Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Parvati says to Shiv that Mansa is trying to attack your loyal’s kids, this is not right. Shiv says loyal’s test is this too alongwith Mansa.
Vaipar, Shiv’s loyal sees his kids trapped by Mansa. Mansa says are you ready to be my loyal now? Vaipari says there must be a reason for Shiv to let this happen but I wont change my loyalty. Mansa says lets see. Mansa’s snakes attack Vaipari’s kids, he cries seeing them die. Mansa says your faith in your loyalty brought death to your six kids, if you become my loyal then you have only few hours left for that, she leaves from there. Vaipari cries for his kids.
Parvati says to Shiv that we can stay silent like this.
Parvati comes to earth, Mansa says I didnt break any rule. Parvati says you attacked six
Lakshmi’s marriage starts. Groom and bride comes to mandap. Parvati says to Mansa that we didnt break any rule, you killed six kids, we are doing Lakshmi’s marriage to protect him. Mansa says he wont be able to enjoy his marriage. Parvati says we can stop you anytime but we are giving you the chance to choose the right path, she leaves. Mansa says you both think you are great and doing all this to distract me but I will get what I want, I will become Devi Mansa. Lakshmi’s marriage happens.
Agni says to Indar that Mansa is crossing her limits, Indar says this will bring Mahakali’s wrath on her, Lakshmi’s wife will become widow tonight.
Lakshmi and his wife are in a room after marriage. Mansa comes there, she attacks Lakshmi, he dies. His wife cries and says you are Shiv’s loyal so this happened with you. His wife says no, they have to bring my husband back. She cries and says how can my blessing end like this? Indar comes there, his wife asks him to bring her husband back. Indar says I cant do it, its not in my power. Vaipari prays to Shiv.
Parvati says to Shiv that you have to protect your loyal. Shiv says Mansa have to understand that becoming devi is not easy.
Mansa says to Vaipari that where was your Shiv when I killed your sons? become my loyal and end all this. Vaipari looks on and says I am ready to become your loyal. Mansa gets happy and says see Shiv, I made your loyal as my loyal. Shiv and Parvati comes there. Mansa says I didnt break any rule and completed your challenge, so give me devi position. Parvati says as a devi, you have to act like a mother to your loyals, you have give them faith that you will always protect them, keep them happy. Mansa says you might be sad that I took your loyal but soon all loyals will pray to me, Shiv says now you are a devi so fulfill your loyal’s first wish. Mansa asks Vaipari what he wants? just ask and it will be yours. Vaipari says bring my son Lakshmi back. Parvati says Mansa you have to fulfill his wish, make Lakshmi alive again Devi Mansa. Mansa looks on. Indar smirks. Mansa uses her powers but cant make Lakshmi alive. Mansa starts getting dizzy using all her powers. Vaipari says just give my son back and I will be your loyal for life. Mansa says I want to give you son but I cant. Vaipari says to Parvati that please give my son back, I have always prayed to you. Parvati takes a leaf and puts it on Lakshmi’s head. Mansa looks on. Lakshmi becomes alive with that leaf. All are elated. Lakshmi hugs his wife. They thank Parvati. Parvati says to Mansa that we were trying to tell you this, its easy to say that you want to be devi but you need to earn love and faith of your loyal to get those powers to keep them protected. mansa says I am sorry, I didnt understand it before but now I know why you are Parvati, you brought us all to life and you brought Lakshmi back, I will always be guilty that I killed Vaipari’s six children. Shiv says they are not dead, he uses his powers to bring them back. Vaipari runs to them and hugs them. Mansa says how is it possible? I killed them. Shiv says your mother is Mahakali, she can kill, she can bring life back. Mansa says you both knew what was going to happen and I thought I could get that position, I didnt understand that you cant let injustice happen with your loyal, I am sorry you both had to bear all this because of me. Parvati says you earned your lesson and I am happy to get my daughter back, she hugs Mansa. Msana says they will always be your loyal. Shiv says you are close to my heart, loyal can pray to many Devis. PArvarti says Mansa you have earned your place, from now on you will be called Devi Mansa and whole world will pray to you. Vaipari says I want to pray to you too. Parvati makes a throne for Mansa and says it will be associated with you and people will pray to Devi Mansa. Mansa smiles gratefully and sits on her throne. She takes avatar of a Devi. Indar is miffed. Devi Mansa smiles. Parvati and Shiv are happy. Ganesh and Kartika looks on. Vaipari prays to her. Mansa says to Vaipari that I want to give my thanks to my devs, she says I want to accept charity from my left hands from my followers. Parvati smiles and nods. Vaipari puts flower in her feet from left hand. Parvati says my daughter will make place in hearts of lives. Vasuki says you protected my sister and made her a Devi. Shiv says Mahakali showed path to her daughter, Parvati says situations can change but bad things end badly, she eyes Indar. Kartika says I am happy for my sister Mansa. Ganesh says all will be excited to meet Devi Mansa. Shiv’s snake goes around his neck. Parvati says to Shiv that there are still some elements that are negative and we have to stop them. Shiv says we can wait for fire to end. Parvati says okay I will wait for it to end but if it doesnt then Mahakali wont be able to forgive, she looks at Indar.
PRECAP- Mahakali punishes Indar by taking his position and exiling him from Dev raj.
Indar takes oath to destroy Shiv and Parvati. He goes to meet some evil groups.
Update Credit to: Atiba