Manmarziyan : A Passion Project
Chapter 37
Last Chapter
Guys, this is the last chapter of this ff….silent readers please do comment.
Please ignore my typos and grammatical errors.
Happy reading
Radhika was amazed….a promise? What was running in this woman’s mind……, “aunty, I barely know you…….and keeping in mind the feelings my boyfriend has for you….i don’t this is it appropriate for me to even talk to you, leave alone promise you anything.”
Nandini could understood….radhika’s stand was justified, when her own kids couldn’t trust her, she could obviously expect from radhika, “I can understand beta, fine….dont promise me anything, just hear me out and decide for your own self.”
Radhika kept quiet so, nandini continued, “beta, it is a mother’s dream to see her kids happy and successful in life….to be well settled and be happy with families of their own….well, bonnie got married to the guy, who was worthy of her… of wishes got fulfilled….i just want you to promise that you will stand by my arjun’s side forever and always…..beta, he may seem to strong, but infact, he is childlike…..he feels things but tries to contain them within himself……beta, I just want him to be happy…..this is my last wish.”
Radhika, “last wish?”
Nandini sighed, “beta, I was diagnosed with brain tumor last year….i have a very few days left….that is the primary reason why I gate crashed my own daughter’s wedding this morning…..i just wanted to see my kids one last time …”
Radhika asked in a slow voice, “why not make up with them?”
Nandini smiled a sad one, “beta, the pain of a mother betraying her own kids is something you can never imagine……and that’s what they went through…..and am proud to say that they even survived it…I have changed but your past doesn’t leave you ever….you make one mistake and its painted to your face for the rest of your life…I have come to terms with the fact that they may never be able to trust me again….but its okay…..they are well off….and have a family….the one that loves them more than I could ever….you guys…”
Radhika felt her eyes get wet, “aunty, your past stays by you till you want it to…”
Saying so, she hung up….
Radhika slept nodding to herself….
The next morning, the sun shone bright……its peeping rays disturbing the sleeping arjun….he yawed and woke up…..he smiled seeing radhika smiling in her sleep…..he got up and got ready…prepared breakfast…..piled up an entire plate with pancakes and French toast….grabbed a jar of juice and placed them on a try….he walked to his room. He drew the curtain wide apart and the sun rays flooded the room…..he shook radhika and gently woke her up…. He placed the tray in her lap, “breakfast in bed!” he spoke In a cheerful voice.
Radhika smiled…more than her mouth, her eyes smiled……it felt so relaxing to see arjun his usual self…happy…..
She nodded and attacked the pancakes….he smiled at the behavior… really was food before anything else for her.
After she was done, she wiped her hands with a napkin…., “arjun, I need to talk..”
Arjun could sense the seriousness in her voice, “is it something I did last night? Did I hurt you? radhika, I am so sorry..”
Radhika cut him off…., “no…its nothing you did……..”
She started off slow, “arjun, you need to forgive people….okay, I wont beat around the bush….i want you to forgive aunty….”
Arjun’s jaw fell, “how can you even expect that from me ……radhika, you have no idea what we went through.”
Radhika held his hands in hers, “true, I don’t know….but what I know is that…..people deserve a second chance….and look back, whenever you forgave people….they became an integral part of your life,….ishana……and saral, the guy who you gave a second chance is your brother in law today….and its not only about forgiving her……arjun, I can understand what you went through and how you feel about it….it is all logical….but have you ever tried to think about once about what your mother went through… was her mistake, agreed…..but trust me, it pains terribly lot to see a piece of you walk away…….she has changed….she is sorry….. she is an lone woman….living all alone with no one to call a family around her….dammit arjun, she is your mother…have you become so heartless that you are unable to forgive your mother and start afresh…. you need to make up with her…….if not for her, but for own self and for bonnie…”
Arjun slowly took her words in….he knew she was right…..he quietly added, “but I can never trust her again…..the past just keeps going with me to future.”
Radhika smiled a sad one, “the past is besides you till you want it to be…..the past is the past….if you are willing…you can create new memories today, happy ones….and arjun, even if you can never trust her again….just love her, care for her…stay with her…….please understand….make up with her when you still have time…..otherwise, it will be something you will curse yourself for the rest of your life.”
Arjun questioned her, “still have time….what do you mean radhika…?”
Radhika sighed, “arjun, I am sorry for hiding this from you….but your mother called last night….she has brain tumor and the only wish, she has is to see you and bonnie happy.”
Neil interrupted, “arjun, chashni is absolutely right…..she deserves a second chance…..she deserves to be happy.”
Neil and sam had come to the apartment and on finding the door of arjun’s room open….they had taken the liberty to peek in…
Sam went straight and hugged arjun tight, “I am so sorry for behaving the way I did yesterday… isn’t your fault….and not even aunty’s, my dad shouldn’t have married my mom if he didn’t love her….its nobody’s fault….it’s all okay!”
Arjun rubbed her back, “am sorry too….”
Arjun after a bit more coaxing from nesam and radhika…..took a deep breath and dialed nandini’s number, she picked up after 3 rings…
Arjun spoke in a voice deeply inflicted with numerous emotions, “mom….”
Nandini’s eyes started flowing, it was almost 15 years since since she had last heard mom from arjun’s mouth, “aju…” she said in a voice clearly reflecting care and affection and most importantly, love.
And just like that all the misunderstanding and misconceptions cleared…..the mother son duo became one after long….all thanks to radhika…
After a couple of days, nandini came to live with them…..and ardhika’s marriage was fixed after a month….
One night, radhika messaged arjun to come to the terrace….arjun was confused….he went up…..and saw radhika standing with her back to him, her waist long mid night black her flowing in with the breeze….he moved forward and hugged her tight…..
Radhika stiffened and turned around, she pouted……
Arjun was amused at her childlike behavior, he kept his laughter to his self and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Radhika replied, “Mr Arjun Mehra, we are getting married and you didn’t even propose me…”
Arjun smiled and instantly went on one knee, forwarding his open palm for her to grab, “radhika mishra, will you marry me?”
So, guys, this is it……I have no idea what I have written….i wanted to finish this off before my exams started so I wrote in a hurry…please let me know how it turned out to be…..
I am so sorry, the last few chapters turned out to be so emotional……I hadn’t planned it this way… just happened.
Do you guys, want an epilogue?? I will post one, if you want after 30th …..let me know
wow……true words “the past is besides you till you want it to be”…..aaaah aradhika marriage…..lovely…..arjun’s proposal….short but cute……….now comes d sad part……….my one of d fav ff is gonna end….u know what…i read every single episode of this ff from d day u started updating…..& now everything came to me like in a flash….aradhika…..nesam….their friendship….love….everything… i want u to come up with another such amazing story……& yes i want an epilouge for this one….plzzzzz….loads of love myra…stay blessed
thank you so so much meen……love you loads and loads…….yes, will surely post an epilogue after 30th…..and will even think of some idea for a new ff, but that will take some time… head is spinning so much with all the studies and stuff….horrible printouts i have to go through…uff….
love you a lot meen
Loved it. So sad that it ended. Best of luck for your exams. Hope you come back with a new ff or season 2 after exams
thank you so much kavina di
& look im d first one to comment that too on d last chapter…..hehehe….take care dear
awwwiiieee……you are so cute meen
love you 
Kya line maara yaar tune….awesome….n s an epilogue is a must..
N a beautiful ending for a nc plot
thank you so much buddy!
Awesome episode and yes for epilogue.
thank u brin
It’s fabulous ending dear
lovely one
loved it 
thank you so much suga

Wow…. It’s true we shouldn’t look at the back… At the past….. What we need to do is enjoy and cherish the present so we didn’t destroy the present moment…. Awesome ff……. Good luck for exam study well and n please back with another ff after the exam….. Ur a wonderful writer…..

thank you so much! stay blessed always
I’m commenting for the first time in last chapter… awsome one yaar… I dint comment any time but I read each and every chapter of it… I do want a epilogue please post it…..??
thank you so much deeksha
well, you should comment more often 
Wonderful Myra.. !! Arjun forgave n its all abt second chances.! True.. past stays besides u till u want to…!! Loved tat.. woohoo.. Arjun Mehra finally proposes.. !! Yay!! All d best 4 ur exams.. yep.. we need a Epilogue… ! And after ur exams do come up with another story..! I will be waiting.. take care n loads of love..
thank you so much jessie di… you loads…..epilogue after 30th!
Yup dear u r right about past. We should not hold onto something which gave pain…..will miss ur lovely stories…but plz continue with ur OS in between…epilogue is must…
rossy di….love you loads……di, i wont be able to post any one shots or any other stories in the midst of my exams….but will surely come up with something new after them,…and epilogue will also be post on 30th
my teddy this was so cute one. Rads words are 100 true everyone should be given a second chance if they are worth it and nandhini is worthy for that too. Loved ardhika very much yup want an epilogue too and os also love u tons dear.
thanks you so much sv diii… you loads
nice ending myra…. come with next ff soon
thank you!
hey myra.. u ended it.. like y?
i knw u have exams.. bt still.. u cud have continued..
anyways.. m a silent reader
so it would be the first time u saw me cmmnting… bt trust me.. i loved ur ff very much… the first day when i saw ur ff i was in love with the title..nd then with the contents as well..
do come back with a bang…
and yeah epilogue is must..
sorry, tara……i had exams, wouldnt be able to devote any time to it….plus, the story had run its course and therefore, i decided to end it…….thank you so much!
Not just epilogue need atleast one more chappy nandini meeting bońnie and ofcourse our ardhika marriage functions ..dont end this beautiful story like this:-( i know u might b busy wid xamz so take ur tym to write bt pls post a winding up epi more and epilogue
Love uuu
Neetz….i am sorry…..but pakka vala promise…you will find the epilogue up to the mark….will try to include most of the things….thank you so much! ?
Myra,last chappy is so cuteee…
I loved all the emotions in this chapter,I want epilogue for sure..
Love you loads and take care.. 
Thank you so much sweetie….you will surely get one around 30th..
Super Myra…… Epilogue is a must for such a nice story….. Do well with your exams and come up with a fresh mind and new story soon…. All the best!!!!!???
Thank you so much jnana ?
nyc update myra
will miss ur ff dear
will surely want to read an epilouge
are u planning to start any new ff dear ?
plzz try to start id it is possible for u
i luv the way u portrait the characters in ua story ua stories are always full of
i wld luv to read ur writings
bye dear tc luv u
Thanks a lot nitu ????
Soory for being late Myra
but this was fabulous …Radhika is Miss fixit….loved everything you really wrote a beautiful FF…when are you coming back with next
love u
Its okay gauri di….love you loads….i will come back with another one after 30
awesome myra ..arjun giving second chances ..great ..nandini come back ..everything sorted out …come back soon with a new ff ..or os
Thank u sammy ???
She regretted her mistakes n changed and he forgave her and let go of the past. Lovely. Can’t believe it ended will miss this one for sure. Well all the best for ur exams, do well n come back with a new story, and your famous one shots that I love so much. Epilogue is a must, will be waiting for it after ur exams end.
Love u n tc ????????
Thanks gianna…..will surely post the epilogue after 30th……. Love you ????
Thanks a lot…
Awesome update…
Thank you riya!
Awesome, marvellous ending. . Loved it very very much. U rocked it…love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh Bear hug
Superb Myra…
a perfect ending of a perfect ff..I always admire happy ending
waiting for d epilogue nd for ur new ff also…come back soon…
all d best for ur xams.. Do well
loads of love nd take care