Manmarziyan 26th June 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Arjun telling Radhika that his medicine lies in Sam’s pain. She reacts hearing him and moves her hand. He gets glad and cups her face, asking her to open her eyes. He turns and sees a lady coming in the ward. Radhika opens her eyes. Arjun gets shocked and says Nandini Di. He goes to her and asks you. Radhika partly sees them. Arjun goes with Nandini. Arjun asks how did Nandini come here. He asks her again. FB shows Arjun seeing Samrat and Nandini’s past and Nandini’s state getting worse. She says I m living by trust in you, I know you will make things fine. Arjun sees Sam and she asks about Radhika. He sees Nandini went and shows Sam the room.
Sam goes to meet Radhika. Arjun sees Nandini standing far. Sam cries seeing Radhika and goes to her. She controls her emotions and comes with a smiling face. Radhika sees her. Sam talks to Neil and tries acting norm. She says Neil does not wish to talk to you, as he was dying in tension. She says now he knows that you are fine, he will sit at a corner crying, guys are not tough like this, right. Radhika says they are different than they are seen.
Sam says its just small wound and gave you so much attention. Radhika says I told I can do my operation myself and they did not listen to me. Sam smiles crying and says if they heard you, they would have stitched your mouth instead wounds. She asks her to lie. She asks how did this happen. Radhika says because of Arjun. Sam gets stunned. Radhika says I would have not got saved if Arjun was not there, he is a very good man, maybe I did mistake in knowing him. She says maybe he is not understanding himself.
Nandini does aarti and Arjun smiles seeing her. FB shows Nandini praying to Lord and saying she needs courage to not take Arjun along. She hugs Arjun and apologizes to him. She says Samrat has left him, and she can’t take him with her. She says don’t worry, trust Lord, everything will be fine. He says the Lord which made me and Nandu away, I will never trust him. She says humans break trust, not Lord, the man who broke my trust, never forgive him Arjun. Kaka looks on. She sees Samrat’s pic. She asks him to promise her that he will show pain in Samrat’s eyes like he made her live in pain. She asks Arjun to promise he will never forget her pain, sorry I have to go and hugs him. Arjun sees Samrat’s pic and gets angry. FB ends.
Arjun sees Nandini. Nandini says that girl’s wounds will heal, the pain lies in the unseen wounds. She smiles seeing him. She does his tilak and says you forgot, leave it, take this. She asks him is he still annoyed with Lord. He recalls praying to Lord for Radhika. She says he has held everyone’s pain on his shoulders, either leave world or else break anyone’s heart. She says I know you have locked my tears in your heart till now, my screams still echoes in your ears. Arjun recalls Radhika’s painful screams. Nandini asks him to leave the path if he does not wish to walk, he has to do what his heart wants, nothing else. He holds her hand.
Radhika talks to Mala and Sam feeds her soup. Radhika says I m fine, Sam is here, we will leave for Mumbai soon. Sam talks to Mala and says she will be with Radhika always. Arjun looks at Radhika from the door glass and smiles. He sees Sam and recalls Nandini’s words. Arjun comes inside and Radhika smiles seeing him. Sam turns and sees him. He asks Radhika to choose any other car if she wants to come under the car, she spoiled the car seat. She says she will keep towel on the seat next time and promises him. He smiles and says I think wound has affected your mind too. Sam says Arjun…. He recalls Nandini’s words and tells Sam that he needs to talk to her.
Arjun says everything changed in few days, he was wrong earlier and want to change his way now. Nandini is shocked. Arjun looks at Radhika.
Update Credit to: Amena
I think now this site clean. when arati gone. now I am telling you the show superb
Nice epd mind blowing yaa….. arjun you are so cute i think manmarziya better in day by day i am so happy and radhu superb i don’t know how i impress my feeling…..such a beautiful show………
anu me too aham rocks.
Hi rani
Anyone here?
hey rani u cum back again . u cheap girl. u will never do gud things na!
hi anu stay away from dis girl. she will wash yr mind.
hi dayan rani i m sure wenever u c yr face in mirror u will b scared na.
loser arati you are cross your Limits. anu this girls are mad.
my dear rani i m feeling bad 4 u. so i want to give u sumthing spical. yr name is rani na! so i think i should give u a crown. “d crown of ugly peopples”.itz ok na raniiiiii….
hye loser arati I am not c your face but i am sure your face are very ugly. bcoz your language are to bad .I wish I never face you. poor bldy loser. your parents same on you
Arati and rani stop ur fight!!
I think because of the timings the trp of this seriel is low…..They should change the timings. ….manmarziyan rocks
I think you are jealous my name .I know your name are too boring. its not a classic name. I think you are not understand that I am not talk to you loser
. I am this site only for manmarziyan not for you stay away from me. and no argument . plz do not comments again and again jus leave me. iam not interested you.
rani i dont wana arrgue wid u. coz i think u ve lost it. u r totaly mad. so u r not belong here. itz d group of gentelmen. n u r d………..
so go in d hospital of mad persons where r u belong. n never never ………cum here again to post yr bad comments juz like u. gudbye.. sry badbye.
may be Mitty .we are loves manmarziyan.
who are you arati advice me .you are a doctor. doctor of mentals. you need for medicine. so go out the site. and take medicine. mad loser arati I think your parents do not learn you manner. I hate you. my all days go very bad . and responsible you . always fight me loser. I think you hate manmarziyan .when you are love the show you never spoiled the site
Rani this arati is totally a syco she never ever talks properly she is jus here to spoil pgs she thinks she is great and jus a attention seeker…. a complete moron im with u rani….
Go go go to a internetshoap. 4 package dumb gal.
first of all u need a sacytrist, n dont worry we will donate sum money without bigging in front of us.
HEy u copy cat u r using the same dialogue which prads uses …..u r such a copy cat loser use ur own line….
I am three words for you loser arati go to the hell
Whats ur problem arati saying that u won’t spare rani…. nor u r popular on tu that u r flying so much huh?? Don’t u dare use abuse here…. use that in front of ur parents and m sure u will reply to my comment…. and that will show what kind of girl us r….
thax nishi to support me.
ANytime…..this arati accused my frnd also without any reason that time i was not there to help her…. so I wanted to repent and I was successful by helping u a bit… don’t pay attention to these barkers I saw how first she bad mouthed about ur parents which was really cheap…..
Heyyy arati nd rani plz dnt fight
🙂 keep smiling
🙂 🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Nandhini has so beautiful eyes..?..I like her eyes so .much….nd nice episode…. I luv arjun……?
I think nishi looser arati dar gayi hamshe.
Ha daar gayi loser…. vaise bhi usko baat karna aata nahi especially on social sites…. coward arati
hey nishi dont mess wid me. n dont take other sides otherwise it will back fire on u baby.
U better don’t mess with me…. loser… cuz u don’t kno who I am and m not scared of losers cuz u r not popular nor a person to give respect f**k u and ur got damm shameless parents…. and y r u behaving like anu prads sara…. they r popular and they have respect on tu…. and those who want to make their grave they mess with them and they r NICE people who stands for right thing and u don’t kno if I call them na they will surely show u ur class…. keep ur melo drama at ur small home…. got that up loser
friends, this spoiler news
got confused,…radz accepting sam n arjun love relationship,..arjun confess his love 2 sam n all
Noooooooooo we want arjun nd ardhika jodi … not sam
s mitty,..m also worried,…expecting tis ll b aired 2day r monday,…
but still arjun ll not move closer 2 sam like b4 cox radz thought ll disturb him evwn he s with sam,…i hope cv ll give good story 2 us,…