Hello there…….first of alll a biiiiig sorry for being late…..secondly…..i would like to thank u all for ur lovely comments……….as usual ignore my typos & grammatical errors ….here cpmes d next one
Enjoy d ride…….
“AAOOOCH…”….sam winced in pain when her back hit d ground…..it took her a minute or two to realise what just happened……she quickly averted her gaze from d ground to look at him….but as soon as she did….her eyes lost its shine…..it looked empty…as there was no one……she shook her head in shock…muttering…”No…..it couldn’t be him…..its all in my head…yeah…..its just my dilusion…”…she quickly got up composed herself & started looking around for rosy & dex….all d while her eyes kept searching for him….her heart screamed….”it was him…neil……my neil”……but her mind contradicted her heart…she felt her heart hammering fast againt her rib-cage…..she was sweating profusely……….she went towards d counter …took a glass of water & gulped it down in one go…now panic striked her mind…..she started breathing heavily….her body started trembling……she quickly closed her eyes & muttered…”no….it was him….those intense deep black eyes…..i could’t forget them even if i want to……it was definitely him……omg….now…now what should i do….
i need to hide….i couldn’t face him…”….…. suddenly someone patted her shoulder…now her body stiffened a little….her eyes grew wide in fear…..she turned around and found rosy….seeing her she gave a sigh of relief……. however rosy was baffled to see her like this……she quickly brought her hands to sam’s cheek & muttered…”omg sam…..r u alright?…..u look so pale”……sam masked her feelings & quickly nodded at her saying…”yeah…..im fine…..its just my head is aching a little & nothing else…”…..rosy gave her an unconvinced look & asked again…”r u sure…”….to which sam replied with a meek smile…”yes…..ofcourse…”….now rosy held her hand & said…”ok….now come with me….dex is waiting for us…”….sam told her to continue & that she will join them in a minute…..when rosy left….she muttered to herself….”i need to leave from here as soon as possible……”….as she turned around ….her face frowned……her heart skipped a beat…….she stood as if glued to d ground……her eyes stopped blinking when she saw neil……he was walking towards d bar counter…his face was expressionless……he came & stood just beside her….but didn’t spare her a single glance…..as if she doesn’t exist….he ordered a taquilla shot ….there was a lot of noise around d room..but there was this complete silence between them as if both were trying to feel each other’s heartbeat……..
it was there for more than 15 minutes……even after that sam stood as it is at her place…..she couldn’t utter a word……she was totally frozen seeing him after all this years….a layer of emotions took over her heart….she felt immense pain,love ,anger,hatred,fear & what not……but when her gaze shifted to his eyes …she forgot everything……she couldn’t control anymore……there was this sudden urge to hug him tight…….to let him know that her sam is here….. right beside him…..she wanted to scream his name ….out….loud…..she wanted to hold his hand for hours……for days……for months….for years….for eternity…she never wanted to leave them…if given a chance she could watch him like this all her life….without even blinking once……..she looked at him as if he was a precious possession to her……..but suddenly she was taken a back when a girl came to neil & started brushing her fingers over his shoulders seductively….neil quickly held her hand & pulled her to his lap…..he gave her an intense look & she muttered….”baby…..where were u……u suddenly left me saying u would be back in a min ……..i was waiting for u….”saying this she started rolling her fingers in his locks……now neil replied dryly without looking at her…”hmmmm….i think we should complete what was left behind…..”….saying this he pulled her more closer to himself………sam suddenly felt hot tears rolling down her cheeks….
she kept her eyes at neil & started taking backward steps …..she stumbled a little…..her vision started getting blurr….she took few more steps backward…..when she unknowingly bumped in to a group of guys….two of them came forward & started checking her out from head to toe..…she didn’t looked up at them…….she was so lost in neil…… tears were falling down her cheeks continously…..when one of them held her hand tight & mumbled near her ear…”ahhhh ….baby …..u r too hot ……u don’t need to cry……I’m here for u…I’ll take proper care of u…..”…saying this he smirked & pulled her closer by holding her waist,…….now sam realised what was happening around her……her anger rose to d peak…..she quickly wiggled out of his arm …. gave him a hard punch over his face & screamed on d top of her voice….”blo*dy moron…keep ur hands away from me ….or ill kick u so hard that u won’t be able to walk for a month or two…..”….now there was a complete silence all over d room…every single person there was looking at them…..when suddenly d guy rushed towards sam & punched her back hard over her face……she fell down by d force of punch….her lips got a deep cut & blood started oozing out of it……sam let out a painful sigh ….her glance was fixed at neil…she wanted him to come for her & beat d shit out of this guy….not becoz she thought she was weak….only because she wanted to see if he loved her even after all that or not…but he didn’t gave a damn about all this…….
he knew very well what was happening around….but he didn’t care …….sam’s eyes turned red….tears again made their way down her cheeks….she was trying to stand again… when d guy pulled her hairs tight & muttered in an angry tone…”u little b*t*h……dare u punch me……i’ll show u ur real place..” saying this he was about to punch her again but his hand was blocked by someone….& in a second d guy was knocked down…..sam smiled a little ….her eyes had d same shine again & she whispered to herself….”i knew it neil…i knew it….my idiot would never leave her saminder singh alone…”…..she waited in anticipation for d person to turn around………but when he did…….it left her in utter shock…..her brows curved in confusion…….& she whispered….”kabir…”…….she quickly turned her head to look at neil to find him getting cozy with d girl while his fingers were playing with d glass on d table…….his face was as expressionless as before..………seeing this her face lost its colour………she felt thousands of draggers cutting her heart down in to pieces…….her knees gave up…….she was about to fall ……..when kabir held her tight by her shoulders………he made her stand straight & groaned at d guy….”another word against her….& u won’t be able to live for another second…..”…saying this he tightened his hold around her shoulder..…sam felt his words as if spoken under water…..at that moment she didn’t care abt anything else…..……all she could think about was neil…….suddenly dex & rosy came there….they were shocked to see d scene in front of them…kabir nodded at rosy….…& rosy quickly ran towards sam…held her tight & took her out of there…..dex & kabir followed them….when they reached in d parking…..rosy muttered…”sam ur lips r bleeding……i think we should first take u to d hospital…..”…..sam nodded in negative & muttered…”its fine…just drop me home…”…..then dex gave a look to sam & muttered “r u sure..?….i mean cut is quite deep….”…now sam let out a sigh & said…”no….its ok….”…..they were about to leave when sam turned around & went towards kabir…she muttered with tears in her eyes…”thanks kabir…..thanks a lot…”….kabir just nodded his head & whispered “ its ok…u don’t need to thank me…..& btw….its already 12….u should leave for ur home & take rest….”…sam was about to leave when kabir called her out…..she came back & muttered…”yes….?”….now he quickly took out his hanky & gave it to her……..sam gave him a confused look……at which he signalled her towards d blood oozing out of her lips……she took it & muttered…”thanks again…”…kabir was about to say something when dex asked him..”kabir aren’t u coming with us…?”…now his expressions changed to that of anger & he muttered…”no…….u guyz drop her home…..i hv to take care of few things around…” saying this he left from there………
on their way to sam’s house……rosy being impatient muttered…”sam…what happened at d pub?……i mean u were all good when i left u just few minutes ago…..then all this….& kabir….where did he come from in all this…?”…..sam gave a look at rosy & dex & told them everything except neil’s part…….after which rosy muttered in angery tone …”that son of a b*t*h……how dare he……thank god kabir came there at right time….”….sam just nodded her head…….suddenly their head snapped towards dex….when he muttered in amused tone…..”u punched him back?…..right on his face………..omg sam u r so dangerous…”….at which rosy gave him an angry glare & he spoke in defence…” no……i mean….its good that i saw her this side today……i swear on god ……i would never ever challenge her …not even in my dreams…”…..now rosy started laughing madly & sam gave them a smile…..when dex muttered again…”but guys….did u noticed kabir…..i mean i have never seen him this angry…..he was looking at d guy as if he would kill him…..gosh…don’t know why he behaved so wiered..” saying this he shrugged his shoulder……when rosy muttered…”yeah….may be he was not in a good mood & that bastard just fueled it more……..”….
they were discussing all this…..when they reached sam’s house …..she got out of d car….& muttered..”thanx guyz….gn…will go & get some rest..” …saying this she waved them bye.…that night she tried to sleep but couldn’t…every time she closed her eyes neil’s face,his memories,his ager,hatred everything came in front of her…all she could do was cry….cry…& cry …she quickly got up & went towards bathroom & started splashing water over her face again & again……tears were still flowing down her cheeks……she tried to hide them by splashing water……but little did she knew by doing this she could hide her tears but couldn’t hide her pain……she came back & went towards d mirror ……. looking at her image she started laughing sardonically & muttered “even my soul left me d moment u did neil…..this sam is mere a walking dead without u & nothing more”….now she started pulling her hairs & screamed loudly………”why does it pain so much…why……i want to end this pain ….i couldn’t live with this anymore”….saying this she sat down with a thud…..then she kept her knees close to her body & started crying loudly….she whispered between her sobs….”its never gonna end….this pain….its never gonna leave me……i don’t know why am i still alive…..why didn’t i died that night…..” saying this she laid down on d floor &.flashes of past started moving in front of her eyes…everything came to her mind in d form of pictures.*******where in one she was pointing a gun at radhika’s temple….. in other neil slapping her….someone dragging her by her hairs brutally…….
radhika crying…someone hitting sam’s back with a rod..…radhika lying in a pool of blood….sam begging someone to shoot her…….neil holding injured radhika in his arms….*******everything came to her one after d other….after few minutes there was a complete silence …..there was only her sobs that echoed in her room……remembering all this she cried for hours……until her tears dried away…..then she took out a white shirt from d closet …….& went towards d window….where she sat down holding d shirt tightly against her body…..& muttered slowly…” i wish that night had never came in our life……i wish u could still love me ……..i wish i could get my idiot back…i wish u could still care for me d same way u used to…..”….saying this she started remincing their moments……
sam was making radhika try different short dresses & radhika made weird face looking at every single one of them…& muttered….”no sam ….they r so short……they would barely cover my thighs….no…no…no…..i won’t wear any of these….& btw why can’t i wear tank top & jeans…”…saying this radhika made a puppy face…..to which sam replied….”no way radhika…..for god’s sake we r going to club & not to college….so no more drama…..now go & change …neil would be coming any minute….till then i will get ready…..”…..after half an hour both of them got ready with minimal makeup…….but radhika was still not comfortable in her dress…..she tried one last time…”sam i seriously think i should change……this is too short”……now sam spoke trying to boost her up…”radhika…..why r u worrying…..u look good….there is nothing to be worried about…….& look at me ….mine is shorter thn urs……so chill & enjoy…….& for god’s sake stop fidgeting…….now lets go neil is waiting for us for more thn 20 minute…..he would kill us…if we make him wait for another minute…”…now radhika smiled a little…both of them held each others hand & went down…..as soon as neil saw sam his mouth hung open…he was completely mesmerised by her..…he stopped blinking her eyes….then he gave a look at radhika……seeing his reaction both of them giggled a little ……when neil composed himself & muttered….”both of u r looking so…hmmmm….so…uhhh…” words stuck in his mouth when radhika smiled & completed them for him…”beautiful…” at which he snapped back & muttered…” noooooooo…….u both r looking stupid…….i mean look at yourselves…..dont u guyz have anything of ur size….it looks like u both r wearing dresses of 10 year old girls….ur dresses r too short……”….hearing all this sam’s anger was on peak & radhika was burning red in anger……….she quickly muttered…” neil……today u r so dead……how could u say this…..its our choice what we want to wear & what not…..u hv no right to comment on that……..& btw this is my fav dress…..dare u say a single word against it…….one more word & i’ll burry u alive right now where u r standing…”…hearing all this neil gulped in fear….& sam’s jaw dropped…..she whispered in her ears…”i thought u didn’t like wearing short dresses…..then how is this ur fav one…?”…..now radhika whispered in her ears…” of course i don’t like this dress…..but neil doest know that…right?” saying this she winked at sam…..at this both chuckled a little & neil mumbled…”whatever….”……..after 15 minutes trio reached at d club……as soon as they entered inside every single gaze was fixed on them……girls were literally drooling over neil…..& rasam….they were d centre of attraction…….neil suddenly felt this need to protect them…..when he turned around to look at them ….they were already dancing madly with each other ……neil patted his head & muttered “what am i gonna do with these mad girls” saying this he went towards his other friends….all d while his gaze was fixed at sam….he was so lost in her beauty……..when suddenly radhika patted his shoulder……”.stop staring her like this…or ur eyes would pop out”……saying this she chuckled a little…..now neil gave her a smile….& muttered..”she is looking like a….”…before he could complete her sentence she said ”like a queen…”…saying this she smiled at him…..& again he muttered “ & u r looking like a…”….but then she again cut him off & said…”like a princes…”….saying this she chuckled a little…..now he looked at her in awe & said…”how could u possibly know every time what is there in my heart?”…now radhika thought for a second & muttered….”ummmm….i don’t know….”….saying this she poked her tounge out at him……& muttered…”ok ….i’ll have to make a call…..so…keep an eye on her…I’m giving u a golden chance….” saying this she winked at him & left from there……..sam was dancing around like a mad girl…when after few minutes a guy came to her & started dancing with her…..at first she took it casually….but when he started getting closer to her…she moved back……she came towards counter to have a glass of water….when d same guy came to her & started introducing himself….but sam knew it very well what was his intentions…so she didn’t replied…..then he offered her a drink….…at which she muttered looking at him….”not interested…so leave”…….now he started forcing her to have d drink….then she gave a hard punch on his nose…..he quickly composed himself & muttered…”that was definitely not a good step dear……..now u hv to payback…..” saying this he was about to punch her back when neil came in betwn & held his hand in nick of time…….neil was about to punch him …when sam stopped him & muttered…”let it be neil lets leave…”…..when they were leaving neil heard him talking to his friends…”my bad…..uffffff…..she was hot yaar….damn hot…..”……neil ignored him & went towards his car….he called radhika & then dropped both of them at hostel …….next morning sam & neil were waiting for radhika at canteen ….but she came in an angry mood & snapped her hands over d table in front of neil & gave him a deathly glare….neil was confused by her behaviour & so was sam…….when suddenly radhika muttered ”…neil….what did u do with him..?”….now neil’s body stiffened, his expressions changed to that of anger & he muttered…”i don’t know whom u r talking about…”……now radhika muttered…”that guy from d club ….who was teasing sam……did u beat him blue & black…?”…..neil tried to give her an explanation…..when sam muttered in an angry tone…”just say yes or no…”……neil looked straight in her eyes & muttered…”yes….”…..now radhika squealed in happiness & muttered…”i knew it…”…..neil & sam both looked confused when radhika muttered again…”good job rasgulla……I’m so proud of u…….that blo*dy cheapo…..deserved this only….if u wouldn’t have punched him …..then definitely i would have done it…..how dare he….nobody messes with my rasgulla & sam…btw did u enjoy it?”….now neil replied….” i couldn’t tell u how much i loved it…”…..saying this both of them gave each other high five…….when they noticed sam giving them deathly glare…..seeing her neil gulped in fear & radhika ran away saying that she hv to attend lecture……..neil muttered under his breath …”traitor…..how could she leave me alone with this dinasour….”….sam gave him deathly glares for more than 5 minute……neil kept looking here & there & finally he gave up & muttered…..”ok….i know….u don’t like this…….but i couldn’t help it…….”……now his eyes showing possessiveness,care,attitude….when he muttered next….” but….i won’t apologise for that……he deserved to be punished……..he tried to misbehave with u sam….moreover he was talking shit about u……..& i couldn’t stand that…..not against u & radhika……..& believe me….if he would have hit u back…thn i wouldn’t had left a single bone intact in his body……i don’t care even if u hate me for this…….but i don’t regret doing all this…..”…now tears started forming in sam’s eyes ….she quickly went towards his side …..kept her head over his shoulder & muttered…”idiot…..promise me……u will always be like this…..& will never ever change…..”……neil tilted his head over hers & whispered…”promise…..”
sam was still lost in her past ….when she saw someone standing down her window…….her eyes grew wider when she realised that he was same hoodie man who was following her d other day………but something about him made her shiver in fear….his knuckles were bruised badly….they were covered in blood…..she kept looking at him…….when after a minute or 2 he walked away…..sam quickly closed d window , went towards her bed & slept clutching d shirt tightly…….
next day when sam reached milano…..Mrs. blue gave her a tight hug & muttered…..”oh dear….thank god u r all right…..rosy told me what happened at d club…”…..sam gave her a smile & said…” I’m fine….mrs blue…”….they were talking with ech other when kabir came to them & muttered…”sam…..hw r u ?…”…..sam gave him a thankful smile & said…”thanks to u …I’m all good…”….then she saw dex…..he came towards her….gave her a bear hug & asked…”how r u sam..?”……when she said good …he continued…”grt ….now let me break this news to u……d guy that teased u last night….well someone had smashed him really bad…..he was barely able to breathe…..it seemed like all his bones were broken….gosh…..it was a horrible scene……anyways…..he got what he deserve…”…..now kabir’s body stiffened a little……he seemed little tensed…….his expressions changed to that of anger & he walked away…without saying anything……sam was shocked to hear all this…..suddenly images of man in hoodie with bruised knuckles flashed in her eyes…..she patted her head & whispered…”omg ….did he do this…?”
radhika woke up to see arjun all ready to leave for office…..as soon as he saw her …he greeted her with a smile…”hey there sleepy head…..good morning….”….radhika gave him a smile & muttered…”good morning…u leaving this early?”….arjun chuckled a little & muttered…”its already 10:30….”….radhika gave a look towards d clock & screamed…”what!!!!!!….omg ….why didn’t u wake me up….” before he could say another word….she quickly got down d bed & muttered while going towards bathroom….”its all ur fault….how could u be so careless….…why didnt u wake me up……now what would mom think about me …..urghhhhh….its all ur fault…”…saying this she closed d door with a bang…..arjun raised his eyebrow & mumbled…”seriously…!!!!!…my fault…?…huh..?….she is impossible…”..saying this he shrugged his shoulder & went downstairs for breakfast……after 15 min radhika joined everyone for breakfast……radhika took her seat & wished nandini morning keeping her eyes down………arjun saw this & thought of taking advantage of d situation…..when nandini was about to greet radhika back…
arjun cut her off & muttered…” mom….let it be…..dont get angry on her like this……i know she is a lazy bone….but with time she will learn all this …”…saying this he smirked a little …..radhika felt bad knowing that nandini is angry on her……nandini tried to say something …when arjun again cut her off…” c’mon mom…atleast talk to her…..she won’t repeat same mistake again…I’m mean she won’t be this careless from now on……..am i right radhika…?”….radhika nodded her head & quickly replied….”yes mom ….im sorry….i won’t repeat this again…..”……nandini understood what arjun was trying to do….she gave him a look & muttered…”arjun…..dont…”…now arjun chuckled a little & nandini looked at radhika & said…”radhika…..relax…its completely fine…..arjun was teasing u….im not at all angry on u…..”……radhika gave arjun a deathly glare…..she was about to confront him….when he quickly got up & muttered…”uummmm…I’m late …gotta go….c u guys in eve…”….saying this he quickly ran away from there…..seeing this nandini chuckled a little….& muttered next…” radhika….make him payback…” saying this she winked at her……..after an hour radhika was pacing her room …..blabbering in frustration…”how dare he……he made a fool out of me….now i will torture him like anything….wait & watch arjun mehra …i’ll make u payback….”…..saying this she quickly dialled his number…..as soon as he picked up d phone….she started like a superfast train….”I’m getting bored…….i want to go for shopping …….so pick me up in half an hour….”….saying this she hung up d phone on him……after seeing line dead…..arjun muttered in frustration…..”what d f**k is wrong with this woman……she never let me talk…..”….saying this he called amaal & muttered…..”i don’t want any disturbance for next 2 hours……”…..when arjun came home…he called radhika & said…”come down in 5 min….”…..now radhika gave a look at herself in mirror & whispered…”ready….”…but then something striked her mind & she smirked a little……she quickly grabbed a magazine in her hand then started reading it while sitting on recliner……arjun was waiting for her for more than 15 mins….now he called her again…..but no reply…..after 5 minutes again he gave her a call ….but still no reply…now he let out a frustrated sigh & muttered….”WOMAN…” saying this he rolled his eyes & went to check on her….when he entered in d room….he saw her getting ready in front of mirror & whispered…”radhika…..i have been waiting for more than 20 mins….what d hell r u doing?”…..now radhika raised her eyebrow & said…”can’t u c I’m getting ready….”…..then arjun muttered in a confused tone “but u r already done…”…..at which radhika giggled lightly & said…”is it so?….hmmmm…..thn lets leave ….what r we waiting for…”….now arjun gave her a doubtful look & muttered …”ok”….on the way to mall…radhika was behaving very sweetly with him…& didn’t talk much….now arjun shook his head & whispered to himself…” why do i feel all this is calmness before d upcoming storm……..she is definitely up to something…”…now he again looked at her & she gave him a cute smile…now arjun mentally face palmed himself & said…”god bless me…”…..when they reached mall……radhika went to different shops ….she spend more than half an hour in every single shop…….but didn’t buy anything……..she did this just to irritate arjun …..then she started bargaining at every other shop…….to irritate him more…….now arjun lost his paitence & muttered……..”what d hell r u doing….from last 3 hours we r moving from one shop to another…….like complete idiots…u r irritating me like hell….moreover that u didn’t buy even a single thing…”…..now radhika made a puppy face & muttered…”thts not fair…….what can i do….if i don’t like any of those……u c I’m a little bit choosy about my things…can’t help it…” now arjun let out a sigh & muttered….” radhika i know this is all ur little revenge…..so stop this…”….now radhika shrugged her shoulders & started looking here & there……. arjun rolled his eyes & said…”ok fine I’m sorry…”…..radhika raised her eyebrow & muttered…”what…..what did u just say…?”……arjun gave her an u r impossible look & muttered….”….radhika……I AM SORRY…..now would u please make it a little fast…..”…..radhika chuckled a little & said…”thats better….just give me 20 minutes….”…..arjun nodded at her & said…”ill make a call & thn will join u…”……radhika left from there to complete her shopping…..exactly after 20 min she came to arjun ….gave him her signature smile showing all her shopping bags & said….”done ….lets go…..”…..they were walking towards their car……when she bumped in to someone…..when she saw d person she bumped in to ……her lips curved giving a heart warming smile…….she quickly muttered “ raina aunty…..omg ……how r u……?….”…..saying this she gave her a hug & muttered….”aunty meet my husband ….Arjun mehra………..& Arjun…..she is raina aunty……my mom’s best friend….”…..Arjun greeted her with a smile……then radhika muttered…” Aunty why didn’t u came in our mairrage……..im so angry with u….”….saying this pouted her lips….
when raina said…”sorry beta i was out of town……but i must say this…..u hv got a hot shot husband…..lucky u”saying this she winked at her……due to which radhika started blushing……& arjun chuckled a little…..now radhika tried to divert d topic & said…”aunty u seem to be in a hurry……& where is ansh…….i missed him so much….”….now arjun’s face frowned a little…..& he mumbled to himself…”now who is this ansh..?…..why d hell is she missing him…..”……..when a boy around 10 years old came to raina….& said “lets go…..mom”…..his face brightened up when he saw radhika….he quickly went towards radhika held her cheek & muttered….”RADHU…..u hv no idea how much i missed u….” now arjun mentally patted his head & mumbled to himself……”how stupid of me…..he is just a small boy…..& i was thinking all shitty crap….”…..he came out of his thoughts when ansh said…”mom….now ur problem is solved…..u go & attend ur meeting…….till then i’ll stay with radhu….”……now radhika looked at arjun asking his permission…..he simply nodded his head in positive………when raina was about to say something….radhika cut her off saying….”Aunty he is right…..even i want to spend some time with him…..so u go & attend ur meeting ….till then he will stay with me….”….raina nodded at her & muttered to ansh…”Ansh don’t trouble radhika…..”….saying this she left from there……….
now ansh gave a look at arjun & said..”radhu who is he…?”…..radhika replied with a smile…”Ansh he is my husband Arjun…& arjun he is my sweet friend ansh”…….ansh gave him a look & rolled his eyes in displeasure….now arjun forwarded his hand towards ansh & said…..”hey…ansh……myself arjun…”……..ansh walked past him without saying anything….he went towards their car & took d back seat…….arjun whispered looking at radhika…”seems he doesn’t like me…..”….radhika shrugged her shoulder saying…”may be…”…..when she was about to sit beside arjun……ansh called her & said…”Radhu….sit with me na …..i’ll get bored……”…radhika looked at arjun & went towards ansh…..now arjun fired d engine….there was this complete silence between them for around 5 min…..when ansh spoke…”RADHU….why did u get married to him?…..i mean u r such a doll….u could hv easily got a prince…..someone like me…”…saying this he gave her a cute smilw….now arjun snapped his head back in shock….giving ansh an angry look…..& radhika started giggling…..then she said making a pout ” i didn’t have a choice ansh….…i didn’t found my prince..……& even u were not there….so i had to marry him…” saying this she chuckled a little…..& arjun was passing her deathly glares through d mirror…..when ansh said….”so bad…..u should hv waited for me radhu…..”…..radhika was about to say something when arjun applied break & car came to hault with a jerk….he then muttered in a stern voice…”we r back home…”….radhika was trying hard not to laugh looking at his expressions……so she quickly got out of car & said looking at ansh…”come with me…”…when ansh nodded in negative & said…”u go in …i will come with him…”….radhika looked at him in confusion & said ok…….when she left ansh went towards arjun.. & forwarded his hand to him & said..”I’m ansh…” now arjun gave him a smile & shook his shand saying..”Arjun…”….then ansh muttered back…”lets have some man to man conversation..”….arjun chuckled a little & said…” u r so cute…” when ansh snapped back….”don’t u dare call me that….Mr.Arjun….ok fine….i don’t like beating around d bush…so ill directly come to d point…..”….then he let out a sigh & continued….” i want u to move out of my way….i mean my love story….u better stay away from radhu”…..now arjun’s mouth hung open in shock & he muttered…”ur love story?…..radhika..?…..what r u blabbering?…”….now ansh blushed a little & continued…”yes….radhu is my first love…our love story started when i was in 2 standard…..…even she also told me once that she loves me a lot….”….now arjun grinned at him & said…”she is already married to me….u don’t stand a chance….”…at which ansh snapped back…”of course i do….didnt u hear her back in d car…..she said she didn’t hv a choice….& even i was out of town…otherwise she would hv definitely married me….so i would suggest u to back out.”….saying this he smiled showing all teeths…
now arjun raised his eyebrow…& muttered in a stern tone….”& what if i don’t…?” now ansh rolled his eyes & said in a confident tone…” then i’ll get my love back by hook or by crook…”…saying this he stomped his foot over arjun’s & went inside……now arjun held his leg with his hands & muttered ”….aaah…goshhh…nerve of this boy…..at first he said he love my wife….& thn he wants me to back off…..moreover he stomped over my foot……urghhhhh …who would believe he is just 10 …he is so crazy…..no doubt he is radhika’s friend”….saying this he went inside ….after few hours every one gathered at dining table for dinner…..ansh & arjun sat opposite to each other…..passing deathly glares to one another……when radhika came & sat beside ansh….at which ansh raised his eyebrow at arjun……..arjun irritatedly started having dinner …..when after 3 minutes ansh said…”RADHU i want to eat by ur hands…..plzzz…”…saying this he made a puppy face …..now arjun looked at him in utter shock…….thn radhika gave ansh a beautiful smile & said…”of course…..”…..all this while both of them didn’t move there gaze from each other…….nandini was totally confused seeing all this….she whispered to herself….”what d hell is happening here….& why ansh & arjun r behaving so weird”…..
she came out of her thoughts when ansh muttered…”thanks RADHU….u r so beautiful…..i mean sweet….u r so sweet……..” saying this he pecked her cheeks….hearing this arjun chocked at his food & started coughing badly….seeing this nandini chuckled a little & whispered…”now i get it…”…..arjun looked at ansh furiously….signalling him to be in his limits…but ansh didn’t gave a damn about it…..now sensing d situation nandini dragged radhika to kitchen saying…”come radhika …lets bring them some sweets…”…as soon as they left….arjun muttered…”ansh ….u better be in ur limits…..& why don’t u go & get a girl of ur age…if u want i can help u with that…… moreover she is a way elder thn u….”…now ansh said with an attitude…”i would suggest u to keep this piece of advice for urself…”…..arjun was about to reply back when raina entered in …….
now arjun smirked looking at ansh…….arjun invited raina for dinner when she said “some other time dear…..right now i need to leave…..” at this ansh’s face sullen a little & arjun gave him a winning smile & said…”oooh…u hv no idea how badly i wanted to spend some more time with ansh…..but i understand u need to leave…” arjun acted to be a little disheartened but he danced inside……when radhika & others came to c ansh off at d door ….arjun was smiling madly …showing his 32…….when suddenly ansh muttered out of d blue…”gn RADHU….i love u…”….at which radhika kissed his forehead & said..”love u too….gn…”…now ansh smirked looking at arjun……hearing this arjun’s mouth hung open…..he was out of words…..& ansh walked out like a king who just won d war…….
PRECAP- still thinking…..
i know its little too much……hehehe…but didnt had anything better in my mind………
silent readers kindly drop ur comments
Arjun and ansh.. rofl … “move outta my way” lol seriously… Meen… lil boy is too much.. i should say.. hahah that part was so good.. Arjun’s reactions… and Ardhika cute scenes.. eager to know the FB fully.. The part u explained was superb… and pub scene gosh.. its neil who wudd hav smashed that guy.. wonder why kabir was angry.. Sam punching ..wah,.. Rasam in FB was coool… Now, its all interesting.. Waiting for next one.. TC and loads of love
I m angry with you but coz of cute ansh I forgave you ……..it so cute adorable conversation between Arjun n ansh loved it specially man to man hahaha love you stay blessed …..plz be SOON
meen, i was waiting for this update… what happened btwn nesam?? hoodie man is neil, right?? and he beat that man…. and ardhika scenes that are really cute… and arjun feels jealous towards a 10yr old boy…. overall a very nice chapter meen…plz plz plz post the next soon
omg what an episode.keep it up
Arjun and Ansh…hehe that ws funny…..why didn’t Neil even glance at hr???? I guess he is angry….what’s the FB???? do reveal it……plzz update when u cn……bye..love u…TC….
mindblowing…..it’s really outstanding…..ardhika ansh part awesome………….hahahahaha love u………. update next one soon……tc
Awesome update. Poor sam. I think the Hoodia guy was Kabir. That’s why he got tensed…that is what I m thinking…or may be Niel beat the shit out of that guy….don’t know…but wanted to know more…more about nesam past….and my future lovebirds(ardhika) were very good?… and the 10 year old going to 20..is too much…but it was fun..loved the whole episode..and you rock..????
Outstanding episode, I’m guessing the hoodie guy is Neil and very cute scene between Ansh and Arjun, you nail it well done, really enjoyed reading it, waiting for the next update.
One half full of emotions and one half full hilarious ? lovely one ?
wow meen…….. lovely update yr cute,lovely nesam part so much painful n ardhika my god ansh he is so cute bt arjun is more cute….. hahahaha
Sooook cute arjun….. Haha….. And why is my sweet Sammy suffering ? Why does she want to hide herself? And Neil….. Did he see her there? If he had then what’s up with him??? Eagerly waiting….. Update soon….
A Wowwww ….epi..Di…really yr…ivws waiting for this… Fb WS really intersting Di..eagerly wating to in nesam past..and I think that hoodi person is kabir…BT then I thik it can b neel to …lots of confusion….
And so cute…of arjun yr…he ws really jealous from ansh…hehheee…and I must say ansh is really grown up..haaaahaa..and that I lv u wala look toh…mar dala yr…
Di ..pllllllzzzzzzz post soon.and soon ..lv u byeee…tc…muaahh
Meen beautiful …..Nesam part was so emotional …..and Arjun Radhika Ansh triangle was so cute …..I am curious to know what happened between Nesam
amazing girl…the story is rocking as always
loved it stay blessed
Finally u update….m really waiting for it.. Arjun n ansh …rofl ?…omg ansh n his man to man talk..hilarious…and the way he went last by getting his kiss on forehead from radz by showing his attitude to Arjun…uffff…i squealed in joy…it’s always nice to see jealous Arjun and u treated us…now second time he will get jealous by seeing Neil..omg ..m over dreaming…and kabir…a mystery…?
i missed u so much where were u dear ?? i was so badly in need to read ur ff and finally u came. What happened yaar i mean neil is totally unaffected but he was the hoody guy right ?? He cares for her then why he did not talk to her when she was in badly in need of his help and ardhika who is the third one and is he seriously 10 year old ?? i doubt that but ya ur right these days i can see 3 breakups and 4 proposal in class 3 gosh these kids are so impossible. Lovely one meen and no delays here after dear love u so much
What???!!!!! Ansh is 10……uff, this generation i am telling you ?
Meen, splendid update….loved the nesam part….the way neil didnt react but broke all the bones of that guy later…..what happened between them? I mean, they obviously are so deeply in love with each other…so…misunderstanding?
Meen, yaar you updated after so long….i kinda mixed the characters….mind clearing one doubt…who is kabir? He likes sam..right?
Outstanding job…keep up the good work and please update soon
Meen,so beautiful update..RaNeSam flashback scenes were too good..So Neil did keep his word,haa..Lovely..
Ansh and Arjun’s banter was so cute..
Love you loads and take care.. 
More of nesam plzz…update soon!!
Meenuu…Iam so sorry for being late..Girl.. You nailed it. Awesome ,means awesome…In in live with your narration. How perfectly you portrayed Sam’s emotions!! Really eager to know the past..seems that kabir is falling for Sam…Arjun and Ansh
.really funny…Pls update soon Meenu…..love you..??
Awesome meena…good going…TC
Meen …its too interesting nd amazing..
RaNeSam past were too adorable…
ArDhika’s pranks..lol
bt what happened between NeSam m all curious to know…loads of love