Fan Fiction

Manmarziyan – Seasons Of Love – Chapter 3

Hello..Its Jessie again..for the second time in a day…;) 😉 ..


Chapter – 3

“Arjun..Arjun Mehra!”,he said with a smile looking her face…

She still stood with his palm’s support…He cocked a brow,and she quickly got on her feet….

“Yaar…Arjun…!”,the fellow scowled….”you punched me for your employee…??!!!..”,he wiped that fresh dripping blood from his left nostril…

Arjun scrutinized his view on that guy now,his left thumb rubbing his stubble coated jaw,”err….umm…Shivay!!! F**k!!!!”,he called hoarsely a little aloud….laughing himself,he continued.,”F**king drunkard….you here???had been a long time you see….”…..he took a step closer…”That wasn’t that hard as you pretend to be…”

Shifting his gaze on her,observing her uneasiness listening him,his lips quirked for a lopsided smirk….

She had her eyes widened,glued only on his side profile,until…..he turned her side…her palms rested tensed over the shoulders of that little girl,who stood before her..

His eyes snapped a look to the girl then,back to her…

“Employee??!!!”,he had his chin a little high in air…and she gulped searching grace from mother earth…

“Yeah..!! That fellow is your driver it seems….He crossed the road in a hurry…”,came a reply from behind…

“Are you searching something?”,he sounded annoyed with her gaze,on ground…

That’s an insult!…she should have responded or else had her look fixed on him in first place..she neither did both,instead.,made him..Him!! wait for her reply…

“You both..!! Why are you still here…and girl…you created a issue…now we have sent him in ambulance…Go..!!”,another officer yelled irritated…..”and…next time think twice before raising your voice…we know our duty!!Better not to conclude,that we were scared with your threaten”,he glared at Radhika…

Arjun was surprised,she managed to infuriate two cops and drunkards at this hour.,without a thought of the consequences it would have brought…!!and here she stands like a innocent one,holding a lil girl….His thoughts broke when she got freshly reprimanded…

“Sir…!! “,the official stuttered.,looking Arjun to turn towards him

She stealthily moved pulling the girl along,when he stood with his back to her…One of the cop,convinced Shivay and his friend to leave….She turned around and walked few steps..

“Radhikaaa!!!”,she stopped on her tracks..

Her eyes rolled wondering,how he got to know her name,else did he found out that she is working in Trendz…..may be..she will be losing her job before she steps into office…. how much she tried to make her job a permanent one..and Sam…her friend..her ….

“Miss..Radhika.!!!”,he called sharp…

And she turned around disappointed….He gestured with his left forefinger and she thanked her stars catching the note….Yes..her bags!..She did forget that…but…where are they?!!
She saw cops moving to their patrol vehicle,and that drunkards were now, nowhere to be seen….she smiled,as her eyes scanned the place…her smile vanished to thin air,looking him to narrow his eyes at her….,pulling her coat closer to herself,she trode towards him….

“Thanks uncle..”,the little girl smiled….

“Smart!”,he gave a thin smile to that girl….

She pulled her bags,but how did he know her name,may be the cop.!..he would have said,she did say it,when she threatened to file a complaint….she bit her lips and turned to find him,walking back to his car….

As he pulled his car door open,he saw her to adjust fixing her bags in a two wheeler…Manner less girl!! Small town ones..!! May be a trick to make him notice her…
Well.!, he would have done the same,to anyone at her place…!! Chill breeze breached their thoughts….she pulled that dark brown coat,and shivered with a smile…adjusting the scarf of that little girl,she looked around,and saw him to stare her….

Why is he starring…?

“Didi…you dint thank him…he helped isn’t…I was scared…you know…”,she saw that 8 yr old,Vishali..,her neighborhood girl….

Of course.,he unknowingly did help her…what if she gets to meet him at Trendz,by chance..No! mistake…this shouldn’t create a harm for her job,then…Vishali waved her hand to him…

“Thank you sir..!”,Radhika yelled a little….and he moved uncaring…


The next day…

“Bye mom!!….don’t forget your tablets”,his foot elegantly swayed a little above from the ground,as he hoped over the hose pipe…

“Arjun!! Don’t forget to come home for lunch”,Shristi Mehra’s sweet voice made him to turn around…

“Okay!! Okay!!”,he walked backwards smiling..,but checked his watch,as they saw his dad’s car to enter inside their house premises…

Wats wrong now,he muttered to himself..,he saw his mom to walk confused towards the portico.,dropping her favorite hobby of watering plants….

Ajay Mehra was too haste to get down,before the car could halt,Arjun saw the driver to reverse it, for its next ride…He walked towards the reversing vehicle,and bent a little asking,”what went wrong.?”,

“Sir…meeting in Builders Association!”..their driver gave the chit of info he was aware of….

He saw his mom anticipating his dad,with a worried look….Some thing is wrong.!.but Ajay was not a person to let his son face such things..only because of his hot tempered nature!
Ajay Mehra rushed down from the entrance stairs…glancing his mom for a sec,he swiftly walked to the vehicle…

“Arjun…Apex???”,Ajay asked aloud…

“No dad…AR…hav…”,

“Go to the construction site”,he remarked…

“Next launch for AR…”

“Dint you hear me?”,Ajay pulled the door close…

He saw his mom to plead through her looks…

“Ok dad!,”he strode towards his dad..

“Not with me…am going to meeting ….”,his dad looked him with rage..

Of course..he did spoil his dad’s image,pulling a stunt with their rival….he still remember,the way he held that elder man by collar,when their verbal bash was at its peak…

“Arjun…pls….for my sake…”,he was pulled out of his reverie feeling a gentle touch on his shoulder….

“Mom!! Pls don’t embarrass me…its just we have another launch in AR.,I was hesitant..nothing much…!…send my lunch to Apex…I will reach office after site works”,he convinced his mom with a warm hug..

“Maira….Busy with Apex works!! take the in charge….and rough designs ..I want on my table,this Wednesday!”,he drove towards his construction site….


“Adhi….what’s your idea for next”,Sam came munching a Choco bar…”bhai….wants to set a trend in formals..women’s one..”

“How about launch based on season…spring…bright colors…”,she stood by window side.,looking the view outside…

“I don’t think Bhai will accept it….but your thought is also good..we did flare well with summer ones”,Sam chewed her pen….

She sagged on a chair exhausted…

“What’s up Adhi??? Any other problem baby?!?!”,Sam wrapped an arm around her shoulder…

“Sam….do I need to submit the designs,in person,to your brother??”,she asked sullen…

“Hmm…if bhai calls….you need to…why..? He dint come for interview too…so he may…”,Sam saw her to turn tense listening that….

“Sam…your brother doesn’t like Anki…what if he gets to know am his sister…? Sam….the…”

“Adhi….I wont let anything happen such…trust me…! I dint get a chance to prove myself..I knew that pain…even now..!! My efforts will get tagged as,either because of my dad’s influence..or my brother’s hard work…none will credit my talent..though I handle Trendz… “,Sam rested her head in her shoulder…

“Sam…!! We will Rock…,it will be you standing next to me sharing my first limelight….no one else….”,she turned to face Sam…”And you know….I met Neil in Mumbai….Sam.!…He is the person for you….he is the one!!…,she saw Sam to look her smiling…

“Adhi…what will I do without you”,Sam pulled her close…

“Nothing…so have me with you…lets rock..throw your brother out!!”,she pointed the doorway…and bit her lower lip…

Sam fake glared her.,chortled saying,”its his company…and you wanna throw him out!!!”.. “yaar…does your father that you are working here?,”

She shook her head in negative like a kid,singing”No…!! Anki and me planned a drama”..

“That kiddish one..”,Sam mocked…..”For now…lets go for rough designs..and I will take the sketches to home…else to AR office..No worries baby”,Sam patted her shoulder…

“In this 6 months I had never seen him…why he avoids Trendz…?”,she asked

“Not like that..AR is just next building..and every Sunday he comes to trendz unit…that’s y we have holiday on weekends….He got into Fashion line against our dad’s wish…And Trendz he promised for me..”,Sam smiled content…

“But still..our blue theme was tagged as AR’s…you dint even attend the launch…”.

“My dad dint allow me to be in business.,but Bhai planned this for everything of Trendz go with AR…but we have outlets isn’t…one way or the other am engaged with work…”,Sam tried to cheer Radhika….

“But still…its your effort…you need to be credited…I tell you…Neil is not like your bhai…He will definitely acknowledge your talents..”

“How mean!! My bhai !!…actually helped me…in Fact he gave the management to me”,Sam stood with her hands in her hips…

“But still…”

“Aah…Adhi…stop your ‘but still’ bhai is the best…he did this for me….”

“But still…”,Rads dragged as she moved to the doorway while Sam chased screaming her name aloud…

The employees wondered at their mad behavior…running around the office.,holding each other,…”Adhi…come..”,Sam pulled..

“But still”,Radz laughed squeezing her eyes…..


2 days later…..

“Maira….what are…..”,his words trailed off,seeing his dad still at home….Its continuing for the third day in a row..

*No music today too* his mobile beeped with Sam’s msg…along with a lol emoticon..

Whats so funny in that…that was the only time he lives in peace..Music!! Sighing exhausted he went back and got ready in complete silence…

“Arjun..come with me to Apex…a couple of hours work..”,

He saw his dad surprised…..the usual orderly tone was amiss today…..

“Dad why here?”,he asked as they got down before a temple…

Without a word,his dad walked towards the shrine…Adjusting his coat..,he just followed in suit…His eyes halted with that little girl,who was praying with tears…

“Why are you crying”,he asked as he stood behind her…

She saw him,throwing her head completely back,to look his face..,she said,”papa is at hospital…I want god to save…pray..”

He cut her words in middle,”then…go be with him in hospital…its doctor who could save a human…not this stone..!”

She blinked at him…

“Have you seen this so called God…! Did you see him in hospital?”,he asked arrogant crooking his neck a little down…

The little girl nodded in negative to him…

“Then don’t waste your time here…There is no such thing as God!.. go to hospital…say to doctor that Arjun Mehra asked him to call..”,he patted her head and moved to his dad.,gazing the devotees pitifully…

“Where were you…?”,his dad hissed a little and he stood next to him….everyone other than him were busy praying,and his ears tuned sharp listening the sweet little voice parroting his words…he smiled…

“Who said this non sense…If there is…ah…listen…Vishali…its only demons who say there is no God…you shouldn’t speak with strangers…”

“Demons!!!”,Vishali screeched..

“Yes…you shouldn’t listen them…Mom does pooja at home isn’t….then what?…will mom worship if he isn’t there?”.she

It was unnecessary to turn around and see the person, as he knew its her…! The girl Radhika!! And nerve of that girl to call him as a demon!! His fingers clutched into fist…if not his dad was there,the girl would have faced his wrath….

“Di…Will demons come to temple..”,he could hear the voice to turn feeble..turning to his right,he saw her to walk holding the girl’s hand….Light yellow skirt, with white tops…

“Arjun..!!”,he turned listening his dad calling him..

“Yea..”he took the blessings,and Priest kept tilak on his forehead brushing off his glares…


“Got the cake ready..??candles..uff…its surprise…”,she made 3 of her colleagues to turn mad with her rush…

She ran to pantry and Sam breathed relieved as she stepped into her cabin…

“Maira….what’s this…spring collections…what nonsense….did I…”

Sam scowled interfering him.,”Bhai…that was Adhi’s idea…but you tomorrow,you will get rough sketches of formals too….we will check with both and decide…”,she thinned her lips….

Arjun stood contemplating her words…he smiled…!! “Okay Maira…!!”,he walked out…Sam sagged sighing on her chair…

Trendz employees stood astounded watching their boss Arjun to enter furious..Most of them had met only in interviews…”Who is Adhi…send the person in”,he moved to the designer section….

Many pitied her fate,listening him..”yaar…poor one…she is gonna be fired”,some one mumbled…

“Anki…No…No!! Am super happy…!!designs,cake cutting,materials…am busy you see..”,she spoke aloud running around the room,collecting the papers lying on the floor…

She pulled open the door…but was shocked to see him standing there, extending a hand, to hold door’s handle…

“What are you doing here?”,he growled looking her….

Wasn’t he a demon!! He took a step looming over her…

“You are working here?”he asked…”where is your is card.? “….

“That..sir…”,she stuttered..

If only she dreamt him to step in Trendz,she would have taken a day off..

“Other than dreaming..,what else you know,that you are here?”,His voice sounded throatily authoritative..,and she stood still.. “Now..go get the person Adhi here!”,he pushed the door open and stepped past her…

She stood shocked…No.!..what was the need for the world to still revolve…and what..He doesn’t know..She is Adhi…Radhika…what kind of boss he is?…and irony…God blessed him with 2 companies…while she had to do the hard yards,to prove herself….

“Are you paid to substitute mannequins”,his sardonic note pulled her to earth…

She turned around to see him checking the designs laid on that table…She rushed out without a word..

“Adhi..boss called you…Adhi…AM sir is here…”she got hit with various sorts of expressive words,which only revealed a ultimate truth,that She is gonna be fired….

“Yes….yes…you all stay here..he is very angry….what if he fires us..”,she gulped down her nervousness and scared them…

She barged into Sam’s cabin,and conveyed things hurriedly..

“What if he fires me..”,she whispered as both walked towards him.

Pretending to be surprised,Sam exclaimed,”Bhai….you still here!! Miracle..!!what’s up”

His gaze fixed on hers, “Nothing Maira…wanna see Adhi.!! To appreciate !”,his voice cold as usual…

Radhika stood wide eyed behind the curtains…

“Adhi!!!.”,Sam shrieked…”Adhi…is not here…”

“Why?he is supposed to be here at working hours isn’t…”,he asked

HE!!!! Both the girls screamed in their mind…

Is he a fool,to be unaware about his employee’s gender….but……she mischievously smirked…and messaged Sam…”pls….plzzzz”

Sam understood reading that…She saw Arjun to still pass suspicious looks to her…

“Adhi…adhi….he…is unwell…Fever…so…”,Sam stammered…

Chewing on her behavior,he stood still with a piercing gaze…

“Maira….who is Adhi”,he walked and held her shoulder…

“Bhai…that’s…my junior…! But talented than me…you remember blue theme isn’t…playful yet proficient…”,her eyes gleamed with pride..

“Okay…!then..No issues..Convey my wishes!”,he made a swift move…..Throwing angry glares to every staff around,he stood in middle ..”Next launch within next 4 months…hope you all will give your best..”.

His back received their chorused affirmative response….patting Sam’s shoulders,he strode with just one thought of why Adhi was so important for Sam…

After about an hour…..

His eyes scrutinized Trendz Cctv live footage..employees were ushered somewhere…all he could see was,that girl Radhika to pull someone’s hand giggling…

“Sam…come to AR now…..Check with materials…”,he called…

The moment Sam stepped out of Trendz..he moved towards its office…

Everyone was so engrossed with the ongoing birthday bash,unaware of their boss standing in the doorway….

Adhi and this Radhika…the 2 things he had to settle scores with….with every passing minute,his patience took a toll watching them to cheer and throw cakes on each other…

“Happy dear…lucky..”,she smeared cake on someone’s face…

Was that his office or a party hall…his rules were being vaporized before his eyes……workplace and working hours engulfed with her party…..predominating that,his anger rose to newfound bounds,when everyone addressed her as Adhi…..She din’t spell a word.,when he asked for her.,instead tuned his sister against him…Erratic!! She made a fool out of him.,gaining his complete attention on her…Adhi…! Just to know the person,he sat an hour watching the footage….

One among them dropped his cake down,looking Arjun there…Noticing him,few stood rooted,few apologized as they made their way out in silence…She and lucky were still enjoying clicking selfies…

“Happy birthday Lakshman”,his intimidating voice sent shivers to their spines…

Apologizing profusely.,Lakshman walked away..,and she tried to follow in suit..

“Miss.Radhika…where is Adhi?”,he asked..

“H..he….fever sir…”,she had her gaze down…

Acting! Brilliant one!! how cheap.! She isn’t any different of others..well..why did he think her to be different… Melodramatic! He couldn’t accept the fact that Sam lied to him,just for this girl…

“Ask Adhi sir to stay at home forever..”,he gritted his teeth,while his eyes analyzed the thin flowery patterns of green and yellow on her white tops..

She looked him in disbelief…He smirked…”Get lost!!”…


So…how was it…Do share your precious reviews…It means a lot and helps a lot…..Give me Boost…and Horlicks…hehe…Wanna write next isnt…love you all loads…My precious Readers…Thanks a ton for being supportive…..Pls do ignore my Typos and Grammatical errors…Take care and loads of love to you all….


Fun loving..shy..happy go lucky..optimistic..Manmarziyan fan

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