Hi there, my self meen…today I’m writting my first ff ever……….i tried to put all my emotions in this one…..like u all I’m a big DYM fan…..so this one is for u alll……let me know how it was…..or shall i continue or not?…loads of love
Enjoy ur ride……. A girl with glowing brownish-white skin with pretty eyes worth sailing.. So lively,beautiful,with attitude of queen,heart of gold,mind as sharp as diamond… & with body that of angel from heaven was sleeping like a doll….suddenly sun rays fell on her face & she woke up from her sleep spreading her hands in air & with a beautifull smile over her face….suddenly her mom came to her with a cup of coffee ….she smiled seeing her and gave a peck over her forehead & asked her….”radhika did u get to see his face at least today or not”………yes she was radhika….. Radhika mishra…she replied with a little smile “no mom …..”…. Her mother sighed & said” not again……u daily see same dream ….every time this handsome man comes to u & when he comes close enough to kiss u ….u wake up…..that’s not fair ”
She laughed & said…”mom I know but he is so smart …he doesn’t show me his face…what can I do”…..both mother daughter share a hearty laugh…
Radhika was from a middle class family …which was full of loving ,caring people.. She was eager to get married from very young age…she always wanted someone as her husband, who will bear all her antics & tantrums.. & will love her more than anyone,anything in this world… One who will never leave her hand In all odds …one who will be smart,kind hearted,little arrogant,proudy,little mad but only for her,mr attitude of Ms attitude,over possessive that too only for her,little bit of short tempered,one with hot & killing looks….she wanted him to be like Greek God…
She from her childhood was bubbly ,chatter-box type girl…who always wanted to make boyfriend or boyfriend’s & she was sooo crazy that she could do anything she want…literally anything (all kind of crazy stuff)… Now she is 22 ……but it was hard to believe for her friends, classmates & others that she never had a boyfriend, never kissed anyone,only because she wanted to be loyal to her future husband…strange..but true…she was different…
Her father was little bit strict when it comes to love marriage or even intercaste marriage… .however her mother always supported her
In some corner of her heart she never wanted to hurt her parents by falling in love with someone from other caste…but if she had fallen for someone… It was for sure she wouldn’t have left him at any cost..neither her family…however she always wanted to marry a stranger
So now it comes d day when her parents fixed her alliance with a boy Arjun….he was Arjun mehra…. for her he was just some other guy,who was earning good amount,he was kind of opposite of what she wanted,he was calm,he doesn’t talk much,for her he was more of a nerd from her college… But she can’t say this to anyone…because even she was not sure that his dream boy exists or not?,even if he exist,is he in her destiny or not…??? That night she kept crying looking at Lord’s portrait.. Complaining why he didn’t came for her,for her love,for her tears…..but all she decided to do was crying…. Because she didn’t wanted to hurt her parents & she was not sure if her imagination boy was real or not
Then came d day of marriage.. She was looking so beautiful that even moon felt jealous of her,all her former classmates & other man present there were cursing their fate silently …..and here was d two pair of eye who were lost seeing her ….yes he was her would be husband …who had fallen for her at first sight ….and was deeply in love with her ……..he was a simple down to earth type of man….but is very keen when it comes to his family……he was a millionaire about which only his family and in laws knew….others were unaware including her as he requested his father in law to cover this up for few months as he didn’t wanted his wife to love him aftr knowing his status …he wanted it to be pure from heart…..another reason was the world where he belongs got him n no of enemies waiting for a single chance to destroy him ……he kept staring her…& suddenly remembered d first time he saw her….
***it was a fine sunny day….he was heading for office….suddenly he saw a lean figure with a sunshine smile all over her face…..he suddenly pulled brakes when his gaze went all over her body & stopped at her dark brown orbs….he noticed she was smiling towards something….when he turned that side he found a grp of boys holding their ears and doing sit ups facing her…then she came towards them & said next time when u plan to tease a girl …first check whether she is wearing heals high enough to beat u black & blue or not..& all her surrounding was clapping for her…..he smiled seeing all this…& went to office smiling all over d way….
Flashback ends
Suddenly his gaze broke when she came Sat beside him…he was happy to the core thinking about his life beside him on the other hand
with every ritual she keeps on shedding bucket of tears …for marrying him…at last 7 rounds,vermillion and neck chain (mangalsutra) ritual broke her to the core …he promised himself that he will keep her happy all his life….on d other hand she thought that she will live this unwanted marriage as her parents want
But now she no more wanted to cry in front of Lord ..or she was not talking to him….but she had promised him that she will never doubt his existence…and she did d same…she kept her promise……..
PRECAP–Radhika insulting Arjun………..
kindly drop ur comments
Welcome abroad!!! Awesome episode meen….radhika will fall for arjun in the end…right?
Loved it…please do continue..
thanks alot myra…….u r first one to comment…u will always be special to me……loads of love
Hello Meen its simply brilliant and amazing…….I loved it very much…..all the descriptions are awesome……no wonder Arjun fell for her…who wouldn’t???? U know what ?ur name is very close to my sister’s name…just add an ‘u’ to it and its her name…….sooo what r u doing????which class r u studying???please update soooon and reply……..and plzz do pray for my success in exams….it begins on Mon…….I think I’ve blabbered enough to bore u….sry….bye….and ya I forgot” Good morning ?”…….
hiiii aastha…..u r such a cutie pie….thanks a lot dear for ur comments…….well to answer ur questions ,…..i recently completed my graduation…..& for ur exams all d best…i know u’ll rock it…
thank u zoya..
Good start, continue with the story.
thank u brin……thnks alot
A nice start meen. Super and well narrated. Radhika wants a true love and arjun is in love with radhika. Super start. Do continue and pls update soon.
s.v thank u for ur kind words…….
Hi Meen. …
It’s really nice. …
You should continue it. …
thank u savera ……hope ull enjoy next one too
They got married!! Arjun is already in love.. am so eager 4 the story.. bring it on meen.. when is d nxt update
yes jessie..they are married….& there is a lot more to come……..
nice start ..pls continue
thanks a lot sammy…..ur comments means alot
Awesome dear …loved it waiting for next one eagerly…..loads of love and take care
hey starz….thank u …..today ill be updating d next one…….hope ull like it tooo
The story seems to be too interesting plz update soon next one
N dear plz continue want to know what will happen next n plz update soon….plzzzzzz
thank u aalia……I’m happy to see u eager….loads of love
Meen ..nice start dear..wanted the next one soon
sure rossy…thank u
this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooood
I’m glad u liked it fatarajo……….thank u
Fantastic start Meen..Please continue dear,want to know how Rads insults Arjun..Stay blessed and keep smiling..
thank u sweetie……..thanks a lot for ur support
Next update
Story is too good
Awesome and marvelous
Marriage so soon
Arjun loving our queen wow
thanks brjj……..i wont let u down
And where are u from
Meen I loved it
hey gauri….thanks lot……ur comment means a lot
Loved it
thanks a lot kavina…..loads of love
Awesome…..next dose soon
thank u jnana……..
Nyc one dear..post sooon
thanks a tonn neetz….loads of love
thank u soo much dear,,,,keep commenting…..
Awesome. ..keen…my dearrryyyy it’s superbbbb plot n lovely story. .please continue dear. .love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh
Thanks a lot Roma….I love ur comments..
Superb dear…amazing start…will read d nxt one nd den comment… Loads of love.
Thank u ritu….loads of love
Very good dear keep it up I like it very much
thank u akash……thank u so much…..loads of love
Well I m not a kind of person who reads this kind of stuff …but for the first time itself this has managed me to indulge into reading a ff …So a new entrant to ur world…great job….??
I hope u keep on writing nd bring more ppl like me to read ff…
I know…thanks a lot for reading this ff of mine on my insistence….. Well as u know ur comment means a lot…..so keep commenting