Maharaja Ranjit Singh 5th May 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Raj is worried. Roop says please eat something. Mehtab says you haven’t eaten anything. She says no I am worried. I feel like Ranjit is in trouble.
Mahan is looking for Ranjit too. He recalls Ranjit’s promise. Lakhpatrain tells Mahan Ranjit is nowhere.
Ranjit is dazed. He was kidnapped by Veer. Ranjit says you.. You are fine. I thought I lost you. Veer says I promised to teach you. I had to come. Ranjit says but the camp and the people? Veer says you will find all the answers calm down. For now only prepare for your next lesson. Ranjit says lets come with me to Gunjrawala. You should meet dad. Veer says I will but on right time. Its time for your training only.
Ranjit recalls he asked Veer if he can do sword fighting. He says no first you need to
Scene 2
Mahan orders him men to find Ranjit at any cost. He sees Ranjit’s horse raftaar there. Mahan says Ranjit’s raftaar? Is ranjit in trouble. He sits on Raftar and says take me to Ranjit Raftaar. Ranjit is training.
Ranjit comes towards water. Veer breaks the pot. He says there is not water in the battlefield.
Ranjit keeps practicing.
A punching bag tears with Ranjit’s punch. Veer gifts him a sword. Mahan is on his way.
Veer attacks Ranjit. Ranjit says why did you attack me without telling. Veer says the enemy doesn’t ask you before attacking. Veer says I won’t myself. You will stop me. Ranjit falls down. His head is hit and he faints. Mahan comes and says he is my son. Mahan’s son. How dare your attack him. Mahan comes towards Veer with his sword. Veer fights him very well but leaves him sword. Ranjit says pick your sword and fight. Ranjit says stop father.. He stands in front of Veer. Ranjit says he is my master. Mahan is dazed. Ranjit says he is teaching me everything. Mahan says how can you trust an unknown person. Veer says don’t trust me trust yourself. Mahan recalls its the same voice who told him about Ghulam. Mahan says who are you? He says Veer Yodha. I was training Ranjit secretly so enemy has no idea of it. Mahan says enemy? He says yes Ghulam.
Scene 2
Ghulam comes to the camp and sees things burned there. He says all these bones are of animals.
Veer says the same Ghulam I warned you about. The Ghulam who is the enemy of this whole nation. Mahan says how you know all this? Why didn’t you come to us before. Veer says I will answer everything. I know Ghulam before Rasulnagar battle. He kept me detained for years and took my vision. When I heard his plans I ran from there.
his men were everywhere in the city. So I couldn’t reach you. But God sent Ranjit to me. Then I got to know Ghulam is fooling you with friendship. So it was important for me to meet you.
Mahan says Ranjit you knew all this? Ranjit says all I knew was his good intentions.
Mahan says come with me Veer. I promise you you will get everything you deserve. Mahan says my happiness lies in these jungles. Not in palaces. Mahan says how? He points at Ranjit. He says I want to train Ranjit to expert level. I will keep my secret army ready for him. This is my happiness and revenge as well.
Mahan says we are proud of you. This nation is proud of you. Mahan says I bow down to your courage and wisdom. Veer bows down. Mahan says Ranjit you can’t find a better trainer than him. Ranjit bows down to Veer.
Mahan says train him. I will meet you aian. He is leaving. Some men surround Mahan. They say you can’t go anywhere Mahan. All your ways are closed. Veer says stop. Put down your sword. He says I am sorry for their behavior. But it had a reason. We live here secretly. Mahan says no one will know this secretly. Veer says leave the way for him with respect. They all bow down and Mahan walks out of there. He says to Ranjit take care. Ranjit says I hope mom is not worried. I will come home soon. Mahan says don’t worry about home. Now you have to become star of the nation. You have to do it for me, for your trainer for all of us.
Precap-Veer says to Ranjit we use this rods instead ofb swords for training. Gurwaksh asks Mahan where is Ranjit? He says Ranjit is busy in training.
Mehtab comes sneaking to the camp.
Update Credit to: Atiba