Happy birthday to u happy birthday to u happy bday dear sathya…. happy bday to u…. claps claps claps…..
Happy bday my sathya aka my Arjun aka my warrior…. here comes ur Khadoos Mr.Mehra….
its for u muhhaa hope u like it …. love u so much… say me how it is pls…..
One tall girl was busy munching her burger while the other was sitting with her hand supporting her chin… she was in deep thought but the former was least bothered… The later was irritated and slapped her hand and the burger fell but she catches it…
Whats your problem sathya ??
Sathya ; im thinking and u r eating… Shri this is not done…
Shri blinked… and said ; im starving and what should i need to do u were looking like u were in deep thought so….
Sathya ; u became busy eating right ?? Shri nods her head slowly…. and pouts her face.. but sathya was again in deep thought…. Shri goes to her slowly near to her face and sathya who came out of her thought screams seeing her so near…
Sathya ; why did u come so close to me ??
Shri ; then what u r not saying what is the problem neither i can guess so i thought of reading ur brain… Sathya slaps her head looking at her friend…
Sathya and Shri are friends they were so close that Shri always calls sathya as warrior… sathya was a true fighter but something was bothering her shri tried hard with her CID brain but cant find what is bothering sathya….
Few days later…
Shri comes to sathya’s office to pick her as sathya’s bike was on service… that time her wide looking at the happening…
You can run away far from me sathya but mark my word u r mine only mine… Mrs.Mehra dont forget how i made u confess my love in our college days will make u mine same way so dont mess with me just say yes to me and i will always make u my senorita….
Shri not able to hear anything but she was now engrossed in anger but the next thing made her anger in peak.. he gave a bone crushing hug and kissed her cheeks which made her stand like a stone…
Shri face palmed herself looking at Sathya… He went but he failed to notice that he had messed with a wrong woman’s friend… Shri who was waiting for him to come dropped few nails and made the tire of his car to puncture… when he came out his car was hit by a stone and there was a letter attached to the stone…
Step ur side away from her she is mine only mine and never yours… This made him angry so much angry as the big business man Arjun mehra can never fail… and what is his is always his… when he turn to see sathya she was sitting back with some person and the person glared at him with his forefinger saying be careful..but he never knew it was shri not some guy….
Arjun was in anger… he was in madly truely deeply and maniac love with sathya… Arjun balled his fist and said no one is taking something is mine..
Shri and sathya came to a lake area of Mumbai….
Sathya was still blinking while Shri was all the time walking here and there and was busy shaking her to make her come back from her deep thought…but of no use… sathya was lost some where deep….
Shri ; can u say me who is that stupid who hugged u… and why did u not slap him but stood like a stone… sathya was silent… this made her even more mad…
Shri ; sathya….. she called in a stern tone…. sathya jerked and saw shri and asked what happened ??
Shri ; huhh fog happened… say me what is between u both and why did u not slap him ??
Sathya ; how can i ??
Shri ; huhh ?? How….can….i…ahh…… yov sathya what happened ??
Sathya ; i mean he is my boss so how can i ??
Shri ; he is your boss or ozz i care hell how can he hug u… let me show the real me for touching my warrior…. sathya rolled her eyes and said im a girl shri….
Shri ; but my love is true warior… forget it let me elope u and we shall marry in a country where they say ok to girl girl marriage what say ?? She winked…
Sathya ; u and ur philosophy but thats a good idea even though…. both saw each other and laughed and went to the sleep…. shri was busy sleeping but sathya was in deep thought of what happened to her the way he hugged her they way he kissed her… unknowingly she blushed…
Shri ; sleep sathya ur blush is visible to me even with my eyes closed… sathya jerked and saw her… shri was sleeping… she turned and continued to think sorry blush…
Arjun was thinking of sathya he was sitting in his couch and he closes his eyes thinking of his woman…
Flash back….
First cultural fest of the year… Arjun was from other college and he was the best dancer when ever he steps his foot on the stage… this time there was a sudden pair competition… he rolled his eyes thinking no one can match him… he gave an open announcement… He thought no one can dare to step next to him as his pair
I will dance with u came a voice… when he turned to see his eyes widened…there she was stylish, dashing, darling, strong, lovely awesome woman on earth…. He was bowled by her courage and there started the music… it was random music and Arjun who thought she wont dance was mesmerized by her dance steps and more over he was totally taken when she twists herself in his arms and her feathery hair just crossed his face make him deeply fall for her… he held her and twisted her and they started to dance mesmerizing making the viewers to gasp in such a wonderful performance and finally he held her one hand and her other hand over the ground and his other hand holding her waist making her half fall and half over him and they completed the dance and that became the talk of the town….they became normal friends but he was not able to take the feel as friends as for him she meant more than a friend…. she too liked him but was scared of his short temper behaviour….
Days went but Arjun’s desire on sathya was growing and he did not know what to do…so he went to her college and confessed his love to her but sathya did not accpect that…. she decently avoided him
Sathya ; im sorry arjun i never had these kinds of emotions on u pls i have to study…Arjun who never did anything like this and never faced any rejections was now in peak of anger for his rejection that too by his senorita….
Arjun ; Senorita mark my words senorita …i will make u love me..
Sathya ; do what ever u want Mr.Mehra but my decision is final…
He made a bet saying he will make her his… she was least bothered that time but slowly she started to look for him and then she came to know she was already his….he always calls her senorita which she hates it but loves it as well…
And now when she got transferred to mumbai she took the flat where shri was there…they were friends of same locality so they gelled up easy but sathya never expected that Arjun will be the new MD of the company she works…that made her shock…
Arjun’s pov ; i bought this company just for u senorita… i know my ways senorita and i also know how to make u mine… no one can stop me… u r always mine and only mine senorita….im coming for u and tomorrow i will make u mine come what may….
Sathya’s pov ; wish i had said my heart to u that day but i am scared of ur temper… i wish u were a soft person not khadoos…
Next day…
Shri started saying she has work and sathya was waiting for her bus… just then a white XUV came and stood near sathya… she blinked… the glass door slides down and Arjun was in his coolers and did not face her but said ; i cant wait long get in…
Sathya ; who asked u to wait u go i have my way to come… Arjun was now in peak of anger… when he was about to get down there was a bike and one guy who was dressed fully covering himself roared the bike… sathya smiled and sat behind him and gave one winning smile and the person opened his helmet shield and said ; stay away from her she is my warrior… sathya giggled patted the shoulder of the driver and said u never change and hugging tight she gave one winning smile to Arjun and left him by burning in rage….
Reaching the place the driver removed the helmet and sathya stood and walked to the front… both saw each other and laughed and slapped hifi to each other…
Sathya ; will this work ??
Shri ; of course this will work and he will become more angry…
Sathya ; huhh ?? it means he will come behind me again..
Shri ; cant u see him he is pakka mad… sorry to say he may go to any extend to make u his trust me he will make u his… from outside sathya was irritated but inside she was jumping…
Shri ; ok i have to start… tata saying so she pulled her helmet and they both hugged and that made a perfect entry when Arjun saw Sathya was being tickled by Shri and he turned his head the other side to control his anger as he cannot hurt his Senorita…. his sathya…
He avoided her very much but she who was first least bothered but she was slowly missing him…. when ever he sees her he looks like killing her… then on the evening when she was about to go back home a strong hand pulled her and she without thinking she was in his car and he without evening thinking started to drive his car…
Sathya ; whats wrong with u ?? Leave me Mr.Mehra just leave me for heaven sake…
Arjun ; do u think that would be easy senorita?? no… sathya was struggling but he was least bothered… his grip on her wrist was neither tightened nor loosened…. he drove to a outskirts of the city a private area….
Before she could sense what is happening he pulled her out…
Sathya ; Mr. Mehra leave my hand….
Arjun ; shut up senorita im arjun for u not mr.mehra…. She shoves her hand and was now in anger…
Sathya ; what is ur problem haan ?? why are u always behind me cant u see i have a man and i love him so much…
Arjun ; dont say that bafoon is the one for u… it is only me for u senorita…
Sathya ; senorita…. senorita…. senorita …. stop it just stop it….. i have a name Mr.mehra i am Sathya… sathyaaaaaaaaaaa not some senorita… He goes to her and cups her face and looks deep into her eyes and she blinks coz of sudden closer….
Arjun(husks very cutely) ; u know what senorita these eyes of urs speak more than ur stupid mouth so shut up and listen… she nods slowly…
Arjun ; u r always my senorita and im ur savior… she blinks… and he continues… i care hell about ur so called man… i guess my guards would have shooed him away by now… her eyes widened…she panicked as what he would have done to Shri…
Sathya ; are u mad Arjun ?? it was my friend who disguised herself as a man to make u believe that i have a man and u can leave me…
Arjun ; so here is the deal either accept that u too love me or else she will never see u again….she panicked more she was pleading but he did not hear at all…
Sathya ; no i wont…y should i always need to say… i wont say… she pouts and turns the other side…. Arjun gives a killing smirk and turns her slowly and pulls her chin to make her see him….and she who sees it was totally blown and slowly she keeps both her hands over his chest and looks at him… suddenly there was a big sneeze… both jerks and comes out of their trance when they heard the sneeze… sathya turns and sees shri sitting some place far from the place…
Shri without turning ; guys if u all finish it can we start… im the only daughter need to live and also this is freaking cold here…. she sneezes again…
Arjun ; bunny enough of ur drama come… Sathya was blinking looking at both of them….
Arjun turns and sees sathya who was busy thinking what is happening…
Arjun gives a side hug to shri and both looks at Sathya…
Sathya ; u guys know each other before…
Shri ; of course he is my first crush… sathya’s eyes widened…..
Shri ; ha ha ha i was kidding he was my bench met the stupid whom i used to say remember ?? sathya nods … he is the one… her eyes were now widened now in surprise….
Sathya ; so this is all u guys plan haan ??
Shri ; actually only half… yesterday night i spoke to him and after some R and D i made this but he never knew it was me who took u to in the bike some shock for him and for u as well…saying so she winked…. sathya started to chase Shri and shri escaped when Arjun pulled her to him and she crashed and busy blushing…
Shri ; thank u khadoos…
Arjun ; ur welcome bunny…
Shri ; argh kill u arjun… Arjun smiles but never breaks his eyelock from sathya…
Sathya looks down blushing… he pulls her chin and slowly husks…
So senorita what saying ?? Yes or……. she nods with a cutie blushful smile… and they both hugs each other again shri sneezes making him angry and sathya giggle…
Shri ; bye guys….
Arjun ; bye but never come back here…. she threw a stone on him and goes from there….
Shri takes her bike and was about to leave where there was a guy who was watching all came near her…
Person ; madam i need help….
Shri ; who are u and what do u want ??
Person ; i have fallen in love with a girl but i dont know whether she loves me or not…
Shri ; huhh do i look like i have any dating service
Shri ; fine…… now his face was now bright….
Shri ; did u say that u love her ??
Person ; nope..
Shri ; are u nuts then how will she know that u love her… say it idiot…
Person ; will she accept me…
Shri ; depends on the way u say and on the person as well…
Person ; fine let me say it…
Shri ; thats the spirit…she smiled at him….
Person ; Shri i love u so much….Shri’s eyes widened…
Shri ; when did this disaster happened ??
Person ; 3 years back….
Shri ; huhh whats ur name by the way ??
Person ; saral….
Shri ; i have a man for me so pls step from here…else ur life is not urs coz i just now came from one khadoos i know my khadoos he is damn khadoos leave for ur life for heaven sake….
Saral ; dont lie shri i never saw anyone with u dont bluff… she was about to say back but she smiled wide when a black Porsche car stopped… a guy with dashing dark grey formal pant with light blue shirt came out…. she runs to him and he hugs her tight and gave a warning look to the guy…that made him to run for his life…. she giggled and turned to see him… he smiled
Shri ; i missed u tiger….
I missed u too bunny he said…..
Tadaa bunny back here and here this one shot is for my fav sathya aka my warrior… love u so much muhhhaa sathya happy bday to u dear… wanna hug u tight… Mr.Mehra see how much she loves u khadoos… ha ha ha love u so much dear…. muhhhaa love u….
Loved it. Happy birthday Sathya
Outstanding story for Sathya’s birthday gift, well written, you out done it S.v, love it.
Happy bday satya
awesome epi dr happy bday satya
Hey sv darling…. U out did it…. Muuaahhh…. Happy Birthday Sathya….. May all your wish come true…..
Lol….twini u and ur humour sense…no one can beat u..u r best in that…..full of wittiness’ in this chapter…gosh m seriously laughing on ur antics’…lol….sissy would be on seventh heaven now….this is a wow chapter…lol…u should write like this more….i loved every scene but that conversation part of u n saral…gosh…m rolling on….
nice one…happy birthday satya
Sv darling superb,excellent,outstanding episode…. I loved it…. Tc loads of love to u from me and teddy hug to u…. I liked all the scenes dear……
This one was really an damn perfect end…
SV… ?????????????????????????????????????????????? m trying to stop my laugh but could not.. What u did? Mr. Mehra behind me… M. Like imagining.. N pinching my hand ????? lol u n me are best friends… Ha ha ha u catch the burger haha… Lol lol very clever on that eatables….. Lol u found my upset. N next is the ultimate.. U got angry seeing Mr. Mehra Hugging me…. N u facepalm even me too did that… He h every ?????
Next is the ultimately ultimate puncturing his tyres n stone with a paper….. U n Mr. Mehra fight for me… Ware wah…. I m so lucky haan….Mrs mehra lol… I m. N dreamland imagining that.. Hmmm sighing.
U girl made my dream come true. Lol I love u dear ??????he got jealous seeing u with me in bike.. Ha ha ha fantastic plan… He he he yar he is crazy on me.. Ayoooo Ayyoooo enna mudiala… Nalla egiri kuthikanum pola iruku….
Finally End shock Enna ma athu…. Neeyum avanum friend ah Adipaavi… Ipdi panitiye ma…. Seri vidu parava illa… Aana correct time la achi achi nu hutch dog maathiri vanthu disturb pandriya…. Nalla irukka illa naa theriyuma than kekuren nalla irukka…. Seri pona pogatum finally I got my dream man… My love for Mr. Mehra makes me blush seeing him…. Pinky cheeks… Lol ???????????
Vantha paaru lastly saralyrnnum poonai ku mani katta oru Siru urumal oda seeri paaynthu vanthiranginan en thozhiyin Puli… I mean Tiger. Apuliyin sinathai kandu.. Pinnangaal pidariyil adipada oodinan antha saral.
Athai paarthu en thozhi magzhichiyil avalin anbanai katti thanathu azhagaana punnagaiyai avanuku parisalithaal.
Kavithai Un part ku thank Epudi nalla irukka…. But Un OS top tucker…. Sirrichu Vaai valikuth Maa…. Love u SV darling ???????????
Akla.. u just wrote this one sooooooo amzing….ufff, wat a love..wat a ride.. pakka, satz akka pioint blank.. tiger entry was epic.. u swiped me off my feet.. muahhhh…pls post HAK and LML..plsss..love u sooo much???
??????????sv darling this was sooooooo sweet romantic n full on entertaining os.. U rocked darling.. Ur humour is unbeatable… I like tht most.. God. Girl girl marrige.. I was like what.. After thta arjun behind radz n u helped her.. M all the sequence.. Simply wow.. N at last whm saral proposed u.. I was like wht sv doing.. Don’t say yes.. He is saral.. But thtnks to u.. Tiger came.. Lol.. Apne story me khud ki ek aur love story.. Awsome darling.. Love u lots ? ? ?
Wow… SV… you are the one always write a serious moment in funny way and i love that… awsme girl… Bunny and Satz were rocking… Arjun too joined with Bunny… thats cool… superb dear…
sv, this is really superb… liked it a lot….
When I read the title I knew it had to be you Bunny
fantastic girl…u rocked it warrior Bunny
love u
Wowwww….Spl….marvellous, beautiful….outstanding shot……my sweeeeeetu sissy. …it was really superbbbb, awesomeeeeee, hilarious. Outstanding. …the best os….I loved it to the coreeeee. …muaaaaahhhhhh. …my spl you r really very spl…..muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug my sweeeeeetheart. …tight wala Bear hug