Fan Fiction

Manmarzian again – after 22 years: – Epi – 2

Thanks for all the comments and support u guys gave.So here is the next Epi. Hope I am not boring..

In bird song,
Everyone was in tension. The clients had come and none had an idea of what was gonna happen. The client asks “so are you ready ? “ Arjun stammered and said “ actually….”. Someone opened the door and said we are ready sir!! Let’s start the presentation. It was the same boy who smiled at that tym. He was an account assistant in bird song. All were so shocked. Neil came to him and said “ This is not a meeting with auditors it’s a clients meeting” he said “ sorry sir !! I should have informed u but it was late and…” he was interrupted by the client, “ is there a presentation ???”The boy immediately nodded in positive. The four were not aware of the situation at all. They had no idea of, how he is to present but they wanted him to give a try as something is better than nothing. He started the presentation.
“ Good morning all!! I am Ajay,I heard that u people were pleased with the idea but wanted a new tag line so here it goes,
Moongfali aur vishwaas ,……..dono ki kushboo sahi isthmaal se hi aathi hai…….Aur aaj humari vishwaas ki kushboo world wide hai aap logon ki smile mein…

Neil and Sam were looking confused. Belief and groundnut??? Teji who was also confused started thinking, groundnuts, belief, smell ,all the words were dancing in front of him.
Arjun and radz were merely shocked . vishwaas aur moongfali combo again?? They all looked at the client.
The client was little surprised and asked “ we needed a tagline for the product but….”. The boy interrupted and said “ yes sir, every ad has a tagline of their product and not about their customers… and that’s why I came up with this idea. And it’s your 25th year so…
Clients asked, ”hm..ok but why vishwass and moongfali??”
The boy smiled and replied, “ well sir vishwaas , has a long time relationship with bird song and Maybelline, it’s the same reason u r here, u people have vishwaas on us and adding to it, our first tagline with Maybelline was vishwaas which was presented by our radhika mam. And since Its about customers I wanted to compare a simple thing that is used by them so moongfalifali.
So simple sir, the raw ones of moongfali does not have any smell, and has to be correctly directed to get any flavor to it ,same goes with belief, all it needs is right direction and its result is spread all over, he finished. So the tag line,

“Moongfali aur vishwaas ,……..dono ki kushboo sahi isthmaal se hi aathi hai…….Aur aaj humari vishwaas ki kushboo world wide hai aap logon ki smile mein…”

The senior of the clients stood up from the chair, went to him and patted at his shoulder and said “ I am impressed, we are giving it to you.” and asked him what do u do here? The boy replied , I am an account assistant in this company..
The client was surprised and said, even an accountant is good with words at birdsong, great!!! And greeted them and went.
All of them in that room were in cloud nine.. All were congratulating Ajay.
But Teji was still confused vishwaas aur groundnut….he couldn’t understand but he went to Ajay and congratulated him as if he understood everything. Neil who was seeing this asked Teji “ so tell me Teji which part u lyked the best ??” .
Teji smiled and said , of course there is no doubt, the part where he explained, how groundnuts are simple and raw and smells like vishwaas…… All burst into laughing while Teji made a pout face.
Neil hugged Ajay and thanked him and said, looks like we got u into the wrong Dept . Ajay smiled and said , no sir, those lines are not mine. Everyone was shocked.. All unanimously asked , what?? Then who’s line was it?? Ajay smiled and said it’s my sister’s. She is the one good with words, I told her the situation and she gave me the line. She is a big fan of you radhika mam. Sorry for not informing u all about it. Neil said , its OK Ll party tonight at our home and Ll thank the unknown heroine of birdsong.
All the four were returning to their home in their car, arjun was driving it radhika in front seat and Nesam in the back. Arjun started, Neil do u get a burning smell ?? Neil was at first confused and saw arjun who was looking at radhika and understood it. He shook radika ,who was in her thoughts, and said, just because of one tagline the girl cannot become you, chasini. Radhika came out of her thoughts and said it’s not that I am thinking about vishwaas aur moongfali… samething… after so many years… Neil was confused but arjun understood it and said, “may be mere coincidence”…now Nesam was confused they unanimously asked what?? Coincidence??Arjun said ,nothing Neil and they headed home.
At ajay’s home,
He hugged his sister tight and said thank you dear we made it.. We are invited for a party in their house this evening..the girl smiled and said “guess this is destiny, they are inviting their destruction by giving a party…its pay back time Mr . mehras and malothras for what you have done to me and my mother…”

Call it fate or life, 22 years back Arjun was there ,and now life had swapped their roles.
The four reached their home and aradhika started to relive all moments from past , their first meet , night at nandhu’s house where she prepared dinner, lonovala night, their wedding where they cursed each other, the moments which they shared at that night when he asked to stay, the moment he proposed , aradhika smiled at each other and relived their life there on, and there smile slowly disappeared. Radhika hugged him with tears flowing from her eyes and said “ it’s gonna be okay.” He hugged her tight, back again.

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