Categories: Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 20th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Kusum kicks Adit out

Mangal Lakshmi 20th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
ADit says to Soumya why did you have to this drama today?? Why did you lie? We didn’t even complete the pheras. She says we did take the pheras. This is my complete truth. We were gonna marry anyway. Mangal is in shock. She had to know one day. Your mom will have to accept us. She wouldn’t have any option. Magnal would leave the house. She says we should do our greh parvesh. She says come let’s walk in the house. We will start our married life with all the rituals.

Everyoen knocks on the door and asks Mangl to open the door. She recalls the marriage vows Adit made on their anniversary. Mangal cries. She recalls their wedding. Mangal packs her bags. She falls adn cries. Mangal sees her family all around the house. She sits down and cries. Lakshmi says Didi please

open the door. Karthik says Lakshmi you’re not well.

Soumya says Adit please I waited so long for this. Adit says this isn’t the time for all this. She says let me do it. She steps in the red. Kusum comes and kicks it. Adit is shocked. She says, shameless girl. Only Mangla is our DIL. You can never take her place. I will not let a girl like you enter my house. Get out of my house right now. Dont you dare to look at my house again? She shoves her. Mangal comes out. Everyoen tries to stop her. Soumya says see Adit I told you she’d leave the house. Everything will be like how I said. Ksuum says where are you going, Mangal? This is your house, your family. You can’t leave us. She says I can’t live here. Kusum says I made a huge mistake. I hid it from you to save you. I thought I’d bring him on the right path. He made me believe he’s changing. I thought he’d fix everything.
I made a huge mistake by trusting my upbringing. I am sorry Mangal. I beg your pardon. Please forgive me. Dont leave our house. Magnal cries. She touches her feet. She touches Sudesh’s feet. He says please stay. Kusum says if you leave this house I will kill myself. Mangal stops. Kusum says punish me, I am your culprit. I called you my daughter but crossed the line for my son. Please don’t leave this house. Mangal says what insult should I take more than this? My husband married another woman. I can’t let him ruin my soul anymore. Everything is over. Let my self-respect stay. If I stay in this house with this man I won’t be able to show my face to myself. I know your pain but let me go. Whenever I go, you will always be my mother. Kusum cries. Mangla says take care. I have to go. She says I will take Akshar. Ishana is at her friend’s place. I will pick her up on the way.

Adit says stop Mangal. He says if you don’t wanna live with me don’t, don’t see my face but you can’t take my kids. Everyone is shocked. Adit says they’d live in their house. Mangal says your kids? So you just recalled you have kids? I thought you forgot them before starting a new family. Kusum says no Mangal Adit is right. Kids would stay here, in their own house. They won’t go anywhere. Sudesh says what are you saying? First, you hid everything from her and now you wanna steal a mother’s kids? She says sometimes a mother has to be separated from her kids. I am also ready to be separated from my child. Mangal is right. Adit broke her trust. He broke her self-respect. He fooled us all too. Hence, if someone leaves this house it’d be Adit, not MAngal. Adit is shocked. Kusum says get out of this house Adit. Mangal says what are you saying? This is his house. he’s your son. I can’t snatch your son from you. I should go. Kusum says he parted himself from me. I should have separated you both the day I found out his dirty truth. But I gave him one more chance. That was my mistake. He will have to leave this hosue. Why should you pay for my mistake? My blood became water. This is time for justice. You will get justice. Adit will be out of this house. She says get out of this house right now with your mistress. She says Adit won’t live in this house not his illegitimate wife. Does Hee say amma? She says I am not your mama. Get out of this house right now. She shoves him out.

Kusum hugs Mangal and says I will keep my daughter in my house. Soumya says wow Mangal you are so clever. You made Adit evil in everyone’s eyes and became the victim. You made Adit the devil and became devi yourself. You pretend to be nice all the time and food everyone. Lakshmi says shut up. Soumya says I won’t. I don’t care. I feel bad for Adit. You must be very happy parting a son from from parents. Magnal says have some shame. You both created this drama. Adit says to stay within your limit. She says put your voice down. You can’t shout on me anymore. You can’t scare me. I am not the Magnal who would always stand up when you walk in so your mood isn’t ruined. SHe kept worrying about your coffee. And you kept shouting at me for the smallest things. Every day I was questioned, every day I was insulted. I kept agreeing that it was all my fault. I believed in sustaining the marriage unlike you. I wasn’t weak like you. I tolerated your anger, why? Because I wanted peace in this house. You were very weak. I can raise my kids myself. I never had your support anyway. I was always alone. A mother can raise her kids better than a man who has no value for relations. You left me today, might leave the kids tomorrow. My kids would stay with me. he says just shutup Mangal. I wont let you takeaway my kids from me. Kusum says adit I said you wont live in this house. Kids will stay with Mangal here. You will be out of this house.

Sudesh throws his stuff and says get out of here Adit. Adit says this is my house, my family. I am the son of this house. I wont go anywhere. Kusum says get out right now. she says Adit throw his things out. Karthik puts his bag outside. Kusum says get out of my house right now. She shoves Soumya adn Adit out and locks the door. Adit falls on the ground.

Episode ends

Update Credit to Atiba

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