Categories: Maharana Pratap

Maharana Pratap 15th January 2015 Written Episode Update

Maharana Pratap 15th January 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

Pratap asks Ajabde why she is still awake. Why haven’t you slept yet? She says I felt like talking to the flowers so I am awake till now. He tells her to sleep as it is too late. She too tells him to sleep but then suggests him to think whole night about the political discussion. She goes and stands on the other side of the bed. DB is watching them from outside. Ajabde hears some noise and goes to check. DB leaves from there. Ajabde looks out and realises that someone was there for sure. Pratap asks her if everything is fine. She tells him that she felt there was someone at their window. I have closed it now. Don’t worry I am perfectly fine. He looks at her sweetly as she walks back towards the bed.

Dhaman Singh asks Jagmal about what happened in the court. Rana ji must have insulted

you. This is the reason why I was trying to stop you. Jagmal tells him to raise his one leg higher. Dhaman Singh obliges as Jagmal threatens to take out his sword. Jagmal orders him to stand on one foot for the entire night. Don’t give me any suggestion without my asking for it.

Next morning, Ajabde wakes up. Pratap’s hand is over her hand. She very carefully keeps his hand near him and smiles seeing his sleeping so peacefully. She even puts his hairs, which are falling over his face, behind his ears. She quietly walks out of the room and is about to call for daasi when she notices DB standing there. DB asks Ajabde if she spent the whole night sleeping. Ajabde intentionally shows her her bare ears, smiling coyly all along. Pratap calls out for Ajabde. I have to get ready to go to the court. She offers to help him for which he readily agrees. Ajabde smiles at DB and then hugs her. I had to spend the night by staying awake. I will arrange water for him to take bath. She closes the door, stretches a little in front of DB and then goes from there.

Pratap watches Ajabde makes a lep for his bath. He is surprised that she can make such an ordinary task so impressive. She says I have come here to make your every single day memorable only. She puts the lep on his body. This special lep is for those princes who pace around their room whole night thinking about what will happen in the court tomorrow. He asks her if it helps those wives too who stay up the whole night as they are concerned seeing their husbands in that situation. She turns his face the other side. He turns to say something to her and they both end up sharing an eye lock. She reminds him that he must be getting late for the court. She pours water on him. they both sprinkle water at each other playfully.

Ajabde and Pratap pray to Kanha ji. DB watches them from her room. She opens the window of her room and is irked seeing them together. Ajabde and Pratap start walking back towards the palace. Ajabde notices DB watching them. She intentionally holds Pratap’s hand. DB closes the window angrily. Ajabde is beating me at every step. No one in this palace has spoken to me like that, not even Jaiwanta jija. Jagmal is quietly busy trying turbans which irks DB. He tells her that his father has agreed with him in the court yesterday in front of all the courtesans. He dint pay heed to what Dada bhai had said. She is surprised. He feels that his father even liked his suggestion. She hugs him out of happiness. Thank you Ekling ji! He is sure she will have to do that more often now as he has some plan to impress his father all the more. very soon I will take over Dada bhai’s place in his heart.

US is praying when Jagmal too stands beside him. US is surprised to see him there. Jagmal apologizes to him for speaking in the court without seeking his permission. US tells him that it’s ok. Jagmal says I feel you are better known for your intelligence and sharp mind than your valour. US tells him to come straight to the point. Jagmal says it will be a little too much by letting Gwalior’s king and prince stay in Chittor. Mughal army is so powerful. Making them our enemy wont prove out to be good for us as not everyone is Dada bhai who can sacrifice his life for morals and values. It might be true that many people would have joined our army thinking from that perspective but not many will like it. Hope our one step wont create dissatisfaction in the hearts of our soldiers. US stops him. I am impressed by the fact that you are thinking so much and so deeply. Leave the decision on me. I will take every situation and every consequence in mind before coming on any decision. Jagmal insists that this is what he wants. You should take the final decision. You should not just follow what Dada bhai says. US tells him to stop. You can go now. Jagmal leaves. Bairam Khan reaches Chittor.

US takes his seat in his court. He tells everyone else to take their seats too. US address Ram Shah Tanwer. When a brave king like you asks for political help from any state then it is a thing to be proud of. But however much I would want to help you, I cannot overlook the present situations broiling around Mewar. I don’t think that this is possible for us at this moment. Jagmal is happy thinking that he too has started to hold a (little) special place in his father’s heart. Ram Shah Tanwer is sad hearing this decision.

Ram Shah Tanwer understands US’s situation and accepts his decision. You have taken the right decision for your state. We just hope that our bond shall continue to prosper in future. Pratap tells his father that he is not in agreement with his decision. Disappointing someone who is seeking shelter from us is equal to losing out to Mughals. What will be the difference between other states of Rajputana and CHittor then? Why should we be scared of someone? If we have to give shelter to someone then we must! US understands his point well but he has taken this decision after thinking through. Pratap tries to say something but US stays put. I have taken my decision. Now there wont be any further discussion on this topic. Jagmal smirks. US wishes well to Ram Shah Tanwer. Soldier comes to inform them about Bairam Khan’s arrival. He is asking for your permission to enter the palace. Everyone is taken aback. US confirms with the soldier that only a few soldiers are accompanying Bairam Khan. Bring him here. Ram Shah Tanwer is scared thinking that Bairam Khan has got to know about his location. Pratap assures him that no one can even touch him till he is here.

Bairam Khan walks inside the court along with his few men. Bairam Khan and US greet each other in their respective styles. Bairam Khan is not happy seeing Pratap. He recalls all the past (bad) memories and looks angry. Ram Shah Tanwer is scared when he stares at him. He and his son get up in fear but Pratap signals them to be seated. They oblige. Bairam Khan is glad that his guess was right. Mewar is the only brave state in the entire Rajputana who can give shelter to Mughal’s enemies. He begins to walk towards Ram Shah Tanwer angrily when Pratap interrupts him. They are our respected guests so you cannot even walk closer to them till the time we want it. Bairam Khan smiles. He tells US that his son has grown up for sure but he is still as fearless as he was! Pratap replies that gold can be melted to change its shape but its characteristics can never change. Bairam Khan is not affected. He tells US that he has made a very big mistake by providing refuge to these fugitives. You may not know so I am telling you that Mughal Empire is the biggest and the strongest empire in today’s date. No one can stand in front of it or compete with it. The whole world bows down their heads before it with respect and gratitude. This will be counted as your attack against Mughals so be careful. Think about the consequences of your move. I will destroy Mewar’s identity in such a manner that you will have to bow down in front of Shehanshah to ask for anything. Pratap shouts at him at which Bairam Khan gives him a suggestion. Get out of your little Mewar and look around, your Rajputs have become habitual to bow down their heads before Mughals. Bairam Khan laughs in reply of which US shouts at him angrily while Pratap takes out his sword. Bairam Khan and Mughal soldiers follow suit.

Precap: US warns Bairam Khan not to think about even looking at his friend (Ram Shah Tanwer) or there will be bloodshed. Bairam Khan refuses to leave without Gwalior’s king and prince. He starts walking towards them with his sword but Pratap stands in front of him holding his sword in his hand, challenging him.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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