Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

What magic did u do? (Part 6)

Sorry guys for the late update as I got disturbed because of reiata and furry comments?
But I realized that for some one why should I stop writing ☺
And I am writing for the people who liked my ff
1 yr leap……
sanskaar became big director and he is in USA for shooting
And he was explaining to his workers and suddenly he swara there going with a man
Swara also sees him and tell that man that I will come right now and goes to sanskaar she asks how r u
He says fine and how r u I guess u are happy very much (in a rude voice)
That time only that man calls swara and she says u go I will come
SANSKAAR says pack up.
And they both go walking and stop near a park
Swara asks so u fulfilled your dream of becoming director congrats sanskaar
He says thank u swara
Is that man u r husband

Swara says noooo no no sanskaar I did not get married
SANSKAAR says what? (Shocked)and syats then why did your parents tell like that
She says that I only told them to tell like that
Swara says whatever leave about me what about u did u love anyone
SANSKAAR says yes
She makes sad face
She asks who
he says you only swara since u went I did not love anyone
Swara says shall we marry
SANSKAAR asks what
Swara says yes SANSKAAR we will marry
SANSKAAR hugs her and he kisses her on her lips
And they get married in a church
Añd they see a temple and also marry there
And they come to home and consummate their marriage
And sanskaar gets up when swara is sleeping he kisses on her cheek and goes to balcony
Suddenly swara wears her nightie and hugs him and says I love u sanskaar
After 1 month
SANSKAAR movie gets released and becomes a hit
Suddenly he gets a call from laksh
LAKSH says he wants to meet ragini

Swara asks sanskaar to take laksh to ragini they both love each other and pleads
SANSKAAR says ok she is in Kerala teaching for small poor children
We will go tmrw in flight he says to laksh
LAKSH thanks him and says ok I will come to the airport

Precap-they reach Kerala and see ragini there; suddenly ragini sees laksh and cries and runs to the washroom and cries vigousrly; and comes out and shouts on laksh why did u come here and shouts on sanskaar do u don’t want me to be happy why did u tell him and cries
Guys I Didn’t not describe swasan intimate scene as I am only of 7th class and for my small brain I did not get ideas sorry if anyone got disappointed


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