were off…..because I turned scarlett d moment he touched my hips……..I blushed turning scarlett….. Thn he said slowly….”don’t take it for anything else…..they r watching us…..we need to pretend….. & DO NOT MOVE….” He said d last part while gritting his teeth. . …. Unable to look up …I quickly nodded my head……after few min…..I felt him moving my hairs to one side……my moments stopped & I didn’t dare to look back…..don’t radhika….don’t…..he is just pretending so that they don’t doubt us…….yes…..that’s it….my thoughts were broken when he started moving his finger slowly on my bare back….unable to handle this proximity I clutched tightly on his other hand around my waist…… No…..don’t panick…..he is just pretending…. Radhika…..held urself together……I tried to wiggle out of his hold …..but he tightened his hold…… & soon his fingers were replaced by his soft lips on my bare back. …..causing my heart to skip a beat … Whereas my eyes closed shut on there own accord……soon his lips travelled to d crook of my neck…..where he started trailing soft feathery kiss…. Unable to take it anymore I turned around in his lap & hugged him tightly placing my cheeks against his bare chest……he again leaned down & sucked & nibbled my skin at d crook of my neck…. Causing my hold to tighten in his bare back…..slowly he made his way to my ear & said huskily nibbling my earlobe….. “.Voglio che la mia piccola regina…..ti voglio così male.” Hearing this I snuggled more in to his chest…..it felt so right..he held me protectively as if I am a small baby…..his arms covered mine perfectly as if I was made for them………though I was just pretending & nothing more…..ummmm…..I swear……thn he slowly raised my chin to make me look up…& said hoarsely… “Look at me little regina….” …as soon as I looked at his eyes …..they were dark black as if filled with desire….I started biting my lips nervously….. He is just pretending….. Just pretending….. Just pretending….. I keep on repeating this……thn slowly he started leaning down & said…..”u know ….we r just pretending …..right?….” I quickly nodded at him….& thn he leaned down a little more towards my lips…..my eyes shut down on their own accord…..soon I felt something soft at d corner of my lips….he placed a soft kiss at d corner of my lips & moved away…… I turned scarlett…….unable to look at him….I looked down…..digging my nails in his palms unconsciously……. Thn slowly I looked at him…..wondering why didn’t he kissed me…….& that’s when I came back to reality……h….he was just pretending…… He hates me………..that’s why he didn’t do it….its not that I want him to kiss me….no……never…….but why does he hates me so much….why…..a lone tear rolled down my eyes & i moved away from him running towards d room
As soon as I got In to d small room ….I walked to d balcony…..& cried my heart out…..looking at d moon….I closed my eyes & sent a silent prayer…..when suddenly I felt a hand brushing my tears off……I quickly moved away knowing fully well who it was…..as I looked at him I saw a bleam of fire in his cold eyes….he looked angry…. & thn he asked in a calm voice….”what happened?…. “….I didn’t replied him…he thn held my shoulder but I jerked his hand away…..thts when he moved back a little clenching his fist & said…..”it’s cold out here….go inside….” I didn’t replied that’s when he yanked me holding my hand tightly…. “What is it ….?”…… I tried to wiggle out & said….” Don’t touch me u moron…..u need not to pretend anymore ….no one is watching us here…I know u hate me…..I know….that’s why …u…u didn’t k…kissed me…” Saying last part slowly….I started hitting his chest……… tears rolled down my eyes…..that’s when he pulled me closer…..his one hand helding my bare waist tightly & with d other he slowly raised my chin …….I slowly opened my eyes….looking strt in his …….his eyes were dark bright shining in d moon light…..he looked strt in my eyes……slowly….he moved down & thn gently he kissed my tear away from my left cheek….his lips lingered over my cheek causing me to close my eyes feeling softness of his lips…..my legs turned Jell-O …..thts when he said in deep hoarse voice….”..Non avete idea di quanto male mi voglio rivendicare le vostre labbra a destra qui,adesso….ma ho vinto’t…. Perché siete così dannatamente avvincente….il tuo sorriso,il tuo profumo,il tuo arrossire,le vostre labbra …essi drive me crazy……mi’m paura….mi’m paura la mia regina che se ti bacio adesso poi ho vinto’t essere in grado di controllare me stesso..” Hearing his husky velvety voice my hands automatically went around his neck. . …pulling him closer….that’s when he leaned down on other side & gently kissed away my tear from my other cheek…..feeling his soft yet firm lips my hold tightened against his neck…that’s when he scooped me up ….all d while his eyes fixed on mine….his one hand around my waist…pulling me closer against him….thn he slowly lowered himself on d bed….which was only for a single person…..I was sitting there on his lap….snuggling closer to him…..at that moment I didn’t cared about who he was….what he did……how I hated him….how he despised me….how he insulted me…….d only thing that mattered is this moment….. His arm around me….holding me protectively ……I felt so calm…..Peaceful…. Somewhere I felt loved….d one which I craved since long…..I know this is all fake….I know he is just pretending….I know that he hates me….. But right now I don’t care…..I leaned more in to him inhaling his manly scent….when he slowly laid down….with me being on top of him….he held me tightly against him….as if I’m a small baby….he caressed my waist gently…..slowly I drifted to sleep hearing his heartbeat…..
1. Un altro minuto con u premuto contro di me & vorrei perdere la mia sanità mentale.————————-Another minute with u pressed against me & I would lose my sanity
2. Voglio che la mia piccola regina…..ti voglio così male.——————————–I want you my little queen…..I want you so badly……
3. Non avete idea di quanto male mi voglio rivendicare le vostre labbra a destra qui,adesso….ma ho vinto’t…. Perché siete così dannatamente avvincente….il tuo sorriso,il tuo profumo,il tuo arrossire,le vostre labbra …essi drive me crazy……mi’m paura….mi’m paura la mia regina che se ti bacio adesso poi ho vinto’t essere in grado di controllare me stesso ——————————–You have no idea how badly i want to claim your lips right here,right now….but I won’t…. Why are you so damn addicting….your smile,your perfume,your blush,your lips …they drive me crazy……i’m afraid….I’m afraid my queen that if I kiss you now then I won’t be able to control myself
Yaar aaj tu ma khusi sy na Mar jaun kahi…waz kidding lol….will come after reading….
Hey alizey….thanks a tonn dear
Oh my God do. .. yrrrr u know I was secretly wishing while scrolling down that it never come to an end…..yeah I was craving for more n more long …..hahaaahaaa…silly me it has to finish….but it’s just out of world all the while I was feeling tingling sensations in my stomach. …This much effect was of ur writing. ….yr post next one soon. ….n who wants u to control arjun…ur little Regina is craving n u r also craving but doing nothing practically. …hahaha…khoob guzray gi jab mil baithain gy dewany do…..that lap sitting scenes oooops m still feeling knots in my stomach while writing in comments….n I think this is the real power of a writer that Wat ever he writes it’s reader feels it…..
Omg alizey…..there ur words are soooooo soothing & it definitely brings a feeling of proud & satisfaction in me…..thanks a tonn Darling….u said a lot in this short comment…. U couldn’t even know what these words means to me…..a sincere thanks to u & a tight jhappi…..muuuuuha…..will b back soon
You wrote it perfectly, outstanding episode, it is so romantic, love it to the core, you nail it, well done, eagerly waiting for the next update.
Thank u brin….u r always a darlings…..thanks for supporting…..muuuuuuuuha
Uff….too hot at mid night….what to say…..!! Meen…good night…!!! ???girl…u planned to kill me with this update….gosh….what a uncle and aunty…hehe…and why that old man had gun….and the firing scene…superb….Meen..it’s beyond fantastic…Mafia king can give a run to models…I accept…lol….walking…long way…and his dialogues….pasta wala…as usual chocostic…lol…love your dedication….Tesori mio….I.just loved it girl….Ppl respect??? I too doubt like rads…for a sec I thought that fellow was saral…no…and who is Teju????? Is tat saral??? Mafioso re…don’t sleep…!! Cos I don’t trust that old man…hehe…cottage and she sits in hits lap…oh..my…!! Pretending!! Bad boy…!! Poor Rads…she kept chanting that….eager 4 next one….
Sry1 abt your Mac…new one!! Good !! That’s the best option isnt….well….thanks a lot for posting double dhamaka inspite of this prob…..I just loved it…loved it and loved it…..??????? gun shots and he in a.messy way….wowwoooo….and the last paragraph….too good…too good….!! Thanks for the translations too….waiting for next one…love you loads..TC and stay happy…
Hey Jess……u know there is this thing abt ur comments that as soon as I start reading it….I Hv this smile plastered on my face that people around me thinks that I Hv gone insane……u r such a cute…crazy…lovely…. & awesome buddy ….muuuuuuuuha…..
Now coming to update…..thank God u find it hot…..coz while writing I felt that I was missing or overdoing few things……& nope teja guy is not saral ….he is someone else…..hahaha…. Let Mafioso re ….sleep….otherwise he couldn’t control himself….
& my Mac is yet to arrive….. Waiting…….
Muuuuuha & tight hug
Amazing waiting for next
Thanks a tonn aayushi…..muuuha
Thanks a lot sarayu….muuuha
Hi meen.. first i wasn’t expecting ur update any time sooner coz of ur mac and when i see ur update my heart has started beating faster… tts the effect of ur story.. poor rads, if only she nos what is he thinking of her every sec, she wud have run for the hills..lol… my early morning dose of hotness n romance… cant wait n pls ipdate sn.. u rocked gal..
Hiiii farjana…….thanks a lot for ur sweet words dear….ur comments mean so much to me…..a sincere thanks & a tight jhappi….muuuha….will update soon
Superb .keep on rocking
Thanks a tonn chashni…..stay blessed ….muuuha
It’s awesome meen post next soon dear ohhhh I love this Arjun man……..
Hey Sofia…..thanks a tonn dear……muuuha….stay blessed
loved it meen……… amazing….
Thanks a tonn jabbo… Thank u so much…. Muuuuuha
Awesome. Waiting for next episode.
Hey devika……thanks a tonn….stay blessed
Meen……geez, this is so addictive….”we are a married…” I swear i saw that coming when uncle about their relationship….i just didnt want it to end….i just wanted it to continue and continue….
At the end of it, i feel like slapping arjun……like a real hard slap. Man, what the hell is wrong with him? What is the matter with him? Either you love or you dont …..as simple as that…..
Evidently, he loves her in italian….but despises her in english…..?
You just dont hurt a person you love….how hard is that for him to understand….
Meen sweetheart, do something naaa about this….is the next part going to be intense?????
Chalo bye. Bye….i blabbered a lot naa?
Take care……love you so much..!!
Hey Myra……..sorry for replying late….my Mac is yet to arrive……..
He loves her Italian & despises in English….. Hehehe…..well ur words r true….either u love or u don’t ….but seems there is some reason that is holding Arjun back……but don’t worry the reason will soon b revealed…….& nope next part won’t b intense…..but there will surely b moments……
Muuuuuha…. Tight hug….love u
Yar Meen… Wat an update ?? loved it? thank you for giving double damaka…cell phone or mac,there won’t be any difference in your writing, plss post soon,this is addictive.. Luv u?
Awwwww chinmayi…..thank u dear for ur amazing words…….love u….muuuha
oh my god. no words. you stopped very right moment. Dont say me that old uncle and aunty are parents or relatives of arjun.
waiting fir next one eagerly.
Hey Moni…..nope they r not arjun’s parents…..will update next one soon……thanks a tonn dear……stay blessed
waiting for it yar pls pls update soon pls pls pls
Hey heena…..thank u dear….will try to update soon…..stay blessed
Awesome, excellent and marcelous few shots dear meen. I am waiting for ur full episode.. And i will pray for ur lappy to get solved it…. About ur writing skills u are the best yaar… About this i loved all scenes that uncle and aunty are so cute couples but uncle still have doubt about theirmarriage….meen will u tell me where is sam… Is she gf of neil…. I think taht is true or not…. Plz tell us…
Hiii arti……aww u r so sweet…..thanks for ur words dear……muuuuuuuuha……. Yes Sam is there……& she will love Neil…….stay blessed
Beautiful…oops …it’s very hot…. u know I am in love with ff insanely….two shots was nice treat…loved it to the core…. please post next one soon….sorry that I didn’t comment on past few post…becoz I was screwed up with tight schedule….full of exams continuously that I feel I will go mad..I am really sorry…and ha…ur other ff wen r u posting it….. waiting for next one….and I have exams till next week…so sorry if I couldn’t comment…love u?
Hiiii starz…..thanks Darling…..don’t say sorry…..u must b busy……I’m glad u r back ….& u like this MAFIA KING….. Thanks darling…..missed u…..muuuha
Awesome yr….i just love ur writing..!!!
Thanks somya….stay blessed dear…muuuuuha
Meen…. no words to express yaar…. i am falling for ur ff… each n evryday expctng fr ur ff… whthr u hav uploaded it r nt… simply superb… no words yaar am searching for it…. u knw i use to read ur ff again n again… dnt ni hw many times i will be reading… bt i jus love to read it… i wont feel bored… i am living in it yaar… nw am so curious fr future part… pls update ASAP… am starving fr it pls update soon…
Love u alot for this wonderful ff… u nailed it… hug u dear… love u… muuuuuaaaaahhh
Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuha…. Hehehe….love u
Hiii sulbi…..first of all muuuuuuuuha…… & a tightest hug…….thank u ….thank u so much……I’m so so glad that u love this story this much……to tell u truth I Hv never thought tht I would get such amazing comments ever…..thank u ….so much…….I love u……muuuuuuuuha
hot hot hot hot hotnesssss…omg that was a super hot update dear..made me crave for.more ..lol
thanku for the double dhamaka
Thank u neetz……love u dear….ur comment means a lot….stay blessed…..muuuuha
seriously eagly waiting for next epi ya and u r really good story writer and keep writing god bless u ya and I like this epi very much………
Thanks a tonn sne……I’m glad u liked it…….love u dear…..stay blessed…..muuuuuha
this is too good.waiting for the next one.
Thanks Maddy….will update soon…..stay blessed…muuuha
seriously eagly waiting for next epi ya and u r really good story writer and keep writing god bless u ya and I like this epi very much………
Hey arnav…..thanks a tonn dear…..I’m glad u liked it…..stay blessed
Wow..what a chapter!! i wish it never ends..why is he so confusing??plss dont make our radhu cry more…
Thanks vaish…..I guess there is some reason behind his behavior…. U’ll know it soon…..stay blessed….love u
Meen, that was a fantastic episode!! Loving the weird relationship that Arjun-Radhika are sharing!! Loved every part of the episode especially where Arjun distracts the other guy and who is Teja. Is is Saral’s other name or some other random villian?? Lastly, intense romance of Arjun-Radhika!! Man, it was too hot too handle!! I’ve a small request, please give the italian translations in brackets next to the sentence, instead of psoting them at the end, for it’s breaking the intensity of the episode, while reading. Please post the next one soon!! Till then, take care happie day!!
Hiiii viprida……thanks a tonn Darling…..will post translations next to d statement only….& nope teja is not saral…….but some other dangerous character……. Will post soon …..muuuuuha
it’s so nice since iam silent reader ….but today episode made me to comment for u ff……it was really excellent the way your writing made me to read the story again and again…..you are a excellent writer……about this story i am speechless it’s awesome.double awesome……waiting for next episode very quick……..
Hey sundari……thank u dear…..I’m glad my story has this effect & u loved it……a sincere thanks to u……ur words means a lottttttttttttttttttttt to me……..I hope I wouldn’t let u down…..love u…..stay blessed
it is so amazing dr u wrote so good craving 4 more n more thank u 4 double dhamake but kya kare i have been addicted 2 ur ff plz update next part asap
Thanks Parul……..it means so much that u said u r addicted to d story…..thanks a lot dear……muuuha…. Will b back soon
sorry about the mac.. ik how it feels.. thanks for the double update.. loved it.. wow! this guy melts so much n becomes rigid again..
update soon babe.. learning italian is fun.. i need it a lot fr business
love you
Hey shree…..thanks for supporting Darling…..thanks a tonn…..chalo khin to kaam aayi y Italian lang…..hehehe….love u
Meen… you know what whenever i see ur update i keep translator ready… i so dàmn adore ur story… and the way neil teases arjun is marvellous keep it up
Hey amore……thanks dear….u r right dear….let’s say…..Google translator zindabad…. Hehehe….muuuha
hehe forgot to write about today’s chappy… it was fab as always and the situation u created was soo good
Thanks darling….muuuha