Fan Fiction

Manan-Is it destined to be?(Episode-15)

I’m back with regular updates now ,both ff’s u will get daily updates….ignore typos..suggestions welcum..luv u..bye…nd ya proceeding wth update..
nandu’s p.o.v:
A deafening silence fell between us(nandu nd alya) as I stared shocked at her..There stood infront of me is the woman who is resonsible for my soon to be wrecked marriage-ironic it was wrecked that day Dhruv walked out but somehow at some point I had visioned to live my life with manik and how selfish am I to think he will feel the same for me..
“its a pleasure to meet you”I spoke surprisingly in a strong manner as she smiled giving me a tight smile”Im sure it is….”she spoke as i looked at her confused not knowing wat took over her…surely she isnt going to be the typical possessive mistress…I MEAN I AM HIS LEGALLY WEDDED WIFE AND IF ANY ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE POSSESSIVE IT’S ME BUT NOT HER….
My frown only deepened when she walked forward giving me a grim smile”cut the crap darling….I dont wanna hurt ur feelings but lets get this straight!!manik doesnt want a little girl for a real adult its best that u find ur way out of his lyf darling I mean we r getting married soon anyways so yeah he will probably divorce u or sumthing”she spoke waving her hands elegantly as i felt my heaRt in my throat,my face paling wth fear nd anxiety..
“Oh dear pls dont cry…oh look here comes Manik…”she spoke gleefully as she perked her head lukng at manik as i kept my eyes diverted to my hands wishing and hoping this place opened up and swallowed me in..
“Nandini..”he breathed as she(alya) walked 2wrds him engulfs him in a hug as ppl around us strt whispering..Never in my life have I ever felt so humiliated as manik grinned at her making me turn around nd walk 2wrds the large french doors when all of a sudden I felt a large hand grip my slender oneas I turned around my heart skipping a beat..Could it possibly be?I thought but momentarily ruined as I stared at Cabir(haha…who all thought its manik…no time is there for it yet…)standing infront of me nd a hurtful xpression on his face..I cud feel tears swell in my eyes as he walked forward releasing my hand”nandu…”he strtd as i cut him off lukng down at my hands”cabir bhai pls take me home…i wanna go home”‘I whispered my lower lip trembling as he stiffend lukng behind at him nd said”stay here nandu…”nd angrily strtd walking,then i grabbed his hand nd said”pls bhai….i just wanna go home”‘my voice choked up as he nodded nd all of a sudden an older woman in her late forties came 2wrds me…
“‘cabir where r u going…come have dinner wth us””she said nd cabir bhai said “aunt sunaina we would have loved to stay but my sister isnt feeling well so i thought Id take her home “‘nd she gently nodded feeling genuinely remorseful as i gave her a kind smile..”‘thnk u for the offer”I said as she nodded patting my shoulder leaning in closely nd said”I know that i dont know u well but dont let that witch take him…fight fr wat’s truly urs”‘..I stood there shocked as she patted my cheek lightly..”tq”i whispered truthfully nd she smiled b4 walking 2wrds her table..
“who was that”‘i asked cabir lukd at me b4″she is alya ‘s aunty-groom’s mom
cabir sat infront of me in the living room,a cold luk on his face.He had been lyk this ever since v came back frm the weddng 2 hours ago.I tried talking to him but nthng,he wouldnt respond nd i got anxious min by min..
“‘i have told abhi.”‘he said nd i felt my heart stop.evrythng inside me stopped as i lukd horrified at cabir ,my face paling”‘y”‘i choked as he sighed running a hand thru his hair..
“nannu…listen u r very naive,u r too pure,u dont know who he really is…only v do,only v have seen his true colours”‘he spoke silencing me as i stared at him skeptical not knowing wat riddle he is speaking..
“‘manik…he is a bad guy-does bad stuff”he muttered as i felt my heart beat rapidly not knowing wat he is saying”‘nannu…he isnt a gud person”‘he spoke defeatedly as i heard large heavy footsteps walking 2wrds the room and in an instance,a fuming manik stud there ,a dark scowl over his face as he snarled lukng at cabir nd in a heartbeat ,it happen so fast he launched himself at cabir bhai pinning him on the ground as he started punching him on the face as cabir gasped making me scream..I pushed manik off him protecting cabir bhai as he gripped my shoulders moving me as i gripped on his hands..”‘stop stop pls ur hurting him pls “‘i cried pushing manik making him luk at me in shock “‘stop it manik..WILL U JUST STOP…..”‘I shouted falling onto the floor feeling my tears run down”pls stop it…”‘i whispered brokenly ..”‘y r u doing this to me manik?wat’s wrong wth me?ï whispered as bhai groaned holding my hand nd wth other hand wiped his mouth..
i asked himü dont get it do u?””nd he stared at me truly shocked not knowing wat i was speaking when all of a sudden i heard heels clinking against the marble floor as she walked inside the room makingme stiffen as i felt tears in my eyes seeing her attire…
He had done it…finally
“nannu get up…abhi…”cabir bhai strtd when all of a sudden i heard yelling as abhi bhai came barging inside the room wth uncle raj nd dad as they lukd at the scene infront of their eyes widening inn horror..

“‘MANIK…..”uncle raj bewailed as he came 2wrds manik nd dad walked frwrd holding me up b4 engulfing me in his arms as i felt my tears run free making him stiffen”raj…u promised me…u promised me that no harm will come to her”‘dad yelled as uncle strtd when dad stopped uncle as abhi bhai was held up by cabir bhai..
“WHERE IS THAT SHAMELESS WOMAN..”‘uncle raj yelled as manikk stiffened his eyes darkening them nd siad
“‘dont u dare talk about MY WIFE like that….”‘
this is not typical manan story….wat the hell manik and alya married………o.m.g..this idiot manik ..wat has he done…….pls thoda wait karo for manik to realise his feelings or any sort of manan moments…nd pls batana zaroor how is the updatee…luv u alll…frm 2day regular updates…


Joyful,chirpy nd a big chatter box...A big fan of Virat...

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