Fan Fiction

Manmarziyan – Enemity to Love – Season 2 (Episode 21)

Thank u so so much for ur lovely comments dear 🙂 Hope you all have enjoyed the promo which i gave…and yes you will be witnessing the Ardhika moments and RaSam bond
soon. I suppose to post it on Saturday but just got some time and finished it soon.

And don’t forget that Neil is still in fault…he too betrayed Radhika right..though he changed now..he planned his meeting and Sam’s entry in that house is everything done by Neil with Sam. Do you think if rads get to know all this..will she forgive him? Or She will hate him? Any guess? will move on to today’s chapter.

Manmarziyan – Enemity to Love – Season 2 (Episode 21)

Recap: RaSam’s birth truth revealed by Nandini.

Arjun pacing around the Hospital ward impatiently looking the ward where Radhika gets admitted. Neil stands few steps behind him watching his cat walk and he prays god silently for Rad’s health. Soon Dilip also rushes there and goes to Arjun to ask about Radhika, instead he just gets a silent nod from him. He too stands there worriedly and waits for someone to come out and update about her health.

As expected, Doctor came out and tells, “The wound is little deep but we saved her. And looks like she is stressed a lot…pls make sure that she is not getting depressed again and it will cost her health. You can see her now”, she leaves from there informing them…but to exact word..she warns them before sending them inside.

Arjun is the first person who barges in to look at her who lies on the bed lifeless starring on the otherside. He walks to her and tries to get her vision and he succeeds in it. She passes him a look and it does have only pain…tears form the next moment when Arjun touches her and it finds it’s way down to her cheeks. He gently wipes it and says, “Ssshhhh…now you should not cry again.”

Radhika just nods her head and gets alerted observing another person walk’s Dilip who yearns for his daughter’s one look. She stares him blankly and moves her sight away from him finding Neil behind him.

Dilip walks to her and tries to touch her but before that Rads speaks, “Arjun, i don’t want to see anyone other than you. Please tell them to go”

With Dilip, Neil also gets shocked hearing it and tries to speak, “Radhika” but he gets cut off by Radhika again, “Arjun, pls tell them to go from here” her voice chokes.

Arjun helplessly looks at them and just nods his head asking them to do what she says. When they both goes out, she feels another person entering inside and this time she gets pissed off and shouts unknowingly, “I tlold you to go out” and she realises after she finished her statement that she is telling this to Sam who stands there in shock hearing her.

Sam stands in shock with tears in her eyes, she stares Radhika with guilty and says softly, “I am sorry for whatever happened. Even I don’t know..” before she finishes Rads interrupts saying, “I know”

Sam smiles lightly feeling the relief in her body after listening Radhika but it washed away the next moment when Rads tells her to leave her alone and not to disturb her. Sam just left from there without saying anything and outside she meets Neil with tears in her eyes. She goes to him and holds his shoulder, “She is alright and spoke to me…Y r u crying now?”

Neil, “I think she got to know about me being with you”

Sam shockingly, “How?”

Neil nods his head as if he don’t know and silently sits in the chair beside the room. Sam’s worry is increased seeing him and her gaze moves towards Dilip who sits there as a lifeless body having his head down.

Sam kneels down infront of Dilip hold his hand saying, “Papa” in a sobbing voice

Dilip lifts his face and looks at her, tears rolling on his cheeks, he gently hugs her to his words coming from his mouths and Sam too hugs him gently.

After few mins Sam moves away from Dilip asking, “Y u asked Nandu maa to abort the kid even knowing that was your blood?”

Dilip looks her sadly saying, “Because i got to know Nandini’s obsession on me”

Sam shockingly, “What?”

Now Neil too turn to his side and listening him carefully when Dilip started saying about their past.

Dilip’ POV:

I know how hard it is to ask someone to kill my own baby. But i don’t have any other way than this to stop Nandini from spoiling 3 lives. Yes, i told her to abort the 1 month baby in her womb is just because i got to know her obsession on me.

Me and Mala was happy knowing that we will get our child from Nandini and i was really proud of having her as our best friend. But soon, by god’s grace Mala also got pregnant due to the continuous treatment we have taken and this time we both were double happy thinking we gonna have two babies. And when we get to know this we were in out of station as i went for a business meeting and taken Mala with me. We thought to inform this to Nandini once we return home.

After two weeks, we returned to home and Mala wants to give a surprise to Nandini…so i called decided to call her home. But then i thought to pick her from there thinking why to make her trouble. I informed Mala and goes to Nandini’s home to pick her up. I parked my car aside little far knowing there was no parking facility. My arrival was oblivious to her and when i reached her door..i happened to hear her evil side when she talks to herself. I heard her voice and is about to call her but stops hearing her talking about Mala. Something made me curious to listen her talk and there i got the most shocking thing in my life. She was talking to the 1 month baby in her womb by seeing herself in the mirror. She says that she will use the baby as the trumpcard to get me back in her life and thrown Mala out from my life. My anger was at the peak listening her but somehow i controlled my anger and listen her full conversation. Unknowingly she spilled out all her obsession she had on me from college and how she used this surrogate opportunity to get me back. I felt betrayed and She betrayed her close friend Mala. I was about to barge in but stopped thinking about Mala’s safety…to be frank i did not even care about the baby but for me my Mala comes first. I very well knew that i cannot live without her and don’t want to put her lift at stake and after knowing Nandini’s truth i don’t want mala to get hurt knowing her best friend’s deeds and i decided to handle this matter in my way. I couldn’t stand there anymore and silently leaves from there. After reaching home, i called Nandini and told her to come home to tell her about the good news since Mala was forcing me to do so.

Nandini came and got to know her life’s biggest shock hearing Mala’s pregnancy shattered her the most and it was evidently visible in her eyes..or probably since i got to know her reality i could easily observe her each and every reaction. Her eyes shows the utmost hatred when Mala hugged me happily and she went out from there. I decided to stop this right there and called her to my study room and told her to abort the baby. My only intention was to stop Nandini framing anything bad against me or mala using this baby. Even i was deep hurt while telling her to abort but i don’t find any other options to stop her bad motive and i gave her a warning when she refused for it. She left from there without even seeing Mala and i was pretty much sure about Nandini’s activities, so i kept a spy to follow her and as i expected she tried to contact Mala and inform about my warning to her. I warned her again and again to abort this child as soon as possible before it gets trouble for everyone and later she agreed for me and told that she did the abortion. The worst part is she made all fake reports and showed me to make me believe. After that i stopped seeing her and decided to inform Mala about this without hurting her by telling Nandini. Mala got angry knowing it and as i expected Mala refused to talk to her and not even ready to see her again in her life. And that’s what i far as i know Mala won’t easily forgive the one who betrayed her and she will completely avoid them to the core. She completely ignored Nandini and not even once she thought to talk about her. None of us know where she went after that and i least bothered to give a damn care about it.

Me & Mala forgets everything and lived our life happily expecting our baby soon. I did not even know Nandini exchanged the babies…even it was a news for me when she herself came and told me all this. I was also shocked..yes i told her to abort the baby but it’s not that i don’t want it…it’s just to protect stop Nandini doing bad deeds to hurt Mala. My intention was only to keep Mala with me safely at any cost.

Radhika, she is my child…my only child who i love the most after Mala. Mala died due to her ill health when Radhika was 5 years, and from that time, Radhika is my life…my everything. I will go to any extent to keep her happy, but now she is hurt..the most. As she said, she is not an unwanted baby…she is the most precious one for me…yes she just resembles Mala in her every activities. I see Mala in her…Mala’s smile..Mala’s anger…Mala’s cute antics…Mala’s stubborn. How can i live my life having her hatred for me?

POV ends….

Dilip cries vigourously, NeSam who looks shocked seeing Dilip in this state, Sam felt very bad seeing him and yes she feels low of not having any of her mother’s Mala’s habits in her. She exactly gets what Nandini had in her heart…HATRED and REVENGE and that’s what makes her to land in Misra mansion to torture them. Sam cries silently thinking about her and Neil holds her hands tightly as if showing his support to her. She smiles at him, gets up and walks out from there. She goes out and places herself on the bench in the lawn outside the hospital and lost in her self thoughts.

Radhika, Arjun, Neil, Sam, Dilip and Nandini…all their hearts filled in a dead silence…which is running with so many they gonna tackle each.

Inside the ward, Arjun comforts Radhika after Sam goes out and says, “Radhika, i am sorry for hiding the matter about Sam”

Rads without looking at him, “I know why u did it? I know how much u respect Pa…” she supposed to Papa but stops and immediately closes her eyes where tears drops out the next moment. She lets out a heavy breathe and says, “I am angry on you too..but still i can think to forgive you”

Arjun smiles slightly seeing her shrinking face, he moves the hair aside from her forehead saying, “I will do anything to get your forgiveness”

Rads moves her eyeballs to him saying, “Then don’t leave me at any cost. I don’t have anyone with me now. I know am being selfish but i really can’t stay without you now”

Arjun leans forward and plants a kiss on her forehead strongly intimating that he will be with her always.

Soon the doctor comes to checks her health and tells Arjun that she can go home. Dilip & Neil waits outside and gets happy seeing her.

Arjun gets Radhika outside the ward and holds her by her shoulder, Suddenly Rads leg gets slipped and Dilip lends his hand to her shoulder to hold her but she shoves away his hand saying, “Don’t touch me. Your Daughter Radhika is dead for you”

Without even looking at him, she walks out with Arjun. Arjun turns back only to nod his head assuring him that he will handle it.

Ardhika reaches Misra Mansion first and faces Nandini at the hall with Tintu & her friend Lucy. She tells Arjun to take her to her room. They both goes there and locks the door.

Mean while, Dilip, NeSam reaches there and waits for Arjun atleast to come down. But to their shock, Ardhika comes out having a big bag in his hand. Dilip understands everything and is in urge to stop them but Neil holds his hand and calms him down.

Ardhika comes down and looks at everyone who gathered there including her favourite Kaka.

She looks at him saying, “Kaka, i am leaving from this house. Don’t worry i won’t go anywhere, i am gonna stay with my husband in our home. If you want to see can come there at anytime.”

Kaka, “Beta, y u want to go from here. It’s ur house”

Rads, “Nothing was mine here and won’t be also. I can’t stay here anymore” she gently passes a smile to him and moves her gaze to Tintu & Lucy standing behind others.

Arjun silently follows her and she goes to her friends saying, “We planned something and whatever happened is something else. You should also leave from here now”.

Tintu & Lucy without saying anything goes out from there…followed by Ardhika. Nobody has a guts to stop Radhika now and they all know the consequences after that. And the most important is Arjun is with her and that’s y all maintains silence.

After few mins, Ardhika reaches their flat and Arjun helps her to get settled in. He makes her comfortable and goes out to get the groceries from nearby shop. He comes quickly and starts preparing for their dinner. Rads silently lies on the bed and stares outside the window. She gets her sense when Arjun calls her and takes her out for dinner. She gets surprise seeing her husband doing all this and gets more when he feeds her. She gives no reaction and having it whatever he gives. After both finished their food, he cleans everything and arranges the bed neatly & helps her lay in the bed. He is about to move towards the couch but Radhika holds his wrist saying, , “You promised me that you won’t leave me. I need you now..please don’t leave me alone”

Without having a second thought, he slides himself beside her and holds her in his arms. She puts her head in his chest and he covers her whole body in his arms. Before going asleep, he place a soft kiss on her forehead and hugs her tightly. Both acts to sleep but they are awake thinking about the incidents happened today.

Soon, Ardhika falls in sleep hugging each other forgetting their worries.

Precap: Sam’s POV about her life with Nandini. Radhika avoids Neil and tells him to leave from her sight.

That’s it for today and I gave Dilip’s POV here..i don’t whether it can be acceptable or not. What i thought is his love for Mala is more than anything for him and that’s y he decided for the abortion. Though it is wrong but his love made him to do that. Want to know all your views on Dilip’s view whether he is right or not.

Next will be Sam’s POV her lifestyle, how she suffered and why she developed hatred on Radhika.

Any guesses why Rads avoid Neil?



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