Categories: Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 25th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Adit gets arrested for domestic violence

Mangal Lakshmi 25th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Lakshmi says this is a crime. You can go to jail for this. Adit says shut up. Mangal says stop it, Lakshmi. Lakshmi says I won’t stop now. You fast for this man? Do you respect him? He doesn’t deserve anything. You always tolerated and I always stayed silent but he crossed all limits. Soumya says thank you, Lakshmi. Lakshmi says you promised me today you’d always keep her happy and this is how you treat her? Adit says I wo tolerate this Mangal. Adit leaves. Mangal says stop it, Lakshmi. Lakshmi says don’t stop me today. I have stayed silent. Mangal says please don’t be angry. He has been caring for me so much these days. He was already stressed. Why would he hit me? Lakshmi says why is your hand bleeding then? She says the bangle just broke and it bled,

that’s it. Don’t make an issue out of it. Lakshmi applies medicine to her arm. Mangal says go home with Karthikk. Dont worry about what happened. Dont tell anyone. 

Lakshmi leaves with Karthik. A veiled woman comes there and asks if she can use her phone to call her husband. Lakshmi gives her phone. Lakshmi leaves. It was Soumya. Soumya says now she will see what I will do. Adit says to Maganl dont get me wrong. I was stressed about work. Why would I hurt you? Lakshmi is worried about Mangal. She says what is in Adit’s heart? His mood keeps changing. What is the truth? It’s so confusing. I can’t let go of what he did. Adit asks Magnal do you think I hurt you intentionally? Bell rings. 

Police come home. They ask if is Adit home. Kusum asks what happened. The inspector says you will be arrested. Mangal says why? You can’t arrest him. The inspector asks who are you? She says his wife. The inspector says so you’re the victim and you don’t know what happened? Magnal says what? She says he’s accused of domestic violence. He hits you. We have to arrest him. Adit says Mangal you accused me? Magnal says I never made any such claim. The inspector asks the constable to check if Mangal has any bruises. They see cuts on her wrists from bangles. Adit asks who made the complaint. The inspector says Mangal’s sister Lakshmi. Everyone is shocked. Mangal says Lakshmi can’t do that. Kusum says Lakshmi won’t do this. There is some misunderstanding. Inspecotr says you’re his mother you’d say that. Her sister was concerned. She saw something an hour ago and told us Adit hit Magnal and there are bruise marks on her arms. Mangal says she can never do that. They tell the number, it’s Lakshmi’s number. Magal is shocked. Magnal says Lakshmi can never do that. Adit says she is after my life. She keeps questioning me. She’s always been interrogating me. Mangal says she’d never take such a big step. The inspector says we have to arrest him. Mangal says this complaint is wrong. He didn’t do anything. The inspector says women try to protect their abusive husbands under the pressure of their mother-in-law. Magnal says no she’s like my mother. She never pressured me. Kusum says they had their 15th anniversary. Adit can never harm her. Lakshmi can’t make any such complaint. Does Inspector say he’s never hurt her? If we find anything you will also get arrested. Mangal is shocked. 

Kusum recalls how Adit was abusive to Mangal. Kusum says he might get angry but he never hit her. He can’t do that. .ease. He says stop it. We have to arrest him. Magnal tries to stop him. Adit says I won’t go anywhere. The inspector says you have to come. Kusum and Magnal try to stop them. The neighbors talk about how Adit hits Mangal. They did the wedding drama to cover up. Adit says to Kusum see how much insult I’ve had to fac because of Mangal. Now you understand why I was suffocated for so many years. Police take him to the station. Magnal runs after the van. She cries. Kusum cries. Mangal hugs Kusum. Kusum shoves her and says why did Lakshmi do this? Magnal says she can’t do that. Kusum says the police told her the number. Why did she do it? Did she ruin your marriage? Mangal says she could never do that. Kusum says my son is arrested because of her. Soumya is there in the veil. Shee says happy anniversary Magnal. I had to do this to ruin everything. 

Scene 2
Lakshmi is worried about Mangal. She calls her. Someone puts a blindfold on her adn brings her somewhere. Lakshmi screams. It’s Karthik. He brings her to the room. It’s all decorated. He says it’s all for you. You were so upset. So I set up this small date for you. She says thank you so much. I don’t wanna eat tho. He says you have to eat because of me and tell me why you’re so upset? He holds her hand and takes her to the table. Karthik serves her and makes her eat. 

Kusum and Mangal come there. Gayatri asks what happened. Why did you come at this hour? Kusum asks where is Lakshmi. Gayatri says she’s inside. But why? Kusum comes in. Karthik is making Lakshmi eat. Kusum shouts at Lakshmi. Lakshmi asks what happened. Kusum says wow you don’t even know? You’re celebrating your life here after ruining our family? Lakshmi says what do you mean? Kusum says don’t act innocent. Be ashamed of yourself. I told you to not interfere in my family problems. You crossed all limits. You filed a police complaint against Adit? Lakshmi says what? I didn’t make any complaints? Karthik adn Gayatri are shocked. Kusum says you made the complaint against Adit for hitting Mangal. Police arrested him adn told us you made the complaint. Karhtik says but Lakshmi was with me all the time? Kusum says how can you do this to your sister? Why do you hate Adit so much? Lakshmi says I didn’t do anything. Kusum says police took your name. You are always after adit. Laskhmi says I do have problems with him but I can’t do a police complaint. She says to Mangal I didn’t do it. Magnal says I trust you but police took your name and number. Kusum says they took your name. Karthik says please calm down. We will find out what happened? Let’s go to police station. Dont worry please. Magnal says let’s go. Mangal says tell the inspector you didn’t do anything. Kusum cries and says my son is in jail because of Lakshmi. 

Episode ends

Update Credit to Atiba

View Comments

  • Magal is such an idiot needs to defend herself against Adit the bastard is a two timer Hate him It’s so obvious it’s Suamya doing why even let in the house Magal needs to slap & kick her out Magal is so dumb unlike Lakshmi who will stand up for herself There is is more to life then just cooking all do

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