Hey folks…….I’m back……happy to see ur comments……loads of love….
enjoy the ride……..
Then d time came of her bidaii….she cried a lot for leaving her family behind……she sat in car beside him all crying …he was feeling so bad seeing her like this….he thought to console her and kept his hand over her….but she jerked his hand…he thought she was feeling lonely and thought of giving her some space..then suddenly car stopped as they reached his house…..they came towards main door….where they recieved a warm welcome from his family……his mother nandini hugged her and said welcome my lovely daughter….. Radhika smiled a little and bend down to take her blessings……after completing all d rituals she was sent to his room …where she was made to sit with veil on her face ,with her legs folded…with a lots of how to behave kind of advice….she was feeling suffocated from inside…but could not complain….suddenly her heart beat popped up listening to the sound of opening of door….under her veil she started crying feeling helpless…..all she could do was sob…suddenly she felt presence of someone on the bad…this made her cry more badly…&
here arjun was so happy as if he got the precious star from d sky…..he never asKed anything from God…but he felt as if all his wish got fulfilled………. Then he began to lift up her veil ….all smiling… Suddenly he noticed kind of odd behaviour of her…when he lifted up her veil…he found her crying…initially he thought it was bcoz she had to leave her house…but she began to cry madly when he tried to touch her to console her… This behaviour of her hit his mind & heart badly….all he wanted was to stop her crying & make her smile….he tried to keep his hand over her to calm her down……suddenly she stood up & slapped him hard & shouted over top of her voice… How dare u….u animal…..people of ur kind marry just to fulfill their lust, to make someone ur slave,people like u consider girls mere ur footware.. Or a toy to play with………I hate u…..
I just hate u….don’t show me ur face ever. ..get lost….& she turned her face towards other side all crying..thinking about his dream boy…….after listening all dis few drops of tears fell off his hard cheeks,he felt as if something broke inside him,he left his room without saying a word,he decided now he will never confess his feelings to her his whole life…..he will never forgive her for insulting her love calling it lust without listening to him…….he broke down……he cried & looked towards black sky looking towards moon….on the other side radhika too was sobbing looking at d moon…she slowly Whispered”why”…..in other room Arjun bent down on his knees asking God…”why”……he cried loudly….”why……why always me…..I never asked anything from u…..1 time in my life I loved someone so deeply,selflessly……then why….why”…..
Next morning she woke up finding herself sitting next to bed & same was d case with arjun but in another room……she stood up looked out of window…few drops of tears rolled down her cheeks…she decided to never talk to him ever in her life…but she has to fulfill her duty as daughter-in-law of the house…..she immediately went to take shower & then came out in bathrobe… Just then arjun entered d room & both screamed on d top of thr voice……..aaaaaaaaaahh. Due to embarrassment both turned their heads away….he suddenly murmured I just came to take my clothes…I’m leaving.as soon as she heard his footsteps out of the door…she ran towards d door & bolted it…..
Then she suddenly heard nandini calling them out…..she got ready in a beautiful red chudidaar & went down….all d family members including her MIL& others looked at her smiling…complementing her of her beauty & suddenly her MIL asked her abt her husband ….she didn’t uttered a word thinking about last night….& was worried somewhere that he may complain abt her to his mom….but she decided to act strong & not to bend in front of him…she heard her SIL niti teasing her abt her last night tht is why her brother is taking this much time….she didn’t gave any expression in return…..others thought she is blushing …however nandini found it little weird… But decided to ignore it…then she saw him coming down….when he saw her he was completely mesmerized ….then her words “I hate u” echoed in his mind…..he thought…..
“Ms Radhika mishra…..ufff now u r Mrs Radhika mehra….nobody ever dared to break my heart…but u did…u will have to pay for that…..u will cry for my love but u will never get it…….wait & watch radhika”……. She turned her gaze downwards in anger & he as if didn’t bothered abt it walked towards his mom……seeing him all ready his mom asked where are u going …?…he answered “office” …..now she sensed something is definitely wrong with them…becoz as far as she knew he was sooo excited & happy abt his marriage then suddenly this kind of attitude was not normal….she noticed both were trying to avoid each other’s presence………then nandini said firmly….”no one is going anywhere…..especially u Arjun…”….
Arjun tried to protest but nandini shooed him up……she said today is radhika’s first rasoyi …..& it’s important for u to be here…….now u r married…..u Hv a beautiful wife…..stop running behind ur business & focus on ur marriage…. Everyone started laughing….. What nandini saw next made her doubt more clear….Arjun went to his room without saying anything….he NVR did that…especially with his mom…he never walked away without replying….she thought of talking to him later…
Then she went towards radhika and took her towards kitchen….she placed her palm over her head showing her affection & said with a smile …”prepare something as sweet as u”….& she left from thr……..
Precap– eyelock of arjun and radhika…..
kindly drop ur comments….
Meen..its nice.. waiting 4 nxt one..
thank u jessie…
thanks jessie… i’ll update next part in d evening
thanks jessie… i’ll update next part in d evening…..keep motivating
Oh wow!! Today eve..
Yeah sure dear..
meen you are fast
loved the update waiting for the next
thank u gauri…..thnks for ur support
Loved it…next one post soon
thnks neha
Hai Meen……sad for Arjun….poor guy his condition is really sad……but wasn’t Rads over reacting???????? The precap is interesting……eyelock due to love or ???????? Sooo did u complete UG or PG????? To wich state of India do u belong?????
hey cuttie pie……thanks a lot…..i hv completed my UG…..i belong to maharashtra
What is the meaning of the title????
Really very excited for next part plzzzzzzz update as fast as u can…..loving ur update too much only…..silly me…it’s fine but plz update asap….
haha…thanks aalia…loads of love
Girl,you are keeping on my toes..What will happen next??Waiting to read that Meen..
thanks a tonn sweetie…loads of love
well, that was a quick update…..good job….quick updates just keep us hooked on the story…a wonderful job meen!
thanks a lot myra…..happy to see u comment….
Awesome episode, waiting for the next update.
thanks brin…..
Superb ……
thanks priya
Loved it
thanks kavina….loads of love…keep commenting
This is quick dear and what will happen next . This angry bird is not giving any chance to arjun to speak. Lovely waiting for the next part.
thank u S.V ……loads of love…..take care
amazing episode……….
thanks a lot subha
Good one
thnks savera
Ahhh….very heart wrenching episode…feeling really very bad for arjun…rads why is she so rude to him..well..waiting for the next episode, love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug .
Thanks a lot Darling….it feels your comments r strt from ur heart….loads of love
Superb one dear…bt y Rads is behaving so weird wid Arjun?? Loved it to the core…loads of love
There is a reason behind it ritu…..will reveal it soon…keep reading & commenting… Loads of love
Hmmm…interesting on how its going through…nice to see a cold war between the two…?
Cold war ka experience lgta h aapko……hehehe…….thanks a tonn for reading
I like it superb
thanks akash……..thanks for reading……loads of love