Fan Fiction

Manmarziyaan : Hidden Love! (Second Shot)

Ivy here! Thanks all for your feedback, do ut for this too! Hehe.

First Shot :


I never expected anger from him. I just wanted to see love in his eyes.

Oh, no! Now, he’s coming towards me and my heart is beating with a frantic speed. I shall not look at him. I need to calm my heart down.

I think I should read my book instead. What if he comes and starts shouting on me? I guess, he realized that I ain’t comfortable wearing these clothes.


I should’ve been more careful. Now, what?

I’m feeling as though he’s standing beside me, looking at me with anger in his eyes. I’m not getting it; why on earth he’s angry?

(He holds her hand)

“What the?! What are you doin’?” I say.

His hold tightened. Ouch! It hurts, but can’t say anything to him. He’s already boiling and I don’t wanna make him more angry.

Wait! Where’s he taking me? Everyone’s looking at us.

“Leave me, it’s hurting!” I say, without getting a reply, again.

A classroom with no one in it. What is he upto? He’s bolting up the door. You know what? He’s crazy, isn’t he?

“What the hell do you think you are doin’ wearing these clothes?” he shouts. On me!


“She’s looking s*xy man! I didn’t know she could look this revealing,” I hear a man say. How dare he say something about her?

But I’ll look after him later, I need to ask her what she’s upto wearing those clothes. She’s looking panicked after seeing me. She sensed my anger; she always does that. She knows me the best.

See? Every other guy is looking at her with lusty eyes.

Keep your eyes off her, you! I want to shout at them, but right now they ain’t my priority.

Now, she’s looking away from me. So, scared she is. I need to ask her everything, but this place is so public. Let me take her to an empty classroom.

I take her hand in mine, dragging her actually.

“What the?! What are you doin’?” she asks.

Really? She is asking me what I am doin’? It should be the other way round, isn’t it? I tightened my hold.

“Leave me, its hurting!” she says.

O yeah? Good that it’s hurting you. No, sorry actually.

Anh; there’s the classroom! I close the door and blot it.

Now, my anger has reached it’s peak.

“What the hell do you think you’re doin wearing these clothes?” I shout the loudest.



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