Categories: Mahabharat

Mahabharat 12th December 2013 Written Episode Update

Mahabharat 12th December 2013 Written Episode, Mahabharat 12th December 2013 Written Update

The episode starts with a face off between Duryodhan and the Pandavas in the forest . Duryodhan said you have to fight me to move ahead
At Hastinapur Palace Dhritrashtra says why the people are celebrating Pandava victory so much. Gandhari says because they love them equally. Dhritrashtra says these celebrations will hurt my son when he reaches here. Gandhari says its time he learns and its only right to crown Yudhistir as crown Prince

At forest Yudhistir says its not right for Kuru princes to fight each other. Duryodhan says either you vow to leave the throne or you fight me. Yudhishtir is about to vow when Arjun stops him and says not to make a vow which will hurt the soul of his father. Yudhistir says he vows that he will accept king Dhritrashtra’s decision.

smiles and says and he will decide on me
At Panchal Drupad us remembering his insult at the hands of Arjun and Dron. He remembers how Dron said he does not have a son.
Shikhandini comes there and he says all his gone. His empire of a 1000 years. The pride of his ancestors . All is lost. Shikhandini says when forests are burnt the soil becomes more fertile. We will also defeat them again. Drupad says and who will do that? You? Who lost in the first go? You didn’t even see Arjun. You will face those worriers?
Shikhandini says yes. Worriers will die but I wont before Bheesha. You know that. Drupad says he doesn’t believe that Lord Shiva jhas blessed her. He was a foioll in keeping faith in her. Only a son can help me now. You are of no use to me.I will get a son who will avenge me on dron and Hastinapur
At Hastinapur Palace Duryodhan says that this war was not a contest, Bheeshma and Vidur made her into a contest. Tomorrow if you make Yudhistir the king then I will not remain quite
Dhritrashtra says give a reson just a small one. Tell me dron and drupad fooled you and I will make you the king
But when you yourself do not doubt the Pandava resources then how do you expect the people to?
Duryodhan says that you are the king. Who can question you? Dhritrashtra says King is independent but not free willed. He cannot go against the people/
Duryodhan says if you make Yudhistir the King then he will revolt
Dhritrashtra says don’t do that then I will have to…
Dushasan says what? You will wage a war against your sons?
Duryodhan hears cties of hailing the Pandavas outside and says yes a king who does not surpress a revolt has to leave his throne. You do your Dharma but if you make him the crown prince then I will forget the culture of Hastinapur

Precap:Duryodhan asks Karna what he can do for him? Can he forget Dharma?

Update Credit to: Nandiniraizada

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