Fan Fiction

Manmarziyaan- a new turn (intro)

Hi guys,
This is Jnana, I’m from Bengaluru, Karnataka
This ff is the firstever plot I’ve written. I’ve read all most all the ff written on manmarziyaan page. You people write such beautiful stories that its impossible to ignore.
Please ignore my typos and grammer mistakes… (its my starting to the new world of fan fictions so pls help)
Well enough of my ranting. I just ask you people to support me with this fanfic

Lets get into intro now,
My plot is basically about Ardhika and Nesam, but there will be addition of characters in future. There is one more pair I’m gonna introduce in the plot that has more importance than ardika or nesam. The plot starts from radhika leaving arjun alone in the Mehra Mansion.

Arjun really wanna go in search of radhika, but fate doesn’t permit it. Samaira khanna will be given the share of 20% in Birdsong. Neil will be working in the birdsong. He will be in touch of radz but doesn’t speak with sam or arjun, and neither they do.
Arnesam are given the responsibility of their upcoming project. The CEO of the new company ‘THE MEHRA FASHIONS’ will be arriving in three days and the team with arnesam along Teji, Zubin and Krithika are preparing themselves.

There is someone who is beyond happy for the arrival of the CEO of MEHRA FASHIONS. There is a shock awaiting for nesam and a truth to be revealed about Arjun.
Radhika is in Hrishikesh, living a messed up life, still bearing Saral. Dadaji stopped smiling and even speaking with Radhika. Only Mala speaks to her and only if necessary. Radhika is offered a job in MEHRA FASHIONS and is to be reported after three months, as the person in that post hasn’t resigned due to the incomplete projects.
So there will be an encounter between arnesam and radhika. But before that I’m inserting some problems in arneil’s life and a soothing effect for sam. The most problematic life will be of Neil.

So guys who is happy about arrival of CEO of MEHRA FASHIONS….? What are the problems neil need to face? And what gives sam a soothing effect? What about ardhika? To get answer for these quests stay tuned….
Singning off,

Guys let me know if you like the plot. If you don’t like please tell me. I’ll stop writing…. Please do comment. Some suggestions please. And again pls do comment………


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