Maharana Pratap 23rd December 2013 Written Episode, Maharana Pratap 23rd December 2013 Written Update
Sajja n dheerbai came to jaiwanta’s room, she was getting ready, sajja inquires abt last night n get to know that nothing happened, she got upset n leaves, jaiwanta taunts dheerbai that she was wondering how udai felt asleep without eating that paan, she says that dheerbai dnt noe the meaning of a wife, a wife is not just a body to use, she’s not a medium of entertainment, which bhatyani is of udai, she’s his wife, a wife gives peace to mind, body n soul n the relation udai n jaiwanta share is much more important than physical relation, udai finds peace with her, she continues that dheerbai tried a lot to snatch her happiness, either by trying to kill pratap by sum or the other means, or by making her stoping his rajyabhishek, or this sakha veer incidence, but at last truth wins, at last sita wins n surpnakha lost, she ask her to leave but before leaving dheerbai said that she’s also incomplete as udai dnt touch her n she make sure that udai spent this night with her so that she wins n jaiwanta looses.
Next scene, Udai ask panna dhai to stay at mewad but she want to stay here as it recall her bad memories, it upset udai but PD calm him down saying that if she had to sacrifice her son one more time for this brave clan, she’ll do that alone, pratap ask abt krishna n goes to meet her, sajja came n ask her receipe of badam ka halwa .
Pratap goes to meet krishna, he teased her a lot for her calling him sewak/servant, kayar/coward etc, n then laugh loudly, he says that the moment she called him sakha, she became his sister, krishna is overwhelmed, she ties sacred thread to him for his protection, n in reply he came his pendent to her.
They leave, pratap was upset, udai n jaiwanta tickle him n make him laugh, bhatyani was irritated with thr laughter n jagmal was crying, she dnt want him to stop crying so that udai hear n realise that he has one more son,. sajja came n ask her y hvnt she making him stop crying, DB makes excuse that his ann prashan ceremony has not happen so he can’t have eatables n milk keep him hungry.
Other side, BK planning to attak mewad.
Precap: Jagmaal’s ceremoy was going on one side n other side krisha saw mughal army n wanted to inform pratap but then she saw sumthing scarry.
Update Credit to: Amor