Fan Fiction

Manan;A business rivals new love story (Episode 46)

Manik came home . Nandini and nyionika are looking after him. All these days they just cried silently both are equally hurt and pain seeing Manik like this

Manik head injury totally healed. Hand plaster is to be kept for more 3 weaks fab5 stayed for a weak. They all gave him good company.

Manik is doing office work from home. Nandini is handling everything. Nyionika looking after him. Everything is turning good. Manik is recovering very fast

Manik noticed changes in nandini. She is having a different glow on her face. She is irresistible for him
At the sametime he eyes are pale like starting when he brought her here. Manik asked many times but she just said the reason is accident. He too believed it.

Nandini is dying from inside it is totally a difficult and worst topic to think but she had to be strong. Her mind soul and body are strongly apposing her mind. She hugged Manik tight kissed him he too back. She didnot stop insisted for more Manik is happy he started the game with exciting and passion. Whole night both didnot sleep. Early morning Manik slept

Nandini woke up made all preparations, made a total list of works to do and to not to do. Checked all files and valuables, kept the wardrobe neat. Her eyes are flowing like hell. Heart is roaring went to washroom and cried for a while and washed her face and came out. She cooked all manik’s favorites.

After Manik woke up she did all his works took him down served him with love after he completed eating made him sit in hall and called nyionika too.

Nandini spoked” mom! At the time of frist date you promised me that you will fulfill my any wish do you remember?”
“No!” Nyionika smiled and said”just kidding ask what you want?”
“O ho!” “It’s looking like Ramayana science going on like jo vaar mangna hai mango” Manik commented
“Shut up bacha! Let her ask” “you say ignore him”
“After what ever I say to Manik you will not stop me” she kept her hand head
“Ok! But don’t beat my son infront of me” she joked

Nandini stood up took her keys kept on table kissed him and wiped her tears
“Nandu you are scaring us what is the matter?” Manik became serious
“Iam leaving you Manik. Iam going you will not stop me.”
“Iam…… Leaving forever……” Her voice is shevering
Both mother and son stood up
“Look here what the hell that means?” Manik shouted
“Yes iam going away from you we are not ment to leave together. My fate is to only cry.”
Manik hugged her”look nandu accidents do happen that doesn’t mean we are responsible just chill from now on I’ll drive more careful ok don’t over stresss”
“Not about accident I had to leave Manik iam going you……… Don’t stop me”
“Bacha! I understood your fear but this not solution”

Nandini released herself from Manik, walked away before his mind could understand


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