Fan Fiction

Manmarziyan….. Second Chance Life 2

Second chance life….
Episode 2: a ray of sunshine

Well, this is boring. Arjun got up from his seat to get a coffee. Somedays were like this. Nothing particularly interesting to do but just filling paperwork. It was the hazard of the job. He joined the police force for the extremities the job provide. He will be required to keep himself in excellent condition. And he work out every day intensely for that. His toned fit body is proof for that. He also got a rush when he solved a crime. He get to put the bad guys away and save the good ones. Every crime was a mystery. A mystery that needs to be solved for many questions like why, when, who and how.

And the side of the job he hated. It was paperworks regarding the crimes. For a young strapping guy like him it was difficult to sit still for this much amount of time. He was a jolly, adrenalin rush kind of guy. He like almost all extreme sports and generally likes a good time out partying.

Now he was a detective in the homicide department. He was good at his job because he was passionate about his job. He never came across a puzzle that he couldn’t solve. Well it didn’t hurt that he was a handsome charming guy. Yeah a bit smug but a overall nice guy.

He sighed and went back to his seat with the coffee. Just then he got a new case assigned to him. After the briefing of the case he sat down to read about it more. He opened the file.

An accident. That is what will come into mind when anyone read the file for the first time. But there were contrary views also. This is a high profile case. It happened five years ago. He remember watching it in the news. It was a big news. Business mogul sharat mishra and his family got into a car accident. The car was totalled completely and it was hit by a truck. Sharat’s driver died instantly on the collision as per the forensic and postmortem report. No one was in the passenger seat. It was a limo and every one was in the back seat. Sharat, his wife anjali, his son suraj and his daughter radhika. Only the twenty year old girl came out alive. But she was heavily injured. Her left arm was broken in two places. Left leg ankle broken. Almost fatal head injury. A collapsed lungs. Tear in spleen and deep wound on left side of stomach. Left ribs were broken. She went into a comma for about one year and when she came out of it she had no memory as to who she was or what happened to her. The report said she started to get back her memory one by one.

But what made the case significant was that sharat was a multi billionaire. So naturally it was viewed from the point of a pre planned murder attempts. The wounds on sharat’s neck was not caused by accident. The doctors came to a conclusion that it should have been a bullet wound but they couldn’t find any bullet in his body or from the accident site. Same type of wounds were on his wife and son but none on the daughter. Since she couldn’t remember anything and there were no further leads the case was closed. Now it was being opened again.
They got an anonymous information that the girl was in danger. They tried to track the source but got nothing. A suspiscion was still standing that the accident was indeed a murder and that this information had something to do with that. They also got a letter thretening radhika and challenging them to save her if they can. The letter was in quite graphic terms and arjun’s blood boiled after reading that.

He took out radhika’s smiling picture from the file and thought, radhika i am going to save you even if i have to put myself in danger.

Next episode: a protective shield


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