Hlooo all im sv back with my next update . Thank u all for the love and support u r showing towards me. From the bottom of my heart I am saying thank you. But that is not enough when it comes to ur support . Pls do support me and do write ur comments as they mean a lot to me.
Enjoy the ride……
Arohi has been discharged and the baby was making them go crazy. All used to pamper the kid coz it mesmerised them. Anjali used to sing lullaby for the kid and krishna used to sleep on her lap and she manages herself to make him sleep well and she is now perfectly alright with the leg. Naming ceremony for the kid was fast approaching and the 6 brought names from a to z all were cute cute names. No one was ablw to decide of which name. Finally all made a decision call any name u want. But even then there was a fight for the official name. Arjun keeping the name kushi as she brought happiness for all of them. Neil gave the name apsara to describe her beauty. Sam gave angle and anjali made nakshatra for her brightness krishna came with devi and radhika kept a name mayuri which means peacock. The final name was kushi mayuri. Both was apt for her. So kushi mayuri to the cutie pie.
Naming ceremony…….
The ceremony was held in the lawn back their house and nandhini was also invited as she was taking care of arohi. Their face was frozen to see her but anjali was a bit happy to see her. Nandhini was not that strong. She was weak and she turned pale. Came for the naming ceremony and was waiting for the chance to meet arjun and anjali . But when she saw sam and radhika her face changed . She felt sorry for not able to be a part of the family. But her heart was priking as she was not able to take her defeat but she thought ” y i want to hurt her for the deeds of her father.” When she saw arjun radhika and anjali and krishna talking and laughing she was having tears in her eyes. She wanted to hug arjun and anjali . But nandhini knew that she will not be allowed not even her own condition.
Rahul made a toast ” i am indeed very happy and thankful to all for coming for my daughter’s naming ceremony. Thank u all. There were many names suggested by my family . Finally we made a collusion of 2 names kushi mayuri . All were happy to hear that classic name. Ardhika were soo happy
Rahul ; kushi means happy and mayuri means peacock. This name was suggested by my aara’s elder brother arjun and his wife radhika. All the people applauded for the name suggested and apprecaited the classic work. Nandhini felt a bit proud of her arjun. Nandhini wanted to speak to anjali coz she knew anjali will make her to speak with arjun . Some how she made a chance to speak to anjali.
Nandhini held her hand and she pulled her to a lonely area and was talking to her.
Nandhini ; anjali how r u . Do u know who am i ?? Did arjun say anything about me ??
Anjali ; who are u ?? ( as if she does not know) Nandhini was frozen for the reply from anjali. She cupped her cheeks and said ” dear im ur nandhini nandhu do u remember me im the one.who was with u in the orphanage.
Anjali ; (without making much change in her face reaction removed namdhini’s hand from her face) i dont know u . U r not my nandhu she is somewhere safe good and making others happy. But u look at u , u r not at all my nandhu. She taught how to love and how to make happy but u taught my brother how to hate how to ruin others life without any reason. My nandhu is a god to us both for my arjun and for me but u cant evenatch her. So pls dont create another problem in our life as we are now.only started to live. Saying so she had tears. Nandhini was speechless. Whatever anjali said was right but nandhini was not able to prove that she has changed and this would be a last chance to see thwm as she is counting her days.
Suddenly anjali hugged her and cried out . Nandhini was happy but anjali said pls dont cross our lives again i know u but i dont know u now . Im scared of u so pls part aside as a friend. At that time arjun came there and did not speak but took anjali’s hand and moved from there. Before going nandhini requested to speak.
Nandhini ; arjun how r u ?? How is radhika . How is her family there ?? U guys fine ??
Arjun ; (was not able to tolerate her so called concern , shouted) we ae soo happy without u . U wanna ask any thing ??
Nandhini ; yes only one wish .
Arjun ; what is that then ?? Nandhini ; if i die pls would u do my last rights for me in the place of a son ??
Arjun and anjali were shocked for the reply from nandhini. But he thought that it would be her another trick to make him again her hand doll. He dont know why but wanna say that im with u nandhu but scared what if this is another trick to manipulate him . Arjun ; dont worry about that u may have killed my life because of ur revenge but i still have a good place for you in my heart. But it doesnt mean that whatever u did was right. Saying so he left holding anjali’s hand without expecting any reply from nandhini Some one came and kept the hand on nandhini’s shoulder. She saw that person and blasted into tears.
Nandhini ; how can i say them ???? They still love me. These two were my world . Why did i manupilated arjun against sam ?? Why did i ruined him. He still has a good place in his heart for me. Kaka pls say something.
Rana Kaka ; what should i say nandhu . U had chance of ur life but u ruined it . U made urself a drug addict. I made u normal but one day u started again. But that time everything went over hand. No hope for ur life. Left everything and came here then what nandhini. Why again arjun . If u feel so then i will say everything to arjun and ask him to speak to u . But u will not go with this. Then why are u killing urself by this kind of punishment ??
Nandhini ; coz im paying for what i did rana kaka . I have made many people’s life in pain . At that time i felt pleasure . But when im repaying it , it is paining kaka . Separated from.my family, hated by my own people and slowly dieing inside but still it is just the interest for what i did . Principal needs to be paid. But pls dont say anything arjun or anjali . Pls promise me that.
Rana ; i cant understand u nandhini but i will promise that i wont say anything. They left the place without informing others.
The function had many mast times. After the function.only the family members were there and arjun asked the dj to put some put some music and ardhika were dancing and the other pair was krishna and anjali. Sam was enjoying the music at that time neil was with her by accompany her Rahul pulled arohi to dance and he signed charu to join them.
Sam ; aunty i’ll take care of angle u go and have some dance. Its been soo long charu danced. Charu pulled anjali and both started to dance. Both did same steps . Others were just winking there eyes as they were not able to understand what is just going on as they were just seeing 2 people dancing same or one person is dancing in 2 places. Both ended the dance. Charu was the one qho taught anjali dance. So.both were the best. All clapped and rahul kneeled down and held charu’s hand and said u r the best . Charu closed her face.
Anjali ; jiju this is not fair at all . That time.krishna utilised the opportunity and said u r the best dear and kissed her hand.
Arjun ; krishna i should learn how to utilise the opportunity and gave a big breath. Radhika who saw his reaction hit him and blushed. They after sometime left for the day and went to.their respective places and krishna missed lifting anjali as she is normal.
Radhika was happy remebering something funny what arjun did and she was having a smile in her face. Just then arjun entered and saw radhika . He came close to her and slowly hugged her. But she was just smiling . He made her sit and he hugged her from side and made her to keep her head in his shoulder. Again radhika was dreaming about arjun . She laughed out controlled again laughed. Arjun was now scared at her behaviour. He shook her. She turned and kissed him and again hugged him. Now arjun confirmed she has gone mad.
Radhika ; angry bird u look cute when u smile and when u blush. But u do that only few times but those were soo romantic times. U are completely making me mad with ur love . Will u always love like this ??
Arjun ; are u stupid or u do this to annoy me?? Radhika made a poute face.
Arjun ; i will love u when u turn soo old. Imagine after we become old our hairs will turn white and we may even loose our teeth and our vision may get blurt. Even at that time i will love u and will pick u up in my hands and we will spend the time so beautifully. Radhika who was hugging him all the time wiped hr tears for the words of arjun gave a cute kiss in his cheeks and again she kept her head over his chest.
Arjun ; so darling……
Arjun ; twins ??
Radhika ; (in husky voice) shut up arjun . I am not able to handle u then if 2 kids then i will seriously go mad.
Arjun ; then i will have 3 kids including u darling. She hugged him tight again and they slept and as usual arjun in pillow and radhika in his hand as we already know their deal.
Sam and neil was talking something suddenly sam haulted again she spoke again hault.
Neil ; sammy u either speak or stop dont do this pause play mode speech yaar. Sam made a face and pulled neil’s hand and kept that on sam’s stomach. Neil felt it. His junior’s first kick. Neil ; sammy……..
Sam ; shush…. Wait . Again the kick.
Neil ; oh god my junior kicks so hard and i will surely make my junior a football player.
Sam ; idiot wait we need to know whether it is he or she.
Neil ; who so ever it is i’ll give all the happiness my kid deserves and i’ll be the best dad and will give everything which i did not enjoy so that at those moments i will cherish my childhood. Sam was moved by his words and again theit junior kicked.
Sam ; neil….neil..
Neil and sam were enjoying their parenthood . Both were cherishing their lovely time.
Few days later ……….
Sam was asked to undergo scan and neil was standing near sam for the scan. After sometime sam came out and neil was in wheel chair in half fainted way. No one was able to understand anything.
Sam ; during the scan he saw the kid for the first time so fainted. Radhika and anjali were holding their stomach and laughing seeing neil’s condition. Arjun splashed water on neil’s face and that was a forceful splash. He came out as if from a deep slumber and saw arjun and krishna and hugged them . He explained the beauty of his junior and the girls were enjoying the way he is speaking and explaining .
Anjali ; Bhaiyya wait wait slowly say us how is our junior. He started again and every one were hearing but cant understand and theu did not want him to start again. All went out and nandhini who saw this from far away blessed them.
Arjun was busy with his and neil and krishna were also busy . At that time there was a sudden bang in the kitchen. All rushed and saw radhika.was unconcious . All got scared and arjun picked her and was taking to her to the room. All the way arjun was calling her name and there was no response from her. Charu called the doctor and after a few minutes time the doctor came for the first aid and he was in the same neighbourhood. Arjun was hell scared as he saw radhika in that state in the kitchen. He was praying to the god and remembered once he prayed for her during the truck incident and the way she was suffering in the pain. Everything came as a flash. Anjali was one side and neil was in the other. Doctor after checking her thoroughly held neils hand and said ” congratulations”
Neil ; excuse me why are u saying that to me ?? Doc ; u r her husband na ??
Neil ; who on earth said that he is the one and pointed towards arjun.
Doc ; sry mr. congratulations. Soon u are going to be a father sir. But pls do confirm with the hospital she is pregnant.
Neil and others congradulated . Suddenly arjun’s vision blurted and he was not able to see anything.
He opened his eyes and saw his lady love looking at him in a worry. He saw here and there and confirmed that no one was there and held her and hugged her and wrapped her and she was fully on him and hugging him and kept her head in his chest and was able to hear the beat of his heart.
Arjun ; radhika u made my day dear. My life is in u now dear. Please take care of ur health and we need to confirm with the doctor.
Radhika ; confirmed !!
Arjun ; what then ?? Woith more curiocity in his eyes.
Radhika ; yup confirmed.
Arjun ; whaaattt…… And stopped and saw her she blushed . He higged her tight and she again kept her head over his chest and he was now having tears .
Arjun ; radhika sry i was not the perfect one for u . I was not even close to u but u did everything to me. U made me a man , a human , a husband and now im going to be a father. But u are doing this for nothing in return from me. How radhika ??
Radhika ; (moved by his words) love arjun pure love. U love me and i love u so simple . That is a pure bond we have arjun and that will make us to face any difficulties togetjer with a smiled face. Nothing much dear. The love u have for me in ur heart is making me to do this and i will do it coz i know that u are the one who can love me , understand me , feel for me cry for me and do anything for me as i do for u coz the relation we have is love arjun. Arjun i love u .
Arjun ; i love u darling.
They were mesmerised in their love .
Arjun actually fainted in the morning and woke.up only in the night.
Anjali was sitting near krishna and krishna was putting nail polish in her hand.
Anjali ; mannu im soo happy that im going to be bua soon again.
Krishna ; yup first sam di now radhika di .
Anjali ; mannu does this colour be suitable ?? Krishna ; every colour will beg to choose for my munni. Anjali blushed and hitted his chest and she kept her head on his shoulder.
Anjali ; mannu i never thought that i will see my brother he got married to my best friend and i found another brother and i had a big family and because of him i got u . I never thought that i would get my love. U know one thing the day i saw u on our family function na bangalore . I really fell for u. But i was scared . Not even close to ur charms and atatus and what if u not love me .
Krishna ; munni
Anjali ; wait wait i will finish this. And that day u were rocking smart. And i wanna hug u and wanna carry u away. But what if others think about me ??
Krishna ; lady hulk . Anjali saw him. He winked his eyes and she roared and was actimg like hulk and said ” ha ha ha i will not leave u aaahhh. And came near krishna. He acted and said ” ooh pls , pls dont hurt me pls dont.
Anjali ; aah ur pleading will not be heard today . Krishna pulled her and said ok dont here . Both laughed and they saw a shooting star.
Anjali ; mannu shooting starts.
Krishna ; munni wish for something.
Anjali ; i wish neilu bhaiyya gets a healthy kid and sam is all good, bhai and bhudhu should also be happy and have a no 3 kids i wanna triplet for them and arohi didi and jiju and kushi should be happy. Ma should be healthy and should also be happy and my mannu should always be soo romantic and stupid like today and bless him very good health.
Krishna ; munni nothing for u ??
Anjali ; if this wish comes true then i’ll be happy . If im happy then i’ll be healthy.
God said ” i will always hear my dears wish. Let ur wish come true dear. Stay blessed”. Anjali and krishna are enjoying the wind which was just kissing these love birds face.
How was it ?? Liked it ?? Pls do post ur comments. Take care. Love u all stay blessed.
Awesome episode, so glad that Ardhika are going to be parents.
Thank you brin.
Finally aradhika gonna have baby
nadhu so sad she s counting her says :O but she deserves dat nice ff dear loved it

Suga thank you dear. Im happy that you loved it.
Sv…trplet……it’s better if u just fire them instead of having three
Maandey he he he thank u desr. I love ardhika very much soo that let them have a triplet. Coz arjun loves kids na so thought that. Love u maandey
Superb rocking happy and sad episode.
Thank you dhara. It is a mixture.
Hi Sv dear….this was cute happy episode…I loved…one question is nandini going to die? pls update soon
love you
Di love u di . Nandhini is seriously ill butshe is not taking care of her coz she thinks that this is because of her deeds. Yup she is ill . Will update soon di. Love u soo soo much. Di ur update dpo ?? Pls update soon.
rocked it !!!!!! never tot that Arjun would faint on hearing about Radhika’s pregnancy………….
is nandini gona die ?????
Aastha some times it happens. Arjun was chatting for a baby but when that happened he was not able to believe snd was also happy for that so he fainted. Nandhini is seriously ill . I will update soon.
what happened to nandini ????? wont u unite arjun &anjali with nandini ?????
Wait wait. Will let u know in the next update.
hi sv….amazing……waited for ur update….i got it now…..super….i love neil so much in ur ff……neil-sam scene super….loved it…..thank you so so much….waiting for nxt one
Happy im happy now. Sry for made u wait. Thank you soo much dear. Love u.
Superb sv……lovely ardika dialogyes wen dey found abt d pregnancy…..n lovd nesam n anjali n krishna scens toooo…….love u n ur ff
Dev thanks for the comment. Im really happy that u are happy and loved it. Love u too and thanks for the support.
wow as usual ur rocking yaar………..ardhika part(pregnancy ),nesam part(parenthood),anjali krishna(star-prayer) awesome………eagerly waiting next one …..please update soon …tc
Subha dear u r a sweety pie. Im happy now. I’ll update the next part soon. Take care.
Neil reaction fr sam’s scan & arjun faints aftr hearing radzz pregnant newz awesome yar….
Gayathri thank u my dear. I m happy that u liked it. Love u dear.
Osm..dear..ardhika become parents..loved it..pls update next one soon…love u …tc..
Susi thank u darling. Will update the next part soon. Take care. Love u dear.
Awesome episode sv my lovely friend. …it was really very superbbbbb n entertaining episode. …ardhika romantic moments were veryyyyyyy cuteeeee. …nesam parenthood pleasure n baby kicking so lovelyyyyyy. ..neil fainted after seeing baby’s scan…lol…Krishna n anjali sweet talks n her prayer to shooting star were very cuteeeee. ..arjun fainted knowing rads pregnancy…lol….he wanted twins n he couldn’t believe when she got pregnant….so funnyyyy. ….sad for nandu…..she is paying for her deeds but now regretting, she should get one chance for apologize. …very interesting n lovely narration. ..keep it up. eagerly waiting for the next episode, love you loads
Thank u my darling. Im in cloud nine by seeing your comment. Dear u will come to know about nandhini in the next update. Dear take care I will update the next part soon. Stay blessed love you so much