Fan Fiction

Manmarziyan – Meri Maa Part 1

Hiee all Im Sv back here tadaaa……… he he he a new ff….. Dont worry as i promised i will write all the ff pakka and no more delays as well. This is a story of a struggling mom to save her kids. Different shades of plot not yet tried till now. Hope u all will like this. Please do comment ur views as they mean a lot to me.

Enjoy the ride….

That was a grand hall. A big program to honour the best entrepreneur of the year, the hall was decorated in professional manner and many CEO’s and important heads were present. This is the first time a woman getting this award, dont ask who it is me ” I’m Radhika , well to be frank im speaking to u all this is the nest day of my life. I have all what a woman wants a life the way i want to live a lovely and caring husband not to forget to say he is damn handsome. My lovely hubby Arjun Mehra.
Radhu…….. a manly voice. I smiled wide. He is only allowed to call me Radhu other than 2 people in my life well one my brother the other my mom……………. a lone tears escaped when i took her name. I looked at her picture. She was smiling with me and my brother , this was a rare image a smile in her face, she faced so much she loves me more than anything.
This life is her gift, her tears, her life which she sacrificed. Wish she is here with me today to see me successful she was there in the path of thorns and when im started to walk in the petals she left me. Why should she leave me all alone in this world ??
Radhu…………… another voice this time im done i knew that my brother vishwa younger to me but always a elderly bond trust me our age difference is 12 yet he is my master im his 2nd mom to be frank. He came and gave me one look.
Vishwa ; are u planning to come today or tomorrow Radhu ?? i smiled wide. It is only vishwa who can make me smile.
Radhu ; coming dear……
VIshwa ; for heaven sake dont call me dear and folded his arms over his chest. I turned to see him and i guessed right he was in the same position of what i thought with folded hands and a glass which was always over his eyes and his cute smile. He was cute at that age. It was a fast ride. I still remember his first cry but he is all grown up today a cute handsome, tall lovely yet short tempered grown up boy.

Vishwa ; stop staring me and shall we move ?? All are ready and u r here ??
Radhu ; vishwa i was just thinking……………Vishwa if u think then i will grow old. I gave a pout face to him. He pulled my cheeks and said ; come Radhu all are waiting, i nodded and we went down there he was my love Arjun he was standing near the sofa if the big hall where my 2 little princesses are dressed so cutely are jumping over the sofa. I gave him a look when he raised his eye brows gesturing that i look great. I blushed, vishwa husked ; Too much of pink Radhu control. I gave him one blank look. He silently giggled and both took my princess and walked out.
We reached the venue. The board welcomed me ” Hearty congratulations to Radhika Rathore” I looked up with a small lone tear over the evening sky there was a star which sparkled i knew it was my mom. She promised me that she will always be with me. Those were her last words she never breaks her promise when it comes to me then how come she wont be today ??
I was lost in thoughts when Arjun held my hand and i broke my thoughts.
Arjun ; what happened Radhu ??
Radhu ; mom ………….. and had a tear. He nodded and pressed my hand. Vishwa came and saw me and understood, he cupped my face and said ; she will be proud of u Radhu come its ur day. I nodded we entered the hall.

Every one greeted us when we entered the hall. It was the best day of my life. I made a big achievement. Random person appreciated me for my achievement. The program went well and we came back home. I had a shelf which was for achivements and the cup which was oldest of all was for my singing competition. The day was worst of my life. Just then i got a call from the so called father of mine. Wow to be frank even to call him as my father i felt ashamed. What not he did to us. Me my brother and my mother, those last days struggle was his fault, and now he is speaking as if he was the one who took greater care of me. My anger was in peak and wanted to rip him part by part but im helpless mom again. She said never turn to them stand on ur own. His name was Sekar a outside happy go lucky but inside a beast doubter. He had is own male chauvinism over us and to be frank i was his shame only reason im a girl but why sudden affection towards me……… that thought brought me the reason money wow now thats the reason for his call to his so called daughter. Nice right. I was in peak of anger threw the phone and that broke into pieces. All knew the reason and dare to question me when i am angry. I sat on the bed and streams of tears were oozing out of my eyes. I was lost in thoughts. Why mom why did u leave me alone.

Character sketch ; Radhika – daughter of a unlucky woman who lost her future to the beast.
Vishwa – Little brother of Radhu.
Sekar – Father of Radhu.
Viji ; the angel who suffered by her life till death.
Arjun ; husband of Radhu.

Thats it guys. Its mainly a story of a mother and her daughter and their struggle a bit emotional i can bet that. Pls do comment ur views. Hope u all will like it. Love u all stay strong, stay blessed and dont forget to smile.


I have a very bad habit of laughing at serious situations - Bunny (Me ofcourse).... you guys can check my works in wattpad... my wattpad id is SvShri....

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