Manan: Magic is in you (episode 1)

Hey guys I am back with a new concept…I took this idea from my favorite harry potter..hope u all like it…

A girl is shown sitting behind someone wearing a helmet on a bike..its was black a sporty….the girl sitting behind says:yaar r u crazy..tomorrow is a very important day for us and we r here at this time…if mom gets to know she is gone eat us alive…

Girl2:ohh…come on mom is at the college hostel and how is she going to know that…we are here..having fun..chill..NAVYA…

Yes the girl sitting behind is Navya…

Nav:but…what abt amms she is here and tomorrow…

Girl2:ohkkkk…fineee..we will go back..happy.

Navya nodded and held the girl tightly by her shoulder…and the girl rode the bike in full speed..when they reached..

Nav:wat was this…u covered 45min route in just 10min..what if u got hurt while driving..

Girl2:navya..don’t worry I won’t get hurt until I wish it to happen…so just chill..

Just than a man in his 40’s comes and holds navya’s ears and twists it..

Nav:aaahhhh…dad dry sry sry dad but it was this devil’s plan to sneak out ….plzz dad don’t tell this to mom..she will get worried unnecessarily…plzzz…

Making an innocent face… can I forget that this would be …this devil’s plan only….

The girl removes her helmet and her hairs fall. They were long silky brown locks she slowly removed the hair from her face and says..

Girl2:dad..come on I am Mr.Ansh Murthy’s daughter…so I got ur traits..daddy u r my favorite u know right…blinking her eyes ..

Her dad melts ansh: ohk fine I won’t say a word about it to ur mom..

Nav:dad but amms…

Ansh:don’t worry she went to the institution.. and will come tomorrow with Mansi and ur bro.. go to sleep now as tomorrow is an important day…goodnight…

Girl2 was all this time seeing into his eyes as if trying to read them..

Girl2:dad what are u hiding from me…and what is the problem u r thinking about..

Ansh:nothing u go to sleep…he hurriedly went in avoiding eye contact with her…

Nav:let’s go…

They went in while going to her room girl2 overheard her dad…

Ansh:haaa amma girls are sleeping…I checked on them…yaa I know…but u r coming rgt tomorrow??..ohk and yaa amma she again tried to…I know amma they will achieve their targets..but I am scared what if only one of the gets it…yaa I saw her following us many times..and also tried to know abt the college fron Abhi as well…because of her we had to shift him to hostel..even mansi was scared for it she asked me …thousand times about the dual life..ohk see u tomorrow..

She thought abt it but ignored it and went to sleep…

Next morning…

Ansh:where r amma and abhi??

Mansi:they are on their way…amma had some work so…

Ansh:hmmm see Navya also came..

Nav:hugging mansi…mom I missed you soooo much…and guess what I got 97%..jumping

Mansi:really I am so proudof u but where is she??

Nav:she is coming with her result…smiling widely

Girl2:and here I come..

They three look in the direction…  girl2 comes running towards them in full speed…

Mansi“NANDINI …!! Be slow… You will get hurt…”

Nan “Maa… You know that something happens and i don’t ever fall… Except when i wish for it… I always wonder why it happens”

Mansi looks worriedly ​towards Ansh… He nods and assures her…

Ansh “Ok… What was your result?”

Nan “As always… My target is achieved… 98%!!!”

Ansh “My bright daughters…one got 97% and the other 98%”

He hugs both and kisses their foreheads… mansi also blesses both…

Nan “Maa… I will now take admission in your college only… Then the whole Murthy family will be at the same place… And i miss abhi bhai as well…”

Ansh “But nandu,they select their students themselves…. And unless the letter comes we cannot be sure of it… They send admission letters to the students they select… Last year Abhi got it… If you both  are selected,even both will get it…”

Nan“Look at me Daddy…”

Ansh does so smiling…
Nandu also observes him…

After 1 minute…
Nan “This isn’t fair… You all got to know it and fail my plan…”

Ansh “Beta… Baap hun tumhara…”

Nandini frowns and goes from there… But comes back “Ehh… When are amms and bhai coming?”

Ansh“Anytime soon…”

Nandu and Navya nods and runs to their room…

Mansi“She again tried to do that??”

Ansh “She is our daughter… Never gives up… But thank God we are saved…”

Mansi“Thank abhi that he told us about that when he got to know it…”

Ansh “Ya… Nandu was trying to do that with him as well…”

Mansi“This girl!!! Her deeds sometimes raise my BP…”

Ansh “She is special you see… We need training to do that but its inborn in her…”

Mansi“That’s what gives me tension… In our world, special is not always blessing… Sometimes its a struggle”

There is some sound both go towards the door and open it…

Mansi:look amma and abhi also came..

Abhi:amma where are the two??

Mansi:in their room…

Abhi:that’s weird…both the devil’s are at home and this house is so peaceful…

Nandu and Navya come down running and shouting..

Navni:abhiiiiiii bhaiiiiiiiii……

Trio had a group hug….the rest were just adorning them..they released the hug and went to their amms and touched her feet…amms blessed them..

Amms:so tell me what r ur results??

Ansh:amma as expected both topped navu got 97% and nandu got 98%…

Abhi again hugs both..

Nan:amms we will get admission in ur college na??

Amms:when was the result announced??

Nav:just half n hour ago…

Amms:hmm so will wait till evening for the letter…

Navni:wht this early??

Amms:yaa they already have the results…

All nodded…

The location changes to a huge palace like house..

One girl is sitting on a chair and reading a book very carefully…suddenly one boy comes in front of her and shouts boooooo.. she jerks suddenly and starts hitting that boy..

Girl:yaar CABIR..wht is this I am the elder one still u harass me a lot…

Cab:ohh come on MUKTI I know that u were reading the book but ur full concentration was on jiju only…

Muk:yaar…this boy na he told u as well no done..there is nothing like privacy in this house in his presence…not even our thoughts.. anyways where is he??

Cab: must be on his way…we were waiting for the letter to come…

Muk:yaaa I can’t believe that u both we join me at my college…anyways ALYA was asking for ur broombike…

Cab:noo yaar I won’t give her that if she wants I will buy her a new one but not mine..

Muk:sure talk to her your way any ways just wait for the letter…

Cab:hmmm…and u think abt it prince…smirks

Mukti gave him an angry glare…which was different…

The scene again shifts back to Murthy mansion

Nandu and Navya were pacing in the hall in tension..

Abhi got irritated:wht is this..can’t u sit and wait…

Nandu angrily glared at him…he just shuts his mouth..

The door bell ring on both the sides..nandu and Navya run towards it to open..

Amms was standing there with a very serious look..

That’s it for today …plzzz comment…if improvements are required plzz do suggest

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