Categories: Maharana Pratap

Maharana Pratap 21st October 2015 Written Episode Update

Maharana Pratap 21st October 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

DB is on her way to meet Jagmal. She had appointed a daasi to overhear the convo between Pratap and Maan Singh. The daasi had hidden under the bed in the room where the duo spoke. She reaches near the riverside and dismisses all the soldiers and daasi’s. Jagmal comes to meet her. He talks unsurely about whatever is happening. Akbar kept the turban on my head and on the other hand, he is extending his hand towards Pratap for friendship. DB says Akbar trusts me more than you. He sent me a message. He wrote everything in it. Jagmal kneels down on the ground in relief. I thought Akbar does not trust me anymore but now I don’t have to worry. She hands him a letter that he should give to MK. He will understand everything.

MK reads the letter. Pratap and Maan Singh have decided to hold

a secret meeting tomorrow near Bichona Lake where both the party’s will not take any weapon. Pratap and his troops will come there without a weapon. Jagmal finally understands that they will not to that foolishness. Mughals forget their promises in no time. He hugs MK excitedly.

Acharya talks to the soldiers. We may go inside without any weapon but you will all hide and guard the Lake area. You should not come in Rana ji’s vision. A soldier brings a message for him. He asks for an immediate meeting with Rana ji. DB observes them.

Acharya reads the letter in front of everyone in the courtroom. An attack can happen on Pratap during that peace meeting. Jhala ji is angry. Pratap says maybe the sender does not want it to be a success. He dint even write his real name. Why that person has hidden his identity from me? This message has come from where the Mughals are staying. It cannot be Shakti else he would not have taken Mughals’ side. He cannot break his promise to Maan Singh. The rules and decision have been made. I will not get scared by any such fake message. Make preps for the meeting tomorrow.

Acharya and Jhala ji discuss about Pratap acting all stubborn on his decision. DB suggests him to think of something to save Pratap. We all want him to be safe. Everything will be destroyed if anything happens to him. We cannot trust Mughals. First they got Jagmal on his side and then Shakti. They can do a lot. Please do something to save Pratap. Acharya promises her that he wont let anything wrong happen to Pratap. We are ready for any attack by those Mughals.

The labourers are busy preparing for that special gift for Pratap. The main boss asks them to hurry up. We have to present this gift to Pratap as soon as the meeting is over.

Faizal Khan asks his men to practise harder.

Akbar is with Heer Bai. I hope you have given up on your decision of harming my son. She nods. You love me a lot so I had to give up on it. How can I snatch your baby from you then? She asks him what gift he is sending to Pratap. Akbar says she will send it to him as it was her idea. She is curious to know what it is. He replies that his gift will change everything in Mewar.

Next morning, Acharya reads the basic ordinances that they will be presenting in this particular meeting. Akbar will have to adhere to our boundaries. Pratap likes the idea. Acharya says we will talk to him about entire Rajputana next when he agrees to this one. We can talk about unifying the Rajputana. Pratap is still quizzed over Akbar’s change of heart. He changes himself just for his wife. It has forced me to think. Acharya wants to see how far Akbar will go on his word. Pratap is waiting for Ajabde to make him wear his turban. She comes there just then so Acharya excuses himself. He teases Pratap about being emotional and touchy in his personal life. You don’t appear that ways otherwise. Ajabde asks Pratap about it but he diverts her to turban.

Doda ji gets the courtiers ready. He hides weapon under their clothes. He advises them not to lose their temper. Take out your weapons only when it is too important. Rana Puja refuses to abide by the rules. I only follow the rules of jungle. I wont spare any Mughal if they try to be smart. They all go quiet when Acharya steps in. The team leaves together.

Ajabde feels dizzy while putting the turban on Pratap’s head. He immediately gets concerned. You take care of everyone and forget yourself. This isn’t right. She says you are there for me. She is invaluable for him. She too says the same for him. She gives him a gift. It is a small knife. She doesn’t want him to go there without a weapon. It can be hidden in your clothes. He cannot sway from his promise. It will be wrong. She gets sad. He gives it back to her. Your love is enough to protect me. She is touched by his words. They share an eye lock. A daasi greets them just now. DB is coming in. Ajabde thinks that DB might be coming to do his tilak. I will get the thaal. DB stops her. I wont do your tilak today. Tilak is our blessing. But you are going for something that is against our wish so there is no point. I don’t support your decision but you are the Rana now. She turns to leave but he stops her. Do you have any doubt or fear? She replies that everyone thinks US died because of the fact that Jagmal gave Chittor to Akbar. You are going to meet Akbar for peace. If you respect your father then ask Chittor back before making any pact. Ajabde too thinks that DB is saying right. DB vows not to let this peace pact become successful. Everything will happen only as per Akbar’s wish.

Jhala and the other 2 courtiers keep shifting as they stand. Acharya asks them why they look so troubled. Jhala mutters that they don’t keep weapons inside clothes while war. He says nothing in loud tones before Acharya. Maan Singh and his group arrive. Jagmal is all scared to come face to face with Pratap. Shakti scares / teases him all the more. Both the groups greet each other. Maan Singh advises a complete check up to check for weapons. The 3 courtiers get tensed. Acharya agrees for it but Maan Singh agrees to trust them.

Chundavat ji too wants to know first if they will get Chittor first or not. What’s the point of this meeting otherwise? Pratap asks him if Maan Singh will take the convo in the right direction. Chundavat ji wants Akbar himself to give them Chittor back. Both the sides will talk more peacefully then. Pratap agrees. Now I will see if our attempt to gain Chittor back saves us from a Mahayudh or pushes us to it!

Everyone sits down for the meeting. Maan Singh anxiously waits for Pratap. MK talks all negative again which irks Maan Singh. We have gathered to talk about peace. How will we succeed then? MK tells him to look around. Chundavat ji joins them. MK says we have waiting for long but Pratap is still nowhere to be seen. Chundavat ji shares that Pratap has apologized to them. We brainstormed on this a lot. He wants the peace meeting to happen but how do we talk about it without gaining CHittor back. Maan Singh reasons that this can happen but it cannot be a condition before the talks even begin. Both the sides will have to sit and openly talk on this. Acharya talks about their pride Chittor which Mughals got because of Jagmal. If Rana ji wants the assurity of having it back then what’s the harm in it! Maan Singh says it is a thing of pride for Akbar too. How do we return it just like that? Let us meet and discuss the matter properly. It will be no good otherwise. We will be back to square one. Acharya proposes to speak to Pratap first. Jagmal thinks of making sure this peace meeting cannot happen. A soldier collides with Jhala when the sword pops out. Jagmal notices it. He asks Maan Singh and others to take out their swords. Both the parties draw their swords from their sheaths at once. Acharya and Maan Singh end the meeting as none of the sides are interested in it with their heart. Maan Singh gives a letter to Chundavat ji. It is from Heer Bai. Give it to Rana ji. Acharya talks to Shakti. It is surprising that you aren’t interested in getting Chittor back. You grew up there. Shakti talks in Akbar’s favour.

Phool is looking for Ajabde. She is surprised to know that Ajabde is resting at the moment. She comes to check on her. Ajabde says I am a little tired. Why are you so worried? Phool tells her that the meeting got cancelled. Ajabde immediately wants to head to the courtroom. Phool tries to decline but Ajabde stays put.

Pratap is not happy with his teammates for breaking his word. We too made a mistake like those Mughals. They are anyways not ready to return Chittor to us. This ends all the convo. Let us prepare for the main fight. This is the end result. Ajabde again feels dizzy. Chundavat ji talks about Heer Bai’s letter when Phool shouts Ajabde’s name. Pratap immediately rushes to her side. The court is adjourned.

Vaid ji checks Ajabde. He has no idea what has happened to Ajabde. There is nothing to worry. Pratap is relieved. He is called by Chundavat ji on the terrace at this moment itself. Ajabde insists upon him to go. Chundavat ji tells Pratap that Mughals are heading back. Pratap is surprised. They are doing it to quietly. Chundavat ji says maybe this time they were actually dedicated towards peace or why would they leave this amazing gift for you. Pratap is suspicious. My jija sent me a message. Maybe it will help us know about the gift.

Akbar gets the good news that his mission failed. This is what I wanted! Has Pratap accepted his gift or not?

Ajabde reads Heer Bai’s letter. She talks about the change of heart in Akbar. It all happened because of your nephew. Pratap wishes how his sister knew the real intention behind it. There is also the mention of the gift which she is sending for Pratap. Ajabde doesn’t want to trouble Heer Bai in this condition. Phool teases her by saying that she is also in the same condition. Pratap realises it a little late and is pleasantly surprised. He is on cloud nine. He confirms with Ajabde. Our kid will be the emblem of peace. It has brought peace for us. He hugs Ajabde. Phool looks away.

The courtiers want Pratap to refuse it. Pratap joins them all. He also announces a celebration owing to the good news of his baby. Acharya asks Pratap what he wants to do with the gift (a giant elephant). Pratap accepts the gift. It is from my jija. Bring it inside the palace!

Precap: Akbar tells Heer Bai that Pratap has accepted her gift. She gives credit to their son. He has brought peace in our lives. He asks her to wait and watch all else his son brings. Chetak neighs at night which worries Pratap. A soldier says maybe he got scared from the wooden elephant.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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