Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

What magic did u do? (Part 7)

Hi guys thank u very much for your motivation
Sry guys mistakenly I typed kerala it is tamil nadu
Laksh reaches the airport and see swasan there and hugs swara and says how r u think u r happy shona
Sanskaar says shona???
Laksh says shona is swara’s nickname
Sanskaar says oh
swara says i am fine bhai how are u and yes i am very happy with sanskaar
laksh says i know u will be happy and i am like this as always
Laksh thanks sanskaar for taking him to ragini ;sanskaar says it is ok laksh but I don’t guess ragini is going to accept so easily sanskaar then says whatever laksh hope postive it is time for the flight and they go and board the flight
Swasan sit together in the flight as it is 2 seater
Laksh remembers the time spent with ragini
Swara sleeps on sanskaar shoulder and says i wish ragini accepts him fast
Sanskaar says I hope because ragini use to cry everyday in the night and she got very disappointed so I told her to move on then she started to work in the tsunami relief camp and in manapad in tamil nadu

After 1 and a half an hour
Then the flight lands in tamil nadu
There they go the place where ragini is working and laksh sees ragini there and gets teary eyed
(hamari adhuri kahani song plays in the bg)
Then ragini sees laksh and cries and runs to the washroom and cries vigousrly
And come shout and shouts on laksh why did u come here?
And shouts on sanskaar do u don’t want your sister to be happy?
Laksh says there is nothing wrong of sanskaar I only asked him
Ragini takes swara with her and goes where she says
Sanskaar says to laksh don’t worry ragini will accept u

Next day
It is ragini birthday
It is 12 am
Swara wakes up ragini and says come with me urgent
Ragini goes and in the hall(they r living in a house)
And everyone shout suprise
And Laksh wishes her she ignores him
Swasan and ragini friends wishes her she say thank u
And they make her cut cake she makes everyone eat the cake except laksh
Then they play antakshari and swasan dance while laksh is singing tum hi ho
Laksh sings all love songs and ragini smiles
Laksh gets happy
In the morning laksh even makes ragini cut the cake infront of all her students
And ragini says thank u to laksh

Next day

Ragini says I want to talk to u laksh
Laksh says same and they boh talk
Laksh asks I am sorry ragini pls forgive me and pls come to my life again
Ragini says I forgived u long back
Laksh says thank u
Ragini says don’t get over exicited laksh I forgived my friend laksh but not my lover laksh I cant forget that wt u did with me
How much I pleaded u to take me along but u said no and left me alone and went away
And I know how many nights I use to cry
But right now I am very happy with my current situation
Laksh says pls forgive me ragini I cant live without u
Ragini cries and says even I pleaded u like this but u left me
Laksh gets disappointed and says ok I am sorry u be happy I will only leave from your life as I want u to be happy
Ragini says thank u

Swasan and raglak reach Hyderabad
Swara parents and sanskaar parents accept their awasan relation and swasan with sanskaar parents and ragini live together in the same house
Swara goes to her parents house and their parents tell her that laksh is getting engaged
Swara gets shocked and comes to laksh and says but bhai u love ragini right how can u do this
Laksh says she told me to go away and move on and now I am forgetting her pls swara don’t bring again her in my life she is very happy without me
Swara says but bhai….
Laksh says no swara I don’t want hear anything
Swara thinks I have to make raglak unite any how

Precap-laksh drops swara in her home and gives ragini his marriage card says surely comes to my engagement and weeding


Status Update

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