Hey fellas…..first of all a hearty bear hug to all of u…for all ur wonderful comments & love…. I tried to write a bigger one but couldn’t… as i wasn’t keeping welll….u see cold & cough……so…if u dont like this one thn i apologise in advance……kindly ignore all my typos & grammatical errors
enjoy d ride……
Arjun thought for a while then chuckled & said ”u surely are this single piece in whole world…”…then he called amaal to his cabin & said….” cancel all d meetings lined up for today….i am leaving home…”….suddenly amaal interuptted saying….”sir, what about maybelline contract???”…..arjun muttered….” send me all necessary information ….ill see to it tomorrow…” saying this he left towards his car……on his way in d car….he kept thinking about radhika & whispered….”Mrs…. radhika arjun mehra….u r mine…only mine……it would be better for u if u realise it soon…otherwise arjun mehra have his own ways…” he came out of his thoughts when he heard “baby ko bass pasand hai” song over radio….he told his driver in a commanding tone….”shut this crap off”……..saying this he muttered under his teeth…..” who d hell hears this type of songs….crap…”
on d other side radhika was watching tv….when suddenly she started dancing on “ baby ko bass pasand h”….moving her butt like a cute baby with all wild expressions over her face…..nandini who was passing by heard few noises & decided to check…she started laughing seeing radhika dancing like this……she went from there without saying a word….on d way back ,she turned left….then right….on confirming there was one else……she too started dancing like a maniac…..soon she composed herself and started walking as if nothing happened….as soon as she passed by argon’s study…..she patted her head saying…..”Oh…god …this arjun will never change……..he worked even on his marriage night…..stupid….” her face frowned d next moment when she saw a blanket & pillow lying there….she thought …..last night arjun slept over here………what is it between these two….need to find it out soon…….
as soon as arjun entered d hall….he noticed nandini all smiling looking towards him…..seeing this he asked…”what????”….at this nandini chuckled a little & said …..time…its only….7….signaling him to look at his watch……….arjun smiled a little & hugged her mom saying…..”mom…i was missing u so much…that i couldn’t wait…soon……now nandini slapped him lightly….saying ….now enough of ur buttering…..now go & get freshen up….when arjun turned around to leave…..nandini held her hand & said in a commanding tone…”arjun………..i don’t want u to spend ur night working in ur study……….i hope u understood what I’m trying to say,…..’…..arjun nodded & left from there…..
when arjun entered her room….his eyes searched for radhika everywhere….but he didn’t found her…..suddenly his face frowned when he heard her singing in bathroom…..he moved towards d bathroom to hear it clearly……then suddenly he started laughing when he heard her humming” baby ko bass pasand hai….oooooooooo…..babby….baby ko bass pasand h…” he quickly ran towards d window…..pretending to be on a call…in bathroom radhika enjoyed her lavender shower like anything……….she came out of bathroom wrapping towel around her……all singing & dancing….moving her butt like a child doing her fav signature step……..suddenly she encountered arjun near d window looking at her like a hungry lion looking at d goat….she gulped in fear……but she composed herself & said in a defending tone……..”Mr. arjun mehra…don’t u have some shame….let alone shame…i think u don’t even have manners…….how could u enter others room without permission……..& how could u eye some woman only wrapped in a towel…..dont u have this much sense…to turn ur head or leave d room…” she said all this in single breath & stopped for a second to breath & muttered in next….”shameless…..loony head”……now thats it….arjun had had enough of it……he moved towards her like a roaring lion & pinned her to d wall….plastering his front with hers….leaving no gap….he put his one hand on d wall beside her…& other over her waste…holding her tight….he inhaled her lavendar scent….& whispered slowly……..” so….what were u saying??????”…….but seeing arjun this close radhika couldn’t utter a single word….she could no more handle his proximity……& started sweating profusely…….seeing this ,arjun looked straight in her eyes & muttered …….”yessssss…….u were saying something like…..shameless….others room….permission…..eyeing some woman……manners……right…????”,,,radhika nodded nervously….arjun now smiled a little & said with full attitude…..”firstly………its not some ‘others room’….its mine too…..& i don’t need permission to enter my room……secondly…..i wasn’t eyeing some woman…..u r my wife….Mrs. arjun mehra……& i hv full right to see u with or without towel…..thirdly……now he chuckled a little & said u look cute when u move ur butt doing ur fav step……”…hearing this radhika’s eye grew bigger as if ready to pop out of socket……she quickly ran from there….took her clothes & entered d bathroom……….leaving arjun all laughing…….
down in d hall everyone gathered for d dinner……radhika on her way to d hall thought……”this loony head devil is so dangerous….need to stay away from him as much as possible….otherwise he would eat me alive…..”…saying this she rushed towards d dining table…there she saw ramukaka bringing a bowl from kitchen…..she took it from him & said…”ill handle here…u go & check things out in kitchen…” after this she started serving everyone…..when it came to arjun….she quickly served him at lightining speed without looking at him….seeing her like this arjun muttered to himself…..”cute…..”….. he thought of something for a while…… then he smirked a little…..doing something over his phone……nandini saw him smirking 8 thought……’ what he is up to now?????”…she came out of her thought as soon as she heard something……everybody started looking towards arjun with shock expression over their face after listning to his ringtone…”baby ko bass pasand h”……….arjun asked them…”what????’…..amaal called ….why are u all making weird faces …..to which niti replied….”bhai u don’t like this type of songs then???”……..now arjun gave a sheepish smile & said….” yesssssss…..but i love this song….i just love it……….especially that signature move…..”……..radhika’s mouth hungry half open after listning him……& nandini started coughing………soon everybody had there dinner & left for there room……..
on d way back to her room………radhika thought…..”now i need to stay away from him as far as possible……….he is too dangerous…’…….then she patted her head & said to herself”….radhika u fool…..its night & now he won’t come to d room…..” she smiled a little….soon her smile faded when she thought about her conversation with nandini…..she muttered….”no……..if mom got to know about this…..she will get hurt…..& i don’t want that to happen….i nwwd to talk to him…..”……after this she rushed to her room….& texted arjun….”need to talk….come to d room asap…..”…
as soon as arjun entered d room he told her even have something to talk about…….before he could complete his sentence she started like a superheats train…….no …….first listen to me…..arjun thought of teasing her a little & said…..
hearing her arjun started lauhing loudly…..but stopped when she made a cute puppy face….& muttured…..ok…go on……
she told him about morning’s incident….& said…”what so ever is there between us……….i don’t want mom to get hurt knowing all that…..so from now on u will sleep in same room…..”….arjun said…….”even i wanted to sat d same….”…..before he could compete….she again started…..” Mr. arjun mehra…..dont get so happy thinking we will be living in same room…..sharing room doesn’t mean all do anything u want…….we need to make some rules….’ saying this she took a pen & notepad & started thinking something curling her lips….now arjun totally lost himself seeing her red juicy lips….& muttered ….”super cute…..”
PRECAP- arjun & radhika sorting out d rules………
kindly drop ur comment
too cute…LOL
Thanks a lot dear….loads of love
Rads is really a nut case ..lol…loving it tottally…post sooooon
cant wait 
Thanks for ur support neetz…
Awesome episode, waiting for the next update.
Im glad u liked it brin….means a lot….loads of love
cute…. and funny…. loved it….
Thanks a ton jewel…..keep commenting….loads of love
Rads is really cute……..when’ll the misunderstandings btwn them be over???? chechi don’t make Arjun look like a love stricken puppy……..isn’t Rads having any dreams abt her dream boy???????
My cutie pie……I love ur curiosity….. but have some patience Darling…u ll surely get ur answers soon…..till then love u
This was damn cute one meen u make rads all cute and that song and arjun’s changing behaviour. Lol lovely super next part soon as this one. Live u
Thanks s.v…….u inspire me a lot….loads of love
This update was super cute
Thanks a lot dear….luv u
It is really cute Meenu,Rads is really naughty and funny..I loved it..eagerly waiting for next part..
Thanks a tonn Darling….will post soon
sooo cute…. nandini danced???? radhika’s embarrassment…. everything was super cute… waiting for the next,…..
Thank u jnana…..thanks for lovely comment …..God bless u
Thanks subha…..loads of love
Cutie cute episode,I just loved it Meen..
And thank you for the quick updates..
Love you loads and take care.. 
Thanks sweetie….I’m glad u liked it….take care dear
Meen… I terribly want this one to be never ending one .. cuteness overloaded !!! I loved it.. Nandhini dancing!! Arjun’s ring tone..lol.. he is so gone!! Hahaha Rads is super cute..hmm.Now comes d most awaited rules .. hope none follows.. eager 4 nxt update.. I really enjoyed reading
There’s lot more to come baby,many twists & turns……it won’t be ending this soon…luv yaa…stay blessed
Awesome…..cutey epi…..loved it meen
Thanks a tonn dear…loads of love
Ufff meen…..crazy as hell yet cute as heavenly…..i read it without even blinking once……your writing has me completely hooked on….loved it….take care….and please update asap…..as your quick updates lure me the most
Thanks Myra……keep reading…..luv yaaaa…..will update soon
It’s is superb really too good just waiting for the next update plz update soon
God bless u……
Thanks aalia…..will update soon…..stay blessed darling
it is an amazing update meenu
srry i cld not comment on ur previous updates
luking forword to read more updates dear
jst keep posting regularly
Thanks a tonn dear…..I’m happy tht u liked it…..keep reading & commenting….luv yaa….gn
Lovely episode. ..
Thank u dear…..God bless u…gn
Heey meen, the episode was great,super funny..loved it..excited for the next one
Thanks a tonn dear…loads of love
Awesome, wowwww meen…it’s really superbbbb n very lovelyyyyyy. ..cuteness overloaded. ….I’m loving it sooo muchhhhhh. …keep it up honeyyy love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug
awwww thanks again roma…..thanks for reading all 4 parts of rehnuma….keep reading dear…loads of love
Its beautiful dear…Rads totally mad
Baby ko bass pasand h..lol
really loved it
curious for nxt.. Love u..tc

Thanks a lot dear…..keep reading
Height of coincidence…nice to see the cold war getting intense…
Not a big deal….coincidence to aise hote hi rhte h….again thanks for reading……..& I don’t think that i need to mention how precious r ur comments to me
Lovely and funny
thanks ak…..keep reading
mad ardhika ..l love them
Thanks Sammy….loads of love..tc