Fan Fiction

Manan;A business rivals new love story (Episode 27)

Manik was literally in pain his mobile ringed he picked after few seconds he throwed his mobile in such a force that it broke into peices
“I thought of sneaking her from party and take her on date but now??? Everything was perfect she was blushing, smiling, responding to my feeling. Everything rueined I killed her from inside”
“She was so attached to her family when we went to her home, her attachment to family specially her dad it was amazing she is princess over there” druv said in pain
“I did this I deserve pain not she” Manik was repenting
Nyionika and Arnav both started doing same as they were one who forced him
Manik went in to check is she ok or not???

Nandini is getting hiccups Manik made her sit gave water she drank
“Once please for godsake just once listen”Manik is begging her she looked at him
“It’s not true iam not going to leave you or treat you such you are my wife”
“If do so what will happen or what changes he was right iam …… An unwanted useless furniture which has to thrown if today my Appa or my brothers are here he would have talked like this? No! If I have self respect all this have happened to me? Never Appa refused me did I say or do any thing?no? You brought me did I ??? No? Then what he said was right iam kachra useless” she is in deep pain

Manik hugged her kissed her all over her face and lips she too hugged him tears flowed she cried he took her in arms and made her to sleep
Nyionika and cabir came in to check them saw both sleeping in each others arm they silently came out nyionika warning everyone to utter a single word about this from tommorow all agreed


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