Fan Fiction

Manmarziyaan .. love ..revenge. destiny.. saga (chapter 6)


Radhika reached near CCD and was nervously looking here and there for the caller….she was staring everyone to find out who asked her to come here when someone hold her wrist from back…Radhika removed the hand from her wrist with a jerk and turned to find Arjun…She was hell shocked watching him-“youuuuuu……… was you who kept that paper and called me…”

Arjun smiled evily hold her wrist again and dragged her into his car…she was struggling to free her hands…he unlocked the car pushed her inside and locked it again…he quickly took the driver`s seat and drove off…

Radhika was blankly staring him trying to figure out what had happened few seconds back..

Arjun stop the car at some isolated place …he get out of the car.. opened Radhika`s door and pulled her out …Radhika pushed him away and raised her hand to slap him but he caught hold of her wrist in the middle –“don`t u dare to that….one slap and ur father will be in jail…”

Radhika frowned-“it was u who kept that paper..”

Arjun smirked-“yeah any doubt…”he again took out the photocopy from his pocket..”have a look at this…”

Radhika snatched the paper from him … tore it off and threw it on his face…

Arjun smiled-“seems u r a champion in tearing papers..what a great combo of father and daughter….father is champion in cheating and daughter in hiding his deeds…”

Radhika yelled at him-“don`t u say a word against my dad…I know he is innocent…just tell me how did u get his signatures… ”

Arjun smirked-“with the help Ankush…remember him..”

Radhika shocked-“Ankush……Radhika remembered how Ankush gave his resignation letter to her saying he is going to his village as his mother is very sick…Radhika gave him money for her treatment and informed him that he can join back once his mother is alright…”

Radhika grabbed his coller-“why the hell are u doing this.. I know my dad is innocent..he can`t cheat anyone even in his dreams…u r framing him falsely…what is ur problem with him…”

Arjun removed her hands and shouted-“correction Miss Radhika..correction…I don`t have any problem with ur dad…I have problem with u.. u remember u always asked me why I used to shout at u all the time…why I always paid no attentions to ur words…because I hate u to the core…whenever I see ur face I feel like killing u…it make me remember of my brother who is not with me because of u…”

Radhika surprised-“brother…which brother…u also have a brother…but what have I done to him….I don`t know what u r taking about…”

Arjun yelled-“shut up…don`t utter a word…u know what u always don`t know anything…u just make a perception about someone and do only what u think is correct…but its enough…now u will have to pay for all ur deeds…the way u took my brother away from me..the same way I will took away ur father from u..just wait and watch..

Arjun started leaving but Radhika stood infront of himtears started flowing down from her beautiful eyes…she folded her hands in front of Arjun-“plz Arjun…plz leave my father…his whole life would be spoiled if u leak that paper..just think about my mother, Sam and me…we would die without him..

Arjun-“have u ever thought about my brother…how we felt when he left us..”

Radhika irritated-“which brother..just tell me Arjun…I don`t know what u are saying…I think u havesome misunderstanding….I have not done anything with ur brother..plz tell me why are u accusing me…

Arjun –“enough…no I will not tell u…u know why because I want u to flounder all ur life for truth..I want u to beg me to know what u have done…ur pain will give happiness to my brother…..and now get out from my way and think how will u save ur father..

Radhika scared-“stop Arjun..I am ur culprit right..then u should punish me not my father…I am ready to bear any punishment but plz spare my dad…plz don`t leak the paper..”

Arjun smiled-“If u r insisting then okay ..I will not leak the paper but for that u have to marry me..”

Radhika frozed -“ marriage…”

Arjun-“yes Radhika marriage..I want to give u pain for every moment of ur life.. want to make ur life a hell..and for that I have no option other than marrying u…just wait for a minute..”

Arjun went to his car and took out the marriage certificate…he came to Radhika and threw the certificate on her face-“sign it and marry me…u have 24 hours to decide whether u want to save urself or ur dad……choice is urs… and don`t even think to inform anyone about our deal because this time I will not give u any warning..”

Arjun left from there…sit in his car and drove off leaving a shocked Radhika behind

He reached Bird Song ..parked his car when neil came to him..-“where is Chaasni Arjun…”

Arjun ignored him and started moving away but Neil interrupts-“I ask where is Chaasni…”

Arjun frowned-“I am not her secretary to know where is she..

Neil-“stop it Arjun..I know that u know very well where she is… I saw u going behind her…look Arjun if anything happens to her I will forget that u r my best friend…

Arjun-“dialogue over…now plz let me go..” Arjun left..

Neil`s POV- I know Arjun that u have done something for sure..need to find that out before its too late..

Radhika entered bird song all blanked..her mind was flasbacking on Arjun`s words and his accusations on her…Radhika remembered Neil`s warning to stay away from Arjun…
Her POV-“Neil has asked me to be away from Arjun…that means he must be knowing about Arjun`s hatred for me..need to confront Neil to know the truth..”
Radhika headed towards Neil`s cabin but she then remembered Arjun`s warning to not inform anyone about the deal… she was in her thoughts when someone called her from back…-“hey Radhika…stop..”

Radhika turned to find its Saral..Saral came to her-“hello Radhika..I m Saral.. Saral Deshmush…he extended his hand for a shake..

Radhika frowned-“and I m Queen Elizabeth…look Saral or whoever u are…I am not interested in marrying, u just leave..

Samrat heard her and comes to her-“what is this this the way to talk to someone..”

Radhika gave him a glance and left without answering him..

Samrat apologized-“sorry Saral..seems she is busy with some work..I am sorry on her behalf..”

Saral-“Its alright uncle..I will meet her when she is free….He left..

Samrat`s POV-“now what happened to her,..why was she behaving so weird ..

Arjun packed his stuff and left…he entered his apartment and went straight to his bedroom..
After freshing up Arjun opened the wardrobe and picked out his personal diary…he lied down on the coach..opened the diary and turned a page..”OUR FIRST MEET”
Arjun closed his eyes…he remembered his first meeting with Radhika when he came to join Bird Song for the first time..

Samrat welcomed Arjun with a smile-“Welcome to bird Song Mr. Arjun Mehra…we have heard a lot about u and ur works…it will be a pleasure to work with u…both shook hands

Arjun-“I am also excited to join Bird Song…one of the best ad agency in Mumbai…and its all because of u”

Samrat-“It is not only because of me but because of our teammates..they are amazing..u would surely enjoy working with them…and Arjun plz collect the keys of your cabin from the reception…I will join u in an hour..”

Arjun nodded and left to the reception
Radhika came to the cafeteria…she saw Kritika sobbing at the corner..

Radhika went to her and asked-“what happened Kritika…why are u crying..”

Kritika scared-“Chaasni an idiot is stalking me from 2 days..he is threatening me to come with him for a coffee or else he will abduct me..he even reached Bird song and waiting for me at the reception…”

Radhika frowned-“what nonsense…how can someone be so cheap…I know how to handle such idiots..come with me..”

Kritika-“but Chaasni..he is dangerous..”

Radhika-“u just come..let me see how much dangerous he is..”

Radhika and Kritika headed towards the Reception

Kritika- “see Chaasni..he is standing there in blue jeans”..

Radhika rolled her eyes and looked at Arjun-“so,there he is…now, he will know who Radhika Khanna is..u wait here..

Radhika went straight to Arjun and shouted…-“u Idiot duffer cheap Rascal…u were harassing a girl..”

Arjun turned towards her-“excuse me..”

Radhika grabbed his coller-“what excuse me…what do u idiot think of urself…that u r a Man by teasing a girl…come on now tease me…show me ur strength…”

Kritika saw Radhika scolding someone else..she banged her head-“God what she is doing..”

Arjun was mesmerized watching her…his eyes were completely lost in hers…

Radhika again scolded-“I asked u to tease me…what happened all ur strength got over…u know what such a cheap people like u should be made a hen in front of the whole city…but don`t worry I will make u a hen in front of this office..

Kritika rushed towards Radhika and dragged her aside..she whispered in her ear-“Chaasni..have u lost it…he is not the one..the person who teased me left…

Radhika scared-“what….can`t u tell me this before….u duffer…now just run from here…

Radhika and Kritika started running but Arjun caught hold of Radhika`s wrist..Kritika left Radhika and ran as if a monster was behind her..

Radhika turned to face Arjun-“IIII …I am….I am sorry..”

Arjun smiled-“ what u said..idiot…duffer..

Radhika interrupts -“that was a joke…I didn`t mean a single word..”

Arjun-“no no..tell me what did u said…I am a cheap, idiot and rascal..and u will make me a hen in front of whole office right..”

Radhika murmured -“Radhika u wanted to become a jhasi ki Rani bear the consequences..Oh God plz save me from this Kadoos.”

Arjun-“what did u say..kadoos..Oh god, I have so many names…”

Radhika shouted-“coackroach..”

Arjun rolled his eyes towards coackroach and Radhika ran from there…he laughed and was continuously staring her till she was out of his sight..

Neil witnessed their convo and noticed Arjun staring Radhika-“Radhika..her name is Radhika Khanna..copywriter of bird song..

Arjun turned –“Neil u..and when did I asked her name…”

Neil teased him-“u didn`t asked but I thought to tell u after the way u were looking at her…God this is impossible..Arjun Mehra was staring a girl…am I dreaming..”

Arjun blushed- “stop it Neil…I will kill u..”

ArNeil continues there chit chats..

Precap-Aradhika`s marriage and the past unfolds…
thats it guys..hope u all will like it..plz do u..take care


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