Manan A dream love story….Episode 5

Thank you guys for letting me know that you love Cavya and so I ll write about them in a few epis. And I m requesting the silent readers that do comment because ur feedback matters to me a lot.
Recap : Manan fight. Manik’s realisation. Mukbhi’s meeting. Aliya and Cabir’s plan
Ador@ble Sisters ?
Nandini steps inside the college. Music plays..
Yaari yaari… (PJ)
All clapped for the guy who was singing. Nandini also goes near to the stage. All hoot at the amazing performance.
“I know I have done lot of mistakes. But please forgive me. I have repented for them and be my friend. ”
Nandini recognised HIS voice.” She thinks Now what is this new drama. I should leave before he creates a scene.”
Manik follows her. And he takes her to a vacant class room. He sees Nandini’s guitar.
Nandini : Don’t look at it this way. Its broken because of you !
Manik : I know. ( he takes the guitar from her hands and shows her the new strings he had bought )
I ll fix it.

He removes the old strings and carefully places the new strings and plays a tune for her. Nandini gets lost in its soulful rhythm.
Nandini has tears in her eyes.
Manik : I didn’t know I was so bad. Sorry I made you cry
Nandini : Dumbo I m nt crying because you played this tune. But I m shocked to see this. I never thought you could be so sensitive. I mean seeing you one could have guessed that you would be bringing a new guitar to replace this one. But you actually fixed it. Broken strings can be replaced and similarly broken hearts can be fixed. You are not that bad and emotionless.
Manik was startled at her words.
Manik thinks ” I never thought girls could see this emotional side of mine beside my hot looks and my money. ”
Nandini : Hot ?
Nandini looked in amazement making him sure that he was not hot and she had tears in her eyes still. Manik offers his handkerchief but
Just then Aryaman enters the class. He sees Nandini crying and takes it in the way that Manik is the reason to make her cry.
Aryaman : I wont spare you this time Manik.
He was about to hit hum.

Nandini stops him .
Nandini : Aryaman. He just fixed this guitar. he made me smile and not cry.
Aryaman : Sorry bro I took you wrong this time. Its just that I m very possessive about her.
Hearing that Manik glares at him.
Aryaman : I mean we have been best friends for so long and I cant see her in pain anytime and I can do anything for her happiness.
Nandini : Aww how sweet.
She hugs him and sees Manik staring their hug and signals to join them. All three of them hug.
Soha sees this.” I wont let this happen. Manik is only mine !”
She enters the room.
Soha : Baby I have been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been all this time . Okay. I don’t care come na. Spend some alone time with me. After all we are couple now.
Nandini looks at them totally startled
As Soha had stressed more on the word COUPLE.
Soha : Yes guys. He proposed me yesterday. And how could I say a no to him.
Nandini leaves the place with Aryaman. Manik regrets his decision of proposing Soha just to make Nandini jealous. Now she was hurt badly.
Nandini and Aryaman were in the canteen.
Aryaman : You love him ?
Nandini : (in disbelief) Love who ?

Aryaman : Manik.
Nandini laughs. “Love Manik. Never ! He’s not my type. We can only be friends .”
Manik hears this from the entrance of canteen. “I m glad I heard this. Now i don’t have to feel guilty about proposing Soha because you made it clear. I will never cross the border of friendship between us. ”
Soha and Manik join them and they have a talk on music,food,etc.
All this time Soha tried to make Nandini jealous by indulging in PDA but Nandini was unaffected.
Mukti wanted a partner for the competition but she was in problem as she had recently publicly dumped his guy. She couldn’t ask him and after that incident all boys feared of humiliation and so didn’t ask her out.
Her friends tried to console her.
” All would be good ”
Mukti : Why do they behave as if it was my fault. That gu cheated me by sleeping with another girl ! He deserved whatever I did to him.
Abhimanyu hears this and decides to help her .
He writes a letter on tissue paper and gives to waiter to give it to her.
She reads it.
“You look good when you smile. Stop worrying about that silly guy.
You secret admirer. ”

Mukti blushed after reading this.
But she asks the waiter rudely who gave it to him.
It was that guy. He pointed at a place where there was no one to be seen.
Mukti leaves with her friends. There she finds another card.
” I actually didn’t know you could really blush ”
“Who is it ? Who is playing these dirty tricks ? Come in front of me then I will show you..” She asked loudly.
She spots Nandini , Aryaman and Manik with Soha. She waves at them.
And tells them she will see them later as she is really busy at the moment.
Nandini : Mukti na. She will always be busy. I wonder she found a partner or not for her dance. After that dumping incident all boys fear from her.
Veronica hears this from a distance and thinks “Thanks Nandini for Another great reason to humiliate Mukti in front of the whole college ! ”
Followed by a devilish smile.
Aliya thinks of gifting the beautiful peach gown she designed for Mukti. Dhruv joins her and admires her design.
Dhruv : You are really sweet and mature too.
Aliya : That’s something new I heard for the first time.

Anika comes running to Dhruv scared of that PRANK by Cabir and Aliya.
“Listen I don’t want to perform with you.” Aliya laughs at her but she ignores her .
Raghav sir tells the class about Anika opting out of the Fest. So anyone wants to pair up with Dhruv. All of a sudden Aliya raises her hand.
Raghav : Okay Aliya you are in. Just take care that your only priority is music.
Nandini teases Aliya ” Dhruv ha not a bad choice.”
Aliya : How can you even think that way. I basically think you are the luckiest among all of us. I mean your partner is Manik ! He is totally a handsome Hunk. He is charming and full on awesome. You are indeed lucky.
Nandini thinks ” He is lucky that I m her partner. ”
Nandini : Aliya you like Manik ?
Aliya : Of course. Who doesn’t ?
Nandini : I don’t.
Aliya : Do you even like men. I have a big doubt.
Nandini punches her stomach.
Aliya : Okay sorry…!
Manik asks Nandini to practice.
Nandini quietly follows him. Aliya winks at her and signals her All the Best. Nandini responds with a flying kiss.

Precap : Soha plans to lock Nandini in the library. Mukti vs Veronica. Another face off.

So how it had been till date please tell me and suggestions are always welcomed.


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