Fan Fiction

Magician love-Episode 13

Last part: Episode 12

Swara was looking at Sanskar, putting his head on her lap. After sometime, Sanskar opens his eyes. He will look at Swara. Swara will smile. He wakes up from her lap. Soon

Swara hugs him. “I’m so glad, I was worried Sanskar…” she cries.
Sanskar says, “It’s ok Swara…calm down…” patting her back.
They both stand up. Swara is still hugging him. Sanskar kept his hand on her shoulder.

One man among those people says, “Maharani, now everything is okay. You can rule us again.”
Swara: I’m already queen in someone’s heart. So I can’t rule you. You guys rule yourself.
Sanskar smiles with her answer.

That man: Sanskar beta, you have helped us a lot. You even wanted to risk your life for us. We will never forget your help. You can be our king…

Sanskar: as Swara said, you people rule yourself. I have some other works to complete.

Swara smiles shyly with his words. Sanskar understands her smile.

They both take leave from villagers and heading back to their house.
Sanskar is silent. Swara is looking at him. She holds his hand and asks, “What is that work you have to do..?”
Sanskar: It’s not what you think.
Swara amazes: then what…?

They both enter into house. Sanskar is silent.
Swara: Sanskar, tell me. What is it??

Sanskar: pack your entire luggage Swara; you have to go back to your parents.
Swara shocks, “what…?”
Sanskar: Swara, I didn’t tell you. Your parents didn’t agree for our marriage actually. I have kept a magical charm on them so that they will listen to me. I have cheated you and your parents.

Swara is silent. Sanskar thought that Swara might get anger with his words, she might hate him. But she,

Swara: you did all that in a purpose. No parents will agree to send their daughter like that. What you have done is not wrong. My parents will understand you Sanskar…
Sanskar: but, our lives are completely different. I’m a magician.
Swara: but not now. Sanskar, even if you were a magician, I know, that I will be happy with you always. Because you love me. What I need more than that??
Sanskar: Swara, bahut hogaya. Ab thum mera bhat suno. We are going to your parents, that’s it!!

Swara feels sad with his harsh answer. But she packs all her luggage, as Sanskar said. Sanskar is really feeling sad in his room.
They both sit in a bus to go back. Swara laid her head on his shoulder. She is holding his hand very strongly. Her tears are wetting his shoulder. But Sanskar controls his emotions.

Swara: Sanskar, if you married me on a purpose, then why did you tried to hug me many times? Why did you wanted to be close with me…?

Sanskar: because, I couldn’t control my emotions then. I was in love with you Swara. I have married you on purpose, but my love is genuine.

Swara: So, you couldn’t control yourself then, then why are you controlling now? My tears are flowing like waterfalls but you aren’t melting. Why….? You don’t have love on me now…?

Sanskar is silent. Swara cries badly hiding her face on his shoulders. Sanskar wipes a tear from his eye and holds his wrist tightly to control his tears.

Sanskar: Swara, don’t cry like that, everyone are looking at us.
But Swara didn’t stop.

Very hardly, that painful journey is over. Swasan reaches to her house.
Shekar and Sumi losses Sanskar’s control when his powers are gone. They don’t know what happened. They surprise to hear everything from Sahil. They are very worried for swara.

As soon as Shekar looks at Sanskar, he grew anger at him. Shekar runs at Sanskar and slaps him. Sanskar is silent.
Swara shouts, papa…
Shekar holds Sanskar collar and starts bashing, “Don’t you have shame to trap us and get our daughter? You have to deserve your sins. I will throw you in police station.”
Swara: papa, Sanskar has done everything for me. He saved me from a magician. That’s why he needed to do that. But he loves me a lot papa…

Shekar looks at Swara and then turns to Sanskar, “What magical charm did you put on her?? She is talking like that…?”
Sanskar: uncle, I may put magical charm on anyone but not on your daughter. Because I love swara.

Shekar: don’t take my daughter’s name…

He says and beats him. Sanskar falls on ground. Swara runs to him. Then she shouts, “Papa, he is my husband. Don’t raise your hand on him”

Shekar and Sumi are surprised with her words.
Swara: he didn’t put any magic on me. His love is pure. And now, he is no more a magician. He is just normal as us.
Sumi: then why did he do like that?

Then Swara explains them everything. Shekar feels bad for beating Sanskar but he is not ready to accept him.

Shekar: beta, he may be not a magician now, but his past won’t change. You can’t be happy with him…!

Then Sanskar interrupts, “Yes uncle, you are right! She can’t be happy with me. I may have lost my powers, but she has to live in a lonely world with me. Because, no one accepts me as human again.”
Everyone feels sad with his words.
Sanskar: that’s why I have brought her back here. The purpose is completed, so we need not be together.
Swara shocks with his answer.
“I’m going back now uncle. Sorry for giving you trouble. Swara, take care…” says Sanskar and starts going away.

“No Sanskar, please stop. Papa, ask him to stop. Papa, he was leading lonely life because of me. He lost his parents because of me, I’m the reason for his turning to magician. He is going to be alone forever, papa, ask him to stop. I can’t live without him. I love him a lot….” Says Swara crying badly. Sumi consoles her. Shekar looks at Swara and feels bad.

Sahil too wipes his tears and says, “Uncle, let Swara go… you always needed her happiness right…! She will be happy with Sanskar. Leave her…”
Sumi too says that only. Swara looks at Shekar. “Jaa beta, jaa…aapne Sanskar ke pass jaa…” says Shekar.
Swara feels very happy. Sumi shakes her head, ‘yes…’ Sahil shows thumbs up.

Swara wipes her tears and starts running. Sahil takes his guitar and plays, “Thuje deka thoye jaana sanam…”
Tin tintin tin tin tin tin tin…….

Swara keeps running in wind and hugs Sanskar from back. Sanskar, who don’t know all this, gets amazed. He turns back and sees her family. They are waving their hands happily to them.

Sanskar feels very happy. Swara and Sanskar look at each other.
Sanskar: what happened…?
Swara: I have to ask. What magic have you done, suddenly they are changed…
Sanskar: haa…don’t blame me, I doubt you seriously.
He says looking at her face. Swara beats him funnily and hugs him. Sanskar too hugs her.

They start going away hand in hand.
Sanskar: hey, how I’m I going to look you after now? I didn’t study anything. By your grace, I lost all my powers, now tell me how we are going to live…?
Swara: don’t worry about that now. Let’s go back to your village first… I have lots of works…
Sanskar in smile, “Hmm…what works…?”
“So many, we have to make our neighbors as friends. We have to clean the house… and all pujas should start again…because, this is our new life…” says Swara.
Sanskar takes her near…

Everything was set normally again. Sanskar became the normal human. All neighbors started liking him. He looks at cheerfully talking Swara, “I thought, my life would be in darkness always, but you brought this happiness Swara. Thank you…”
He says in himself. Swara smiles back understanding what he said.

Friends, this is the end of the story. Swasan are happy later….
Hope you enjoyed the story…. Thanks for reading guys… plz comment….


My wattpad: Astra07

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